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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

52 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Chief Authors of "DeKruif"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF0265 2 02/07/2011 Text icon DeKruif Abortion state-sponsored health programs funding limitation
Senate SF0371 2 02/17/2011 Text icon DeKruif Sales tax exemption expansion for purchases and sales to local government units
Senate SF0298 3 02/21/2011 Text icon DeKruif Minnesota rural preserve property tax program modification
Senate SF0634 2 03/07/2011 Text icon DeKruif Labor and industry department administrative, rulemaking, enforcement, and safety and health provisions modifications
Senate SF0785 2 03/14/2011 Text icon DeKruif Motor vehicle reregistration requirement to operate at excessive gross weights repeal; special permit fee surcharge imposition authority
Senate SF0510 5 03/21/2011 Text icon DeKruif College in the schools classes 9th and 10th grade pupils inclusion
Senate SF0978 2 03/21/2011 Text icon DeKruif Motor vehicle carriers special construction aggregate permits
Senate SF0985 2 03/21/2011 Text icon DeKruif Rent-to-own and lease-to-own used motor vehicles sales tax collection timing clarification
Senate SF1121 2 04/07/2011 Text icon DeKruif Overweight vehicle permits provisions modifications; commercial vehicle operation medical waiver provision modifications
Senate SF1141 2 04/11/2011 Text icon DeKruif Residential construction written contract performance guidelines to subcontractors requirements
Senate SF0588 3 04/14/2011 Text icon DeKruif Well contractor licensing requirements modifications
Senate SF1282 2 04/26/2011 Text icon DeKruif Koochiching and Rice counties mediation pilot program and appropriation
Senate HF0569 8 05/16/2011 21 Text icon DeKruif Well contractor licensing requirements modifications
Senate SF0478 7 05/21/2011 60 Text icon DeKruif Motorcycle license plates for physically disabled persons
Senate SF1456 2 05/21/2011 Text icon DeKruif Commercial vehicles and permits duties transfer from the commissioner of transportation to the commissioner of public safety
Senate SF1539 2 01/26/2012 Text icon DeKruif Service lateral location identification requirement
Senate SF1578 2 01/26/2012 Text icon DeKruif Constitutional amendment for voter photographic identification (photo ID) requirement
Senate SF1610 2 01/30/2012 Text icon DeKruif Racing commission annual contingency appropriation authorization
Senate SF1622 2 01/30/2012 Text icon DeKruif Public safety radio communication systems products and services sales tax exemption
Senate SF1847 2 02/15/2012 Text icon DeKruif Sales tax elimination on purchases by counties
Senate SF2272 2 03/05/2012 Text icon DeKruif Accelerated payments of monthly sales tax liability elimination
Senate SF1561 3 03/08/2012 Text icon DeKruif Highway safety rest areas and public safety prorate unit contingent appropriations authorization
Senate SF2308 2 03/08/2012 Text icon DeKruif Electric vehicle registration tax increase
Senate SF1551 7 03/12/2012 Text icon DeKruif Electrical inspections continued operation without biennial appropriation enactment
Senate SF1844 7 03/12/2012 Text icon DeKruif Minnesota zoological garden continued operation upon biennial appropriation enactment failure
Senate SF2388 2 03/12/2012 Text icon DeKruif Drug paraphernalia and methamphetamine paraphernalia definitions modifications
Senate SF1544 7 03/13/2012 Text icon DeKruif Counties, cities, towns land conveyance to congressionally chartered veterans service organizations for less than market value authorization
Senate SF1226 5 03/14/2012 Text icon DeKruif Start Seeing Motorcycles special license plates establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2435 2 03/14/2012 Text icon DeKruif Same day voter registration and challenged voters process modifications; provisional ballots procedure establishment; canvassing deadlines modifications
Senate SF2144 4 03/19/2012 Text icon DeKruif Shorelands tree, branch, and log removal permit requirements exemption
Senate SF2499 2 03/19/2012 Text icon DeKruif Civilian escort drivers and licensed protective agents authority to escort oversized loads clarification
Senate SF1636 4 03/22/2012 Text icon DeKruif Sales and use tax retail sale definition modification for rent-to-own and lease-to-own used vehicles; motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue use clarification
Senate SF1843 9 03/22/2012 Text icon DeKruif State park and recreation area appropriation and operation continuation when biennial appropriations have not been enacted
Senate SF1909 4 03/22/2012 Text icon DeKruif Racino establishment and revenue allocation
Senate SF1975 7 03/22/2012 Text icon DeKruif Racing commission, gambling control board, and state lottery continuing operations upon government shutdown
Senate SF1293 5 03/23/2012 Text icon DeKruif Protective agents oversized loads escort right clarification
Senate SF0201 6 03/28/2012 Text icon DeKruif Criminal vehicular operation law gross negligence definition
Senate SF2426 5 03/28/2012 Text icon DeKruif Combination vehicles transporting property or equipment authorization
Senate HF2455 11 03/29/2012 Text icon DeKruif Montgomery land conveyance authorization
Senate SF1791 8 03/30/2012 Text icon DeKruif Motor vehicle dealers issuance of registration plates and stickers and lien satisfaction provisions modification
Senate SF1842 5 04/04/2012 Text icon DeKruif E-Verify program usage requirement
Senate HF2793 8 04/16/2012 147 Text icon DeKruif Combination vehicles transporting property or equipment authorization
Senate HF0518 5 04/19/2012 Text icon DeKruif State aid road program rulemaking authority modification; over-dimension motor vehicle permit provisions modification; bridge inspection and signing account establishment; water permitting process for transportation projects requirement
Senate SF1698 9 04/19/2012 Text icon DeKruif State aid road program rulemaking authority modification; over-dimension motor vehicle permit provisions modification; bridge inspection and signing account establishment; water permitting process for transportation projects requirement
Senate HF1976 8 04/19/2012 221 Text icon DeKruif E-Verify program usage requirement
Senate HF2789 3 04/19/2012 Text icon DeKruif Drug paraphernalia and methamphetamine paraphernalia definitions modifications
Senate SF1689 14 04/20/2012 192 Text icon DeKruif Veterans waiver of immunity to sue state for Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) violations; veteran-owned small businesses set aside program modification; veterans reemployment rights protections extension
Senate HF2187 9 04/20/2012 174 Text icon DeKruif Motor vehicle dealers issuance of registration plates and stickers and lien satisfaction provisions modification
Senate SF2271 10 04/23/2012 202 Text icon DeKruif Minnesota national guard military award issuance to nonmembers authorization
Senate SF0946 16 05/07/2012 263 Text icon DeKruif School districts joint operation and innovative delivery of education pilot project establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1597 13 05/07/2012 254 Text icon DeKruif Veteran-owned small business contracts bid preference county program authority; transportation department (DOT) highway construction projects small business contract bid preferences modifications for veteran-owned small businesses and small targeted group businesses
Senate SF1983 12 05/08/2012 289 Text icon DeKruif Construction code fund transfer to the general fund elimination; fire safety premiums surcharge and fire safety account allocation modification