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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

129 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Frederickson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF0607 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources appropriations; legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota resources (LCCMR) membership modification
Senate SF0924 3 03/05/2009 Text icon Anderson University of Minnesota comprehensive statewide sustainable water resources detailed framework project
Senate SF0995 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Anderson Office of public accountability for constitutionally dedicated natural resources funding; parks and trails fund, outdoor heritage fund, clean water fund and environment and natural resources trust fund oversight and expenditure criteria establishment
Senate SF1012 14 05/18/2009 143 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources appropriations; legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota resources (LCCMR) funding recommendation duties modifications
Senate SF1251 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Anderson Legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota resources (LCCMR) citizen membership terms
Senate SF1557 3 03/26/2009 Text icon Anderson Energy finance appropriations
Senate SF1641 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Anderson Environment, natural resources and energy appropriations; fees imposition expansion
Senate SF1730 3 03/24/2009 Text icon Anderson Parks and trails fund receipts disposition requirements and appropriations; parks and trails legacy grant program
Senate SF2099 10 04/23/2009 Text icon Anderson Omnibus environment, natural resources and energy appropriations
Senate SF2106 2 04/22/2009 Text icon Anderson Natural resources dedicated funds appropriation; legislative auditor dedicated funds audit appropriations
Senate SF2462 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Anderson Legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota resources (LCCMR) environment and natural resources appropriations
Senate SF2588 3 02/16/2010 Text icon Anderson Lake Vermilion state park purchase restriction removal
Senate SF3275 15 05/13/2010 361 Text icon Anderson Omnibus environment, energy and natural resources policy and finance bill; outdoor heritage appropriations
Senate SF1481 24 05/14/2010 337 Text icon Bakk State employees retirement incentives
Senate SF1729 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Bakk State parks and trails appropriation; operations, maintenance, planning and report requirements
Senate SF2533 7 03/29/2010 Text icon Bakk Lake Vermilion state park and Soudan underground mine state park land management provisions modifications; payments in lieu of tax for park land provisions modifications
Senate SF2890 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Bakk Public access acquisition for public waters without a public access moratorium establishment
Senate SF2895 3 03/17/2010 Text icon Bonoff Unemployment insurance administrative, benefit and tax provisions modifications; special state extended unemployment insurance program establishment
Senate SF0845 2 02/19/2009 Text icon Carlson Nonferrous metallic mineral mining permits issuance prohibition; financial assurance from operator of nonferrous metallic mineral mine requirements
Senate SF2349 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Carlson Nonferrous metallic mineral mining financial assurance
Senate SF0353 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Chaudhary State outdoor recreation system land sales prohibition
Senate SF1110 5 04/01/2009 Text icon Chaudhary Natural resources, fishing, state park, outdoor recreation and reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) program provisions modifications; off-highway vehicles seizure and forfeiture provisions and criminal penalties imposition; all-terrain vehicles operating restrictions expansion
Senate SF1629 3 04/01/2009 Text icon Chaudhary Wellhead protection areas reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) reserve program eligibility
Senate SF1655 3 03/19/2009 Text icon Chaudhary Off-highway vehicles seizure and forfeiture provisions and criminal penalties imposition; all-terrain vehicles operating restrictions expansion
Senate SF1836 3 03/30/2009 Text icon Chaudhary Clean water legacy and drinking water protection activities appropriations
Senate SF2472 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Chaudhary Aquatic and wildlife management areas and critical habitat bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2916 3 03/08/2010 Text icon Chaudhary Natural resources department (DNR) administrative accounts, registration, definitions, routes, fees, dispositions, competitive bidding, beaver dam, trails, master plan, water law and nongame checkoff fee use modifications; Lake Vermilion state park land acquisition authority
Senate SF1569 11 05/07/2009 65 Text icon Clark Workforce development; local workforce council representative requirements modifications; local collaboration projects establishment
Senate SF1651 9 05/11/2009 Text icon Cohen Clean water legacy and drinking water protection activities appropriation; clean water legacy website, logo for signage and 25 year strategic plan establishment
Senate SF2403 3 02/25/2010 Text icon Dahle Minnesota Valley regional railroad authority track rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0803 2 02/19/2009 Text icon Dibble Disabled persons increased employment opportunities nonprofit organization grant appropriation
Senate SF1173 2 03/05/2009 Text icon Dibble State forest traditional areas designation
Senate SF1174 2 03/05/2009 Text icon Dibble Managed forests for off-road vehicle use elimination; forest classification requirements modification
Senate SF1909 2 03/26/2009 Text icon Dibble Moist snuff tobacco tax and tobacco health impact fee modifications
Senate SF1623 9 05/18/2009 171 Text icon Dille Resolution to urge the President and Congress to repeal the federal legislation of 1863 ordering the removal of Dakota people from Minnesota and the Dakotas
Senate SF0477 16 05/17/2009 121 Text icon Doll Paint stewardship pilot program; used architectural paint collection and processing
Senate SF0496 7 03/05/2009 Text icon Erickson Ropes Minnesota suicide prevention plan modification
Senate SF0978 10 04/21/2009 26 Text icon Erickson Ropes Shaken baby syndrome training for licensed child care, child foster care and family child care programs modifications
Senate SF1516 3 03/18/2009 Text icon Erickson Ropes Disabled veterans and current uniformed military members on active service free public transit use authorization
Senate SF2270 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Erickson Ropes County veteran service officers estimated costs of salaries and expenses special levies
Senate SF3272 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Erickson Ropes Prairie Island nuclear plant monitoring network work group establishment
Senate SF3424 2 05/14/2010 Text icon Erickson Ropes Cooperative fuel purchasing local units of government access authorization
Senate SF0850 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Fobbe Water and soil resources board (BWSR) membership composition modification
Senate SR0189 2 05/03/2010 Text icon Frederickson A Senate resolution honoring Florence Anderson on the occasion of her 100th birthday
Senate SF0275 8 05/06/2009 49 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota River basin joint powers board name change to Minnesota River board and provisions modifications
Senate SF0375 2 02/02/2009 Text icon Frederickson Marshall wind energy and ethanol fuel training facilities construction authorization
Senate SF0435 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Frederickson Wildlife area land acquisition and improvements and publicly owned dams bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0876 3 02/26/2009 Text icon Frederickson Redwood county veterans cemetery bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1039 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota inventors congress grants appropriation
Senate SF1069 3 03/05/2009 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota Missing Children's Act name change to Minnesota Missing Persons Act and provisions modification
Senate SF1093 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Frederickson Sleepy Eye street improvement districts establishment
Senate SF1146 5 04/22/2009 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota Missing Children's Act name change to Minnesota Missing Persons' Act and provisions modification; Brandon's law
Senate HF1242 8 05/05/2009 38 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota Missing Children's Act name change to Minnesota Missing Persons' Act and provisions modification; Brandon's law
Senate SF1329 9 04/07/2009 16 Text icon Frederickson Clean water and drinking water revolving fund loans and grants use of federal stimulus funds
Senate SF1353 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Frederickson Gift cards and certificates sale by commissioner of natural resources authorization
Senate SF1477 13 05/18/2009 146 Text icon Frederickson Redwood county Gilfillan Estate state building code limited exemption authority
Senate SF1913 2 03/26/2009 Text icon Frederickson Clean water legacy activities appropriations
Senate SF2092 2 04/17/2009 Text icon Frederickson Property tax deferment for riparian buffer lands
Senate SF2102 2 04/21/2009 Text icon Frederickson Lower Minnesota River biological assessment appropriation
Senate SF2201 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Frederickson State park land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2202 3 02/08/2010 Text icon Frederickson Redwood county material recovery facility bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2543 2 02/11/2010 Text icon Frederickson Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) funds use for mitigation prohibition; natural resources asset preservation and RIM bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2545 2 02/11/2010 Text icon Frederickson Sales tax exemption for public safety radio communications equipment
Senate SF2546 2 02/11/2010 Text icon Frederickson Marshall Minnesota emergency response and industrial training (MERIT) center expansion grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2575 2 02/15/2010 Text icon Frederickson H1N1 flu prevention activities eligibility for school district health and safety revenue
Senate SF2581 2 02/15/2010 Text icon Frederickson Career and technical education levy school district reporting requirements repeal
Senate SF2781 2 02/22/2010 Text icon Frederickson Marshall sales and use tax, local lodging tax and local food and beverages tax imposition authority
Senate SF2873 11 05/07/2010 290 Text icon Frederickson Public facilities authority duties and programs modifications; department of employment and economic development (DEED) employees transfer to public facilities authority
Senate SF3271 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Frederickson Independent school district #837, Madelia; permanent fund transfer authorization
Senate SF3407 2 05/07/2010 Text icon Frederickson Prevailing hours of labor requirements modification
Senate SF1486 10 05/05/2009 42 Text icon Higgins Electronic products recycling (e-waste) manufacturer and retailer responsibilities modifications
Senate SF0074 3 04/01/2009 Text icon Jungbauer Recycled water use standards
Senate SF1203 4 04/14/2009 Text icon Koering Diesel truck idling reduction device grant program and federal funds application requirement
Senate SF0203 11 05/13/2009 97 Text icon Kubly Health cooperative arrangements oversight
Senate SF1410 5 03/30/2009 Text icon Kubly Noxious weed law modifications; noxious weed and invasive plant species assistance fund and committee establishment; noxious weed advisory committee establishment
Senate SF2111 2 04/23/2009 Text icon Kubly Counties joint purchase of energy and energy generation projects
Senate SF2361 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Kubly Fort Ridgely state park campground road bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2419 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Kubly State trails, trail connections and regional trails bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3019 10 05/15/2010 353 Text icon Kubly Publicly owned nursing facilities rate increase; local share of nonfederal medical assistance costs responsibility requirement; federal approval implementation requirement; programs for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) authorization modifications and appropriations
Senate SF3379 8 05/15/2010 377 Text icon Langseth Federal disaster assistance (FEMA) matching appropriation for 2010 spring flooding
Senate SR0098 2 05/14/2009 Text icon Metzen A Senate resolution honoring Dick Anfang
Senate SF0919 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Metzen Natural resources asset preservation and replacement (NRAPR) establishment
Senate SF0868 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Moua St. Paul Asian Pacific cultural center construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1142 8 03/30/2009 10 Text icon Murphy Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day
Senate SF1518 2 03/16/2009 Text icon Murphy Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day
Senate SF2586 3 03/18/2010 Text icon Murphy Constitutional amendment for temporary successors to members of the legislature called into active military service
Senate SF0782 5 03/24/2009 Text icon Olseen School bus postcrash procedures modification
Senate SF2440 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Olseen Natural and scenic areas and regional parks bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1267 3 03/25/2009 Text icon Olson, M. Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) tenured faculty defined benefit plan retirement coverage election authorization
Senate SF1266 4 03/25/2009 Text icon Pappas Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) early separation incentive programs authorization
Senate SF0231 3 03/05/2009 Text icon Pariseau Free either-sex deer permit for discharged armed forces service members
Senate SF1724 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Pogemiller Income tax credit for historic structure rehabilitation
Senate SR0060 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Rest A Senate resolution supporting the extinguishing of all nonessential lighting for the hour between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. on March 28, 2009, to conserve energy as part of Earth Hour and recognizing March 28, 2009, as Earth Hour Day in Minnesota
Senate SR0157 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Rest A Senate resolution supporting the extinguishing of all nonessential lighting for the hour between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. on March 28, 2010, to conserve energy as part of Earth Hour and recognizing March 28, 2010, as Earth Hour Day in Minnesota
Senate SR0043 2 03/05/2009 Text icon Rosen A Senate resolution honoring Helen Gould for 26 years of dedicated service to the Fairmont school board
Senate SF0715 2 02/16/2009 Text icon Rosen Winnebago wastewater treatment piping grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3140 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Rosen Watercraft water drainage requirement; civil penalty modifications
Senate SF3380 2 04/21/2010 Text icon Rosen Federal disaster assistance (FEMA) matching appropriation for 2010 spring flooding
Senate SF0617 3 02/19/2009 Text icon Rummel Renewable energy design projects for K-12 schools grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2418 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Rummel Anaerobic digester bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0618 3 03/05/2009 Text icon Saltzman Development and regulation of consumer products advisory council
Senate SF2752 12 05/14/2010 338 Text icon Saltzman Lower St. Croix River area land use modifications
Senate SF2941 9 04/20/2010 Text icon Saltzman County agricultural extension work funding expansion
Senate SF1064 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Saxhaug Nonresident all-terrain vehicle operators state trail pass requirement
Senate SF1927 10 05/11/2009 Text icon Saxhaug Outdoor heritage appropriations; Lessard outdoor heritage council administration modifications
Senate SF2691 5 03/11/2010 Text icon Saxhaug Natural resources definitions repeal
Senate SF2760 3 03/11/2010 Text icon Saxhaug Burning permits provisions modification; forestry service fees establishment authority modification; timber sales provisions modifications; forest management pilot projects and reports requirements elimination
Senate SF2821 3 03/08/2010 Text icon Saxhaug Off-highway vehicle seasons modification; off-highway vehicle youth operation requirements modifications; nonresident all-terrain vehicle (ATV) state trail pass provisions modification; all-terrain vehicle (ATV) use by a person under 12 on public lands provisions modifications
Senate SF0031 4 02/05/2009 Text icon Scheid Wine shipments into state restrictions and penalties modifications
Senate SF0225 6 04/07/2009 Text icon Scheid Children's health toxic chemicals in products protection
Senate SF2638 3 02/18/2010 Text icon Scheid School districts health and safety levy usage for seasonal virus prevention
Senate SF2761 2 02/22/2010 Text icon Scheid Environmental and resource management permits efficiency requirements modifications
Senate SF3402 2 05/04/2010 Text icon Scheid Tobacco Modernization and Compliance Act of 2010
Senate SF1502 2 03/16/2009 Text icon Senjem Shining artificial lights use for wild animal location restrictions modifications and penalties
Senate SF0479 3 02/26/2009 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Valley regional rail authority railroad track rehabilitation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1043 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Valley regional rail authority loan forgiveness agreement
Senate SF1465 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Sheran Electronically stored instructional notes government data exclusion
Senate SF1643 4 04/14/2009 Text icon Sheran Trunk highway construction environmental impact statement completion requirement
Senate SF2119 2 04/27/2009 Text icon Sheran History education learning program (HELP) establishment and appropriation
Senate SF2697 2 02/18/2010 Text icon Sheran Resolution urging the United States Mission to the United Nations to create the position of youth delegate
Senate SF2794 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Sheran Trunk highway #14 construction projects requirements specifications
Senate SF2656 3 03/04/2010 Text icon Skoe Watershed districts borrowing authority increase
Senate SF0364 18 05/11/2010 298 Text icon Sparks Drainage systems provisions modifications
Senate SF1466 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Tomassoni Labor or employee organizations provisions modification; employee deduction requirement; public employee definition and collective bargaining organizations provisions modifications
Senate SF2676 5 04/07/2010 Text icon Tomassoni Solar photovoltaic modules rebate program and appropriation
Senate SF1608 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Torres Ray Youthbuild programs grant use expansion and appropriation
Senate SF2593 6 03/11/2010 Text icon Torres Ray Environmentally sensitive cleaning products public buildings use requirement
Senate SF1319 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Vickerman Minnesota River basin projects floodplain management grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2137 2 05/08/2009 Text icon Vickerman Flood hazard mitigation Minnesota River basin grant bond issue and appropriation