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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

131 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "Eaton"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF4113 2 05/19/2018 Text icon Marty Campaign finance provisions modifications; express advocacy definition modification; campaign advertisements disclosures and electioneering communication disclosures requirement
Senate SF4052 2 04/30/2018 Text icon Bigham Cannabidiol (CBD) sale or possession exemption from criminal prosecution
Senate SF4033 2 04/25/2018 Text icon Abeler School resource officer training grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3968 2 04/16/2018 Text icon Bigham Internet service providers serving Minnesota customers and contracting to state and political subdivisions adherence to net neutrality requirement
Senate SF3896 2 04/09/2018 Text icon Eaton Gifted and talented pupils requirements modifications and revenue increase; gifted education definition
Senate SF3789 2 03/22/2018 Text icon Hawj St. Paul district 1 community council Somali community outreach services appropriation
Senate SF3620 2 03/19/2018 Text icon Frentz Minnesota River basin nutrient reduction strategy appropriation
Senate SF3617 2 03/19/2018 Text icon Eaton Voluntary nonopioid individual directive execution authorization and board of pharmacy format and guidelines development
Senate SF3570 3 04/09/2018 Text icon Kent Substance abuse recovery services appropriation
Senate SF3531 3 03/21/2018 Text icon Ruud Aquatic invasive species grants appropriation
Senate SF3396 2 03/15/2018 Text icon Marty Mining operations estimated costs of adverse human health impacts for financial assurance determination
Senate SF3381 2 03/15/2018 Text icon Eaton Voluntary nursing registration renewal fee establishment
Senate SF3358 2 03/14/2018 Text icon Franzen Doula registry certifying organizations list modification
Senate SF3338 2 03/14/2018 Text icon Bigham Teacher contracts deadline and late contract penalty imposition
Senate SF3337 2 03/14/2018 Text icon Bigham Probation or supervised release officer and volunteer firefighter authorization to administer opiate antagonists establishment
Senate SF3331 3 03/19/2018 Text icon Dibble Large-capacity magazines manufacturing, transferring or possession crime establishment
Senate SF3330 2 03/14/2018 Text icon Dibble Expungement for evictions that are more than three years old requirement
Senate SF3307 2 03/14/2018 Text icon Wiklund Prenatal care access and utilization disparities correction grants requirement
Senate SF3256 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Isaacson Collegiate recovery grant program in office of higher education establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3255 3 03/26/2018 Text icon Eaton Jake's Law; school districts substance misuse prevention and instruction grant and appropriation
Senate SF3231 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Klein Controlled substance dispensers photographic identification requirement
Senate SF3221 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Ruud Beyond Opioids project grants appropriation
Senate SF3178 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Klein Health professional education loan forgiveness program alcohol and drug counselors addition
Senate SF3177 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Klein Controlled substances electronic prescribing implementation grant program and technical assistance and education
Senate SF3164 2 03/12/2018 Text icon Marty Campaign contributions acceptance conflict of interest establishment; penalties, lobbyist contributions disclosure requirements; public subsidy payments for candidates provisions modifications
Senate SF3154 10 03/29/2018 102 Text icon Miller Labor agreements and compensation plans ratification
Senate SF3095 2 03/08/2018 Text icon Anderson, P. Brooklyn Park statewide Second Harvest Heartland charitable food facility grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3045 2 03/08/2018 Text icon Utke White Earth opiate juvenile treatment facility appropriation
Senate SF3041 2 03/08/2018 Text icon Eaton Resolution condemning white nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations and urging the President and Congress to recognize criminal elements of groups as domestic terrorist organizations
Senate SF3017 5 03/26/2018 Text icon Pratt Unclaimed drugs and medications school district collection and transportation authorization
Senate SF3008 3 03/12/2018 Text icon Wiklund Social workers duty to warn students and interns establishment
Senate SF3007 2 03/05/2018 Text icon Kiffmeyer Personal care assistance (PCA) or support services provided documentation recipient access requirements modification
Senate SF2914 2 03/05/2018 Text icon Eaton North Hennepin community college asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2913 2 03/05/2018 Text icon Eaton North Hennepin community college asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2912 5 05/08/2018 Text icon Eaton General assistance (GA) eligibility expansion
Senate SF2911 2 03/05/2018 Text icon Eaton North Hennepin community college asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2889 4 03/14/2018 Text icon Utke Disability waiver rate system modification under medical assistance (MA)
Senate SF2857 6 05/15/2018 Text icon Ruud Small business environmental-improvement loan program borrower and loan conditions modifications; disposal facility certificates rules modification requirement
Senate SF2822 2 03/01/2018 Text icon Frentz Mankato Minnesota River watershed improvement grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2689 2 02/26/2018 Text icon Torres Ray Resolution urging the President and Congress to continue the federal deferred action for childhood arrival (DACA) program; encouraging Congress to create a permanent path to legal residency for DACA recipients, and encouraging the President to continue the temporary protected status program (TPS)
Senate SF2678 2 02/26/2018 Text icon Dziedzic Hennepin county foster families recruitment appropriation
Senate SF2594 3 02/26/2018 Text icon Klein Cigarette excise tax rate annual indexing requirement reinstatement
Senate SF2562 2 02/22/2018 Text icon Abeler Prescription drug repository program establishment
Senate SF2511 2 02/20/2018 Text icon Rest New Hope outdoor swimming pool bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2433 2 05/22/2017 Text icon Eaton Public health response contingency account establishment and commissioner of health use authorization
Senate SF2396 3 04/19/2018 Text icon Dibble Injured or orphaned wolves special rehabilitation permits establishment
Senate SF2385 2 05/10/2017 Text icon Dibble Resolution urging action to halt the persecution of gay men in Chechnya
Senate SF2382 2 05/08/2017 Text icon Simonson Quality Patient Care Act
Senate SF2342 2 04/24/2017 Text icon Hawj Resolution memorializing the United States Environmental Protection Agency to reinstate plans to revoke all food tolerances and cancel all registrations of chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxic pesticide
Senate SF2303 3 04/18/2017 Text icon Pappas Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program Act of 2017
Senate SF2268 2 03/29/2017 Text icon Pappas Cosmetic fragrance ingredients disclosure requirement
Senate SF2265 2 03/28/2017 Text icon Abeler Health plan companies payments to out-of-network providers count toward enrollee's annual deductible requirement
Senate SF2259 3 03/28/2017 Text icon Laine For Jake's Sake Foundation grant for drug abuse prevention instruction appropriation
Senate SF2252 2 03/27/2017 Text icon Hawj Ramsey county St. Paul intersection safety improvements grant appropriation
Senate SF2236 2 03/23/2017 Text icon Senjem Statewide historic and cultural grants to local, regional, and historical and cultural organizations appropriations
Senate SF2222 2 03/23/2017 Text icon Eaton K-12 education gifted and talented students programs modifications
Senate SF2204 3 04/03/2017 Text icon Eaton Sulfide ore bodies mining permits restrictions imposition
Senate SF2203 2 03/20/2017 Text icon Torres Ray United States presidential and vice presidential candidates income tax returns submission filing requirement and data redaction
Senate SF2200 2 03/20/2017 Text icon Eaton Christopher Columbus statue on Capitol mall engraving change
Senate SF2148 2 03/15/2017 Text icon Eaton Specialized opioid addiction treatment programs development; wholesale drug distributor tax modification and appropriation
Senate SF2140 2 03/15/2017 Text icon Eaton American Indian and Indigenous Peoples Day establishment on the second Monday in October
Senate SF2046 3 03/20/2017 Text icon Abeler Indian affairs council Dakota and Ojibwe Indian language, education, and immersion programs and Why Treaties Matter exhibit appropriation
Senate SF2017 2 03/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Pain assessments use limitation for the purposes of determining health insurance provider payments authorization
Senate SF1974 4 04/24/2017 Text icon Dibble Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibition and medical assistance (MA) coverage prohibition
Senate SF1958 5 03/20/2017 Text icon Abeler Acupuncture for pain relief to reduce opioid prescriptions study requirement and appropriation
Senate SF1952 2 03/08/2017 Text icon Rosen Municipal drinking water supply water appropriations limitations waiver requirement
Senate SF1869 2 03/07/2017 Text icon Eaton Opioid prescribing improvement program participation expansion
Senate SF1851 2 03/06/2017 Text icon Eaton Controlled substances schedules modifications
Senate SF1850 3 03/29/2017 Text icon Eaton Taking wolves open season prohibition
Senate SF1844 10 05/18/2017 59 Text icon Kiffmeyer Advanced practice registered nurses and physicians assistants addition to certain statutes
Senate SF1729 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Abeler Home care provider advisory council duties modification and appropriation
Senate SF1728 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Eaton Recovery schools ongoing funding grants establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1662 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Abeler Chronic pain rehabilitation therapy demonstration project development and appropriation
Senate SF1655 3 03/16/2017 Text icon Eaton Sales suppression devices (zapper) regulation and criminal penalties imposition
Senate SF1576 2 03/01/2017 Text icon Eaton Massage therapy sales tax exemption and health care provider tax imposition
Senate SF1572 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Eaton End-of-Life Option Act of 2017
Senate SF1536 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Eaton Nonwoven personal care disposable products labeling requirement
Senate SF1518 3 03/20/2017 Text icon Abeler Motion-picture investment incentive program creation and appropriation
Senate SF1517 6 03/21/2018 Text icon Abeler Health maintenance organizations (HMO) quality of care complaints record and data provisions modifications
Senate SF1514 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Wiklund Naturopathic doctors licensure requirement
Senate SF1492 6 03/23/2017 Text icon Benson Legislative commission on managed care creation and report requirement
Senate SF1469 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Hayden HIV prevention grants appropriation
Senate SF1467 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Hayden Statewide syringe access expansion grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1466 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Hayden Hepatitis C medications financial assistance access authorization and appropriation
Senate SF1417 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Ruud Water quality improvement goal establishment
Senate SF1400 4 03/27/2017 Text icon Abeler Metropolitan parks prior appropriations reallocation
Senate SF1318 3 03/27/2017 Text icon Marty Minimum wage increase, working family credit increase; child care assistance increase to all low-income workers, MFIP grants increase and appropriations
Senate SF1317 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Torres Ray Urban agriculture development pilot program establishment
Senate SF1299 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Marty Primary care case management program establishment; medical assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare direct contracting authorization
Senate SF1294 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Hawj St. Paul or Ramsey county public takraw court appropriation
Senate SF1276 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Utke Mahnomen county local government grant to reimburse the White Earth Band of Ojibwe for child welfare costs authorization and appropriation
Senate SF1216 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Eaton Controlled substances prescribers and dispensers continuing education requirement
Senate SF1169 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Senjem Minnesota Public Radio appropriation
Senate SF1151 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Housley Clinical lactation services licensing authorization
Senate SF1118 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Eaton Resolution expressing concern over persistent and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned, forced organ harvesting from nonconsenting prisoners of conscience, primarily from Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned for their spiritual beliefs, and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups in the Peoples Republic of China
Senate SF1117 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Eaton Parks and trails department establishment
Senate SF1110 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Torres Ray Minnesota a sanctuary state for immigration enforcement purposes
Senate SF1105 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Abeler Medical assistance (MA) perinatal services bundled payment system commissioner of human services (DHS) establishment and implementation requirement
Senate SF1103 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Abeler Utility failure to comply with thermal effluent limits liability assignment
Senate SF0991 4 03/01/2018 Text icon Eaton Prescription monitoring program agency access to identify and investigate inappropriate prescribing or dispensing of controlled substances authorization
Senate SF0895 2 02/13/2017 Text icon Lang Chemical dependency treatment services operating payment rate increase
Senate SF0887 2 02/13/2017 Text icon Abeler State Capitol grand-opening music appropriation
Senate SF0843 4 03/01/2018 Text icon Eaton Prescription monitoring program prescriber's authority to prescribe controlled substances restrictions
Senate SF0810 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Pappas St. Paul Rondo commemorative plaza appropriation
Senate SF0796 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Automatic voter registration of applicants for a driver's license, instruction permit or identification card establishment
Senate SF0795 4 03/01/2018 Text icon Eaton Pharmacy maintenance of collection receptacles for the disposal of legend drugs as pharmaceutical waste requirement
Senate SF0791 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton General assistance eligibility expansion authorization
Senate SF0753 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Minnesota prescription monitoring program certain uses requirement
Senate SF0752 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Opioid drugs prescription filling time limitations establishment
Senate SF0751 5 05/10/2017 Text icon Eaton Prescription opioids label disclosures requirement
Senate SF0750 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Naloxone standing orders compliance requirement
Senate SF0748 3 03/23/2017 Text icon Frentz St. Peter Minnesota Square Park pavilion reconstruction grant appropriation
Senate SF0747 3 03/23/2017 Text icon Frentz St. Peter Minnesota Square Park pavilion reconstruction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0743 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Eaton Controlled and noncontrolled substances disposal county law enforcement collection boxes maintenance requirement
Senate SF0730 10 05/10/2018 Text icon Rosen Opiate stewardship program, manufacturer registration fee, advisory council, and account establishment; prescription monitoring annual opiate registration fees and manufacturer license surcharge requirements; opiates quantity limit; appropriation
Senate SF0727 3 03/22/2018 Text icon Utke Disability waiver rate system modification
Senate SF0708 2 02/06/2017 Text icon Ruud Clean water fund, parks and trails fund and arts and cultural heritage fund (legacy funds) appropriations
Senate SF0673 3 03/23/2017 Text icon Kent Collective bargaining labor agreements ratification
Senate SF0623 2 02/06/2017 Text icon Eaton Acupuncture service health insurance plan coverage requirement; opioid alternatives continuing education requirement
Senate SF0563 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Koran Direct injectable drugs medical assistance (MA) reimbursement provisions modification
Senate SF0527 10 05/18/2017 57 Text icon Kiffmeyer Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) licensure requirements clarification
Senate SF0518 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Utke White Earth band of Ojibwe child welfare services grant appropriation
Senate SF0449 2 01/30/2017 Text icon Abeler Closed landfills remedial systems construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SR0276 2 05/20/2018 Text icon Hawj A Senate resolution recognizing the survivors and their descendants of Phu Kham Huam
Senate SR0254 2 05/10/2018 Text icon Anderson, P. A Senate resolution honoring Osseo Area Schools Superintendent Kate Maguire on the occasion of her retirement
Senate SR0252 2 05/09/2018 Text icon Hoffman A Senate resolution recognizing the importance of the federal Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) for Liberians
Senate SF0223 3 01/23/2017 Text icon Laine Minnesota health plan, Minnesota health board, Minnesota health fund, office of health quality and planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy and auditor general for the Minnesota health plan creation and appropriation
Senate SF0143 2 01/17/2017 Text icon Eaton Vaccination and immunization exemption procedures modification
Senate SR0087 2 05/04/2017 Text icon Hoffman A Senate resolution recognizing the Lao Freedom Fighters and the people of the former Kingdom of Laos
Senate SR0083 2 04/27/2017 Text icon Hoffman A Senate resolution recognizing the Lao Freedom Fighters and the people of the former Kingdom of Laos
Senate SR0044 2 02/06/2017 Text icon Dibble A Senate resolution condemning Presidential Executive Order 13769