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91st Legislature, 2020 6th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 5th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 4th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 3rd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session
90th Legislature, 2017-2018
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session
89th Legislature, 2015-2016
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session
88th Legislature, 2013-2014
88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session
87th Legislature, 2011-2012
87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session
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86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session
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85th Legislature, 2007 1st Special Session
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83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session
82nd Legislature, 2001-2002
82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session
81st Legislature, 1999-2000
80th Legislature, 1997-1998
80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session
79th Legislature, 1995-1996
79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session
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: Search results should not be used as a definitive list for legal research
Search by Chief Authors
( ) contain number of bills
--- All ---
Anderson (54)
Beckman (42)
Belanger (22)
Berg (39)
Berglin (80)
Bertram (40)
Betzold (89)
Chandler (41)
Chmielewski (28)
Cohen (50)
Day (16)
Dille (42)
Finn (44)
Fischbach (1)
Flynn (31)
Frederickson (36)
Hanson (29)
Hottinger (83)
Janezich (45)
Johnson, D.E. (24)
Johnson, D.J. (37)
Johnson, J.B. (63)
Johnston (35)
Kelly (63)
Kiscaden (33)
Kleis (19)
Knutson (54)
Kramer (24)
Krentz (50)
Kroening (34)
Laidig (41)
Langseth (28)
Larson (31)
Lesewski (39)
Lessard (58)
Limmer (22)
Marty (40)
Merriam (60)
Metzen (76)
Moe, R.D. (22)
Mondale (42)
Morse (75)
Murphy (60)
Neuville (39)
Novak (52)
Oliver (18)
Olson (30)
Ourada (18)
Pappas (73)
Pariseau (20)
Piper (33)
Pogemiller (37)
Price (45)
Ranum (46)
Reichgott Junge (53)
Riveness (36)
Robertson (19)
Runbeck (65)
Sams (75)
Samuelson (69)
Scheevel (24)
Solon (80)
Spear (26)
Stevens (33)
Stumpf (53)
Terwilliger (34)
Vickerman (53)
Wiener (27)
Search by Authors
( ) contain number of bills
--- All ---
Anderson (130)
Beckman (96)
Belanger (121)
Berg (78)
Berglin (178)
Bertram (114)
Betzold (180)
Chandler (85)
Chmielewski (101)
Cohen (102)
Day (72)
Dille (126)
Finn (179)
Fischbach (8)
Flynn (110)
Frederickson (130)
Hanson (124)
Hottinger (172)
Janezich (146)
Johnson, D.E. (117)
Johnson, D.J. (172)
Johnson, J.B. (189)
Johnston (100)
Kelly (139)
Kiscaden (153)
Kleis (73)
Knutson (187)
Kramer (100)
Krentz (115)
Kroening (72)
Laidig (127)
Langseth (99)
Larson (122)
Lesewski (131)
Lessard (136)
Limmer (85)
Marty (93)
Merriam (176)
Metzen (231)
Moe, R.D. (106)
Mondale (77)
Morse (177)
Murphy (154)
Neuville (110)
Novak (147)
Oliver (75)
Olson (99)
Ourada (65)
Pappas (154)
Pariseau (116)
Piper (130)
Pogemiller (97)
Price (114)
Ranum (117)
Reichgott Junge (131)
Riveness (98)
Robertson (131)
Runbeck (173)
Sams (200)
Samuelson (182)
Scheevel (98)
Solon (187)
Spear (81)
Stevens (146)
Stumpf (155)
Terwilliger (117)
Vickerman (177)
Wiener (105)
Search by Committees
--- All ---
Agriculture and Rural Development (72)
Commerce and Consumer Protection (146)
Crime Prevention (157)
Education (185)
Environment and Natural Resources (224)
Ethics and Campaign Reform (69)
Family Services (43)
Finance (161)
Gaming Regulation (36)
Governmental Operations and Veterans (245)
Health Care (209)
Jobs, Energy and Community Development (215)
Judiciary (216)
Metropolitan and Local Government (164)
Rules and Administration (240)
Taxes and Tax Laws (172)
Transportation and Public Transit (162)
Search by Action
--- All ---
Amended (17)
Author added (393)
Author stricken (53)
Authors added (65)
Authors stricken (3)
Bill returned to conference committee (9)
Calendar Rules suspended, lie over waived (1)
Calendar: Amended Rules suspended, lie over waived (1)
Calendar: Rule 49 amendment stricken (1)
Calendar: Stricken and re-referred to Ethics and Campaign Reform (1)
Calendar: Stricken, placed on General Orders (3)
Calendar: Third reading Passed (265)
Chief author added (23)
Chief author stricken (3)
Chief author stricken, shown as co-author (20)
Comm report: Adopt previous comm report (36)
Comm report: Amended (9)
Comm report: No recommendation (3)
Comm report: No recommendation, re-referred to (8)
Comm report: Re-referred to (21)
Comm report: Subst. for SF on Calendar (4)
Comm report: Subst. for SF on Consent Calendar (8)
Comm report: Subst. for SF on General Orders (41)
Comm report: To pass (176)
Comm report: To pass and re-referred to (75)
Comm report: To pass as amended (522)
Comm report: To pass as amended, Consent Calendar (28)
Comm report: To pass, Consent Calendar (41)
Comm rpt: Amend previous comm report To pass (1)
Comm rpt: Rule 49-amend, sub Calendar (6)
Comm rpt: Rule 49-amend, sub Cons Cal SF1583 (1)
Comm rpt: Rule 49-amend, sub Gen Ord (113)
Comm rpt: To pass as amend re-ref to (247)
Committee report be not adopted, return to Health Care (1)
Conference committee report (1)
Conference committee report (129)
Conference committee report (Jt. rule 2.06 suspended) (3)
Conference committee report rejected (10)
Cons Cal: Stricken and re-referred to Finance (1)
Consent Calendar: Amended (1)
Consent Calendar: Stricken, placed on General Orders (5)
Consent Calendar: Third reading Passed (60)
Gen Ord: Rule 49 amendment stricken (4)
Gen Ord: Stricken returned to author (18)
General Orders (1)
General Orders: Amended, progress (8)
General Orders: Amended, progress 030-033 (1)
General Orders: Amendment offered (1)
General Orders: Progress (2)
General Orders: Stricken and laid on table (5)
General Orders: Stricken and re-referred to (50)
General Orders: Stricken and returned to (4)
General Orders: To pass (193)
General Orders: To pass as amended (79)
Governor's action Approval (118)
Governor's action Veto (13)
Governor's action Veto (1)
HF substituted by motion (10)
HF substituted in committee HF2519 (1)
HF substituted on Calendar (10)
HF substituted on Consent Calendar (9)
HF substituted on General Orders (154)
House accedes (1)
House adopted HCC report and repassed bill (67)
House adopted SCC report and repassed bill (65)
House conferee (2)
House conferees (145)
House not concur, conference committee of 3 requested (60)
House not concur, conference committee of 5 requested (16)
Introduction and first reading (3220)
Joint rule 2.03, referred to (43)
Laid on table (72)
Motion did not prevail (3)
Motion to reconsider did not prevail (1)
New conference committee of 5 requested (1)
Notice of intent to reconsider (1)
Placed on General Orders (1)
Re-referred to (13)
Recall message from House (2)
Received from House (327)
Reconsidered (20)
Referred to (3198)
Returned from House (87)
Returned from House with amendment (124)
Returned to author (8)
Returned to author See HF1864, Art. 3, Sec. 10 See also HF2102, Art. 3, Sec. 12 (1)
Returned to author See HF980, Sec. 7-8 (modified) (1)
Rule 35, referred to Rules and Administration (31)
Rule 40: withdrawn, placed on Gen Ord (3)
Rule 49 amendment stricken (3)
Rules suspended (7)
Second reading HPP: (287)
Second reading SPP: (658)
Secretary of State (300)
Senate accedes (2)
Senate accedes, CC of 3 be appointed (60)
Senate accedes, CC of 5 be appointed (16)
Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill (131)
Senate adopted CC report, bill failed (2)
Senate concurred and repassed bill (53)
Senate concurred and repassed bill 042-022 (1)
Senate conferees (147)
Senate not concur, conference committee of 3 requested (60)
Senate not concur, conference committee of 5 requested (14)
Spec Ord: Rule 49 amendment stricken (6)
Spec Ord: Stricken returned to auth (2)
Spec Ord: Stricken returned to auth See HF1648 (1)
Special Order (199)
Special Order: Amended (136)
Special Order: Amendment offered (1)
Special Order: Stricken and re-referred to (5)
Taken from table (59)
Third reading (188)
Third reading Failed to pass (7)
Third reading Passed (332)
Third reading Passed as amended (25)
Under Senate rules, laid over one day (3)
Urgency declared rules suspended (28)
Veto message laid on table (11)
Veto override attempt failed 042-022 (1)
Withdrawn (4)
Withdrawn and re-referred to (75)
Withdrawn and returned to author (22)
Withdrawn from (21)
Action Dates (mm/dd/yy)
Some actions do not have dates and therefore will not be found using the date range above
Hold CTRL Key and click to select more than one entry in above selections.
() contains number of bills matching the search value.