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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

163 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Authors of "Mathews"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2124 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Abeler Rotary International special license plates establishment
Senate SF2126 5 04/11/2019 Text icon Abeler Deafblind persons intervener services provisions modification
Senate SF2590 2 03/20/2019 Text icon Abeler Paddleboards watercraft licensure requirement exemption
Senate SF3322 8 05/12/2020 Text icon Abeler Omnibus human services policy provisions modification
Senate SF1922 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Anderson, B. American Allies Day establishment
Senate SF0631 5 05/14/2019 Text icon Benson Marriage and family therapists provisions modifications
Senate SF1171 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Benson Medical assistance (MA) residency verification after 90 days from enrollment requirement; enrollees absent from the state use of the fee-for-service payment system requirement; asset requirement for single adults without dependent children upon renewal establishment
Senate SF1460 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Benson Individuals determined presumptively eligible for medical assistance (MA) to receive services through a fee-for-service system until redetermination
Senate SF4170 3 03/11/2020 Text icon Benson Sherburne county Zimmerman highway interchange project bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0077 5 02/04/2019 Text icon Chamberlain Seasonal temporary food stand licensure requirement exemption
Senate SF0131 11 04/23/2019 7 Text icon Draheim Health care facility fee disclosure requirement
Senate SF0975 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Draheim Human services public assistance asset limits imposition and provisions modifications; probation officers lists of probationers testing positive for illegal substances reporting; electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card requirements modifications
Senate SF2846 2 04/25/2019 Text icon Draheim Border-to-border broadband development grant program modification
Senate SF3591 4 03/09/2020 Text icon Draheim Duplicate personal identification numbers corrective plan; appropriation reduction
Senate SF0580 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Eichorn Nonpublic pupil aid calculation modification and appropriation
Senate SF1066 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Eichorn Individual income tax rate reduction
Senate SF2305 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Eichorn Born alive infant protections modification
Senate SF3746 5 03/16/2020 Text icon Eichorn Youth skills training program modification
Senate SF3284 3 02/27/2020 Text icon Gazelka Royalton clean water and storm sewer infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3285 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Gazelka Lake Shamineau high water project bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0713 3 02/18/2019 Text icon Goggin Community solar garden program administration authorization; community solar garden program repeal
Senate SF1503 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Goggin Public schools energy use reduction data reporting requirement
Senate SF0784 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Hall National motto "In God We Trust" display in schools authorization
Senate SF4610 2 05/13/2020 Text icon Hall Religious liberty
Senate SF1217 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Hayden Child foster care provisions modifications
Senate SF2750 2 04/01/2019 Text icon Hayden Child protection cases relative notification and placement requirements modification; kinship navigator models commissioner of human services review and guidance; appropriation
Senate SF2831 2 04/11/2019 Text icon Hoffman Resolution memorializing the President and Congress to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for design defects that result in adverse side effects from vaccines
Senate SF1888 5 03/16/2020 Text icon Housley Community energy transition competitive grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0928 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Howe Water appropriations, wells, and permitting provisions modifications
Senate SF3707 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Howe Local government aid (LGA) loss to cities failing to protect regional or statewide sports and entertainment facilities visitors
Senate SF1725 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Family-owned resorts property tax provisions modifications
Senate SF0351 3 01/28/2019 Text icon Jensen Primary care services uniform rates requirement in defined areas requirement
Senate SF1890 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen Mental health providers rate increase and rate setting proposal requirement
Senate SF1916 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Jensen Employer discipline or discharge prohibition for employee or applicant refusal to immunize
Senate SF2138 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen MinnesotaCare enrollment eligibility for medical assistance (MA) eligible families and individuals
Senate SF3109 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Jensen Immunization refusal employers discipline or discharge of employee or applicant prohibition
Senate SF2847 2 04/25/2019 Text icon Johnson Resolution calling for the end to the cold genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China
Senate SF3262 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Johnson Lawns to Legumes program appropriation modification for grants to parks, trails, and natural areas
Senate SF0530 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Adult foster care moratorium exception authorization
Senate SF0638 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer School districts with low revenue minimum revenue guarantee creation and appropriation
Senate SF0639 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer School districts with low general education revenue and property wealth state aid additional source and appropriation
Senate SF0974 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Hunting and fishing licensing website voter registration information requirement
Senate SF1030 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Day care facilities licensing statutes recodification requirement
Senate SF1565 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Motorcycle endorsement fees increase
Senate SF3198 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer New nuclear power plants certificate of need issuance prohibition abolishment
Senate SF0643 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Koran Minnesota Zoological Garden reporting requirements modification; return of appropriated money requirement
Senate SF0748 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Koran Right to carry firearms without a permit
Senate SF0882 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Koran Human services child care background studies and training exemption authorization
Senate SF1302 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Koran Body art technician licensing reciprocity
Senate SF1309 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Koran Casket and urn sales licensure exception clarification
Senate SF1649 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Koran Contracting state agencies requirement to meet with vendors prior to issuing notice of proposed contract
Senate SF1814 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Koran Natural resources department (DNR), pollution control agency (PCA) and board of water and soil resources (BWSR) appropriation reduction for unfilled positions authorization
Senate SF2073 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Koran Full-time equivalent state employment positions freeze; unfilled state employee positions appropriations reduction requirement
Senate SF2661 3 04/08/2019 Text icon Koran Child care assistance program repeal
Senate SF3035 5 02/20/2020 Text icon Koran Organ transplant access nondiscrimination public policy establishment and discrimination prohibition; penalties
Senate SF3139 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Koran Nonwoven personal care disposable products labeling requirement
Senate SF3382 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Koran Firearm possession denial prohibition on the basis of medical cannabis registry enrollment
Senate SF3436 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Koran Metropolitan area definition expansion for purposes of 911 emergency services
Senate SF4097 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Koran Specialty Health System-Cambridge management and operation transfer from human services to veterans affairs authorization
Senate SF4293 3 03/16/2020 Text icon Koran Blind parents rights establishment
Senate SF4294 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Koran State employment growth limit based on state population
Senate SF4364 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Koran Local government aid (LGA) reduction requirement upon city street lane miles reduction
Senate SF3831 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Laine Education gifted and talented programs funding increase and provisions modifications
Senate SF0254 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Mathews Mille Lacs County taxing jurisdictions reimbursement for lost revenue authorization
Senate SF0374 4 02/21/2019 Text icon Mathews Hmong Veterans Day state holiday establishment
Senate SF0545 3 02/13/2020 Text icon Mathews Optometrists legend drugs administration limitations removal
Senate SF0687 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Mathews Mille Lacs county auditor-treasurer position appointed authorization
Senate SF0869 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Abortion prohibition upon heart beat detection; penalties
Senate SF0948 4 02/14/2019 Text icon Mathews Building and construction contracts requirements modification and clarification
Senate SF0958 4 03/14/2019 Text icon Mathews Child welfare training system replacement proposal requirement by the commissioner of human services; study and reporting requirements and appropriation
Senate SF0959 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Medical assistance (MA) enrollees services receipt through fee-for-service upon eligibility renewal
Senate SF0962 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Federal clean water act section 404 assumption and appropriation
Senate SF1095 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Certified medical personnel application of emergency medical care to police dogs without a license to practice veterinary medicine establishment
Senate SF1096 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Day facility reporting requirements rule modifications
Senate SF1097 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Family child care homes and group family child care minimum water temperature requirements clarification
Senate SF1173 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Mathews Local government tax authority modification; excise taxes and fees limitation expansion
Senate SF1195 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Mathews Counterfeit drug investigations requirements establishment
Senate SF1196 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Mathews Pharmacies licensure requirements modification
Senate SF1358 4 02/21/2019 Text icon Mathews Hospital construction moratorium public interest review process modification
Senate SF1372 4 03/11/2020 Text icon Mathews Hydropower sources meeting renewable energy standard size limitation elimination
Senate SF1377 3 03/26/2019 Text icon Mathews Region 5 Children's Museum appropriation
Senate SF1417 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Mathews Minnesota council on disability appropriation for recognition of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) anniversaries
Senate SF1426 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Mathews Nuclear waste storage outgoing payment obligations termination and future account expenditures to previous legislative mandates restriction
Senate SF1437 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Mathews Children's and parent's mental health provisions modifications
Senate SF1495 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Mathews Becker business park public infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1505 3 02/27/2019 Text icon Mathews Animal parts trade prohibition
Senate SF1563 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Mathews Youth in foster care social service agency assistance to obtain drivers licenses; automobile insurance plan coverage of youth in long-term foster care at no cost
Senate SF1564 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Mathews Licensed foster home providers liability insurance coverage expansion requirement
Senate SF1901 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Mathews State-assessed property preliminary evaluations issuance provisions modifications
Senate SF1972 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Mathews Unadopted rules enforcement by pollution control agency (PCA) and department of natural resources prohibition
Senate SF1973 3 03/13/2019 Text icon Mathews Assistant commissioners employed by the pollution control agency (PCA) modification and administrative costs limitations
Senate SF1982 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Mathews State agency hearing for county to dispute liability for portion of cost of care of clients in regional treatment centers or state nursing facilities due to delayed discharge establishment; recovery of disputed costs of care from clients preclusion
Senate SF2094 6 04/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Telecommuter Forward! certification establishment
Senate SF2143 4 04/10/2019 Text icon Mathews Metastatic cancers step therapy protocols health plan enrollee requirement prohibition
Senate SF2149 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Wetland replacement ratios modification
Senate HF2181 8 05/06/2019 13 Text icon Mathews Telecommuter Forward! certification establishment
Senate SF2186 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Sand Dunes state forest management requirements modifications
Senate SF2187 3 04/03/2019 Text icon Mathews Constitutional amendment strengthening the legislative enactments single subject requirement
Senate SF2197 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Mathews Local government unit definition modification to include land managed by the State Agricultural Society (state fair)
Senate SF2203 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Optional gasoline tax authorization
Senate SF2204 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Gasoline tax decrease
Senate SF2312 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Small business definition modification
Senate SF2374 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Mathews Lead hazard reduction and renovation provision modification
Senate SF2375 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Mathews Rural health advisory committee membership modification
Senate SF2376 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Mathews Arts and cultural heritage fund allocations modifications
Senate SF2608 2 03/20/2019 Text icon Mathews Lake Mille Lacs area economic restoration program authorization; businesses adversely affected by the decline in walleye fishing grants appropriation establishment
Senate SF2715 2 03/27/2019 Text icon Mathews Personal care assistance program provisions modifications
Senate SF2757 2 04/01/2019 Text icon Mathews Chloride pollution reduction statewide program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2920 2 05/20/2019 Text icon Mathews Becker business park public infrastructure grant appropriation
Senate SF3005 5 03/02/2020 Text icon Mathews Social work practice requirements, licensing and regulatory provisions modification
Senate SF3078 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Mathews Whistleblower protections for public employees modifications
Senate SF3221 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Mathews Lake Mille Lacs area economic relief program loan forgiveness
Senate SF3245 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Mathews Child protection cases court-appointed counsel requirements modification and appropriation
Senate SF3365 5 04/27/2020 Text icon Mathews Occupational therapy clarifying, technical and conforming changes
Senate SF3383 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Mathews Fatherhood commission creation and appropriation
Senate SF3445 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Mathews Cottage food producers requirements modification
Senate SF3450 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Mathews Cottage food producers selling of homemade pet treats authorization
Senate SF3496 10 03/11/2020 Text icon Mathews Automobile emissions standards adoption authority of the pollution control agency (PCA) repeal; California motor vehicle emissions standards adoption economic impact study appropriation
Senate SF3513 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Mathews Parent's Bill of Rights
Senate SF3581 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Mathews Foley wastewater infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3762 3 03/11/2020 Text icon Mathews Psychology interjurisdictional compact (PSYPACT) creation
Senate SF3814 3 03/04/2020 Text icon Mathews Immunization requirements for sincerely held religious beliefs exemption authorization
Senate SF3888 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Mathews Older motorcycles flat amount in lieu of sales tax authorization
Senate SF3940 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Mathews Specialized agricultural equipment implementing conservation practices on farms appropriation
Senate SF4032 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Mathews Mille Lacs safe harvest levels for walleye negotiation requirement
Senate SF4217 4 03/16/2020 Text icon Mathews Midwifery scope of practice expansion
Senate SF4276 2 03/11/2020 Text icon Mathews Garrison, Kathio, West Mille Lacs Lake sanitary sewer district system improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF4306 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Mathews Independent school district #333, Ogilvie; fund transfer authorization
Senate SF4384 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Mathews Veteran definition expansion
Senate SF4480 2 04/16/2020 Text icon Mathews Safely reopen businesses during a peacetime emergency process establishment
Senate SF4511 11 05/11/2020 Text icon Mathews COVID-19 reopening of businesses for safe operation under certain guidance authorization
Senate SF4596 2 05/11/2020 Text icon Mathews Live well at home grants appropriation
Senate SF4599 2 05/12/2020 Text icon Mathews Inverse condemnation by a business closed by executive order due to peacetime emergency authorization
Senate SF0705 3 02/04/2019 Text icon Nelson Light rail transit operators compliance with certain traffic regulations requirement; light rail transit operators alcohol concentration limits establishment
Senate SF1834 3 03/21/2019 Text icon Nelson Behavioral health home services governing provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF2939 10 05/15/2020 79 Text icon Nelson Health boards unnecessary criminal background fee removal; occupational therapy clarifying, technical and conforming changes; social work practice requirements, licensing and regulatory provisions modification; dental employee licensure requirements modifications; reemploying retired members of PERA and MSRS for health care workers during peacetime emergency
Senate SF0045 3 05/01/2019 Text icon Osmek Motorcycle profiling elimination statewide model policy development requirement
Senate SF1592 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Rarick Tax refund and sharing agreement payments to counties with Indian gaming casinos modification
Senate SF1915 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Rarick Conservation Improvement Program Modernization Act of 2019; conservation improvement programs for consumer-owned utilities; public utilities provisions modification
Senate SF3600 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph St. Cloud municipal ice arena on-sale liquor license authorization
Senate SF3601 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph City on-sale liquor license eligible events modifications
Senate SF1073 4 03/20/2019 Text icon Rosen Community paramedics and community medical response emergency medical technicians to provide telemedicine services authorization
Senate SF1074 3 03/19/2019 Text icon Rosen Community emergency medical technician as member of a basic life support ambulance service authorization; emergency medical technicians occupation title modification
Senate SF2120 5 03/28/2019 Text icon Rosen Correctional facility employees administration of opiate antagonists authorization
Senate SF2283 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Rosen Child protection and maltreatment of minors reporting provisions modifications and recommendations implementation
Senate SF0072 2 01/10/2019 Text icon Ruud Use of force in defense of home and person law clarification
Senate SF1471 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Ruud Health care facilities performing abortions requirement to provide access to the "women's right to know" information on the facility website establishment
Senate SF4221 2 03/11/2020 Text icon Ruud Nontoxic ammunition sales and use tax exemption
Senate SF0080 2 01/10/2019 Text icon Utke Sanctuary cities local government aid (LGA) reduction penalty
Senate SF0831 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Utke Noncitizens public assistance costs collection authorization
Senate SF0832 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Utke State contracts with state sponsors of terrorism and foreign terrorist organizations prohibition
Senate SF0833 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Utke Municipal identification cards for undocumented immigrants prohibition
Senate SF0866 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Utke Retired law enforcement officers carrying firearms in schools authorization
Senate SF1115 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Utke Constitutional amendment providing for right of people to keep and bear arms
Senate SF1848 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Utke Indian affairs council Dakota and Ojibwe Indian languages preservation and grave protection appropriations
Senate SF3166 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Utke Firearms carrying prohibition cause of action establishment for persons prohibited from carrying firearms when sustaining injury, death, loss, or damage
Senate SF3292 5 03/09/2020 Text icon Utke Group family day care child-adult capacity ratios and age distribution restrictions modification
Senate SF3361 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Utke Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition; immigration-related data use authorization
Senate SF3406 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Utke State contracts with state sponsors of terrorism and foreign terrorist organizations prohibition
Senate SF3438 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Utke Nonphysician practitioners authorization to prescribe prosthetic or orthotic devices establishment
Senate SF3613 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Utke Public assistance to noncitizens county costs collection authorization
Senate SF3440 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Westrom Pope-Douglas regional waste diversion, recycling and composting facilities and infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF4485 3 05/11/2020 Text icon Westrom Resolution memorializing the President and Congress to direct the United States Food and Drug Administration to approve off-label use of certain medications to combat COVID-19