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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

300 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Authors of "Rosen"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF0462 11 05/15/2015 28 Text icon Hoffman Prenatal Trisomy Diagnosis Awareness Act
Senate SF0253 10 05/16/2015 55 Text icon Sheran Interstate medical licensure compact
Senate SF0495 7 05/16/2015 56 Text icon Sheran Stroke transport protocols development requirement
Senate SF1215 11 05/17/2015 62 Text icon Marty Flame-retardant chemicals in children's products and upholstered residential furniture prohibition
Senate SF2498 9 05/17/2016 106 Text icon Hayden Co-occurring mental health and chemical dependency disorders screening modification
Senate SF2555 11 05/17/2016 111 Text icon Hoffman Temporary family health care dwellings zoning regulation; temporary dwelling permits establishment
Senate SF2548 10 05/20/2016 122 Text icon Rosen 90-day supply of prescription drug dispensed by pharmacist authorization
Senate SF1425 13 05/20/2016 124 Text icon Rosen Legend drugs as pharmaceutical waste collection and disposal provisions modifications; pharmacy practice definition modification; opiate antagonist protocol establishment
Senate SF2802 10 05/20/2016 127 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Eyelash extension services regulation
Senate SF2857 7 05/19/2016 143 Text icon Hoffman Human services disability waiver rate system modification
Senate SF2428 17 05/20/2016 153 Text icon Sheran Legislative task force on child protection extension and modifications
Senate HF3333 7 05/22/2016 182 Text icon Rosen Controlled substances schedules modifications
Senate SF1440 17 05/22/2016 185 Text icon Rosen Prescription monitoring program modifications
Senate SF0004 5 03/09/2015 Text icon Sheran Child maltreatment reports screening modifications
Senate SF0039 4 02/19/2015 Text icon Hoffman Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act
Senate SF0059 2 01/12/2015 Text icon Clausen Advocating Change Together appropriation
Senate SF0063 4 02/02/2015 Text icon Eken Medical assistance (MA) coverage for licensed independent clinical social workers and licensed marriage and family therapist consultations authorization
Senate SF0081 2 01/12/2015 Text icon Dahms Milford historic town hall relocation and renovation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0090 2 01/15/2015 Text icon Brown Mille Lacs, Isanti, and Kanabec counties nursing facilities operating payment rates increase
Senate SF0113 9 05/17/2015 Text icon Pappas Resolution urging Congress to remove the Equal Rights Amendments ratification deadline
Senate SF0137 3 02/19/2015 Text icon Clausen Family assets for independence program provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF0153 2 01/15/2015 Text icon Rosen MNsure oversight and governance modifications
Senate SF0161 2 01/20/2015 Text icon Dahms Marshall Minnesota emergency response and industrial training (MERIT) center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0176 3 03/25/2015 Text icon Rosen Community medical response emergency medical technicians certification establishment
Senate SF0231 2 01/21/2015 Text icon Brown Clean power plan for existing power plants proposed rule compliance legislative approval requirement
Senate SF0234 2 01/21/2015 Text icon Weber Red Rock rural water system bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0237 2 01/21/2015 Text icon Rosen Natural gas plant electric generation facilities certificate of need requirement elimination
Senate SF0238 6 03/05/2015 Text icon Eaton Medical assistance (MA) employed persons with disabilities (MA-EPD) program premium payments reduction
Senate SF0241 2 01/21/2015 Text icon Jensen Corridors of commerce program appropriation
Senate SF0247 4 02/16/2015 Text icon Nelson Alzheimer's and other dementias research grant program and public awareness campaign grant program established; Alzheimer's research advisory council establishment; appropriating money
Senate SF0249 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Eken Critical access mental health rate medical assistance (MA) reimbursement increase
Senate SF0250 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Otter Tail, Rock, Pipestone, and Nobles counties nursing facilities rate increases
Senate SF0255 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Pappas Connection center facility appropriation
Senate SF0259 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Saxhaug Bemidji regional dental facility grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0266 3 02/05/2015 Text icon Sparks Shell Rock River state water trail designation and appropriation
Senate SF0273 4 03/16/2015 Text icon Lourey Nursing facility medical assistance (MA) reimbursement system modifications
Senate SF0274 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Rosen Parole board establishment
Senate SF0303 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Nelson Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act
Senate SF0304 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Nelson Education expense credit and deduction application of expenditures for prekindergarten expenses authorization
Senate SF0307 4 02/19/2015 Text icon Dziedzic Prehospital care data collection and reporting responsibilities modifications
Senate SF0313 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Nelson Child care provider requirements for providers receiving child assistance payments modification
Senate SF0314 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Rosen Health professional education loan forgiveness program expansion and appropriation
Senate SF0315 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Wiklund Homeless Youth Act age of eligibility extension and appropriation
Senate SF0316 3 02/19/2015 Text icon Hayden Healthy Eating, Here at Home program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0325 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Dahms Estate tax exclusion amount federal conformance
Senate SF0331 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Rosen Blue Earth industrial park infrastructure grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0341 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Rosen Health and safety revenue use for facility modifications to improve physical safety of students and staff
Senate SF0349 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Nelson Minnesota residents purchase of health coverage approved in other states authorization; MNsure provisions modifications
Senate SF0359 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Franzen Regional poison information center grants appropriation
Senate SF0379 5 03/05/2015 Text icon Eken Ambulance service requirements provisions modifications
Senate SF0380 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Eaton Immunization exemption procedures modification
Senate SF0382 3 02/05/2015 Text icon Jensen Rural special transportation services payment rate increase
Senate SF0392 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Clausen Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) coverage requirement modification
Senate SF0397 4 03/02/2015 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Blue Alert system establishment to aid in the apprehension of those who kill or injure law enforcement officers
Senate SF0407 4 02/09/2015 Text icon Sheran Advance care planning resource organization appropriation
Senate SF0410 3 02/09/2015 Text icon Sheran Let's Talk Now Act; advanced care planning grant program establishment
Senate SF0413 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Koenen Wind generation and solar production taxes levy limits application clarification
Senate SF0420 4 03/02/2015 Text icon Saxhaug Rural workforce system coordinators establishment and appropriation; Minnesota youth program appropriation
Senate SF0422 3 02/09/2015 Text icon Ruud Military service retirement pay phased-in individual income tax subtraction allowance
Senate SF0426 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Benson Hands Off Child Care Act
Senate SF0443 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Koenen Synthetic gas definition
Senate SF0450 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Ruud Polk county nursing home replacement bed exception modification
Senate SF0456 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Dibble Housing finance agency (HFA) programs appropriations
Senate SF0472 5 03/11/2015 Text icon Bonoff High school career advising services appropriation
Senate SF0475 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Rosen Teacher license suspension conditions expansion
Senate SF0486 3 03/23/2015 Text icon Schmit Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons employment services appropriation
Senate SF0501 4 03/11/2015 Text icon Wiklund Health disparities provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF0508 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Sheran U.S. Highway #14 expansion bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0512 3 02/05/2015 Text icon Jensen Child advocacy centers grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0515 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Sheran U.S. highway #14 interchange bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0517 5 04/07/2015 Text icon Saxhaug Advanced biofuel production incentive program, renewable chemical production incentive program, biomass production incentive program, and working lands watershed restoration program and implementation plan creation and appropriations
Senate SF0518 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Pappas Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS), Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) and Teachers Retirement Association (TRA) employee and employer contribution rates provisions modifications
Senate SF0519 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Pappas General state employees, correctional state employees, state patrol, public employees police and fire retirement plans, Teachers Retirement Association (TRA) and St. Paul teachers retirement fund association postretirement adjustment provisions modifications
Senate SF0527 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Benson Nursing facilities rate equalization provisions phase out
Senate SF0533 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Pappas Connection center facility appropriation
Senate SF0548 3 02/19/2015 Text icon Dibble Homeless Youth Act age of eligibility extension and appropriation
Senate SF0551 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Wiklund Housing programs appropriations
Senate SF0552 3 02/12/2015 Text icon Pappas Safe harbor for sexually exploited youth appropriation
Senate SF0566 3 03/05/2015 Text icon Hoffman Medical assistance (MA) spenddown procedures modification
Senate SF0567 3 03/26/2015 Text icon Hoffman Pharmacy board automated drug distribution systems use expansion for licensed boarding care homes and provisions modifications
Senate SF0590 4 03/25/2015 Text icon Sparks Long-term care workforce needs provisions; home and community-based services employee scholarship program establishment; nursing facility rates provisions modifications and appropriation
Senate SF0594 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Benson State aid to counties with higher administrative costs due to MNsure lack of functionality
Senate SF0602 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Benson Supply-side savings inclusion in energy conservation improvement goals
Senate SF0605 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Clausen Autism spectrum disorder insurance coverage modification
Senate SF0613 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Pappas Actuarial assumptions for Minnesota state retirement systems (MSRS), public employees retirement association (PERA) and St. Paul teachers retirement plan modifications
Senate SF0622 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Hayden Federally qualified health centers appropriation
Senate SF0626 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Wiklund School-linked mental health grants and homeless youth mental services appropriation
Senate SF0630 3 03/04/2015 Text icon Clausen Homeless children early educational services eligibility authorization and appropriation
Senate SF0636 3 03/19/2015 Text icon Hawj Early dental prevention initiative development and dental operatory expansion grants appropriation
Senate SF0638 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Rosen Nonprofit tickets or admissions to a performance or event on tax-exempt organization premises sales tax exemption clarification
Senate SF0639 3 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Innovative business development public infrastructure grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0643 3 03/04/2015 Text icon Hayden Low-income uninsured adults and children health programs establishment
Senate SF0646 3 03/02/2015 Text icon Eken Disability waiver reimbursement rate adjustments for intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service providers
Senate SF0653 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Sheran Veterans-to-agriculture pilot program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0655 3 03/25/2015 Text icon Hayden Medical assistance (MA) part B Medicare crossover claims limitation exclusion
Senate SF0659 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Environmental and resource management permitting efficiency requirements modification
Senate SF0662 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Benson Food support, cash assistance, child care, and health care programs eligibility and application integrated online portal implementation requirement
Senate SF0679 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Hayden Hospital patient observation status notices and postacute care discharge planning notices requirement; housing with services licensing exceptions creation
Senate SF0681 3 03/25/2015 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Campgrounds and resorts wastewater flow rates estimates and septic system professionals certification pollution control agency (PCA) rulemaking requirements
Senate SF0689 4 02/19/2015 Text icon Eken Water quality standard or rule change legislative submission and approval requirement
Senate SF0690 4 02/19/2015 Text icon Eken Water quality studies and standards independent peer review requirement and pollution control agency (PCA) oversight
Senate SF0699 9 05/19/2016 Text icon Stumpf Disaster relief bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF0702 4 03/16/2015 Text icon Sheran Civil commitment of persons with mental illness and dangerous to the public provisions modifications
Senate SF0704 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Health professionals and independent clinical social workers professional education loan forgiveness program inclusion authorization and appropriation
Senate SF0705 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Critical access mental health services medical assistance (MA) reimbursement rate increase
Senate SF0706 7 05/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Human services programs correction orders and conditional licenses establishment; health care delivery pilot program authorization; foster care licensing, home and community-based services standards and disability waiver rate systems provisions modifications
Senate SF0716 3 03/18/2015 Text icon Eaton Mental health peer specialists and clubhouse program services modifications; human services and health departments mental health and housing grants
Senate SF0717 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Eaton Mental health crisis services health plan emergency services (EMS) and essential health benefits package addition requirement; mental health crisis services appropriation
Senate SF0721 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Weber Calcareous fens temporary groundwater reduction authorization
Senate SF0725 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Brown Fossil-fuel generated electricity prohibitions provisions clarifications
Senate SF0726 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Brown Legislative energy commission assessment mechanism modification
Senate SF0730 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Sparks Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0731 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Sparks Southern and southwestern Minnesota initiative foundation collaborative pilot project grant appropriation
Senate SF0733 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Sparks Agricultural marketing efforts and outreach to Cuba appropriation
Senate SF0747 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Transportation economic development grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0748 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Medical assistance (MA) licensed psychologists as lead health care providers in behavioral health homes authorization
Senate SF0761 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Legislators privilege from arrest clarification, driving while impaired (DWI) to constitute a breach of the peace for purposes of the Constitution
Senate SF0787 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Entrepreneurial development assistance grant appropriation
Senate SF0790 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Franzen Minnesota stroke system appropriation
Senate SF0794 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Benson Abortion facilities licensure requirement
Senate SF0796 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Eken Safe Place for Newborns appropriation
Senate SF0797 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Hayden Local public health grants appropriation
Senate SF0800 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Gazelka Abortion state-sponsored health programs funding limits
Senate SF0801 3 03/19/2015 Text icon Rosen Dental services medical assistance (MA) coverage and reimbursement provisions modification
Senate SF0807 7 03/09/2015 Text icon Sheran Child protection public policy provisions relating to the reporting of maltreatment of minors and the use of screened-out reports modifications
Senate SF0810 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Benson MNsure nonprofit corporation establishment
Senate SF0815 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Child protection mental health professionals and county social workers health professional education loan forgiveness program addition
Senate SF0816 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Dahms Workforce housing grant program and appropriation; land trusts income tax credit and creation
Senate SF0843 2 02/16/2015 Text icon Nelson Child care providers receiving child care assistance payments requirements modification; legal nonlicensed family child care providers waiver process establishment
Senate SF0844 3 03/04/2015 Text icon Benson Cost-benefit approach to measure corrections and human services programs success implementation
Senate SF0854 2 02/16/2015 Text icon Ruud Property tax assessor accreditation and assistants to county assessors qualifications provisions modification
Senate SF0855 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Fischbach Long-term care insurance tax credit increase
Senate SF0865 2 02/16/2015 Text icon Marty Notaries performance of civil marriages authorization
Senate SF0866 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Rosen Smile Healthy Minnesota 2016 grant program establishment
Senate SF0869 4 02/23/2015 Text icon Hayden Long-term homelessness supportive services appropriation
Senate SF0870 3 03/25/2015 Text icon Eken People with disabilities home modifications or improvements grant program appropriation
Senate SF0883 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Rosen Social worker inactive status licenses modifications
Senate SF0884 2 02/16/2015 Text icon Rosen Volunteer firefighter relief associations financial reporting, disbursement, benefit, state aid references, and membership modifications
Senate SF0892 3 03/18/2015 Text icon Hayden Group residential housing eligibility and payment modification
Senate SF0906 2 02/16/2015 Text icon Carlson Community services partners demonstration project collaboration incentive payments appropriation
Senate SF0910 2 02/19/2015 Text icon Rosen Emergency medical assistance (MA) referral and assistance grants to nonprofit programs appropriation
Senate SF0911 2 02/19/2015 Text icon Sheran Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota appropriation
Senate SF0913 2 02/19/2015 Text icon Nelson Family child care initial training requirements clarification
Senate SF0923 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Jensen U.S. Highway #14 reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0934 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Franzen Prescription drug coverage utilization review and prior authorization requirements modification; prescription drug advisory council establishment
Senate SF0940 2 02/19/2015 Text icon Rosen St. James trunk highway #4 infrastructure improvements and reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0958 3 03/02/2015 Text icon Eken Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) operating payment rates increase to defray minimum wage increases; residential asleep overnight staff base wage increase
Senate SF0981 4 03/19/2015 Text icon Rosen Minnesota Telemedicine Act
Senate SF0996 2 02/19/2015 Text icon Weber Appropriation bond program establishment; Lewis and Clark regional water system appropriation bond issue
Senate SF0998 3 03/26/2015 Text icon Franzen Medical assistance (MA) public health nurse home visits minimum reimbursement rates; nurse-family partnership programs expansion grants appropriation
Senate SF1012 6 04/14/2015 Text icon Hayden Home and community-based settings for people with disabilities residency ratio restrictions modification
Senate SF1014 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Jensen Termination of lease upon infirmity of tenant establishment
Senate SF1061 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Sparks Enterprise Minnesota, Inc. small business growth acceleration program appropriation
Senate SF1062 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Hoffman Home and community-based service waiver services for persons with disabilities modifications
Senate SF1097 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Dahms STEM and long-term care employees income tax credit establishment
Senate SF1135 2 02/26/2015 Text icon Sheran E-cigarettes (electronic delivery devices) use in certain places prohibition; sampling of vapor authorization
Senate SF1143 4 04/07/2016 Text icon Pederson Transfers for divided lands rules restrictions modification
Senate SF1152 2 02/26/2015 Text icon Eken Text message suicide prevention program expansion appropriation
Senate SF1178 4 03/23/2015 Text icon Hoffman Energy conservation improvement plan programs eligibility expansion for use of energy storage systems; Made in Minnesota energy storage systems rebate program establishment
Senate SF1208 2 02/26/2015 Text icon Rosen Chemical dependency prevention programs appropriation
Senate SF1219 6 04/28/2015 Text icon Rosen Controlled substances schedules expansion and modifications
Senate SF1221 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Rosen Nonprofit animal shelters sales and use tax exemption
Senate SF1223 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Rosen Farmamerica grant appropriation
Senate SF1229 3 03/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Emergency medical assistance legal referral and assistance grants establishment
Senate SF1230 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Rosen Martin county private sale of tax-forfeited land bordering public water
Senate SF1233 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Benson Chemical endangerment of unborn children crime establishment; prenatal exposure to controlled substances reporting requirement exception removal
Senate SF1266 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Jensen Small business exemption from unfair discriminatory practices in employment based on familial status claims provision
Senate SF1290 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Brown Federal do not call rule violation also state law violation
Senate SF1312 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Tomassoni Energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) electric utility customers competitive rates schedules and rate options provision
Senate SF1313 3 03/08/2016 Text icon Hann Education Savings Accounts for Students With Special Needs Act
Senate SF1326 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Hawj Brownfields revitalization and environmental restoration loans and grants appropriation
Senate SF1331 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Cohen Minnesota Museum of American Art improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1349 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Wiklund Home visiting system infrastructure and program standards appropriation
Senate SF1355 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Rosen Large wind energy conversion systems (LWECS) certificate of need and review provisions modifications
Senate SF1357 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Dibble Energy facility definitions clarification
Senate SF1362 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Eaton Driving while impaired (DWI) offenses; driving only vehicles with ignition interlock as condition of pretrial release and probation requirement
Senate SF1376 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Pederson Active transportation programs establishment to support bicycle, pedestrian, and other nonmotorized transportation activities; bicycle sales tax dedication to active transportation program
Senate SF1391 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Hoffman Isuroon grant appropriation
Senate SF1404 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Rosen Critical access dental providers provisions modifications
Senate SF1405 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Rosen University of Minnesota (U of M) dental faculty members and resident dentists enrollment as medical assistance providers authorization
Senate SF1441 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Rosen Mental health services medical assistance (MA) rate increase
Senate SF1491 2 03/09/2015 Text icon Champion Hennepin center for the arts renovation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1515 4 03/16/2015 Text icon Marty Wetland Conservation Act modification
Senate SF1530 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Hoffman Health plans freedom of choice for pharmacy services requirement
Senate SF1569 5 04/22/2015 Text icon Eaton Naloxone distribution expansion and appropriation
Senate SF1580 4 03/25/2015 Text icon Carlson Epinephrine access and administration authorization
Senate SF1582 7 04/06/2016 Text icon Hawj Civil marriages performed by legislators authorization
Senate SF1591 2 03/11/2015 Text icon Hoffman Critical access mental health services medical assistance (MA) reimbursement rate increase
Senate SF1606 3 03/19/2015 Text icon Benson Jobs and health innovation program for hard-to-employ Minnesotans grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1607 2 03/11/2015 Text icon Benson MNsure board elimination; human services commissioner regulatory authority over MNsure requirement
Senate SF1616 2 03/11/2015 Text icon Nelson Early learning scholarships administration provision modification
Senate SF1626 3 04/11/2016 Text icon Weber Windom regional emergency services facility construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1630 3 03/16/2015 Text icon Nelson Education basic needs revenue and allowance establishment; state mandates relief; appropriation
Senate SF1683 3 05/16/2015 Text icon Skoe Pollution control agency (PCA) citizens board duties modification
Senate SF1691 2 03/12/2015 Text icon Hawj Southeast Asian veterans culturally specific mental health services appropriation
Senate SF1716 2 03/12/2015 Text icon Dahms Agricultural growth, research, and innovation programs and activities grants and appropriations
Senate SF1717 2 03/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Health plan companies specified information availability on public and state agency Web sites requirement
Senate SF1765 6 05/06/2015 Text icon Rosen Pharmacy board provisions modifications
Senate SF1767 4 03/19/2015 Text icon Jensen Platform manlifts requirement administrative rule repeal
Senate SF1791 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Rosen Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging employees public employees retirement association (PERA) inclusion
Senate SF1876 6 05/12/2015 Text icon Rosen Child protection legislative task force establishment
Senate SF1877 2 03/18/2015 Text icon Rosen Nashville township employee service credit purchase for omitted contribution period under public employees retirement association (PERA) general employees retirement plan authorization
Senate SF1878 2 03/18/2015 Text icon Rosen Community action grants appropriation
Senate SF1909 2 03/19/2015 Text icon Weber Housing finance agency (HFA) competitive grants program to fund housing projects with training centers for jobs in high-growth job areas establishment
Senate SF1947 2 03/23/2015 Text icon Dahms Minnesota valley regional rail authority track rehabilitation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1949 2 03/23/2015 Text icon Stumpf County fairground improvement grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1992 2 03/26/2015 Text icon Torres Ray Historic Fort Snelling preservation and improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2010 2 03/26/2015 Text icon Pappas State lottery authority to sell tickets online and through self-service devices restriction
Senate SF2012 2 04/07/2015 Text icon Rosen Propane vehicle and fueling station rebate program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2109 3 04/27/2015 Text icon Sheran Correctional inmate release program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2134 3 03/14/2016 Text icon Limmer Capitol construction workers memorial plaque or marker establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2139 2 05/01/2015 Text icon Sieben Housing infrastructure bonds to finance low-income senior housing bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2177 5 04/06/2016 Text icon Wiklund Spoken language health care interpreters registry establishment
Senate SF2204 2 05/16/2015 Text icon Sheran Minnesota River basin commission establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2284 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Hoffman Blind, disabled and elderly asset medical assistance (MA) eligibility limit and excess income standard modification
Senate SF2292 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Dahms Redwood county state veterans cemetery access road paving bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2293 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Dahms Minnesota valley regional rail authority bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2294 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Dahms Rural broadband bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2310 3 03/29/2016 Text icon Eken Disability waiver reimbursement rate adjustments, ICF/DD rate increases, and home and community-based service provider rate and grant increases
Senate SF2325 7 05/17/2016 Text icon Schmit Nursing facilities requirements modifications
Senate SF2330 8 05/09/2016 Text icon Marty Flame retardant chemical prohibitions expansion
Senate SF2342 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Sheran St. Peter veterans memorial bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2410 6 04/27/2016 Text icon Tomassoni Public housing preservation and additional housing infrastructure bonds issuance and senior housing addition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2432 3 03/30/2016 Text icon Rosen Oral health assessments medical assistance (MA) coverage requirements determination; medical assistance (MA) payment rates for certain dental services increase
Senate SF2442 3 03/29/2016 Text icon Sheran Greater Minnesota family medicine residency grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2459 8 04/26/2016 Text icon Jensen Children's advocacy center membership on multidisciplinary child protection teams
Senate SF2470 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Clausen Teacher license renewal suicide prevention training requirement
Senate SF2471 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Weber Murray county intermediate care facility for persons with disabilities (ICF/DD) operating payment rate increase
Senate SF2473 4 04/28/2016 Text icon Rosen Volunteer firefighters service credit, pension eligibility and joint powers fire department provisions modifications
Senate SF2480 5 04/07/2016 Text icon Wiklund STEMI (ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction) receiving center hospital designation authorization and transport protocols requirement; emergency medical services regulatory board audit changes
Senate SF2512 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Jensen Specialty courts appropriation
Senate SF2518 3 04/04/2016 Text icon Jensen County-based purchasing plan contract negotiations modification
Senate SF2531 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Saxhaug Rural career counseling coordinators appropriation
Senate SF2541 4 03/17/2016 Text icon Lourey MinnesotaCare provisions modifications
Senate SF2546 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Clausen Advocating change together program for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities grant authorization and appropriation
Senate SF2549 3 03/17/2016 Text icon Wiklund Certified community behavioral health clinic requirements modifications
Senate SF2566 2 03/10/2016 Text icon Schmit Ground lease payment partial inclusion in shareholder manufactured home park cooperatives homestead credit state refund application
Senate SF2572 3 03/31/2016 Text icon Carlson Home and community-based services incentive pool codification; appropriation
Senate SF2600 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen Health and safety revenue allowed uses expansion to facility modifications for security purposes
Senate SF2607 3 03/17/2016 Text icon Eaton Addiction medicine graduate medical education fellowship grant program appropriation
Senate SF2609 3 03/30/2016 Text icon Hoffman Minnesota athletic trainers act modifications
Senate SF2612 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Benson Electricity generation limit from additional net metering facilities interconnected with municipal utilities and cooperative electric associations
Senate SF2616 3 03/21/2016 Text icon Rosen Human services targeted case management interactive video use authorization
Senate SF2640 3 03/29/2016 Text icon Koenen Emergency ambulance services medical assistance (MA) payment rates increase
Senate SF2641 3 03/23/2016 Text icon Sheran Northstar care for children basic monthly rate modification; child death in foster care investigation requirement; child care allowable service for purposes of child protection authorization; child care pilot program for families in the child welfare system
Senate SF2652 6 03/24/2016 Text icon Clausen Children's cabinet system redesign; basic sliding fee child care program modification; early learning scholarship eligibility modification and appropriation
Senate SF2660 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen School board vacancies appointments procedures
Senate SF2661 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen Legislative commission on Minnesota sports facilities sunset provision authorization
Senate SF2662 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen Under-performing school districts use of general education revenue at direction of commissioner of education to accelerate progress on world's best workforce goals requirement elimination
Senate SF2663 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen On-sale intoxicating liquor licenses to municipal golf courses authorization; Janesville on-sale intoxicating liquor license for the Prairie Ridge golf club authorization
Senate SF2664 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Rosen Boiler laws exceptions expiration date elimination
Senate SF2680 7 05/09/2016 Text icon Latz Felony assaults motivated by bias maximum penalty increase
Senate SF2684 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Hayden Food stamp employment and training program reimbursement requirements and supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) appropriation modifications
Senate SF2696 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Jensen Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) agricultural science education courses transfer curriculum inclusion
Senate SF2699 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Eaton Alcohol and drug counselors loan forgiveness eligibility under health professional education loan forgiveness program authorization
Senate SF2718 3 03/17/2016 Text icon Jensen Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2724 3 03/17/2016 Text icon Pappas St. Paul teachers retirement fund association financial solvency measures; contribution rate increases; postretirement adjustment provisions
Senate SF2755 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Dibble Homeless youth act appropriation
Senate SF2777 4 03/24/2016 Text icon Eaton Family homeless prevention and assistance program requirements modification
Senate SF2784 3 04/07/2016 Text icon Pappas Safe harbor for sexually exploited youth services eligibility expansion and appropriation
Senate SF2828 2 03/17/2016 Text icon Rosen Teachers trained in other states licensure requirements modifications
Senate SF2838 2 03/17/2016 Text icon Pappas Statewide pension plan directors salaries establishment by appointed boards authorization
Senate SF2894 2 03/17/2016 Text icon Benson Federal waiver for certain families to enroll in medical assistance (MA) authority
Senate SF2901 5 03/30/2016 Text icon Rosen Critical access dental provider designation requirements modification
Senate SF2984 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Hayden Crisis nursery services appropriation
Senate SF2993 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Schmit Manufactured home park redevelopment program modification and appropriation
Senate SF3017 4 04/18/2016 Text icon Hoffman Hospice care and services regulation provisions modifications; respite care definition
Senate SF3026 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Franzen Bureau of criminal apprehension (BCA) missing persons notification and response systems and training development department of public safety appropriations
Senate SF3029 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Rosen Fire damaged buildings property tax exemption, aid adjustments, and construction projects sales tax exemption
Senate SF3031 7 05/18/2016 Text icon Rosen Controlled substances schedules modifications
Senate SF3039 3 04/01/2016 Text icon Latz Working family income tax credit modification
Senate SF3041 3 03/29/2016 Text icon Limmer State retirement systems member service credit and retirement eligibility data to political subdivisions upon request requirement
Senate SF3046 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Eaton Patient rights and provider nondiscrimination insurance policies requirement
Senate SF3061 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Wiklund Targeted home visiting evaluation grant program creation and appropriation
Senate SF3071 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Minors tanning facility prohibition medical use exemption
Senate SF3083 3 05/20/2016 Text icon Benson Privatized state-based marketplace model request for information for individual market and small bushiness health options (SHOP) program
Senate SF3104 2 03/23/2016 Text icon Sheran Minnesota State University, Mankato clinical services project phase II bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3120 2 03/23/2016 Text icon Hoffman Persons with mental illness employment barriers and assistance programs identification and report
Senate SF3182 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Cohen Minnesota museum of American art and integrated education facility bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3209 3 04/04/2016 Text icon Sheran Release of inmates program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3215 3 04/07/2016 Text icon Rosen Community medical response emergency medical technician services medical assistance (MA) coverage
Senate SF3218 3 04/07/2016 Text icon Nelson Swing bed approval modification
Senate SF3231 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Sheran Civil commitment petition examiner report modification; provisionally discharged patients aftercare plan provisions modification
Senate SF3234 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Rosen Sherburn city drinking treatment plant and storage tower grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3235 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Rosen Jackson wastewater treatment plant connections grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3236 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Rosen Winnebago drinking water distribution system and sanitary and storm sewer collection systems grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3237 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Rosen Jackson Memorial Park phase I redevelopment grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3238 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Rosen Blue Earth Green Giant museum grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3286 2 03/29/2016 Text icon Benson Community solar gardens regulation provisions
Senate SF3295 2 03/29/2016 Text icon Rosen Medical assistance (MA) estate recovery requirements
Senate SF3341 2 03/30/2016 Text icon Ortman Welfare agencies and county jails serving the same individual mental health records sharing requirement
Senate SF3356 2 03/30/2016 Text icon Limmer Retirement, health savings, and medical savings accounts modifications; asset protection provision
Senate SF3379 3 04/06/2016 Text icon Nelson Community economic development association (CEDA) grant for southeast Minnesota economic development study and appropriation
Senate SF3387 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Lead shot use rules restriction prohibition
Senate SF3416 2 04/01/2016 Text icon Rosen Child care programs governance provisions modifications; notification to providers of potential licensing violations requirement; county licensing staff training on family child care and group family child care requirements
Senate SF3417 2 04/01/2016 Text icon Rosen Child care programs governance provisions modifications; electronic application provisions; notification to providers of potential licensing violations requirement; county licensing staff training on family child care and group family child care requirements; child care provider liaison and advocate resignation; legislative task forces on child care; child care business development and appropriation
Senate SF3495 2 04/07/2016 Text icon Rosen La Salle fire hall improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3561 2 04/18/2016 Text icon Rosen Nonprofit economic development corporations construction materials purchase sales and use tax exemption
Senate SF3562 2 04/18/2016 Text icon Rosen Waldorf street and sewer improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3591 2 04/26/2016 Text icon Rosen Madelia public infrastructure repair and replacement grant bond issue and appropriation