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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

158 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Authors of "Wiklund"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF0584 9 04/23/2019 8 Text icon Johnson Allied health professions conversion to a birth month renewal cycle authorization
Senate SF1703 9 05/13/2019 20 Text icon Koran Credit union conversion, merger or consolidation supermajority requirements elimination
Senate SF0955 12 05/20/2019 28 Text icon Wiklund Health licensing technical changes; mental health professionals duty to warn and reciprocity expansion
Senate SF0278 18 05/20/2019 39 Text icon Jensen Minnesota Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensure and Regulation Act; appropriations
Senate SF1098 11 05/15/2020 78 Text icon Rosen Prescription Drug Pricing Transparency Act
Senate SF3589 8 05/15/2020 95 Text icon Draheim Banks and trust companies authorized investment modification
Senate SF0014 3 02/21/2019 Text icon Wiger Nationally normed college entrance exam for high school graduation requirement
Senate SF0081 3 01/31/2019 Text icon Wiger Minnesota reads task force creation and appropriation
Senate SF0083 3 01/14/2019 Text icon Dibble Conversion therapy for children or vulnerable adults, medical assistance (MA) coverage, and services or products misrepresentation prohibitions
Senate SF0108 2 01/14/2019 Text icon Wiklund The Works Museum grant appropriation
Senate SF0186 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Dibble Constitutional amendment providing for gender equality under the law
Senate SF0188 3 01/22/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Affirmative consent educational instruction authorization and appropriation
Senate SF0190 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Hennepin County grant funds to recruit foster families authorization and appropriation
Senate SR0213 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Nelson A Senate resolution congratulating Minnesota School Boards Association on its 100th anniversary and recognizing School Board Recognition Week
Senate SF0290 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Clausen Preceptor temporary refundable income tax credit establishment
Senate SF0359 4 02/21/2019 Text icon Hayden Nonprofit health service plans and health maintenance organizations (HMO) conversions attorney general review and approval
Senate SF0366 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Little Diabetes prescription drugs cost reporting requirement
Senate SF0398 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Hayden Mental health treatment for communities of color appropriation
Senate SF0399 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Hayden MinnesotaCare provider taxes repeal
Senate SF0411 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Kent School meal provisions modifications
Senate SF0439 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Wiklund Social work practice duty to warn requirement expansion
Senate SF0472 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Wiklund The Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act
Senate SF0473 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Wiklund Political subdivisions imposition and collection of local lodging taxes authority clarification
Senate SF0508 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Torres Ray Elementary school students recess policy adoption by school districts requirement
Senate SF0550 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Clausen Apple Valley Red Line transit station bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0551 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Wiklund Bloomington Central Station district tax increment financing (TIF) authority modification
Senate SF0583 6 04/11/2019 Text icon Johnson Temporary license suspensions and background checks for certain health-related professions modification
Senate SF0648 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Draheim Pharmacy legend drugs collection system requirement
Senate SF0661 5 03/14/2019 Text icon Carlson Student and employee absence from school or work for religious holidays modifications
Senate SF0671 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Wiklund Great start for all Minnesota Children Act; home visiting; early learning and care; child care availability; appropriations
Senate SF0684 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Klein MinnesotaCare Buy-In Option health plans establishment
Senate SF0689 7 04/03/2019 Text icon Klein Emeritus dental licensure creation; general practice residency requirements clarification; technical changes and appropriation
Senate SF0719 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Klein MinnesotaCare purchase option for individuals whose income is greater that the income eligibility limit federal waiver request
Senate SF0720 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Klein MinnesotaCare Buy-In Option establishment
Senate SF0820 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Wiklund Great Start For All Minnesota Children Act; home visiting for pregnant women and families with young children; early learning and care; child care provider grants appropriations
Senate SF0840 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Draheim Youth at risk of developing mood disorder human services evidence-based intervention grant appropriation authorization
Senate SF0875 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Wiklund Spoken language health care interpreters registry system establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0932 5 02/25/2019 Text icon Housley Companion animals or pets criminal penalties for certain acts resulting in death or great bodily harm
Senate SF0961 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Wiklund Northstar care for children benefits modification for younger children
Senate SF1001 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Wiklund Emergency prescription refills authorization
Senate SF1029 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Hayden Litigation proceeds to be appropriated to the commissioner of health for tobacco use prevention activities
Senate SF1038 6 03/27/2019 Text icon Benson Breast cancer screening procedures insurance plan coverage expansion requirement
Senate SF1051 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Wiklund WomenVenture appropriation for business training program for child care providers and related expenses
Senate SF1052 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Wiklund WomenVenture cooperative child care businesses in low-income urban areas pilot programs creation appropriation
Senate SF1057 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Kent Prekindergarten program funded participants for fiscal year 2020 and later increase and appropriation
Senate SF1078 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Torres Ray Biomass as an eligible energy technology definition modification; renewable sources energy supply proportion increase and goals achievement target dates determination
Senate SF1080 3 02/14/2019 Text icon Klein MinnesotaCare purchase option income expansion federal waiver application request requirement
Senate SF1110 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. Individual income and corporate franchise tax credit for qualifying child care facility payments and appropriation
Senate SF1111 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Weber Child care assistance for homeless people
Senate SF1120 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Wiklund Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) study appropriation
Senate SF1129 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Carlson Minnesota health plan, health board, health fund, office of health quality and planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and auditor general for the Minnesota health plan establishment
Senate SF1201 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Wiklund Richfield 77th Street extension bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1208 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Marty Health maintenance organizations (HMO's) required to be nonprofit corporations
Senate SF1229 7 05/17/2019 Text icon Utke Parity between mental health benefits and other medical benefits requirement; health and commerce commissioners accountability requirement
Senate SF1264 4 03/26/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. Legislative commission on cybersecurity establishment
Senate SF1284 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Torres Ray Firearms transfers and private party firearms transfers criminal background checks requirement
Senate SF1285 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Clausen People posing a significant danger by firearm possession; law enforcement and family members court petition to prohibit possession authorization
Senate SF1313 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Draheim Any willing provider for mental health services establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1342 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Draheim Wells and borings provisions modifications
Senate SF1363 4 04/01/2019 Text icon Wiklund Telemedicine services provided by community health workers authorization; medical assistance (MA) limit for telemedicine encounters elimination
Senate SF1371 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Marty Opiate drug manufacturers and wholesale drug distributors practitioner gifts prohibition
Senate SF1373 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Pappas Violence against women awareness and prevention month designation
Senate SF1399 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Wiklund Food shelf programs appropriation
Senate SF1437 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Mathews Children's and parent's mental health provisions modifications
Senate SF1438 3 03/16/2020 Text icon Relph Home visiting programs for pregnant women and families with young children establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1518 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Klein Wholesale drug distributor or manufacturer price gouging prohibition; board of pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies attorney general notification of prescription drug price increases; attorney general authority to obtain drug pricing information and action authorization; penalties
Senate SF1532 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Utke Certified community behavioral health clinics (CCBHC) services modifications
Senate SF1575 3 03/14/2019 Text icon Pratt Health records release without patient consent circumstances modification
Senate SF1578 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Clausen Children's school-linked mental health grants appropriation
Senate SF1610 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen Synchronization of prescription drug refills authorization
Senate SF1700 4 03/09/2020 Text icon Isaacson Turtle taking provisions modification
Senate SF1706 6 05/09/2019 Text icon Housley Garnishment of earnings provisions modification
Senate SF1738 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Franzen School robotics grant program establishment, reporting requirement and appropriation
Senate SF1739 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Franzen Next generation technology inclusion in dual-training competency grants and appropriation
Senate SF1740 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Franzen FIRST in Upper Midwest (FUM) competitive robotics team grants appropriation
Senate SF1775 2 02/27/2019 Text icon Kent Bus rapid transit lines bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1834 3 03/21/2019 Text icon Nelson Behavioral health home services governing provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF1890 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen Mental health providers rate increase and rate setting proposal requirement
Senate SF1899 3 03/13/2019 Text icon Housley Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1903 3 03/13/2019 Text icon Torres Ray Local ordinances governing plastic bags prohibition repeal
Senate SF1934 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Kent Special education data online reporting requirement and appropriation
Senate SF1959 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen Practice of pharmacy definition modification
Senate HF1997 3 04/08/2019 Text icon Wiklund Hennepin county job order contracting expiration and reporting requirements repeal
Senate SF2065 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Kent Sexual health education model program development and report requirement
Senate SF2097 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Koran Cloud computing service options in state agency information technology projects consideration requirement; technology infrastructure inventories and security risk assessments requirements; information technology services and a strategic workplan consolidation completion requirement; consolidation surcharge for certain agencies authorization
Senate SF2118 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Lease termination upon infirmity of tenant establishment
Senate SF2128 3 03/26/2019 Text icon Marty Universal health care system benefit and cost analysis requirement to assist legislature in comparing it to current health care financing system
Senate SF2138 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Jensen MinnesotaCare enrollment eligibility for medical assistance (MA) eligible families and individuals
Senate SF2143 4 04/10/2019 Text icon Mathews Metastatic cancers step therapy protocols health plan enrollee requirement prohibition
Senate SF2202 3 03/21/2019 Text icon Wiklund Hennepin county job order contracting expiration and reporting requirements repeal
Senate SF2222 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Marty Prescription drug education program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2294 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Wiklund Maternal death studies expansion to include maternal morbidity
Senate SF2300 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Eaton Carpet product stewardship program
Senate SF2340 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Weber Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modification
Senate SF2346 4 04/23/2019 Text icon Wiklund Pediatric autoimmune disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS) treatment health plan coverage requirement
Senate SF2363 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Draheim Retaining early educators through attaining incentives now (REETAIN) grant program
Senate SF2381 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Legislative interns appropriation
Senate SF2421 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Rarick Contractor recovery fund modification to include claims against solar installers
Senate SF2503 2 03/14/2019 Text icon Rest Working family income tax credit calculation modification
Senate SF2521 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Rarick Hannah's Law
Senate SF2554 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Wiklund Manufactured home park relocation trust fund modifications
Senate SF2603 2 03/20/2019 Text icon Wiklund ACT scale scores to substitute for Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment scale scores authorization
Senate SF2630 2 03/21/2019 Text icon Wiklund Early childhood, child care, and family support programs eligibility, participation, and requirements modifications
Senate SF2651 2 03/25/2019 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Speech-language pathology assistants licensure requirements and fees establishment
Senate SF2737 2 03/28/2019 Text icon Klein Health care providers to provide patients with medically accurate, evidence-based and appropriate health information and services authorization; informed consent requirement before an abortion repeal
Senate SF2861 2 05/02/2019 Text icon Wiklund School districts, intermediate school districts, cooperatives and charter schools health benefit contributions requirement
Senate SF2880 2 05/13/2019 Text icon Laine Legislature and executive branch contracting restrictions based on vendor practices towards Israel elimination
Senate SF3051 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Franzen Normandale Community College bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3060 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Franzen Doulas listed on the registry of certified doulas certifying organizations modification
Senate SF3107 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Marty Family planning grants appropriation
Senate SF3128 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Franzen Carbon monoxide detectors in hotel and motel rooms requirement
Senate SF3135 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Abeler Compensatory revenue set aside requirement for extended time programming elimination
Senate SF3138 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Wiklund Bloomington Center for the Arts bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3164 8 03/12/2020 Text icon Jensen Emergency insulin assistance program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3173 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Torres Ray Maternal health continuing education in birthing centers and hospitals and appropriation
Senate SF3241 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Wiklund Basic sliding fee child care assistance program forecast by Minnesota management and budget (MMB) commissioner requirement and appropriation
Senate SF3316 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Rarick Human sex trafficking cases investigation policies requirements
Senate SF3340 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Wiklund Independent school district #271, Bloomington; integrated special education information system grant authorization and appropriation
Senate SF3348 4 03/04/2020 Text icon Johnson Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act modification
Senate SF3456 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Wiklund Richfield 77th Street underpass project bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3465 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Marty Offenders with mental illness technical violations probation and parole agents consideration and recommendations of local options requirement
Senate SF3466 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Marty Pharmacy benefit managers contractually restricting pharmacies discussions about reimbursement amounts with enrollees or health carriers prohibition
Senate SF3480 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Marty Offenders with mental illness on supervised release community supervision support grants appropriation
Senate SF3488 4 03/12/2020 Text icon Dahms Health care provider medical records request requirement specification
Senate SF3498 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Senjem Gifted and talented programs provisions modifications and funding increase
Senate SF3516 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Marty Pharmacy benefit manager and health carriers fiduciary duty establishment
Senate SF3540 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Miller Youth tobacco use prevention activities appropriation
Senate SF3608 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Hayden Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modification
Senate SF3622 3 03/02/2020 Text icon Wiklund Bloomington fire station construction materials sales and use tax exemption authorization
Senate SF3636 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Wiklund Nursing facility financial statements reporting requirements modification
Senate SF3640 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Franzen Bloomington Bush Lake ski jump bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3698 3 03/09/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer Family day care inspectors personal liability exemption establishment; county liability exception removal; uniform family child care variance application use by counties and issuance requirements
Senate SF3699 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Wiklund Innovation research zone partner nationally recognized high school academic assessment use authorization
Senate SF3732 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Anderson, P. Individual income tax child care professional supply and retention credit establishment
Senate SF3827 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Wiger Legislative working group on early childhood programs establishment
Senate SF3830 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Dibble Parental notification for an abortion modification
Senate SF3833 3 03/05/2020 Text icon Housley Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modification
Senate SF3853 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Hayden MinnesotaCare cost-sharing and premiums exemption for women during postpartum period
Senate SF3884 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Dibble Pharmacist dispensing of preexposure prophylaxis and postexposure prophylaxis without prescription authorization
Senate SF3898 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Marty Catalytic converter sales to scrap metal dealers regulation
Senate SF3926 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Draheim Prescription drug co-payments charged within a 30-day period limitation
Senate SF3998 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Marty Plastic products use commissioner of health study requirement
Senate SF3999 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Marty Hospital bed license transfer requirements after hospital closure modifications; hospital construction moratorium exception conditions monitoring and enforcement establishment
Senate SF4052 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Laine Crisis communications government data provision modification
Senate SF4053 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Laine Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota Center appropriation
Senate SF4083 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Jensen Drug manufacturers reporting and maintaining of prescription drug prices requirement
Senate SF4111 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Utke Certified community behavioral health clinic payments provisions modifications
Senate SF4154 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Klein MinnesotaCare eligibility and integrated health partnership use expansions; service delivery, enrollee premiums, and joint self-insurance plans modifications; provider payment rates increase; implementation plan requirement; MinnesotaCare Advisory Council establishment
Senate SF4263 3 03/12/2020 Text icon Nelson Children's school-linked mental health grants appropriation
Senate SF4296 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Wiklund Housing infrastructure bonds use for affordable housing rehabilitation authorization
Senate SF4297 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Koran Critical state information technology systems unauthorized access crime establishment
Senate SF4298 3 03/16/2020 Text icon Wiklund Naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) appropriation
Senate SF4330 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Torres Ray Pregnancy and parenting leave incumbency requirement modification
Senate SF4337 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Wiklund Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF4371 3 04/23/2020 Text icon Klein Resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such clarification
Senate SF4445 2 03/26/2020 Text icon Wiklund First children's finance child care site assistance grant program and appropriation
Senate SF4447 2 03/26/2020 Text icon Wiklund Retaining early educators through attaining incentives now (REETAIN) grant program and appropriation
Senate SF4617 2 05/14/2020 Text icon Wiklund Richfield Wood Lake Nature Center building bond issue and appropriation