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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

251 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Authors of "Relph"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF4606 2 05/12/2020 Text icon Limmer COVID-19 products and supplies made, sold, and donated liability limitation; minimum injury requirements for claims authorization; premises liability clarification; liability preclusion when conduct complies with government issued guidance
Senate SF4588 2 05/07/2020 Text icon Limmer Governor emergency violations penalties imposition clarification
Senate SF4587 4 05/11/2020 Text icon Abeler COVID-19 supplementary county aid program for social services costs; business closure grant program and agricultural disaster grant programs establishment
Senate SF4485 3 05/11/2020 Text icon Westrom Resolution memorializing the President and Congress to direct the United States Food and Drug Administration to approve off-label use of certain medications to combat COVID-19
Senate SF4480 2 04/16/2020 Text icon Mathews Safely reopen businesses during a peacetime emergency process establishment
Senate SF4420 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Rarick Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) reverse credit transfer process implementation
Senate SF4419 2 03/16/2020 Text icon Anderson, P. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) workforce development scholarships clarification and expansion
Senate SF4369 4 04/16/2020 Text icon Nelson COVID-19 school hourly employees compensation requirement due to school days cancellation
Senate SF4334 9 03/26/2020 70 Text icon Benson Public health response contingency account money transfer authorization; health care response fund and provider grant loan program establishment; telemedicine services coverage authorization
Senate SF4326 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Ruud Military veteran offenders restorative justice sentence guidance to courts establishment
Senate SF4272 2 03/11/2020 Text icon Relph Northstar commuter rail bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF4137 9 05/15/2020 96 Text icon Relph Crimes of repeated harassing conduct intent requirement
Senate SF4106 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Relph Juvenile treatment screening team provisions modifications; child foster care services under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act provisions modifications; homeless and sexually exploited children provisions modifications; counties and tribes agreements regarding oversight of Indian children's welfare provisions authorization; child welfare response to child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of children establishment
Senate SF4105 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Relph Adoptions provisions modifications; safe place for newborns provisions addition; child welfare provisions modifications; Northstar kinship assistance provisions modifications
Senate SF4104 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Relph Children and family services policy provisions modifications
Senate SF4094 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Weber Local communities grants for child care appropriation
Senate SF4087 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Hawj Postconviction relief petition court hearing provisions modifications
Senate SF4081 3 04/07/2020 Text icon Anderson, B. Human trafficking offenses penalties increase; patrons of prostitutes penalties increase
Senate SF4075 3 03/12/2020 Text icon Dziedzic Prorated rent required for final tenancy month; early lease renewal for leases of less than 12 months
Senate SF4072 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Howe Paid Youth Trades Employment Opportunity Act
Senate SF4065 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Relph Crimes of repeated harassing conduct intent requirement
Senate SF4063 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Latz Indeterminate Sentence Release Board establishment
Senate SF4058 3 03/12/2020 Text icon Housley Supported decision making to assist older adults and people with disabilities appropriation
Senate SF4034 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Johnson Uniform Registration of Canadian Money Judgement Act
Senate SF4019 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Utke Institutions for mental disease substance use disorder services payments appropriation; Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and White Earth Band of Chippewa foster care reimbursement appropriation; county and tribal cash assistance overpayment recovery appropriation
Senate SF4006 2 03/05/2020 Text icon Miller Labor agreements and compensation plans ratification
Senate SF3976 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Howe Pupil withdrawal agreement use definition and clarification
Senate SF3975 4 03/16/2020 Text icon Limmer Sentencing guidelines commission proposed modifications to lengths of probation rejection
Senate SF3919 4 03/11/2020 Text icon Relph Sex offense conditional release provisions application to attempted sex offenses requirement; prior sex offense convictions definition clarification
Senate SF3904 2 03/04/2020 Text icon Hoffman Community mental health program subsidies distribution
Senate SF3850 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Howe Sartell St. Cloud Orthopedics Field on-sale intoxicating liquor license authorization
Senate SF3834 2 03/02/2020 Text icon Draheim Children's mental health crisis response services definition modification
Senate SF3833 3 03/05/2020 Text icon Housley Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modification
Senate SF3813 11 03/11/2020 66 Text icon Relph COVID-19 public health response planning and preparation and federal funds appropriation
Senate SF3785 4 03/16/2020 Text icon Relph Child maltreatment report multiple agencies review requirements
Senate SF3774 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Relph St. Cloud local sales and use tax imposition authorization
Senate SF3773 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Relph Waite Park local sales and use tax imposition authorization
Senate SF3748 4 03/09/2020 Text icon Relph Intensive youth mental health client retention program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3723 4 03/11/2020 Text icon Relph Storm water rules application modification
Senate SF3694 6 04/30/2020 Text icon Abeler Personal care assistance services MnCHOICES lead agencies notice requirement restoration; TEFRA parental fees temporary prohibition; disability services providers emergency retention grants establishment; personal care assistance service limit increase; direct support services, community-based services waivers, and nonemergency medical transportation services temporary rates increase
Senate SF3664 2 02/27/2020 Text icon Relph Limited exception to the requirement to conduct face-to-face contact with a child reported to be maltreated establishment
Senate SF3606 4 03/02/2020 Text icon Nelson Early learning and child care provisions to require kindergarten readiness assessment and quality rating and improvement system evaluation modifications and appropriation
Senate SF3603 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph Qualified medical professionals authorization to involuntarily administer psychotropic medications to jail and prison inmates when inmate poses a likelihood of serious harm to self or others
Senate SF3601 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph City on-sale liquor license eligible events modifications
Senate SF3600 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph St. Cloud municipal ice arena on-sale liquor license authorization
Senate SF3575 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph Gang-related crime investigations appropriation to Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA)
Senate SF3573 3 03/09/2020 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Felony drive-by shooting clarification
Senate SF3570 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Clausen Extended time revenue formula link to future increases in the general education basic formula allowance; elimination of revenue set aside for extended time activities under compensatory education revenue
Senate SF3567 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Carlson Presidential primary voter data lists access regulation; voter data list exclusion request allowance
Senate SF3566 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Miller Unlimited Social Security subtraction from income tax authorization
Senate SF3565 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Miller Student loan income tax credit expansion
Senate SF3492 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic-Violence Protection Orders Act
Senate SF3491 2 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph Pharmacy board drug repository program appropriation
Senate SF3490 4 03/16/2020 Text icon Relph Teaching license revocation, suspension, or denial grounds modification
Senate SF3476 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Eichorn Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) critical operating funds appropriation
Senate SF3473 3 02/27/2020 Text icon Relph Children with disabilities child care access expansion grants
Senate SF3457 3 03/04/2020 Text icon Relph Personal care assistance agencies enrollment requirements establishment; personal care assistants and qualified professionals additional duties establishment; personal care assistance services payment rate establishment; commissioner of human services methodology study and providers submission of workforce data requirement
Senate SF3430 3 02/24/2020 Text icon Relph Children in out-of-home placement prenatal alcohol exposure screenings requirement
Senate SF3395 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Relph Child care provisions modifications
Senate SF3379 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Latz Peace officers accused of sexual assault bureau of criminal apprehension (BCA) investigation requirement
Senate SF3356 3 02/27/2020 Text icon Limmer Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) board prior peace officer training assistance appropriation modification
Senate SF3354 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Relph Home health agency services and home care nursing services payment rates establishment
Senate SF3353 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Utke Disability waiver rate system wage and inflation calculations modifications
Senate SF3343 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Nelson Third-party tester authorization for behind-the-wheel driving exams
Senate SF3291 4 03/09/2020 Text icon Relph State medical review agent involvement in the determination and documentation of medically necessary psychiatric residential treatment facility services elimination; per diem rate for provider of youth psychiatric residential treatment services; facilities or licensed professionals billing for arranged services submission authorization
Senate SF3281 4 02/24/2020 Text icon Housley Elder abuse victims sanctuary services pilot project onetime grant and appropriation
Senate SF3258 10 05/17/2020 110 Text icon Limmer Peace officer definition modification; corrections provisions modification; criminal justice data communications network use modification; grant programs temporary changes; criminal penalties authorization
Senate SF3226 11 05/15/2020 Text icon Housley Third-party programs and third-party testers to conduct behind-the-wheel road tests for class D drivers licenses; requirements and criteria specified; audits requirements; appeals of decisions made by commissioner of public safety authorization
Senate SF3205 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer Child support guidelines adjustment every other year requirement
Senate SF3177 2 02/17/2020 Text icon Isaacson Direct support staff providing licensed home and community-based services training requirements modification
Senate SF3165 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Relph Child support advisory board establishment
Senate SF3123 3 03/12/2020 Text icon Housley Nursing home energy efficiency grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3071 4 02/24/2020 Text icon Hall Search warrant for government entity to access electronic communication information requirement
Senate SF3061 6 02/27/2020 Text icon Abeler Birth to Age Eight pilot project modification
Senate SF3021 2 02/13/2020 Text icon Anderson, B. Medal of Honor Commemorative Memorial appropriation
Senate SF3003 7 03/16/2020 Text icon Utke Vocational services for individuals with disabilities
Senate SF2978 4 02/24/2020 Text icon Newman Appeals court opinions criteria for publishing modification
Senate SF2957 3 02/13/2020 Text icon Relph Dementia and Alzheimer's disease crime alert categories addition and law enforcement training grants appropriation
Senate SF2956 3 02/24/2020 Text icon Chamberlain Individuals subject to human services background checks with expunged criminal records disqualification prohibition
Senate SF2948 3 03/04/2020 Text icon Jensen Disability council duties and powers modification and grant appropriation to cities and counties for website accessibility improvements
Senate SF2946 2 02/11/2020 Text icon Hoffman Health care home reporting requirements disability addition
Senate SF2908 2 05/17/2019 Text icon Relph Real property title provisions modifications
Senate SF2902 4 03/04/2020 Text icon Relph Civil commitment provisions modifications; engagement services pilot project establishment
Senate SF2893 2 05/16/2019 Text icon Relph Multisystemic therapy services for children as a covered medical assistance (MA) benefit establishment
Senate SF2892 2 05/16/2019 Text icon Relph Resolution calling for an end to the cold genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China
Senate SF2867 2 05/06/2019 Text icon Abeler Individual health plans offered by health carriers to state residents guaranteed issue requirement
Senate SF2851 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Limmer Sentencing guidelines commission senate confirmation requirement; sentencing guidelines commission rule adoption requirement
Senate SF2850 2 04/25/2019 Text icon Newman Prerecognition petition for offenders seeking state occupational licensing authorization
Senate SF2809 2 04/08/2019 Text icon Senjem Public housing rehabilitation and preservation appropriation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2775 2 04/03/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Housing mediation eviction prevention program appropriation
Senate SF2774 4 05/04/2020 Text icon Abeler Human services program integrity provisions modification and appropriation
Senate SF2705 2 03/27/2019 Text icon Hawj Nonprofit organizations healthy living initiatives education, guidance, and assistance grants appropriations
Senate SF2683 2 03/26/2019 Text icon Clausen Minnesota Debate League appropriation
Senate SF2645 2 03/25/2019 Text icon Isaacson Resolution calling for an end to the cold genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China
Senate SF2644 6 05/14/2019 Text icon Anderson, B. Claims against the state; department of corrections appropriation
Senate SF2570 3 03/21/2019 Text icon Abeler Omnibus health and human services policy bill
Senate SF2568 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Latz Indeterminate sentence release board establishment
Senate SF2559 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Housley First Children's Finance child care site assistance grant appropriation
Senate SF2549 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Hoffman Child care advisory working group establishment; child care assistance program requirements modification; commissioner of human services directions
Senate SF2521 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Rarick Hannah's Law
Senate SF2473 2 03/14/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. Metropolitan council electric buses purchase requirement
Senate SF2340 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Weber Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modification
Senate SF2320 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Relph Children and families services provisions modifications
Senate SF2304 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Abeler Student school absence for religious observances modification
Senate SF2299 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. School-linked mental health grants increased funding appropriation
Senate SF2288 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Relph Community corrections act subsidy increase appropriation
Senate SF2274 3 03/14/2019 Text icon Relph Links of Care colon cancer screening program expansion appropriation
Senate SF2260 2 03/11/2019 Text icon Pratt Teacher code of ethics proposal; teacher license revocation, suspension, denial, or discharge grounds modification
Senate SF2204 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Gasoline tax decrease
Senate SF2203 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Optional gasoline tax authorization
Senate SF2196 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Relph Burglary in the first degree establishment; predatory offender registration modification
Senate SF2167 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Relph Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act
Senate SF2165 3 03/26/2019 Text icon Relph Early education program requirements provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF2158 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Relph United Way of Central Minnesota grant appropriation for Promise Neighborhood of Central Minnesota
Senate SF2157 4 02/27/2020 Text icon Relph Criminal sexual conduct statutory reform working group establishment
Senate SF2155 4 03/26/2019 Text icon Newman Criminal forfeiture establishment; federal equitable sharing program participation limitation; administrative forfeiture elimination
Senate SF2125 3 03/14/2019 Text icon Abeler Children in foster care human services protections requirement
Senate SF2044 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Hayden Community solutions for healthy child development grant program establishment; community solutions advisory council establishment; appropriation
Senate SF2033 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Relph Special education equity aid authorization and appropriation
Senate SF2032 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Relph Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree clarification
Senate SF2003 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Relph Electronic vehicle use department of transportation (DOT) promotion requirement
Senate SF1931 3 03/14/2019 Text icon Relph Third-party liability related to Minnesota health care programs audit requirement
Senate SF1893 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Relph Personal care assistance services for individuals requiring additional care enhanced rate establishment
Senate SF1892 5 04/11/2019 Text icon Relph Northstar commuter rail St. Cloud extension bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1864 2 02/28/2019 Text icon Utke Homeless youth, emergency services, housing supports for persons with serious mental illness, and long-term homeless supportive services housing grants appropriations
Senate SF1863 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Relph Corrections inmate good time elimination for convicted assault of department of corrections employee
Senate SF1835 2 02/27/2019 Text icon Relph Psychiatric residential treatment facilities and intensive treatment in foster care requirements modification; start-up grants appropriation
Senate SF1833 2 02/27/2019 Text icon Hall Soft body armor reimbursement deficiency funding request appropriation
Senate SF1786 3 03/18/2019 Text icon Limmer Sexual assault reporting and policies requirement, mentally incapacitated in sexual assault crimes definition modification; sexual assault crimes reporting to any law enforcement agency authorization
Senate SF1784 2 02/27/2019 Text icon Eken Nonprofit capacity building grants appropriation
Senate SF1751 2 02/27/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Discretionary and mandatory expungements for eviction case court files eligibility expansion; public access to pending eviction case court actions limitation
Senate SF1743 17 04/03/2019 5 Text icon Nelson Snow day relief bill; calculation of days and hours of instruction for students affected by snow days during the 2018-2019 school year modification
Senate SF1720 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Relph Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act
Senate SF1713 2 02/25/2019 Text icon Relph Health care providers direct secure messaging address procurement requirement
Senate SF1604 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Housley Parent education program requirements modification and court notice requirements
Senate SF1583 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. Tuition reduction for University of Minnesota (U of M) and tuition reduction and freeze for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU)
Senate SF1553 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Latz Telecommunication service providers compliance with internet privacy requirements; express approval of disclosure of personally identifiable information requirement; civil liability threshold increase
Senate SF1546 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Relph Graduate registered physicians licensure establishment
Senate SF1530 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Relph Proof Alliance (formerly MOFAS) regional collaboratives grant for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders reduction
Senate SF1521 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Kent Support our students grant program appropriation
Senate SF1488 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Kent Autism spectrum disorder Phoenix Residence grant appropriation
Senate SF1487 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Draheim Human services medical assistance (MA) disability waiver rate system modification
Senate SF1481 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Relph Mental health services payment and payment denial clarification; primary care residency expansion grants modification; practicum incentive payments establishment; appropriation
Senate SF1472 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Eichorn Minnesota state colleges and universities, K-12 school districts, and local businesses and industry partnerships appropriation
Senate SF1469 3 03/14/2019 Text icon Relph Commercial drivers license federal regulation waiver request by the commissioner of public safety requirement
Senate SF1441 4 03/13/2019 Text icon Limmer Sentencing guidelines modifications to apply to crimes prospectively only
Senate SF1438 3 03/16/2020 Text icon Relph Home visiting programs for pregnant women and families with young children establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1436 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Tribal organizations and Head Start programs background studies authorization
Senate SF1429 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Traumatic brain injury definition for the traumatic brain injury program modification; brain injury waiver amendment by the commissioner of human services
Senate SF1393 5 03/03/2020 Text icon Pappas Marriage by minors authorization provisions elimination
Senate SF1378 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Disability council database revitalization and maintenance appropriation
Senate SF1364 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Local public health grants appropriations
Senate SF1353 3 03/13/2019 Text icon Relph Teaching license revocation or denial for certain inappropriate behavior toward a student
Senate SF1352 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Child support child care support notification requirements
Senate SF1350 3 03/04/2019 Text icon Relph Seat belt passenger restraint system for children admissibility into evidence repeal
Senate SF1343 2 02/18/2019 Text icon Johnson Nonprofit organizations as alternatives to juvenile detention grants appropriation
Senate SF1316 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Carlson School employees and independent contractors sexual relationships with students penalties establishment
Senate SF1280 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Hoffman Minnesota inclusion initiative grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1262 3 02/18/2019 Text icon Lang Defense of Dwelling and Person Act of 2019
Senate SF1247 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Abeler Disability waiver rate system new payment models study requirement
Senate SF1246 3 03/26/2019 Text icon Jasinski Open meeting law attendance by interactive television requirements modification
Senate SF1242 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Relph Juvenile court counsel appointment modification
Senate SF1221 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Utke Day training and habilitation providers grants appropriation
Senate SF1218 5 03/13/2019 Text icon Hoffman Population eligible to be served with housing access grant funding modification
Senate SF1160 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Utke Medical assistance (MA) asset exemption for assets set aside for homestead maintenance and repair
Senate SF1158 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Emergency responders training to respond to persons with autism spectrum disorder grants appropriation
Senate SF1150 2 02/14/2019 Text icon Pappas Crimes of harassment and stalking clarification
Senate SF1149 4 03/04/2019 Text icon Pappas Domestic abuse no contact orders violations addition to list of conduct admissible as evidence in legal proceedings
Senate SF1141 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Utke Medical assistance (MA) income limit increase for elderly, blind or disabled authorization
Senate SF1140 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Utke Medical assistance (MA) income limit phased-in increase for the elderly, blind, and people with disabilities
Senate SF1131 4 04/09/2019 Text icon Relph Children's residential treatment payment provisions effective date modification
Senate SF1118 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Anderson, B. Domestic abuse prevention program for veterans and their families appropriation
Senate SF1111 3 03/07/2019 Text icon Weber Child care assistance for homeless people
Senate SF1109 3 02/18/2019 Text icon Hoffman First responders and veterans post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) targeted grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1097 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Family child care homes and group family child care minimum water temperature requirements clarification
Senate SF1096 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Day facility reporting requirements rule modifications
Senate SF1095 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Mathews Certified medical personnel application of emergency medical care to police dogs without a license to practice veterinary medicine establishment
Senate SF1090 3 03/11/2019 Text icon Latz Corrections ombudsman reestablishment and appropriation
Senate SF1083 3 02/14/2019 Text icon Howe Northstar commuter rail extension from Big Lake to Camp Ripley feasibility study appropriation
Senate SF1069 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Jasinski Big Brothers and Big Sisters grant appropriation
Senate SF1058 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Website accessibility grants for cities and counties appropriation
Senate SF1046 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Hoffman East African families with disabilities appropriation
Senate SF1036 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Relph Town officer terms and town audit requirements modification
Senate SF1035 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Relph Child care licensing and background study record requirements streamline authorization
Senate SF1034 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Relph Child care substitute length of time to provide care modification
Senate SF1033 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Relph Storm water rule application to townships exemption
Senate SF1030 2 02/11/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Day care facilities licensing statutes recodification requirement
Senate SF1027 3 02/14/2019 Text icon Relph East African community economic development pilot program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0982 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Family child care emergency preparedness plan requirements modifications
Senate SF0981 3 03/09/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer Day care providers insurance policies provisions modifications
Senate SF0980 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Child care training requirements clarification
Senate SF0979 8 04/27/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer Child care training timelines extension and clarification
Senate SF0978 4 03/14/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer Human services licensing provisions modifications
Senate SF0977 3 03/09/2020 Text icon Kiffmeyer Family child care centers child injury and illness health plan coverage requirement
Senate SF0976 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer I-94 expansion between Albertville and Monticello bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0971 4 03/11/2019 Text icon Relph Home care providers provisions modifications
Senate SF0968 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Relph Personal care assistance services payment rate methodology establishment; commissioner of human services methodology study requirement; workforce data submission by providers requirement
Senate SF0963 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Utke Person-centered telepresence platform expansion task force creation to facilitate health and human services innovation
Senate SF0961 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Wiklund Northstar care for children benefits modification for younger children
Senate SF0950 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Utke Medical assistance (MA) excess income standard increase for elderly and people with disabilities
Senate SF0949 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Utke Medical assistance (MA) excess income standard phased-in increase for elderly and people with disabilities
Senate SF0939 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Nelson Education partnership program modification and appropriation
Senate SF0936 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Relph Home care nursing workforce shortage working group establishment
Senate SF0935 4 03/11/2019 Text icon Relph Kenneth E. Sellon and Eugene B. Schlotfeldt memorial highway establishment
Senate SF0905 5 03/20/2019 Text icon Relph Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) transitional standard increase
Senate SF0888 4 02/28/2019 Text icon Eichorn Postsecondary homeless students emergency assistance grants authorization and appropriation
Senate SF0882 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Koran Human services child care background studies and training exemption authorization
Senate SF0860 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Relph Jails sharing inmate mental illness data with local county social services agency authorization
Senate SF0845 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Relph Lawful gambling equipment purchases sales and use tax exemption
Senate SF0826 3 02/07/2019 Text icon Relph Resolution urging the Governor to request the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services to designate people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as a medically underserved population
Senate SF0806 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Americans with disabilities act (ADA) notice to businesses working group establishment and reporting
Senate SF0794 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Abeler Human services block grant program establishment
Senate SF0791 6 02/20/2020 Text icon Limmer Duty of owner of real property to trespassers
Senate SF0731 4 03/13/2019 Text icon Hall Sex offenses statute of limitations elimination
Senate SF0695 7 03/13/2019 Text icon Hall Human services department and metropolitan council data sharing for special transportation purposes authorization
Senate HF0679 8 04/23/2019 12 Text icon Relph Children's residential treatment payment provisions effective date modification; medical assistance (MA) program appropriation
Senate SF0645 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Relph Great River Children's Museum appropriation
Senate SF0608 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Relph Domestic violence and sexual assault prevention program and appropriation
Senate SF0546 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Anderson, P. Sanneh Foundation grant
Senate SF0544 5 05/08/2019 Text icon Housley Ophthalmic prescriptions provider-patient relationship requirement
Senate SF0538 3 02/14/2019 Text icon Relph Greater Minnesota child care facility capital grant program bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0537 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Nelson Minnesota Initiative Foundations sustainable child care in rural Minnesota appropriation
Senate SF0526 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Relph Agricultural homestead rules for certain properties owned by trusts modification; service and filing of defense or objection to real and personal property taxes modification; relief for innocent spouses for joint income tax returns modification; qualified property provisions for the estate tax modification
Senate SF0516 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Relph Fractional homestead determination based on the percentage of ownership specified in the county land records requirement
Senate SF0480 4 02/18/2019 Text icon Relph Parental contribution fees for services for children with disabilities elimination
Senate SF0468 4 02/14/2019 Text icon Nelson Rideshare data classification expansion to include all government entities
Senate SF0437 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Anderson, B. Lawful gambling equipment purchase sales and use tax exemption authorization
Senate SF0435 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Anderson, B. Lawful gambling organizations annual audits and reports requirements modifications
Senate SF0414 2 01/24/2019 Text icon Eichorn Lawful gambling combined net receipts tax calculation modification
Senate SF0358 3 02/13/2020 Text icon Relph Home care service start of care evaluations medical assistance (MA) coverage authorization
Senate SF0356 3 02/21/2019 Text icon Jensen Mobile food shelf grants appropriation
Senate SF0329 3 01/24/2019 Text icon Relph Sales and use tax construction materials vendors collection on an accelerated basis exclusion
Senate SF0325 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Relph Persons with developmental disabilities self-advocacy and outreach services grants
Senate SF0293 3 02/07/2019 Text icon Nelson Construction and skilled trades career counseling commissioner of education collaboration requirement; safety of youth in skilled trades report requirement
Senate SF0276 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Relph Medical assistance (MA) expanding the scope of rate increase for ambulance services
Senate SF0264 3 11/03/2020 Text icon Relph St. Cloud municipal athletic complex grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0258 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Relph Regional emergency medical services programs appropriation
Senate SF0242 6 05/02/2019 Text icon Hall POW and MIA Recognition Day establishment
Senate SR0184 2 02/11/2020 Text icon Relph A Senate resolution congratulating John Blommel of St. Cloud, Minnesota, for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
Senate SF0174 4 03/14/2019 Text icon Utke Adult foster care and community residential setting license capacity modification and home and community-based services governance provisions modification
Senate SF0125 5 04/04/2019 Text icon Dziedzic Residential lease requirements modifications
Senate SF0114 3 01/28/2019 Text icon Goggin Disabled and deceased veteran's homestead market value exclusion benefit for surviving spouse eligibility modification
Senate SF0111 7 05/19/2019 Text icon Limmer Sexual conduct crimes provisions modification
Senate SR0100 2 05/09/2019 Text icon Kiffmeyer A Senate resolution recognizing May 10, 2019, as Family Child Care Provider Appreciation Day and May as the month of the Family Child Care Provider
Senate SF0092 6 05/06/2020 Text icon Relph Omnibus human services reform bill
Senate SR0087 2 04/23/2019 Text icon Relph A Senate resolution congratulating Thomas Wilfong for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
Senate SF0074 9 02/14/2019 Text icon Relph Health and human services provisions modifications; jails sharing inmate mental illness data with local county social services agency authorization
Senate SR0073 2 03/14/2019 Text icon Relph A Senate resolution congratulating the St. Cloud Cathedral High School boys hockey team on winning the 2019 State High School Class A boys hockey championship
Senate SF0011 8 03/18/2019 Text icon Housley Electronic monitoring in nursing facilities and assisted living facilities requirements establishment
Senate SF0008 5 04/01/2019 Text icon Housley Assisted living licensing requirements, fees, and fines establishment; health and home care bills of rights modifications; home care licensing, office of health facility complaints powers, vulnerable adults act, and consumer protection modifications; task forces establishment; appropriations
Senate SF0004 12 04/01/2019 Text icon Relph Human services provider enrollment medical assistance (MA) modification; counted income clarification; surety bond requirements; programs documentation, and commissioner of human services authority modifications; visit verification system; universal identification number; fraud prevention investigations appropriation