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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

72 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Chief Authors of "Anderson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3878 2 05/15/2008 Text icon Anderson Synthetic turf health assessment
Senate SF3877 2 05/15/2008 Text icon Anderson Renewable Energy Feed-In Tariff Act of 2008
Senate SF3861 2 05/01/2008 Text icon Anderson Ground water monitoring fee authorization in metropolitan area and appropriation
Senate SF3742 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Anderson Resolution for principles inclusion into a regional greenhouse gas emission reduction cap and trade accord
Senate SF3741 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Anderson Green economy businesses tax incentives
Senate SF3649 5 05/18/2008 Text icon Anderson Help America vote act account secretary of state funds transfer authorization
Senate SF3540 6 03/31/2008 Text icon Anderson Green economy transformation task force
Senate SF3539 4 03/13/2008 Text icon Anderson Economic development policy and environmental policy conformance requirement
Senate SF3396 13 05/17/2008 352 Text icon Anderson Minnesota Subprime Borrower Relief Act of 2008
Senate HF3195 14 05/15/2008 340 Text icon Anderson Green Solutions Act of 2008; cap and trade program for greenhouse gases studies
Senate SF3188 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Anderson PERA prior service credit purchase for St. Paul employee
Senate SF3155 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Anderson Corporate franchise tax research and development credit for environmental research expenses
Senate SF3134 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Anderson University of Minnesota University Enterprise Laboratories, Inc. laboratory and office space bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3133 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Anderson St. Paul playground, fields and community center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3087 3 03/25/2008 Text icon Anderson Motorized recreation gas tax revenue elimination; motorized trail grants in aid violations and penalties modifications; state funded motorized recreational trails rulemaking requirement
Senate SF3034 2 02/25/2008 Text icon Anderson Energy department creation
Senate SF2999 5 02/28/2008 Text icon Anderson Safe Cosmetics Act; dibutyl phthalate disclosure requirements
Senate SF2953 2 02/21/2008 Text icon Anderson Lost or stolen cellular phones customer liability limits
Senate SF2952 2 02/21/2008 Text icon Anderson Beneficial use of wastewater capital projects grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2920 2 02/20/2008 Text icon Anderson Child support obligor collection service fees requirement for IV-D services
Senate SF2876 18 05/17/2008 325 Text icon Anderson Dangerous dogs provisions modifications; dogs in outdoor food and beverage service establishments
Senate SF2818 12 04/28/2008 Text icon Anderson Green Solutions Act of 2008; cap and trade program principles for greenhouse gas emissions
Senate SF2800 3 03/05/2008 Text icon Anderson Plastic bag recycling program
Senate SF2787 2 02/18/2008 Text icon Anderson St. Paul regional amateur sports facility bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2701 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Anderson Minnesota state fair fish habitat educational display bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2685 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Anderson University of Minnesota St. Paul campus natural history museum construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2634 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2621 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Anderson Metropolitan council recreational open space lands acquisition and improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2492 14 05/18/2008 367 Text icon Anderson LCCMR funding recommendations for environment and natural resources
Senate SF2356 2 05/21/2007 Text icon Anderson Minnesota historical society supreme court justice Harry A. Blackmun bust appropriation
Senate SF2299 2 05/15/2007 Text icon Anderson St. Paul Como zoo bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2239 2 04/17/2007 Text icon Anderson Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and coroners law practice prohibition repeal
Senate SF2221 2 04/11/2007 Text icon Anderson Wind energy development agreements regulation
Senate SF2199 4 04/24/2007 Text icon Anderson Nuclear waste storage modification; utilities greenhouse gas infrastructure costs recovery
Senate SF2180 2 03/28/2007 Text icon Anderson Local government aid (LGA) county program aid withholding; counties individual sewage treatment system grants appropriation
Senate SF2096 20 05/09/2007 57 Text icon Anderson Omnibus environment, natural resources, energy and commerce appropriations
Senate SF2041 7 04/27/2007 Text icon Anderson St. Paul port authority steam producing energy facility
Senate SF1998 7 04/23/2007 Text icon Anderson Public utilities proceedings intervenor compensation and procedures modifications
Senate SF1932 2 03/19/2007 Text icon Anderson Energy department creation
Senate SF1878 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Anderson Lead screening and cleanup grants appropriation from petroleum tank fund
Senate SF1877 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Anderson Minneapolis firefighters relief association surviving spouse benefit eligibility
Senate SF1876 2 03/15/2007 Text icon Anderson Pollution control agency structure modification
Senate SF1857 6 04/25/2007 Text icon Anderson Cold weather rule for public utilities
Senate SF1782 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Anderson Local water management accountability and oversight
Senate SF1781 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources appropriations
Senate SF1697 2 03/12/2007 Text icon Anderson Easement acquisition information requirements
Senate SF1612 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Anderson Railroad prairie right-of-way best management practices provision modification
Senate SF1561 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Anderson Resolution to not escalate United States troop involvement in Iraq
Senate SF1379 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Anderson Constitutional amendment for sales tax increase and revenue dedication to natural resources purposes; clean water and great outdoors fund establishment; great outdoors council creation; bond sale authorization; nature nearby program
Senate SF1324 2 02/28/2007 Text icon Anderson Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act
Senate SF1282 3 03/08/2007 Text icon Anderson Minnesota renewable hydrogen initiative
Senate SF1280 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Anderson Home heating assistance appropriation
Senate SF1272 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Anderson WomenVenture appropriation
Senate SF1244 4 03/12/2007 Text icon Anderson Rural wind energy development program and revolving loan fund establishment
Senate SF1187 2 02/22/2007 Text icon Anderson St. Paul youth services availability website and appropriation
Senate SF1183 2 02/22/2007 Text icon Anderson St. Paul park and recreation staff and library staff professional development opportunities and program support grant appropriation
Senate SF1182 2 02/22/2007 Text icon Anderson St. Paul neighborhood circulators grant appropriation
Senate HF0966 17 05/09/2007 46 Text icon Anderson Nurses overtime regulation compliance requirements
Senate SF0875 15 05/16/2008 320 Text icon Anderson Minimum wage increase
Senate SF0817 8 03/27/2007 Text icon Anderson Nurses overtime regulation compliance requirements
Senate SF0810 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Anderson School districts alternative facilities plan energy efficiency improvement projects inclusion
Senate SF0803 2 02/15/2007 Text icon Anderson Early childhood family education program funding increase
Senate SF0732 2 02/12/2007 Text icon Anderson Children with mental illness or developmental delays preschool and home visiting programs appropriations
Senate SF0723 2 02/12/2007 Text icon Anderson Minnesota state fairgrounds wine and malt liquor sales provisions modification
Senate SF0582 3 02/21/2007 Text icon Anderson University Enterprise Laboratories, Inc. bioscience development activities appropriation
Senate SF0450 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources appropriations; legislative citizen commission on Minnesota resources meeting requirements modification
Senate SF0410 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Anderson Metropolitan area regional parks maintenance and operation appropriation
Senate HF0293 9 05/04/2007 30 Text icon Anderson Environment and natural resources appropriations; legislative citizen commission on Minnesota resources meeting requirements modification
Senate SF0192 3 02/07/2007 Text icon Anderson Global Warming Mitigation Act of 2007
Senate SF0137 2 01/18/2007 Text icon Anderson Constitutional amendment for sales tax dedication to natural resources, clean water and arts purposes; great outdoors, clean water and arts fund creation
Senate SR0085 2 04/30/2007 Text icon Anderson A senate resolution recognizing September 25, 2007 as a day of remembrance for murder victims in Minnesota
Senate SF0004 10 02/28/2007 3 Text icon Anderson Public utilities renewable energy standards