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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

100 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Authors of "Dahms"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2979 2 05/08/2014 Text icon Koenen Appleton regional public television bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF2953 8 05/12/2014 209 Text icon Dahms County correctional services grant qualifications modification; contiguous county requirement elimination
Senate SF2897 2 03/26/2014 Text icon Hall Constitutional amendment for term limits for state legislators and constitutional officers
Senate SF2872 2 03/21/2014 Text icon Westrom Miscellaneous tax provisions repeal and reinstatement; appropriation
Senate SF2838 2 03/20/2014 Text icon Westrom Sales tax exemption for agricultural drainage tiles
Senate SF2809 2 03/19/2014 Text icon Benson Legislative office building construction authority repeal
Senate SF2803 2 03/19/2014 Text icon Dahms Part homestead and part commercial-industrial property tax classification procedure modification
Senate SF2770 2 03/19/2014 Text icon Weber Currie water and sewer line replacement grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2731 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Dahms Criminal vehicular homicide penalty provisions modifications
Senate SF2715 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Rosen Farm America agricultural interpretive center capital improvement grant appropriation
Senate SF2714 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Rosen Nonprofit tickets or admissions sales tax exemption clarification
Senate SF2705 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Valley railroad track rehabilitation appropriations clarification
Senate SF2682 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Dahms Dawson industrial park grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2665 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Dahms Minnesota River Basin Projects, Inc. flood hazard mitigation grant bond issue and appropriation for Minnesota River basin area II
Senate SF2664 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Dahms Milford historic town hall relocation and renovation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2651 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Weber Property tax assessor accreditation requirement repeal
Senate SF2592 5 04/10/2014 Text icon Dahms County correctional services grant qualifications modification; contiguous county requirement elimination
Senate SF2588 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Sparks Agricultural utilization research institute board of directors membership expansion
Senate SF2471 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Weber Lewis and Clark joint powers board rural water project construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2450 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Dahms Ethanol plants rate charge for solar energy standard compliance exemption
Senate SF2372 8 03/26/2014 Text icon Jensen Insurance fraud regulations provisions modifications
Senate SF2370 3 03/17/2014 Text icon Jensen School districts location equity program eligibility expansion; location equity revenue and referendum revenue calculation modification
Senate SF2344 2 03/06/2014 Text icon Chamberlain Income tax subtraction for military retirement pay; federal subtractions modification
Senate SF2246 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Koenen Motor vehicle purchases sales tax exemption expansion
Senate SF2221 10 04/22/2014 164 Text icon Sparks Drainage systems provisions modifications
Senate SF2204 3 03/26/2014 Text icon Schmit Farm-to-foodshelf program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2173 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Rosen Animal shelters temporary sales tax amnesty authorization
Senate SF2126 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Dahms Minimum wage and overtime compensation payment regulation and report requirement
Senate SF2120 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Dahms Sales tax exemption for donated materials for a library expansion
Senate SF2119 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Dahms Gift tax repeal
Senate SF2056 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Schmit Border-to-border broadband development grant and loan program establishment for expansion of broadband services to underserved areas and appropriation
Senate SF2054 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Anderson Veteran-owned small business state procurement and contract bid preference provisions modification
Senate SF1995 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Brown Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based providers reimbursement rates modifications and appropriation
Senate SF1944 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Brown Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based providers reimbursement rates modifications and appropriation
Senate SF1937 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Westrom Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance sales and use tax repeal
Senate SF1935 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Dahms Seaforth wastewater system improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1934 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Dahms Lac Qui Parle yellow bank watershed district floodwater retention projects bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1933 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Dahms Conservation easements valuation reduction reinstatement
Senate SF1932 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Dahms Southwest state university higher education asset preservation and replacement (HEAPR) bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1907 3 03/31/2014 Text icon Weber Red Rock rural water system bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1899 4 05/01/2014 Text icon Dziedzic Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations
Senate SF1887 2 02/25/2014 Text icon Weber Minnesota west community and technical college Canby and Jackson bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1886 2 02/25/2014 Text icon Weber Minnesota west community and technical college higher education asset preservation and replacement (HEAPR) bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1711 2 02/25/2014 Text icon Chamberlain Electronic and precision, commercial and industrial, and telecommunications and pay television equipment sales and use tax repeal
Senate SF1678 2 05/19/2013 Text icon Koenen Kitchen grease collectors, processors and transporters regulation; civil and criminal penalties provisions
Senate SF1655 2 05/10/2013 Text icon Schmit Agritourism activities civil immunity authorization
Senate SF1580 2 04/10/2013 Text icon Rosen Rapidan dam repair and renovation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1542 3 04/08/2013 Text icon Dahms Minnesota River basin area II floodwater retention systems grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1512 2 04/02/2013 Text icon Koenen Minnesota valley regional rail authority bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1447 2 03/18/2013 Text icon Dahms Minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities modification
Senate SF1371 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Dahms Honey bee habitat program establishment
Senate SF1302 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Rest Problem gambling appropriation
Senate SF1226 2 03/11/2013 Text icon Stumpf Public broadcasting appropriation
Senate SF1222 3 04/04/2013 Text icon Stumpf Career and technical education revenue formula modification
Senate SF1174 2 03/07/2013 Text icon Dahms Community-based services facilities serving individuals with developmental disabilities employees pay increase requirement
Senate SF1163 2 03/07/2013 Text icon Nelson U.S.-Dakota war of 1862 elementary and secondary social studies inclusion requirement
Senate SF1116 2 03/07/2013 Text icon Dahms Marshall lodging, food and beverage tax revenues use definition and prior city actions validation
Senate SF1105 2 03/06/2013 Text icon Dahms Minnesota inventors congress appropriation
Senate SF1076 2 03/05/2013 Text icon Sheran U.S. highway #14 interchange bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1027 2 03/04/2013 Text icon Saxhaug Environmental permitting efficiency provisions modifications; pollution control ombudsman establishment
Senate SF1001 3 03/07/2013 Text icon Sparks Farm business management programs appropriation
Senate SF0987 5 05/03/2013 Text icon Dziedzic Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations
Senate SF0977 2 03/04/2013 Text icon Dahms Public employees insurance program (PEIP) local government employees participation or withdrawal approval requirements; service cooperative health insurance refund regulation
Senate SF0973 4 03/12/2014 Text icon Rosen Medical assistance (MA) critical access nursing facilities location requirement and appropriation
Senate SF0955 3 03/20/2013 Text icon Koenen Commercial dog and cat breeders requirements and inspection authority provisions
Senate SF0916 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Chamberlain Election day proof-of-residence voter oaths reduction
Senate SF0915 4 03/18/2013 Text icon Weber Jackson and Lyon counties auditor-treasurer office appointment
Senate SF0914 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Weber Agricultural growth, research, and innovation program appropriation
Senate SF0900 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Koenen Qualified small business and farm properties estate tax exclusions modifications
Senate SF0835 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Koenen Montevideo levee reconstruction flood hazard mitigation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0790 2 02/25/2013 Text icon Marty Nursing facilities and elderly waiver rate increases
Senate SF0784 2 02/25/2013 Text icon Dahms Canby Theatre bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0731 3 04/02/2013 Text icon Nelson Improving teacher quality advisory task force establishment
Senate SF0684 2 02/21/2013 Text icon Nelson Permit management and coordination provisions and centralized electronic accessibility to permit applications and documentation requirement
Senate SF0679 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Metzen Motor vehicle manufacturers and distributors unfair practices provision and dealer licensing regulations modifications
Senate SF0587 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Dahms Qualified brewer tax credit qualification modification
Senate SF0584 4 02/28/2013 Text icon Sparks Telecommunications enforcement authority clarification; tariff requirements addition; proprietary information protection; certificates of authority specification; alternative regulation plans termination
Senate SF0539 2 02/18/2013 Text icon Dahms School districts safe schools levy increase
Senate SF0538 2 02/18/2013 Text icon Dahms Minnesota River basin area II projects floodplain management appropriation
Senate SF0493 5 03/11/2013 Text icon Eken Advanced diagnostic imaging services accreditation requirements modification
Senate SF0472 2 02/14/2013 Text icon Koenen Public safety radio communication systems sales tax exemption expansion
Senate SF0448 8 03/14/2013 Text icon Sparks Biofuel production provisions modifications and biobutanol definition
Senate SF0358 2 02/11/2013 Text icon Rosen Winnebago out-of-state craft brewer malt liquor importation and sale provision sunset elimination
Senate SF0320 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Sparks Minnesota agriculture education leadership council extension
Senate SF0308 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Fischbach Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) leveraged equipment acquisition funding appropriation
Senate SF0268 2 02/04/2013 Text icon Dahms Marshall southwest Minnesota regional amateur sports center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SR0256 2 05/07/2014 Text icon Metzen A Senate resolution congratulating the Insurance Federation of Minnesota for its 100th anniversary
Senate SF0255 3 02/13/2013 Text icon Saxhaug City and town accounting system (CTAS) software development and updating
Senate SF0202 2 01/31/2013 Text icon Dahms Canby tax increment financing (TIF) district creation
Senate SF0169 2 01/31/2013 Text icon Jensen Trunk highway #14 upgrade to four-lane divided highway construction completion requirements
Senate SF0168 3 02/04/2013 Text icon Jensen Trunk highway #14 construction and upgrade to four-lane divided highway appropriation
Senate SF0151 2 01/28/2013 Text icon Weber Casey Jones state trail development bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0149 2 01/28/2013 Text icon Brown Constitutional amendment requiring delayed payments to school districts not to exceed ten percent of estimated entitlement
Senate SF0132 2 01/28/2013 Text icon Dahms Marshall Minnesota Emergency Response Industrial Training (MERIT) center grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0113 8 02/21/2013 Text icon Sparks Drainage system provisions modifications
Senate SF0102 2 01/24/2013 Text icon Dahms Lake Redwood reservoir reclamation and enhancement project grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0063 3 01/28/2013 Text icon Westrom Public safety radio equipment sales tax exemption expansion
Senate SF0052 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Koenen Montevideo veterans home construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0040 5 01/28/2013 Text icon Gazelka Estate taxation federal exemption amount conformance
Senate SR0015 2 01/10/2013 Text icon Rosen A Senate resolution commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Belmont Massacre and the 155th anniversary of the Springfield Massacre