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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

152 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Authors of "Day"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3734 2 04/06/2006 Text icon Rest Motor vehicle sales tax revenues deposit requirements modification; constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax revenues dedication to transportation purposes modification
Senate SF3576 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Day Medford wastewater treatment facility grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3558 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Day Prevailing wage public policy
Senate SF3546 4 04/03/2006 Text icon McGinn State park permit fees for military personnel on leave waiver
Senate SF3469 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Day Income tax subtraction for military pension or retirement income
Senate SF3449 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Day Faribault Paradise center for the arts renovation grant appropriation
Senate SF3436 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Saxhaug Legislators forum appropriation
Senate SF3426 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Day Medford sales and use tax imposition and bonding authority
Senate SF3425 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Day Steele county off highway vehicle recreational site land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3422 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Sparks Noise standards exemptions modification
Senate SF3389 4 03/30/2006 Text icon Metzen Sports themed tipboards pilot project
Senate SF3388 4 03/30/2006 Text icon Metzen Bar bingo and pull tabs provisions modification
Senate SF3342 6 05/08/2006 Text icon Hottinger Patient Safety and Drug Review Transparency Act
Senate SF3225 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Skoe Cities commercial advertising regulation limitations
Senate SF3204 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Ruud Iron range resources and rehabilitation board membership provisions modifications
Senate SF3171 2 03/15/2006 Text icon Day Faribault Paradise center for the arts renovation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3106 6 05/03/2006 Text icon Marko Drivers license suspension authority provision modification
Senate SF3054 2 03/13/2006 Text icon Murphy Town road sign replacement program implementation appropriation
Senate SF3004 2 03/13/2006 Text icon Day Constitutional amendment for gambling at licensed racetracks
Senate SF3003 2 03/13/2006 Text icon Sparks Card club activities and operations provisions modifications; racetrack electronic wagers
Senate SF2941 6 05/11/2006 Text icon Rest Fire safety account; fire insurance tax repeal
Senate SF2930 3 03/13/2006 Text icon Day Trunk highway projects bond issue and appropriations; motor vehicle sales tax revenues deposit requirements modification
Senate HF2916 8 05/17/2006 217 Text icon Rest Fire safety account; fire insurance tax repeal
Senate SF2853 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Koering Veterans home board capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2843 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Day Faribault correctional facility capital improvements design and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2700 3 03/08/2006 Text icon Reiter Legislators special session per diem payments prohibition
Senate SF2659 2 03/02/2006 Text icon Higgins Minneapolis Lowry avenue corridor capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2658 2 03/02/2006 Text icon Skoglund Fort Snelling upper bluff emergency building stabilization grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2610 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Deaf students interpreter requirements modification
Senate SF2537 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Faribault local road improvements grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2536 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Owatonna sales and use and motor vehicle sales taxes imposition and bonding authority
Senate SF2533 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Neuville Mill Towns state trail link construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2529 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Gasoline retail sales pricing regulation
Senate SF2502 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Neuville Mill Towns state trail construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2500 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Wiger Highways left lane use restriction
Senate SF2498 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Faribault correctional facility capital improvements design and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2497 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Blooming Prairie sewer, water main and street improvements grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2496 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Faribault armory land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2495 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Ellendale sewer and water infrastructure capital improvements grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2494 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Minnesota state academies capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2493 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Day Faribault water reclamation plant grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF2480 17 05/20/2006 257 Text icon Kelley Professional baseball stadium construction
Senate SF2446 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Langseth Constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax revenues dedication to transportation purposes, amendment
Senate SF2445 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Murphy Motor vehicle sales tax revenues deposit requirements modification
Senate SF2397 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Rosen Winnebago museum construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2315 2 05/19/2005 Text icon Olson School bus drivers license records access fee limit
Senate SF2270 2 04/27/2005 Text icon Dibble Industrial loan and thrift companies currency exchange business separate licensure requirement
Senate SF2231 2 04/18/2005 Text icon Belanger Metropolitan airports commission members senate confirmation requirement
Senate SF2175 4 03/15/2006 Text icon Day Election campaign finance regulation corporation definition expansion
Senate SF2102 3 04/06/2005 Text icon Sparks Ellendale sewer and water infrastructure capital improvements predesign grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2091 4 04/18/2005 Text icon Day Property tax exemption for electric generation facility personal property
Senate SF2088 2 04/04/2005 Text icon Day Income tax subtraction for active military service compensation
Senate SF2032 4 04/14/2005 Text icon Kiscaden Enterprise technology office
Senate SF2013 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Kelley Professional baseball stadium construction
Senate SF2011 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Rest Minnesota sesquicentennial commission
Senate SF2001 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Day Major sports franchises transfer tax
Senate SF1960 2 03/29/2005 Text icon Sparks Racetrack electronic wagers; card club table limit elimination
Senate SF1904 3 04/06/2005 Text icon Day Special knights of Columbus motor vehicle license plates
Senate SF1892 4 04/21/2005 Text icon Day I-Save Rx prescription drug program participation
Senate HF1838 11 05/09/2006 189 Text icon Koering Neighborhood electric vehicles use on local roadways
Senate SF1816 2 03/21/2005 Text icon Day Trunk highway maintenance contracts and costs payment
Senate SF1811 5 04/11/2006 Text icon Koering Neighborhood electric vehicles use on local roadways
Senate SF1798 2 03/17/2005 Text icon Frederickson Controlled substance offenders sentencing provisions modifications
Senate SF1738 9 05/19/2005 89 Text icon Day Water use permits issuance prohibition exception
Senate SF1736 2 03/17/2005 Text icon Day Teachers retirement association prior service credit purchase
Senate SF1715 3 03/29/2005 Text icon Vickerman Region nine development commission transit service coordination appropriation
Senate SF1712 2 03/17/2005 Text icon Michel Transportation projects and funding provisions modifications
Senate SF1701 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Nienow Correctional employee assault mandatory minimum sentence
Senate SF1660 3 03/17/2005 Text icon Wiger Greater Minnesota transportation pilot project
Senate SF1609 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Day Racetrack gaming machines
Senate SF1583 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Koering Human services programs and services modifications for persons with disabilities
Senate SF1573 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Murphy Transportation funding provisions
Senate SF1466 8 04/18/2005 21 Text icon Murphy Public utility vehicles seasonal highway load restrictions clarification
Senate SF1392 2 03/03/2005 Text icon Lourey Lawful gambling tipboard games based on professional sporting events
Senate HF1272 7 05/23/2005 153 Text icon Day Marriage and family therapy as professional service
Senate SF1254 10 04/18/2005 22 Text icon Wergin Hire a veteran month designation
Senate SF1240 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Ortman Motor vehicle and drivers license transaction fee increases
Senate SF1222 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Day Rice county tax-forfeited land sale
Senate SF1218 8 05/21/2005 Text icon Dille Resolution for animal agriculture production practices tolerance
Senate SF1199 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Robling Elko speedway alcoholic beverage on-sales authority expansion
Senate SF1198 8 05/20/2005 Text icon Day Marriage and family therapy as professional service
Senate SF1031 11 04/06/2005 15 Text icon Koering State fair camping area operation and maintenance continuation; livestock and midway exhibitors authority to sleep in vehicles
Senate SF1017 5 05/18/2005 Text icon Day Metropolitan area freeway access ramp meters deactivation
Senate SF1008 3 03/21/2005 Text icon Wergin Tax provisions federal military family tax relief act conformity
Senate SF0977 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Day Highways right lane use requirement
Senate SF0976 3 02/17/2005 Text icon Day Gasoline and special fuels tax rate increases
Senate SF0975 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Day Metropolitan area light rail transit special taxing district
Senate SF0974 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Day Motor vehicles purchase price surcharge
Senate SF0950 3 03/14/2005 Text icon Nienow Special veterans motor vehicle license plates display authority expansion
Senate SF0921 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Wergin Veterans special motor vehicle license plate sets issuance limit elimination
Senate SF0916 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Fischbach Positive Alternatives Act
Senate SF0851 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Koering Bowles recreational center grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0753 2 02/03/2005 Text icon Ortman Tax provisions modifications
Senate SF0667 3 03/03/2005 Text icon Koering Counties natural resources lands in lieu tax payments requirements modification for game refuges
Senate SF0635 2 01/31/2005 Text icon Robling Constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax revenues dedication to transportation purposes
Senate SF0603 2 01/31/2005 Text icon McGinn Legislative regular sessions schedule modifications
Senate SF0595 2 01/31/2005 Text icon McGinn Motor vehicle speed contests prohibition
Senate SF0594 3 03/14/2005 Text icon McGinn Interstate highways maximum and minimum speed limits differential restriction
Senate SF0512 2 01/26/2005 Text icon Neuville Faribault correctional facility bed expansion design and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0486 2 01/24/2005 Text icon Hottinger South Central technical college capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0363 3 03/03/2005 Text icon Murphy National guard and active military reserve members state paid health insurance benefits eligibility
Senate SF0362 4 03/29/2005 Text icon Murphy National guard and active military reserve members interest free loans
Senate SF0323 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Neuville Cities regulatory actions approval or denial time period extension
Senate SF0315 3 03/17/2005 Text icon Day Property tax exemption for electric generation facility personal property
Senate SF0302 2 01/13/2005 Text icon McGinn St. Paul I-35E speed limit increase
Senate SF0279 3 01/20/2005 Text icon Wergin School districts general education revenue balance requirement
Senate SF0240 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Stumpf Flood hazard mitigation grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SR0225 2 05/21/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating notifying the Governor the Senate is about to adjourn sine die
Senate SR0224 2 05/21/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to notifying the House of Representatives the Senate is about to adjourn sine die
Senate SR0223 2 05/21/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to conduct of Senate business during the interim between sessions
Senate SR0222 2 05/21/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution commemorating the lives and work of deceased Senators
Senate SR0204 2 05/04/2006 Text icon Koering A senate resolution congratulating Kevin Joseph Groves of Pierz, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award
Senate SR0201 2 05/01/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution expressing support for bid proposals for the purpose of securing a national political convention in the year 2008
Senate SR0189 2 04/12/2006 Text icon Kierlin A senate resolution congratulating the Winona state university men's basketball team on winning the 2006 NCAA division II men's basketball championship
Senate SR0175 2 04/05/2006 Text icon Pariseau A senate resolution congratulating the Cannon Falls high school girls basketball team on winning the 2006 state high school class AA girls basketball tournament
Senate SR0147 2 03/02/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to appointment of a committee to escort the governor to the house chamber for a joint convention
Senate SR0146 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to standing committees
Senate SR0145 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to mileage; setting the miles traveled by members of the senate in going to and returning from the capitol
Senate SR0144 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to postage
Senate SR0143 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to expenses of interns and law clerks
Senate SF0131 2 01/06/2005 Text icon Neuville Mill Towns state trail link construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0118 2 01/06/2005 Text icon Neuville Faribault correctional facility capital improvements design and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SR0115 2 05/23/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to conduct of senate business during the interim between sessions
Senate SR0099 2 05/13/2005 Text icon Day A senate resolution honoring Roy Myers for his contributions to baseball in the Waseca community
Senate SR0093 2 04/26/2005 Text icon Cohen A senate resolution recognizing the centennial anniversary of the college of St. Catherine
Senate SR0089 2 04/21/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution congratulating twin cities public television's Almanac for celebrating 20 years as one of the most successful local series in the history of public television in Minnesota and the United States
Senate SR0080 2 04/14/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Hubert H. Humphrey fellowship program
Senate SR0046 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to rules; extending temporary rules for the 84th session of the legislature, amending senate resolution #2
Senate SR0045 5 03/03/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution adopting permanent rules of the senate
Senate SR0044 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Dille A senate resolution for animal agriculture production practices tolerance
Senate SR0034 3 02/03/2005 Text icon Bachmann A senate resolution recognizing February 6, 2005 as Ronald Reagan's birthday in the state of Minnesota
Senate SR0015 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Chaudhary A senate resolution commemorating the life and work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Senate SR0014 4 01/31/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to mileage; setting the miles traveled by members of the senate in going to and returning from the capitol
Senate SC0011 3 05/20/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to the delivery of bills to the Governor after final adjournment
Senate SR0010 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution to notify the house of representatives that the senate is organized
Senate SC0010 3 04/10/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment for more than three days
Senate SR0009 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to appointment of a committee to notify the governor the senate is organized
Senate SR0008 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution naming a president pro tem
Senate SC0008 3 03/08/2006 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution adopting deadlines for the 2006 regular session
Senate SR0007 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to expenses of interns and law clerks
Senate SC0007 2 05/23/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment of the senate and house of representatives until 2006
Senate SC0006 3 03/21/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment for more than three days
Senate SR0006 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to the attendance of members of standing committees at meetings and seminars; providing for the payment of expenses
Senate SR0005 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to postage
Senate SR0004 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to the schedule of standing committee meetings
Senate SC0004 5 03/03/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution adopting deadlines for the 2005 regular session
Senate SR0003 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to standing committees
Senate SC0003 3 01/10/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment of the senate and house of representatives on January 13, 2005
Senate SR0002 3 02/24/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution relating to rules; adopting temporary rules for the 84th session of the legislature
Senate SC0002 3 01/10/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to parking space in the capitol area for members of the legislature and staff
Senate SR0001 2 01/04/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate resolution naming a majority leader and a minority leader
Senate SC0001 7 02/17/2005 Text icon Johnson, D.E. A senate concurrent resolution relating to the adoption of temporary joint rules