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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

207 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Authors of "Clark"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3835 7 05/08/2008 Text icon Berglin Constitutional amendment for health care provider tax proceeds dedication to MinnesotaCare and health care access
Senate SF3828 4 04/16/2008 Text icon Bonoff School finance system modification and education funding framework creation
Senate SF3827 2 04/07/2008 Text icon Bonoff At-risk four-year old early childhood program
Senate SF3808 2 03/31/2008 Text icon Pappas Special Mississippi River motor vehicle license plates
Senate HF3796 7 05/18/2008 Text icon Clark Constitutional amendment for council to prescribe salaries and per diem for legislators
Senate SF3793 9 05/16/2008 Text icon Clark Constitutional amendment for a council to prescribe salaries for legislators and executive officers
Senate SF3649 5 05/18/2008 Text icon Anderson Help America vote act account secretary of state funds transfer authorization
Senate SF3578 2 03/10/2008 Text icon Olseen Tax-forfeited land proceeds special assessment apportionment
Senate HF3574 8 05/12/2008 322 Text icon Bakk State building code application and enforcement regulation; residential contractors and remodelers continuing education content modification; Duluth entertainment and convention center contracts authority
Senate SF3503 2 03/06/2008 Text icon Clark Teacher quality and academic and career education advisory task force
Senate SF3493 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Clark Early childhood education school age care program modification
Senate SF3492 17 05/17/2008 316 Text icon Clark Orders for protection and restraining orders duration extension
Senate SF3491 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Clark P-16 education partnership legislative members inclusion
Senate SF3490 2 03/05/2008 Text icon Pappas Power of you postsecondary education program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF3489 2 03/05/2008 Text icon Pappas High school students life plan requirement
Senate SF3485 2 03/05/2008 Text icon Clark MnSCU board policy on credit requirements prior appropriation clarification
Senate SF3472 3 03/13/2008 Text icon Clark Minnesota Milestones goals and indicators budget preparation incorporation; legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy government accountability subcommittee creation
Senate SF3436 3 03/25/2008 Text icon Doll Minnesota historical society teacher professional and curriculum development appropriation
Senate SF3396 13 05/17/2008 352 Text icon Anderson Minnesota Subprime Borrower Relief Act of 2008
Senate SF3387 2 03/03/2008 Text icon Robling Higher education student financial aid, GI and private institutions provisions modifications
Senate SF3376 3 03/19/2008 Text icon Higgins Posttraumatic stress disorder screening requirement and disposition options for certain defendants in criminal cases
Senate SF3360 14 05/17/2008 353 Text icon Foley Animal fighting events penalties increase
Senate HF3357 8 04/21/2008 196 Text icon Olseen Municipal boundary adjustments provisions modifications
Senate SF3321 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Saltzman Gifted and talented student data report requirements
Senate SF3317 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Saltzman Education commissioner unadopted rules enforcement prohibition
Senate SF3316 4 05/07/2008 Text icon Saltzman Teacher leave of absence request for charter school teaching time period modifications
Senate SF3312 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Rummel Minnesota humanities center grant appropriation
Senate SF3291 6 04/23/2008 Text icon Bakk State building code application and enforcement regulation
Senate SF3244 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Skogen Principals leadership institute grant appropriation
Senate SF3226 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Bonoff Office of early learning creation; school readiness assessments and kindergarten transition strategies establishment
Senate SF3208 5 04/02/2008 Text icon Olseen Municipal boundary adjustments provisions modifications
Senate SF3205 3 03/05/2008 Text icon Fischbach Nurses loan forgiveness program clarification
Senate SF3194 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Bonoff State and school district technology standards
Senate SF3153 3 02/28/2008 Text icon Clark Early childhood education office creation
Senate SF3152 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud national guard training and community center roof replacement bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3143 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud technical college asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3142 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud state university asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3128 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Cohen State budget revenue forecast inflation inclusion
Senate SF3113 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Rosen Community action agencies auto repair and purchase grants appropriation
Senate SF3093 6 04/28/2008 Text icon Dibble Guaranteed energy savings contracts provisions modifications
Senate SF3079 3 03/13/2008 Text icon Olson, M. American Indian tribes and communities contributions board of teaching instruction integration requirement; American Indian education programs committee establishment
Senate SF3074 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Higgins Theft definition expansion
Senate SF3069 10 05/05/2008 251 Text icon Michel Special 2008 U.S. Womens Open motor vehicle license plates temporary permits issuance
Senate SF3044 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Bonoff School readiness assessment and kindergarten transition strategies grants
Senate HF3034 8 05/15/2008 337 Text icon Scheid Electrical, plumbing, water conditioning, boiler, residential contractor and remodeler and high-pressure piping professions and manufactured home provisions modifications; water free urinals prohibition elimination
Senate SF3017 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Sparks Native prairie bank easements and scientific and natural areas acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2959 2 02/21/2008 Text icon Prettner Solon Rural hospital payment adjustments expansion to diagnosis related groups
Senate SF2941 10 05/17/2008 321 Text icon Marty Justin's Law; drug prescribing and filling provisions modification; chiropractic examinations or treatments regulation
Senate SF2926 4 03/10/2008 Text icon Scheid Electrical, plumbing, water conditioning, boiler, residential contractor and remodeler and high-pressure piping professions and manufactured home provisions modifications
Senate SF2871 2 02/20/2008 Text icon Clark Correctional facilities asset preservation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2851 3 03/11/2008 Text icon Scheid Child care assistance provider reimbursement rate increase and appropriation
Senate SF2850 3 03/11/2008 Text icon Scheid Child care absent day requirements effective date modification
Senate SF2849 3 03/11/2008 Text icon Scheid Child care assistance basic sliding fee waiting list appropriation
Senate SF2846 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Pappas Teacher education and compensation helps (TEACH) program administrative funding clarification
Senate SF2841 2 02/20/2008 Text icon Clark Property tax exemption for public charity institutions clarification
Senate SF2822 18 04/21/2008 208 Text icon Clark Insurance standard of conduct (first party good faith) insurance claims practices regulation
Senate SF2804 6 04/01/2008 Text icon Rest Schools environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products use requirement and task force creation
Senate SF2747 5 03/13/2008 Text icon Betzold School district employees statewide health insurance pool
Senate SF2743 3 02/20/2008 Text icon Torres Ray Child care assistance reimbursement rate modification
Senate SF2669 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Rummel Early childhood education developmental screening aid modification
Senate SF2603 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Latz Perpich center for arts education capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2598 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Saltzman Domestic abuse no contact order violations criminal penalties increase
Senate SF2493 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark Early childhood learning and child protection facilities grants modification, bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2478 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud technical college allied health center renovation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2477 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud state university Brown and Centennial halls and student service building renovation and skyway construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2476 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud state university integrated science and engineering lab design bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2414 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Fischbach Sartell central Minnesota regional parks and trails bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2413 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud civic center expansion bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2412 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark St. Cloud regional airport land acquisition and capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2401 5 04/07/2008 Text icon Rest Constitutional amendment for judicial vacancies
Senate SF2397 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark Independent school district #750, Rocori; disability access account fund transfer
Senate SF2396 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark Rocori trail bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2395 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Clark Quarry Park and Nature Preserve land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2314 2 05/18/2007 Text icon Clark Northstar corridor commuter rail line extension bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2302 2 05/15/2007 Text icon Clark Sales tax exemption for St. Cloud police and fire stations construction materials and supplies
Senate SF2294 3 03/05/2008 Text icon Betzold Pawnbrokers and secondhand goods dealers customer and personal property data access regulation
Senate HF2245 19 05/21/2007 146 Text icon Clark Omnibus E-12 education, family and adult education appropriations
Senate SF2224 2 04/12/2007 Text icon Clark Military members in active service alternative statutory short form for general powers of attorney
Senate SF2210 2 03/31/2007 Text icon Erickson Ropes Resolution supporting Amtrak funding
Senate SF2189 2 03/29/2007 Text icon Clark Postsecondary educational institution students meningitis immunization waiver
Senate SF2173 10 05/17/2007 Text icon Clark Breach of insurance policy damages and attorney fees recovery
Senate SF2154 2 03/26/2007 Text icon Olson, M. Teachers retirement association prior service credit purchase and membership eligibility
Senate SF2153 2 03/26/2007 Text icon Olson, M. MnSCU unclaimed account procedures for individual retirement account plan and supplemental plan
Senate SF2152 2 03/26/2007 Text icon Olson, M. MnSCU employees Roth account option requirement
Senate SF2110 2 03/23/2007 Text icon Clark School districts integration revenue modification
Senate SF2109 2 03/23/2007 Text icon Clark Local government units regional inter-local service sharing grants appropriation
Senate SF2092 2 03/22/2007 Text icon Clark Business incubator for startup science based companies grant appropriation
Senate SF2054 8 03/28/2007 Text icon Pogemiller State budget reserve modification
Senate SF2050 3 03/22/2007 Text icon Jungbauer Sales tax exemption for political subdivisions roads, bridges and airports construction materials
Senate SF2045 2 03/21/2007 Text icon Clark Elections open primary with party designations for partisan offices
Senate SF2034 6 04/16/2007 Text icon Clark Minnesota Milestones work group
Senate SF2033 3 03/30/2007 Text icon Rest Sustainable growth working group
Senate SF1991 2 03/19/2007 Text icon Clark Stearns and Benton counties Minnesota family investment pilot program
Senate SF1990 2 03/19/2007 Text icon Clark Minnesota family investment program advisory task force
Senate SF1973 2 03/19/2007 Text icon Olson, M. Parenting time service providers appropriation
Senate SF1904 4 04/13/2007 Text icon Rummel Educational accountability office appropriation; school performance report cards requirements modifications and advisory group formation
Senate SF1903 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Rummel School districts falling below average revenue funding adjustment
Senate SF1875 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Erickson Ropes Counseling services for returning soldiers and veterans accessibility improvement
Senate SF1863 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Clark Hennepin and Ramsey counties licensed family child care providers increased provider connections
Senate SF1857 6 04/25/2007 Text icon Anderson Cold weather rule for public utilities
Senate SF1829 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Saltzman Schools gifted and talented students and programs administrator, teacher, program coordinator and specialist licensure requirements
Senate SF1828 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Saltzman Schools gifted and talented students increased revenue and identification requirement
Senate SF1822 6 04/27/2007 Text icon Clark Domestic abuse victims lease termination authority
Senate SF1777 2 03/12/2007 Text icon Larson Income tax dependent care credit equalization for licensed family day care providers
Senate SF1776 2 03/12/2007 Text icon Larson Income tax subtraction for reimbursements from a federal nutrition program
Senate SF1745 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Saltzman Learning law and democracy foundation grant appropriation
Senate SF1696 6 04/12/2007 Text icon Clark Public utilities low income residential ratepayers affordability programs provision modification
Senate SF1688 9 05/21/2007 Text icon Skoe Motor vehicle carriers insurance requirements for nonprofit organizations modification
Senate SF1666 3 03/15/2007 Text icon Clark Bioscience business promotion and marketing program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1659 2 03/08/2007 Text icon Wergin Sales tax exemption for Sherburne county public works building construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF1616 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Scheid Workforce development intermediaries grants in aid
Senate SF1611 9 03/31/2007 Text icon Stumpf Prekindergarten Education Act; basic general education formula allowance increase; university of Minnesota, MnSCU and office of higher education funding increase; income tax rates modification
Senate SF1590 3 03/19/2007 Text icon Clark Loan Repayment Assistance Program of Minnesota, Inc. loan repayment assistance awards appropriation
Senate SF1537 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Neuville Uniform Power of Attorney Act
Senate SF1536 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Michel Uniform Principal and Income Act (2000)
Senate SF1504 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Clark Child care provider study and appropriation
Senate SF1447 2 03/01/2007 Text icon Clark Northstar corridor development authority commuter rail technical analysis appropriation
Senate SF1439 4 04/12/2007 Text icon Clark Character development education revenue pilot program appropriation
Senate SF1415 2 03/01/2007 Text icon Clark Extraordinary special education revenue component establishment
Senate SF1372 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Clark Cities local government aid (LGA) increase
Senate SF1371 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Clark Income tax maximum long term care insurance premiums credit increase
Senate SF1366 6 04/18/2007 Text icon Clark Special primary and special election requirements modification
Senate SF1295 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Wergin Cities local sales taxes imposition and bonding authority
Senate SF1294 8 03/29/2007 10 Text icon Olseen Public utilities commission electronic filing authorization
Senate SF1273 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Scheid Schools site decision making program grants appropriation
Senate SF1264 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Dille Postsecondary institutions students personal financial management training requirement
Senate SF1253 4 04/12/2007 Text icon Marty Manufactured home park right of first refusal upon sale requirement
Senate HF1208 17 05/21/2007 140 Text icon Scheid Construction codes and licensing provisions recodification and modification
Senate SF1194 8 04/27/2007 Text icon Marty Cigarettes safety standards
Senate SF1190 3 03/07/2007 Text icon Saltzman Early intervention adequate yearly progress (AYP) grants and appropriations
Senate SF1152 2 02/22/2007 Text icon Clark Insurance company direct liability and good faith practice requirements
Senate SF1076 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Rosen Income tax subtraction for education loan principal and interest payments
Senate SF1061 7 05/17/2007 Text icon Pappas Certificate of pay equity compliance for state contracts requirement
Senate SF1027 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Erickson Ropes University of Minnesota organic research and education initiative
Senate SF1026 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Sheran Minnesota institute for sustainable agriculture alternative livestock research and outreach appropriation
Senate SF1021 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Sheran Property tax refund increase
Senate SF1010 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Skoe Augsburg college chemically dependent students academic program grant appropriation
Senate SF1009 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Doll Minnesota Public Utilities Holding Company Act
Senate SF0998 7 05/16/2007 Text icon Scheid Construction codes and licensing provisions recodification and modification
Senate SF0987 3 03/12/2007 Text icon Saltzman Minnesota reading corps program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0965 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Sieben Income tax credit for adoption expenses
Senate SF0944 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Erickson Ropes Teacher education and compensation helps (TEACH) program; early childhood professional development training
Senate SF0923 3 02/26/2007 Text icon Torres Ray Adult basic education provisions modifications; GED fee payment increase
Senate SF0898 3 03/07/2007 Text icon Higgins Constitutional amendment for compensation council for legislators
Senate SF0875 15 05/16/2008 320 Text icon Anderson Minimum wage increase
Senate SF0852 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Higgins Health insurance affordable conversion health coverage as bridge to medicare
Senate SF0839 3 03/19/2007 Text icon Clark Early childhood family education provisions modifications and appropriations
Senate SF0822 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Torres Ray Community education youth service funding increase
Senate SF0821 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Saltzman Disabled veterans rest camp bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0788 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Dibble General education development test fee waiver
Senate SF0786 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Skoe Higher education student grant program modifications
Senate SF0784 3 02/21/2007 Text icon Koering Career academies and workplace connection pilot project
Senate SF0771 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Higgins Child care centers inspections requirements
Senate SF0770 2 02/12/2007 Text icon Tomassoni Teacher education and compensation helps (TEACH) program
Senate SF0762 3 02/15/2007 Text icon Rummel Special education program growth factors modification and appropriation increases
Senate SF0754 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Scheid Minnesota family investment program and basic sliding fee child care programs consolidation; child care provisions modification
Senate SF0694 2 02/08/2007 Text icon Prettner Solon Duluth children's museum early childhood learning space appropriation
Senate SF0638 2 02/07/2007 Text icon Olson, M. Community action grants appropriation
Senate SF0623 2 02/07/2007 Text icon Olseen Public libraries appropriations
Senate SF0602 3 02/21/2007 Text icon Scheid After school enrichment program establishment
Senate SF0594 3 03/12/2007 Text icon Lourey Adoption assistance program modification
Senate SF0589 5 03/12/2007 Text icon Bonoff International baccalaureate (IB) program use for K-12 raised academic achievement
Senate SF0579 4 02/26/2007 Text icon Bonoff ECFE program enhancement and accountability plan; developmental assessment at kindergarten entrance; parent education grants
Senate SF0567 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Clark Enterprise information technology investment strategic plan implementation
Senate SF0539 4 03/25/2008 Text icon Tomassoni Employee workplace communications protection
Senate SF0528 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Pappas Minnesota state colleges and universities nonresident undergraduate tuition rate regulation
Senate SF0473 5 03/12/2007 Text icon Tomassoni Independent living skills access and transition provisions; centers for independent living regulation
Senate HF0464 16 05/21/2007 142 Text icon Betzold School district employees statewide health insurance pool
Senate SF0459 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Prettner Solon Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007
Senate SF0447 4 02/28/2007 Text icon Olseen Motor vehicle hit and run offenses owner or lessee penalty
Senate SF0445 7 05/11/2007 Text icon Fischbach X-ray equipment operators requirements modifications
Senate SF0434 3 03/07/2007 Text icon Bonoff Home visiting program modifications and appropriation
Senate SF0418 4 03/05/2007 Text icon Bonoff Graduation requirements financial literacy course requirement
Senate SF0394 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Senjem Mississippi River parkway commission tourism and economic development appropriation
Senate SF0323 3 02/21/2007 Text icon Olseen Criminal offenders in county or regional jails booking fees increase
Senate SF0319 2 01/29/2007 Text icon Clark Professional teaching standards grant program
Senate SF0306 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Clark Income tax credit for adoption expenses
Senate SF0299 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Clark MinnesotaCare program excess income spend down for life threatening medical conditions
Senate SF0292 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Clark St. Cloud state university national hockey center renovation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0291 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Clark Early childhood and family education, school readiness and head start programs funding increase
Senate SF0276 10 03/28/2007 Text icon Betzold School district employees statewide health insurance pool
Senate SF0274 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Saxhaug Community hub planning and implementation grants; prekindergarten through grade 3 program grants; kindergarten development assessment expansion
Senate SF0254 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Wergin Mental health ombudsman term limit
Senate SF0212 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Fischbach Carbon monoxide alarm installation requirement exemption for electric single family dwellings
Senate SF0209 3 02/28/2007 Text icon Rosen Minnesota biomedical sciences research facilities authority and project funding program
Senate SF0204 3 01/29/2007 Text icon Berglin Constitutional amendment for right to affordable health care
Senate SF0192 3 02/07/2007 Text icon Anderson Global Warming Mitigation Act of 2007
Senate SF0174 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Saltzman Kindergarten voluntary full day programs funding
Senate SF0165 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Clark Greater Minnesota business development investments program
Senate SF0164 3 02/01/2007 Text icon Prettner Solon Stearns and St. Louis counties group residential housing facility supplementary payment rate modification
Senate SF0163 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Sparks Lawful gambling lawful purpose expenditures definition modification
Senate SR0119 2 05/18/2007 Text icon Clark A senate resolution recognizing Extension Living Well week
Senate SR0116 2 05/16/2007 Text icon Clark A senate resolution congratulating Christopher Leither for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SF0113 2 01/17/2007 Text icon Olseen Public utilities renewable energy standards
Senate SF0101 2 01/16/2007 Text icon Metzen Constitutional amendment for legislative days limit removal
Senate SF0092 4 03/15/2007 Text icon Bonoff School readiness state advisory board
Senate SR0090 2 05/08/2007 Text icon Rest A senate resolution honoring the League of Women Voters - Crystal/New Hope/East Plymouth chapter on its 50th anniversary
Senate SR0086 2 04/30/2007 Text icon Clark A senate resolution recognizing May of 2007 as military family appreciation month
Senate SF0086 2 01/16/2007 Text icon Fischbach Independent school district #463, Eden Valley-Watkins; environmental hazard remediation cost recovery grant appropriation
Senate SR0073 2 04/11/2007 Text icon Koch A senate resolution congratulating the Buffalo high school boys basketball team on winning the 2007 state high school class AAAA boys basketball championship
Senate SF0069 9 05/16/2007 93 Text icon Sieben Gift certificates and gift cards expiration dates and service fees prohibition
Senate SF0025 9 01/25/2007 Text icon Cohen State budget revenue forecast inflation inclusion
Senate SF0022 3 01/29/2007 Text icon Stumpf Resolution to not reauthorize the no child left behind act
Senate SR0022 2 01/17/2007 Text icon Clark A senate resolution honoring St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church in St. Augusta, Minnesota on its 150th anniversary
Senate SF0016 5 01/22/2007 Text icon Murphy Seat belt use law expansion and violation as primary offense, surcharge imposition for offenders
Senate SF0013 11 02/26/2007 Text icon Wiger Resolution for special education costs funding
Senate SF0003 3 01/16/2007 Text icon Clark Early childhood learning preparedness and enrichment allowance establishment