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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

92 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Chief Authors of "Chamberlain"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SR0024 2 01/10/2019 Text icon Chamberlain A Senate resolution congratulating Edward Cound Brody for receiving the Eagle Award
Senate SF0299 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Academic achievement rating system establishment requirement
Senate SF0319 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Medical cannabis manufacturers state business tax subtraction authorization
Senate SF0663 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Homeless students pupil transportation authority assignment and appropriation
Senate SF0709 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Student performance data collection modification
Senate SF0077 5 02/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Seasonal temporary food stand licensure requirement exemption
Senate SF0818 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain White Bear Lake multiuse trail segments bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0651 4 02/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Dyslexia screening requirement
Senate SF1130 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Individuals with mental illness on probation, parole, supervised release, or pretrial status enhanced community supervision pilot project establishment; multidisciplinary caseload management team to provide mental health treatment alternatives to incarceration; appropriation for Anoka county grant
Senate SR0060 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Chamberlain A Senate resolution congratulating Wyatt Bradley Rivers of Afton, Minnesota, for receiving the Eagle Award
Senate SF1159 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Social media platform specific warning when social media account is accessed requirement
Senate SF1180 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Referendum revenue and local optional revenue calculations modifications
Senate SF1500 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Charter schools special education services for deaf or hard-of-hearing students at early ages authorization
Senate SF1501 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Property tax penalties, interest and costs distribution modification
Senate SF1502 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Corporate franchise tax application to certain captive insurance companies clarification
Senate SF1537 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Private letter ruling program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1595 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Free expression policy creation requirement by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) and the University of Minnesota (U of M); disciplinary policy and report requirements
Senate SF1153 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Military veteran offenders restorative justice sentence
Senate SF1689 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Civics education programs grants appropriations
Senate SF1701 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Chamberlain State patrol troopers salary setting requirements establishment; compensation survey conducted by state auditor requirement
Senate SF0383 3 02/27/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Indian tribal land property tax exemption expansion for pharmacies
Senate SF1872 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Chamberlain K-12 scholarships donations income tax credit allowance creation
Senate SF1896 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Petroleum distributors bonds for payment requirements elimination; personal liability for delinquent tax debt expansion
Senate SF1939 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Local government aid (LGA) city aid formula modification and appropriation increase
Senate SF2055 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Sales and use tax vendor allowance authorization
Senate SF2074 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Public utilities municipality definition modification
Senate SF2131 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Utility and railroad valuation appeals procedure modifications
Senate SF2132 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain North Oaks private roads public road dedication requirements exemption
Senate SF2136 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Ambulance services change in services consultation and approval requirement by affected municipalities prior to implementation approval
Senate SF0670 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Chamberlain School district equalized referendum levies calculation modification and appropriation
Senate SF1894 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Sports wagering commission establishment; sports pool operators and sports wagering premises licensing requirement; mobile and electronic ports pool licenses establishment; sports pools conduct regulation; local restrictions prohibition; sports wagering participation restrictions; excise tax imposition on sports wagers in lieu of corporate tax
Senate SF2477 2 03/14/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Sentencing offenders to probation and length of probation guidance provisions
Senate SF2556 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Waste management service providers collection allowance authorization
Senate SF2557 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Estate tax federal exclusion amount conformance and technical changes
Senate SF2561 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Short-term motor vehicle rental extra sales and use tax repeal
Senate SF2601 2 03/20/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Estimated corporate franchise tax payments due dates modification
Senate SF2633 2 03/21/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Manufactured homes and manufactured home park property tax classification modification
Senate SF2759 2 04/01/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Public finance bonds, lien interest, and municipal bankruptcy provisions modifications
Senate SF2768 2 04/01/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Taxes and migration annual report requirement
Senate SF2779 2 04/03/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Ramsey county I-35E and county road J interchange improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2075 5 04/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Trichloroethylene in products and in manufacturing processes ban
Senate HF2276 5 04/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Trichloroethylene in products and in manufacturing processes ban
Senate SF2785 2 04/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Local sales and use taxes imposition and use requirements modifications
Senate SF2799 2 04/08/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Career and technical education school districts and charter schools appropriations
Senate SF2555 5 04/11/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Miscellaneous tax provisions modification
Senate SF0005 6 04/29/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Omnibus tax bill
Senate HF2125 11 05/01/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Omnibus tax bill
Senate SF2307 7 05/02/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Trichloroethylene (TCE) emissions response account and stakeholder group creation; TCE emissions fines disposition
Senate SF2201 6 05/16/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Environmental and natural resources trust fund appropriations; previous appropriations modifications
Senate HF2032 7 05/18/2019 Text icon Chamberlain State agencies continuing appropriations
Senate SF2913 2 05/18/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Video cameras recording of light rail transit (LRT) operators requirement; light rail transit safety features report requirement
Senate SR0117 2 05/20/2019 Text icon Chamberlain A Senate resolution honoring Jack Paulson, Research Analyst, Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis, on the occasion of his retirement and thanking him for his years of dedicated service to the Minnesota Senate
Senate SF1606 4 02/13/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Probation length for certain offenses modification; court granting of early termination and discharge of probation clarification
Senate SF3052 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Chamberlain School-based fund-raising sales by student organizations sales tax exemption
Senate SF3056 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Chamberlain School employees, volunteers, and contractors background check requirements expansion
Senate SF3188 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Individual income tax exemption for nonresident employees
Senate SF2995 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Student athlete compensation for use of students' name, image, or likeness authorization; working group establishment
Senate SF2996 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Social media platform registration fee authorization; social media impact fund establishment; report requirement and appropriation
Senate SF3187 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling(LETRS) grants appropriation
Senate SF3290 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Private letter ruling program establishment
Senate SF3341 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Pollution Control Agency (PCA) public hearing relating to certain environmental protection issues requirement
Senate SF3437 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Preliminary education license issuance during a pending background check authorization
Senate SF2956 3 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Individuals subject to human services background checks with expunged criminal records disqualification prohibition
Senate SF3495 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Individual income tax K-12 education expense subtraction and credit modifications, increases, and extension to tuition
Senate SF3512 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Tobacco prevention and cessation account establishment, revenue dedication, and appropriation
Senate SF3519 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Financial incentive for information resulting in civil or criminal financial penalties for environmental violations authorization
Senate SF3521 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Environmental regulations violations criminal penalties modifications
Senate SF3533 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Income, corporate franchise, property and special taxes modification; individual income tax brackets, K-12 expense credit and section 179 expensing provisions modifications; full subtraction of social security income and ongoing funding for the small business investment tax credit authorization; lawful gambling tax and referendum equalization levy provisions modifications; appropriating money
Senate SF1950 6 02/27/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Criminal background checks by political subdivisions (local government units) authorization
Senate SF3653 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Reading proficiency and screening by third grade reporting requirements clarification
Senate SF3675 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Common interest ownership communities access to association records authorization
Senate SF3802 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Sentencing for aiding and abetting felony murder task force establishment
Senate SF3837 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Local government debt financing modification
Senate SF3854 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority rename to Minnesota Health and Education Facilities Authority; health care facilities construction authorization and increased bonding capacity
Senate SF3885 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Public works facility construction sales tax exemption authorization
Senate SF2997 5 03/04/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Trichloroethylene (TCE) use ban; alternative chemicals identification appropriation
Senate SF3972 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Anoka county Rice Creek North Regional Trail multiuse trail segments bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3973 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Chamberlain First class cities reservation of a portion of local government aid (LGA) for public safety purposes requirement
Senate SF4015 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Energy forward pricing mechanisms for government agencies provisions modifications
Senate SF4137 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Tax court opinions binding on the commissioner of revenue
Senate SF4161 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) and worker cooperatives individual income and corporate franchise tax subtractions for certain capital gains and loan interest
Senate SF4162 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Special education programs capacity provisions modification
Senate SF4163 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Property and local tax state general fund reimbursement for extra payments
Senate SF4249 2 03/11/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Federal tax changes conforming provisions
Senate SF4386 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Literacy Matters Foundation closing the literacy gap grant appropriation
Senate SF4468 2 04/16/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Special education aid on-site education program adjustment authorization
Senate SR0231 2 04/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain A Senate resolution recognizing May as Live More, Screen Less month
Senate SF4493 2 04/20/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Property tax refunds exemption from attachment, garnishment or sale requirement
Senate SF3843 8 04/30/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Omnibus tax and economic relief bill
Senate HF0331 12 05/13/2020 88 Text icon Chamberlain Tobacco in schools prohibition extension to charter schools; tobacco and tobacco-related products sale minimum age increase requirement
Senate SF0463 7 05/13/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Tobacco in schools prohibition extension to charter schools; tobacco and tobacco-related products sale minimum age increase requirement
Senate SF4073 7 05/14/2020 84 Text icon Chamberlain Trichloroethylene use ban; alternative chemicals identification appropriation