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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

80 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Ortman"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3427 2 05/14/2010 Text icon Ortman Metropolitan council financial assistance formula for cities and towns with replacement transit service modification
Senate SF3413 2 05/10/2010 Text icon Bakk Tax Expenditure Review Act
Senate SF3276 4 03/18/2010 Text icon Ortman Resolution urging congressional delegation to vote against the federal health care reform bill
Senate SF3264 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Ortman Transportation department (DOT) towing authority in the metropolitan area expansion
Senate SF3257 2 03/15/2010 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Fraudulent finance statements felony extension to retaliation against a sheriff for executing the duties connected with a sheriff sale and county recorder for executing the duties connected with a lien placed on real property
Senate SF3197 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Koch I'm not taxed enough already fund checkoff establishment on individual income and property tax returns
Senate SF3173 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Ortman Charter schools finance provisions modifications
Senate SF3170 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Ortman Economic development grant program expansion
Senate SF3136 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Ortman Unlawful business practices violation private remedies limitations
Senate SF3085 2 03/08/2010 Text icon Hann State government supplemental appropriations for unallotment compliance purposes, appropriation reductions and policy changes
Senate SF3032 2 03/08/2010 Text icon Ortman Miscellaneous tax provisions, economic development, job creation, angel investment and business investment company credits and income tax provisions modifications, TECHZ business program, property tax reduction refunds and payment agreements modifications
Senate SF3031 9 03/26/2010 Text icon Pappas Eminent domain right of first refusal modification for property obtained with federal transit funding
Senate SF3023 2 03/04/2010 Text icon Scheid Limitation period for civil actions reduction
Senate SF2947 2 03/04/2010 Text icon Ortman Metropolitan council oversight transfer to the legislature
Senate SF2899 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Olseen Orderly annexation agreements limitation
Senate SF2898 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Olseen Orderly annexation proceeding referendum by petition authorization
Senate SF2892 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Michel Economic development, job creation, angel investment and business investment company credits and income tax provisions modifications
Senate SF2883 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Ortman Full social security number exclusion from certain medical assistance (MA) documents filed with the county recorder or registrar of titles
Senate SF2834 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Bakk Tort claims liability limits for state and local governments restoration; municipality contracts maximum liability provision modification
Senate SF2771 2 02/22/2010 Text icon Limmer Forfeiture of property by judicial action expedited hearings process
Senate SF2695 17 05/11/2010 348 Text icon Sheran Pregnant women mandatory drug reporting requirements modifications
Senate SF2688 3 03/01/2010 Text icon Anderson Homeless prevention and food shelf income tax checkoff
Senate SF2652 2 02/16/2010 Text icon Torres Ray Crime of prostitution provisions modification
Senate SF2606 2 02/15/2010 Text icon Bonoff Hydroelectric generating facility construction sales tax exemption extension
Senate SF2555 7 03/25/2010 Text icon Senjem Immunity from liability for volunteer entities assisting a local jurisdiction during an emergency or disaster
Senate SF2448 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Robling Special tax district levies separate statement requirement on tax statements
Senate SF2378 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Ortman Chanhassen Bluff Creek ravine stabilization grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2377 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Ortman Chanhassen trail and storm water improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2376 4 05/07/2010 Text icon Ortman Chanhassen trail underpass bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2121 2 04/28/2009 Text icon Gerlach Nonprofits fund-raising sales tax exemption increase and eligibility expansion
Senate SF2031 2 04/02/2009 Text icon Ortman Pass-through income tax exemption; accounting, financial planning, brokerage and legal services sales tax imposition; sales tax on clothing modification; political subdivisions sales tax exemption
Senate SF2009 2 04/01/2009 Text icon Hann Income tax subtraction for health insurance premiums
Senate SF1981 2 03/30/2009 Text icon Kelash Mortgagor homestead sale postponement
Senate SF1979 2 03/30/2009 Text icon Limmer Interstate highway #494 additional lane appropriation and bond issue
Senate SF1908 2 03/26/2009 Text icon Ortman Pupil transportation equal treatment statute similar departments definition
Senate SF1900 3 03/26/2009 Text icon Olson, G. Independent school district #110, Waconia; geothermal water-to-water heat pump system grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1709 3 03/26/2009 Text icon Ortman Minnesota Prescription Program to Prevent Fraud and Abuse Act of 2009
Senate SF1692 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Income tax subtraction for military pension or retirement income
Senate SF1683 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Ortman Marijuana plant possession crime establishment; sale and possession amounts modifications
Senate SF1467 10 05/06/2009 56 Text icon Fobbe Rural residential district speed limits
Senate SF1422 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Rest Property tax statement prescribed content modification
Senate SF1351 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Koch Legislature size reduction
Senate SF1290 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Higgins High-risk adults demonstration project appropriation
Senate SF1264 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Ortman Human trafficking data publishing requirement
Senate SF1257 5 05/06/2009 Text icon Bakk Obligations issuance and financing of public improvements terms and conditions provisions modifications; mail elections restrictions modifications; Cook county bonding authority limit increase; St. Paul port authority application fee credit for future bond sale authorization; Minneapolis special street light provisions repeal
Senate SF1236 2 03/05/2009 Text icon Ortman Crime of trespass expansion to prohibit entry into areas cordoned off by peace officers
Senate SF1231 4 03/23/2009 Text icon Latz Criminal records expungement law recodification and restructuring and eligibility expansion
Senate SF1196 4 03/24/2009 Text icon Foley Fourth judicial district misdemeanor violations bureau locations flexibility
Senate SF1188 3 02/22/2010 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Moose Lake correctional facility control transfer and sex offender treatment program facility designation; private and state-funded prison comparison standards established
Senate SF1183 5 04/16/2009 Text icon Olseen Trunk highway system legislative routes #290 and #293 removal
Senate SF1090 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Dibble Railroad track maintenance expenditures income tax subtraction
Senate SF1089 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Dibble Railroad track maintenance income tax credit
Senate SF1083 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Ortman Conciliation court civil claim limit increase
Senate SF1065 3 03/24/2009 Text icon Betzold Class actions interlocutory appeal authority
Senate SF1047 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Rest Local government units special levy limit provisions modifications
Senate SF1043 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Valley regional rail authority loan forgiveness agreement
Senate SF0963 7 05/16/2009 Text icon Ortman Forensic laboratory advisory board modifications
Senate SF0938 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Robling Scott county regional public safety training facility expansion construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0828 2 02/19/2009 Text icon Rest Property tax fiscal disparities contribution net tax capacities and distribution levies determination one-year lag elimination
Senate SF0806 8 05/08/2009 68 Text icon Dahle Consumer short-term (pay day) loan lending regulation
Senate SF0732 2 02/16/2009 Text icon Dibble Metropolitan transit self-sufficiency discount passes to charitable organizations authorization
Senate SF0724 3 03/18/2009 Text icon Saltzman Income tax credit for investments in qualified high technology business ventures
Senate SF0646 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Betzold Business screening services definition modification
Senate SF0645 3 03/19/2009 Text icon Ortman Nonviolent controlled substance (drug) offenders mandatory minimum sentences and conditional release program modifications
Senate SF0642 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Murphy Rail service improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0612 6 03/25/2010 Text icon Latz Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act
Senate SF0517 2 02/09/2009 Text icon Ortman Maximum homestead property tax (cap) program
Senate SF0507 3 03/09/2009 Text icon Ortman Business interest rate tax imposition provision
Senate SF0479 3 02/26/2009 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Valley regional rail authority railroad track rehabilitation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0476 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Ortman Property tax early payment discount provision; proposed property tax statements content requirements modifications
Senate SF0433 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Bonoff School finance alternative facilities bonding and levy program modification
Senate SF0421 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Ortman Cities local government aid (LGA) increase
Senate SF0385 2 02/02/2009 Text icon Koch Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) property deferment provisions modifications; agricultural property classification definition expansion
Senate SF0355 2 01/29/2009 Text icon Koch Nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition elimination
Senate SF0331 2 01/29/2009 Text icon Rest Tax refund claims time modification
Senate SF0326 2 01/29/2009 Text icon Koch Drug paraphernalia crime provisions modifications
Senate SF0252 2 01/26/2009 Text icon Bakk Federal tax update; withholding on differential pay tax penalty assessment prohibition; housing bonds exclusion from alternative minimum taxable income
Senate SF0233 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Bakk Constitutional amendment to change method to propose amendments to the state constitution
Senate SF0190 3 02/16/2009 Text icon Ortman Ryan's Vital Record Rights Act
Senate SR0046 2 03/05/2009 Text icon Rest A Senate resolution congratulating the Chaska High School Quiz Bowl team on winning the Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl championship