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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

159 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Authors of "Michel"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3894 2 05/18/2008 Text icon Vandeveer Lake restoration grant program and appropriation
Senate SF3876 2 05/15/2008 Text icon Saltzman Consumer products advisory council
Senate SF3868 2 05/07/2008 Text icon Michel Charter school students extracurricular activities participation
Senate SF3851 2 04/24/2008 Text icon Gimse Prevailing wage provisions modification
Senate SF3827 2 04/07/2008 Text icon Bonoff At-risk four-year old early childhood program
Senate SF3824 2 04/07/2008 Text icon Hann Health care coverage right to purchase in another state; physician's council on health care policy establishment; health insurance credit
Senate SF3739 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Bonoff Intermediate school district #287, Hennepin and Wright counties; regional pupil transportation center
Senate SF3738 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Scheid No-fault auto insurance provisions modification
Senate SF3700 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Hann Charter school board of directors requirements modification
Senate SF3675 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Olson, G. School site decision making team school board decision appeal
Senate SF3624 2 03/10/2008 Text icon Wergin Debt service limit for state financed capital investments
Senate SF3623 3 03/13/2008 Text icon Hann Higher education data disclosure provisions modification
Senate SF3582 2 03/10/2008 Text icon Hann Minnesota Freedom to Buy and Sell Act
Senate HF3500 9 04/30/2008 233 Text icon Scheid Business corporation act, the limited liability company act and uniform limited partnership act of 2001 technical amendments; nonprofit limited liability companies formation authorization
Senate SF3496 5 03/13/2008 Text icon Larson Household goods motor carriers regulations modifications
Senate SF3472 3 03/13/2008 Text icon Clark Minnesota Milestones goals and indicators budget preparation incorporation; legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy government accountability subcommittee creation
Senate SF3455 9 05/07/2008 259 Text icon Metzen Beer keg purchase by scrap metal dealers regulation
Senate SF3354 2 03/03/2008 Text icon Michel Public pool, spa and swimming pool operation provisions modification
Senate SF3293 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Bakk State building code application and enforcement regulation
Senate SF3271 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Bakk Small business investment company credit
Senate SF3250 3 03/05/2008 Text icon Rummel World-class schools vision statement and working group
Senate SF3226 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Bonoff Office of early learning creation; school readiness assessments and kindergarten transition strategies establishment
Senate SF3218 10 05/05/2008 250 Text icon Bakk Workers compensation advisory council recommendations adoption
Senate SF3194 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Bonoff State and school district technology standards
Senate SF3153 3 02/28/2008 Text icon Clark Early childhood education office creation
Senate SF3100 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Saltzman Education academic standards assessment reporting requirements modification
Senate SF3083 3 03/25/2008 Text icon Saltzman Income and corporate franchise tax credit for investments in qualified high technology business ventures
Senate SF3069 10 05/05/2008 251 Text icon Michel Special 2008 U.S. Womens Open motor vehicle license plates temporary permits issuance
Senate SF3068 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Latz Alternative teacher compensation revenue inflationary adjustment
Senate SF3065 3 02/28/2008 Text icon Bonoff Parent child home program appropriation
Senate SF3044 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Bonoff School readiness assessment and kindergarten transition strategies grants
Senate SF3029 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Dahle Alternative learning centers and charter schools systemic improvements pilot program and appropriation
Senate SF3025 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Latz School districts referendum revenue inflationary increase limit removal
Senate SF3024 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Hann School district referendum allowance limit and sparsity exception repeal
Senate SF3023 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Latz School districts location equity index establishment
Senate SF3017 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Sparks Native prairie bank easements and scientific and natural areas acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2995 2 02/21/2008 Text icon Bonoff U.S. highway #169 and Bren road/Londonderry road interchange design bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2951 2 02/21/2008 Text icon Larson Income tax credit for equity and opportunity in education
Senate SF2865 2 02/20/2008 Text icon Hann School referendum allowance limit repeal
Senate SF2833 11 05/17/2008 328 Text icon Michel Abigail Taylor Pool Safety Act
Senate SF2832 2 02/20/2008 Text icon Michel No child left behind act implementation nullification and revocation
Senate SF2777 2 02/18/2008 Text icon Larson Bloomington old town hall renovation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2699 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Metzen Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2660 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Doll Normandale community college classroom addition and renovation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2617 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Hann No child left behind act implementation nullification and revocation
Senate SF2605 15 05/18/2008 339 Text icon Saltzman Metropolitan council member staggered terms
Senate SF2603 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Latz Perpich center for arts education capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2575 5 03/03/2008 Text icon Scheid Business corporation act, the limited liability company act and uniform limited partnership act of 2001 technical amendments; nonprofit limited liability companies formation authorization
Senate SF2504 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Cohen Orchestra Hall and Peavey Plaza grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2402 14 04/21/2008 195 Text icon Rest Accountancy board provisions modifications
Senate SF2401 5 04/07/2008 Text icon Rest Constitutional amendment for judicial vacancies
Senate SF2362 2 05/21/2007 Text icon Michel Legislators per diem payments and legislative leaders and governor salary prohibition during special session
Senate SF2334 2 05/19/2007 Text icon Gimse Sauk Centre veterans facility bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2220 2 04/11/2007 Text icon Michel Postsecondary enrollment options program eligibility expansion
Senate SF2206 4 03/03/2008 Text icon Michel Baseball fields for children with disabilities bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2200 2 03/30/2007 Text icon Michel Motor vehicle operation restrictions under provisional drivers licenses modification
Senate SF2188 2 03/29/2007 Text icon Gerlach Sales tax rebate
Senate SF2181 2 03/28/2007 Text icon Michel Income tax and alternative minimum tax rate reduction
Senate SF2132 2 03/24/2007 Text icon Michel Constitutional amendment for term limits for state legislators
Senate SF2039 3 03/23/2007 Text icon Bakk Workers compensation advisory council recommendations adoption
Senate SF2034 6 04/16/2007 Text icon Clark Minnesota Milestones work group
Senate SF2033 3 03/30/2007 Text icon Rest Sustainable growth working group
Senate HF1973 10 05/19/2007 121 Text icon Rest Minneapolis public library and Hennepin county library systems merger
Senate SF1948 3 03/13/2008 Text icon Carlson Resolution for governor to take action to prepare to meet the challenges of peak oil
Senate SF1926 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Neuville Charter school students high school league activities participation
Senate SF1921 3 03/27/2007 Text icon Lynch No child left behind act review and reporting requirements modifications
Senate SF1911 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Michel Minnesota medical information council establishment
Senate SF1856 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Lynch Scholar loans to prepare teachers of color program
Senate SF1842 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Larson Income tax credit for senior independent living personal technology
Senate SF1812 8 05/20/2007 Text icon Rest Minneapolis public library and Hennepin county library systems merger
Senate SF1811 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Michel State primary election date change
Senate SF1810 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Michel Legislative and congressional districts redistricting plans and standards; redistricting advisory commission establishment
Senate SF1694 3 04/16/2007 Text icon Larson Income tax credit for scholarship granting organizations
Senate SF1685 2 03/08/2007 Text icon Hann Health care coverage right to purchase in another state
Senate SF1629 2 03/08/2007 Text icon Michel Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act
Senate SF1590 3 03/19/2007 Text icon Clark Loan Repayment Assistance Program of Minnesota, Inc. loan repayment assistance awards appropriation
Senate SF1575 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Michel Election campaign finance and public disclosure requirements modifications; internet campaign reporting and public subsidy payment study work group
Senate SF1543 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Gerlach Elections personal vouches for proof of residence reduction; election judges and partisan challengers training requirements modification
Senate SF1536 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Michel Uniform Principal and Income Act (2000)
Senate SF1521 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Tomassoni Teachers retirement association additional benefit entitlement
Senate SF1504 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Clark Child care provider study and appropriation
Senate SF1501 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Michel Constitutional amendment for staggered terms for senators
Senate SF1481 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Higgins Sexual assault counselors confidentiality; criminal sexual assault mistake of age defense elimination; nonconsensual sexual contact by massage professionals penalty modification
Senate SF1330 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Michel Insurance electronic records and signatures use legal recognition requirement
Senate SF1329 3 03/03/2008 Text icon Michel Special motor vehicle license plates remembering victims of impaired drivers
Senate SF1314 3 03/08/2007 Text icon Wiger Textbook Pricing and Access Act
Senate SF1251 4 03/15/2007 Text icon Bonoff Hennepin county Three Rivers park district water quality protection and restoration
Senate SF1236 11 05/04/2007 35 Text icon Michel State government employment technical modifications; voluntary unpaid leave of absence authority
Senate SF1232 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Saltzman School finance system modifications and school finance reform task force
Senate SF1230 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Rummel Special education excess cost program funding increase
Senate SF1222 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Saltzman School districts technology needs appropriation
Senate SF1216 3 03/19/2007 Text icon Pogemiller Postsecondary study abroad grant program
Senate HF1208 17 05/21/2007 140 Text icon Scheid Construction codes and licensing provisions recodification and modification
Senate SF1135 3 02/28/2007 Text icon Dibble Deaf, hard of hearing and deaf blind students interpreter services appropriation
Senate SF1089 4 03/19/2007 Text icon Larson Corporate franchise tax credit for prekindergarten scholarship granting organization contributions
Senate SF1083 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Bonoff School districts referendum revenue inflationary increase limit removal
Senate SF1082 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Olson, G. Alternative teacher professional pay system continuation; staff development program and revenue modifications
Senate SF1077 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Bonoff School districts operating cost differential revenue establishment
Senate SF1076 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Rosen Income tax subtraction for education loan principal and interest payments
Senate SF1016 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Latz Speech language pathologists loan forgiveness program
Senate SF0998 7 05/16/2007 Text icon Scheid Construction codes and licensing provisions recodification and modification
Senate SF0995 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Metzen HIRED industry sector training initiatives appropriation
Senate HF0995 8 05/16/2008 3 Text icon Carlson Resolution for governor to take action to prepare to meet the challenges of peak oil
Senate SF0974 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Michel Income tax subtraction for college savings plan
Senate SF0959 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Michel Bloomington Hyland ski jump construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0928 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Michel University of Minnesota employees competitive compensation increase appropriation
Senate SF0897 4 03/19/2007 Text icon Carlson Sales tax exemption for legal reference and data center facility construction materials and equipment
Senate SF0811 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Larson Bloomington metropolitan area fiscal disparity contribution obligation elimination
Senate SF0808 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Michel Safe School Zone Law
Senate SF0783 2 02/12/2007 Text icon Lynch School districts staff development revenue distribution restrictions removal
Senate SF0744 9 05/16/2007 72 Text icon Sparks No-fault automobile insurance rental motor vehicle coverage requirement modification
Senate SF0725 6 03/23/2007 Text icon Larson Income tax subtraction for tuition savings plan
Senate SF0675 3 02/21/2007 Text icon Higgins Fourth judicial district abandonment of nonfelony bail and disposition of forfeited sums
Senate SF0667 2 02/08/2007 Text icon Michel MinnesotaCare hospitals and health care providers gross earnings tax contingent reduction
Senate SF0663 4 03/12/2007 Text icon Erickson Ropes Flexible learning year programs grants and appropriation
Senate SF0631 2 02/07/2007 Text icon Michel Minnesota children's museum appropriation
Senate SF0603 2 02/07/2007 Text icon Hann Qualified professionals teacher training program
Senate SF0563 12 05/17/2007 107 Text icon Doll Renewable energy objective state economic benefit strategy development
Senate SF0549 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Senjem Rochester national volleyball center expansion grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0546 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Larson Fort Snelling upper bluff emergency building stabilization grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0528 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Pappas Minnesota state colleges and universities nonresident undergraduate tuition rate regulation
Senate SF0527 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Hann Teacher license automatic revocation additional grounds
Senate SF0526 2 02/05/2007 Text icon Hann Income tax education credit inflation adjustment
Senate SF0465 3 02/26/2007 Text icon Michel School year length increase; school year start before Labor Day prohibition repeal
Senate SF0459 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Prettner Solon Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007
Senate SF0404 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Bonoff Residential homestead market value credit modification
Senate SF0403 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Bonoff School districts cost of living revenue and operating cost differential study requirement
Senate SF0382 5 02/15/2007 Text icon Tomassoni School health and physical education requirements
Senate SF0378 2 01/29/2007 Text icon Larson Light rail transit I-494 corridor metropolitan council study appropriation
Senate SF0345 8 05/03/2007 Text icon Murphy Medical use of marijuana
Senate SF0257 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Moua St. Paul Asian Pacific cultural center prior appropriation modification
Senate SF0240 2 01/25/2007 Text icon Gerlach Sales tax rate reduction
Senate SR0229 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Michael Schaeppi of Edina, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0228 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Spencer Herda of Edina, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0227 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Calvin Crouch of Richfield, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0226 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Nick Hanson of Bloomington, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0225 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Matthew Smith of Edina, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0224 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Colton Cerny of Edina, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0223 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Mike Sheehan of Edina, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0222 2 05/16/2008 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Mackenzie Morris for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0207 2 05/13/2008 Text icon Latz A senate resolution congratulating Carleen Gulstad on being named 2008 Minnesota Teacher of the Year
Senate SF0203 3 03/19/2007 Text icon Latz Community education revenue funding increase
Senate SF0172 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Michel Constitutional amendment for term limits for state legislators and constitutional officers
Senate SF0159 3 04/11/2007 Text icon Wergin Capital equipment sales tax imposition and refund elimination
Senate SF0157 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Metzen Job training program grants appropriation
Senate SF0128 4 03/12/2007 Text icon Sparks Vehicle Protection Product Act
Senate SR0117 2 05/16/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution honoring Navy Senior Chief Fire Controlman (Surface Warfare) Daniel Lee Nelson, who is retiring in July 2007
Senate SR0097 2 05/14/2007 Text icon Rest A senate resolution congratulating Minnesota teacher of the year Michael Smart
Senate SR0088 2 05/07/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Naidean Anderson of Edina, Minnesota on her 90th birthday
Senate HF0087 7 03/07/2007 4 Text icon Moua St. Paul Asian Pacific cultural center prior appropriation modification
Senate SR0054 2 03/08/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution recognizing April 9, 2007, as the 65th anniversary of the start of the Bataan death march
Senate SR0052 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Ross Amundson of Bloomington, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0046 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Chaudhary A senate resolution honoring Dr. S. K. Dash for being named the 2006 nonresident Oriya of the year in Orissa
Senate SF0045 2 01/11/2007 Text icon Michel Demographic trends analysis report requirement
Senate SR0044 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Kyle Norris of Bloomington, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0043 2 02/21/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution congratulating Greg Norby of Bloomington, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0039 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Michel A senate resolution recognizing April 9, 2007, as the 65th anniversary of the start of the Bataan Death March
Senate SF0031 2 01/08/2007 Text icon Metzen Public safety retiree pensions federal tax rules conformance
Senate SR0024 3 01/18/2007 Text icon Vandeveer A senate resolution relating to the rate of reimbursement for members expenses