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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

39 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Chief Authors of "Marty"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2619 2 04/27/2012 Text icon Marty Affordable housing construction and rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation, green energy in public buildings investments; capital improvements at institutions of higher education bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2604 2 04/23/2012 Text icon Marty Resolution for Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to clarify that the rights protected under the United States Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and to clarify that campaign contributions to influence elections are not free speech under the first amendment
Senate SF2584 2 03/29/2012 Text icon Marty Minnesota Children and Family Investment Program Act
Senate SF2479 2 03/15/2012 Text icon Marty Foreign operating corporations tax provisions modifications
Senate HF2447 8 04/27/2012 241 Text icon Marty Office of administrative hearings judge authority to perform marriages
Senate SF2267 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Marty Associated business definition modification
Senate SF2266 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Marty Political and campaign contributions provisions modifications
Senate SF2126 2 02/27/2012 Text icon Marty Charitable organizations salaries public disclosure regulations
Senate SF2106 5 04/20/2012 Text icon Marty Office of administrative hearings judge authority to perform marriages
Senate SF1955 2 02/20/2012 Text icon Marty Legislator confidential information misuse by legislative members prohibition
Senate SF1954 2 02/20/2012 Text icon Marty Campaign finance and public disclosure law public official definition addition
Senate SF1953 2 02/20/2012 Text icon Marty Injured employees civil remedy for employer willful or repeated safety laws violations
Senate SF1951 2 02/20/2012 Text icon Marty Antibiotics in animal feed prohibition; prescription drugs disposal prohibition
Senate SF1810 2 02/13/2012 Text icon Marty Cities solid waste collection process modification and organized collection committees establishment
Senate SF1746 3 02/13/2012 Text icon Marty Transit (bus) regular route fares reduction requirement
Senate SF1745 2 02/09/2012 Text icon Marty Metrodome transfer to the Minnesota Vikings; metropolitan sports facilities commission abolishment; local government competition for sports franchises prohibition
Senate SF1522 2 01/24/2012 Text icon Marty Constitutional amendment to recognize marriage as union between one man and one woman repeal
Senate SF1427 2 05/16/2011 Text icon Marty Marriage and Family Protection Act; gender-neutral marriage provisions
Senate SF1330 2 04/28/2011 Text icon Marty Conference committee negotiations open to the public requirement expansion
Senate SF1329 2 04/28/2011 Text icon Marty Lobbying restriction imposition for former public office holders
Senate SF1328 2 04/28/2011 Text icon Marty Welfare reform provisions for low-income workers basic needs; Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) and basic sliding fee child care programs consolidation; working family tax credit increase; minimum wage increase; Minnesota Emergency Employment Development (MEED) Act of 2011
Senate SF1315 2 04/27/2011 Text icon Marty Driving while impaired (DWI) and chemical dependency prevention initiatives and appropriations; alcoholic beverages tax increase
Senate SF1267 2 04/26/2011 Text icon Marty Minnesota Responsible Business Corporations Act
Senate SF1186 3 02/20/2012 Text icon Marty Medical assistance (MA) coverage for psychologist services; reimbursement rate for critical access mental health services increase
Senate SF1090 2 04/04/2011 Text icon Marty Medical assistance (MA) coverage modification for certain health related items; income tax modification for highest income Minnesotans
Senate SF1054 3 04/04/2011 Text icon Marty Medical assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare reform; state contracting with health care providers directly requirement
Senate SF1019 2 03/24/2011 Text icon Marty Family assets for independence grants appropriation
Senate SF0998 2 03/23/2011 Text icon Marty Alcohol judicial and health impact fund establishment, fund reimbursements and impact fee imposition; brewers tax credit increase
Senate SF0951 2 03/21/2011 Text icon Marty Arsenic additives in meat products prohibition
Senate SF0925 2 03/21/2011 Text icon Marty Tax policy and administration provisions modifications
Senate SF0705 4 05/02/2011 Text icon Marty Seized animals disposition requirements modifications
Senate SF0704 2 03/10/2011 Text icon Marty Electronic prescription drug program effective date extension for certain providers
Senate SF0631 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Marty Campaign finances treasurer reporting requirement
Senate SF0630 3 03/09/2011 Text icon Marty Estimated income tax payments threshold increase
Senate SF0600 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Marty Foreclosed property, property valuation freeze and tax exclusion for improvements
Senate SF0599 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Marty Human services public assistance reporting information system (PARIS) use expansion
Senate SF0457 3 04/11/2011 Text icon Marty Managed care oversight and accountability in health care program contracts requirement
Senate SF0269 2 02/09/2011 Text icon Marty School finance system modification, education funding framework creation
Senate SF0008 2 01/10/2011 Text icon Marty Minnesota Health Plan; Minnesota health board, Minnesota health fund, office of health quality and planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and health plan inspector general establishment; appropriation