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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

200 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Anderson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3066 2 05/13/2004 Text icon Anderson Resolution affirming legislative commitment to guaranteed civil freedoms
Senate SF3055 2 04/29/2004 Text icon Dibble Tire burning facilities environmental impact statement preparation requirement
Senate SF3046 2 04/22/2004 Text icon Marty Motor vehicles greenhouse gas emissions reduction standards
Senate SF2996 2 03/25/2004 Text icon Anderson Resolution for preservation of state and local government rights to self governance in central American free trade agreement ratification consideration
Senate SF2993 2 03/25/2004 Text icon Kiscaden Twin cities community voice mail grant appropriations
Senate SF2957 4 03/25/2004 Text icon Anderson Job opportunity building zones tax incentives qualifying business exclusions
Senate SF2920 2 03/17/2004 Text icon Anderson Minnesota horticultural society programs appropriation
Senate HF2878 8 04/05/2004 148 Text icon Anderson Dr. Norman E. Borlaug world food prize day designation
Senate SF2854 3 03/25/2004 Text icon Anderson Thermal energy customers stranded costs recovery
Senate SF2832 2 03/15/2004 Text icon Anderson Advocating change together services grant appropriation
Senate SF2828 2 03/15/2004 Text icon Anderson Renewable energy development study
Senate SF2801 2 03/15/2004 Text icon Anderson Corporate franchise tax outsourcing credit or deduction prohibition
Senate HF2799 7 05/15/2004 257 Text icon Anderson State dislocated worker program and workers compensation definition modifications
Senate SF2797 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Metzen Power plant tax subsidized construction and expansion projects prevailing wage payment requirement
Senate SF2792 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Anderson Public utilities competitive bidding requirements exemption
Senate SF2781 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Marty No-fault automobile insurance and workers compensation medical examinations integrity and fairness
Senate SF2777 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Chaudhary Biosciences higher education industry workforce needs partnership
Senate SF2776 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Chaudhary University of Minnesota biosciences endowed chairs appropriation
Senate SF2774 5 04/26/2004 Text icon Kelley Telecommunications regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF2773 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Moua After school enrichment grant program reinstatement
Senate SF2766 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Dibble Reproductive Privacy Act
Senate SF2755 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Kelley High school graduation incentives program eligibility expansion
Senate SF2717 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Lourey Nursing facilities nursing hours requirement increase
Senate SF2707 2 03/11/2004 Text icon Anderson Mortgage foreclosure consultants and equity purchasers regulation
Senate SF2687 4 04/01/2004 Text icon Kelley Energy reliability utility assessments retroactivity
Senate HF2684 6 04/15/2004 Text icon Kelley Omnibus state departments appropriations
Senate SF2676 3 04/01/2004 Text icon Berglin Property tax exemption for biomass electrical generation facility personal property
Senate SF2673 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Anderson Family life and sexuality education
Senate SF2671 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Nienow Renewable energy production incentive qualified on farm biogas recovery facility definition expansion
Senate SF2655 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Dibble Income tax credit for carsharing
Senate SF2654 3 03/31/2004 Text icon Stumpf Sales tax exemption for geothermal heating and cooling system equipment
Senate SF2646 7 05/07/2004 Text icon Anderson State dislocated worker program modifications
Senate SF2631 4 03/25/2004 Text icon Chaudhary Packinghouse workers bill of rights
Senate SF2622 4 03/31/2004 Text icon Sparks Unauthorized electronic mail messages transmission protection
Senate SF2608 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Anderson Cable communications systems provisions modifications and clarifications
Senate SF2584 2 03/04/2004 Text icon Anderson Renewable energy development provisions
Senate SF2580 4 03/22/2004 Text icon Anderson Greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan
Senate SF2562 2 03/04/2004 Text icon Anderson St. Paul Como park zoo renovation design bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2542 2 03/04/2004 Text icon Anderson Workforce development fund employer assessment increase for early childhood programs
Senate SF2539 2 03/04/2004 Text icon Anderson Stillbirths registration requirement
Senate SF2537 5 03/25/2004 Text icon Anderson Dr. Norman E. Borlaug world food prize day designation
Senate SF2502 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Skoglund Extended time learning year education programs eligibility expansion
Senate SF2492 4 03/22/2004 Text icon Anderson Hybrid and inherently low emission vehicles high occupancy vehicle highway lanes use
Senate SF2478 3 03/29/2004 Text icon Moua Job opportunity building zones retailers tax incentives limit
Senate SF2474 4 03/11/2004 Text icon Anderson Utility cold weather disconnection rule and budget billing plan provisions modifications
Senate SF2462 4 03/25/2004 Text icon Anderson Common interest communities housing authorities units lease restrictions prohibition
Senate SF2456 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Anderson St. Paul bioscience corridor infrastructure development bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2443 3 03/11/2004 Text icon Pappas Comprehensive family life and sexuality education programs
Senate SF2440 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Anderson Charter schools transportation formulas modification
Senate SF2439 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Kelley School districts and charter schools special education parallel funding
Senate SF2413 9 04/15/2004 Text icon Sparks Employees overtime pay regulation modification
Senate SF2412 6 05/13/2004 Text icon Anderson Mortgage foreclosure reconveyances regulation
Senate HF2386 7 05/11/2004 206 Text icon Rosen Employment and economic development and economic security departments merger
Senate SF2380 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Anderson Metropolitan council capital improvements and regional recreational open space land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2350 8 05/04/2004 Text icon Rosen Employment and economic development and economic security departments merger
Senate SF2349 4 04/29/2004 Text icon Dibble Motor vehicle sales tax temporary exemption for hybrid motor vehicles
Senate SF2346 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Sparks Telephone utilities and community calling plans rules repeal
Senate SF2345 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Sparks Telephone companies deposits interest payment regulation
Senate SF2337 5 03/29/2004 Text icon Anderson Humanities commission employees state paid insurance and benefits eligibility
Senate SF2331 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Kelley Cable franchise procedures and requirements modifications
Senate SF2315 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Ourada Radioactive waste transportation fee imposition expansion
Senate SF2313 7 05/13/2004 Text icon Frederickson Public facilities authority bonding authority increase and modification
Senate SF2289 2 02/23/2004 Text icon Rosen Vocational rehabilitation programs additional funding
Senate SF2282 2 02/23/2004 Text icon Anderson School districts adult basic education formula modification
Senate SF2271 2 02/23/2004 Text icon Rosen Businesses federal contracts assistance grant appropriation
Senate SF2270 2 02/23/2004 Text icon Rosen Biotechnology and health sciences industry zone tax credits or exemptions limit increase
Senate SF2269 3 03/11/2004 Text icon Kelley Minnesota redevelopment accounts modifications and biotechnology and health sciences industry zone projects bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2243 5 04/05/2004 Text icon Anderson Unemployment insurance provisions modifications
Senate HF2235 8 05/12/2004 183 Text icon Anderson Unemployment insurance provisions modifications
Senate SF2217 2 02/23/2004 Text icon Marty Business corporations and limited liability companies directors, officers, governors and managers standards of conduct modifications
Senate SF2182 8 03/25/2004 138 Text icon Anderson Natural gas utilities performance regulation plans provisions modifications
Senate SF2170 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Kubly Food, beverage and lodging establishment inspectors training
Senate SF2162 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Anderson Alcoholic beverage sales to minors mandatory civil penalties and compliance checks
Senate SF2153 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Moua St. Paul Phalen boulevard right-of-way acquisition and construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF2151 15 05/15/2004 261 Text icon Kelley Telecommunications regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF2116 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Sparks State agencies telemarketing or telephone center services contracts restrictions; customer sales or service call centers regulation
Senate SF2111 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Skoglund Kindergarten voluntary full day programs and prekindergarten school readiness services funding
Senate SF2110 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Skoglund School districts integration revenue restoration
Senate HF2095 9 05/15/2004 263 Text icon Anderson Mortgage foreclosure consultants and purchasers regulation; housing finance agency mortgages refinancing authority; common interest communities housing authorities units lease restrictions prohibition
Senate SF2082 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Higgins Outpatient surgical centers and diagnostic imaging facilities licensure and regulation
Senate SF2075 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Dibble Motor vehicle sales tax temporary exemption for hybrid motor vehicles
Senate SF2065 7 05/14/2004 193 Text icon Chaudhary Local government unit tort liability immunity for limited partnerships
Senate SF2044 4 03/01/2004 Text icon Dibble Labor unions organization state funds use prohibition
Senate SF2040 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Pappas St. Paul community and technical college capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1986 2 02/12/2004 Text icon Skoglund School districts limited English proficiency programs funding modifications
Senate SF1974 7 05/07/2004 Text icon Vickerman Minnesota future resources and environment and natural resources trust funds prior appropriations availability extension; LCMR parks study continuation
Senate SF1874 2 02/12/2004 Text icon Anderson Electric generation facilities mercury emissions limit
Senate SF1834 3 02/12/2004 Text icon Pappas School districts health and safety program expansion
Senate SF1821 2 02/09/2004 Text icon Pappas State fair on-sale wine license issuer change
Senate SF1818 5 02/19/2004 Text icon Limmer Nursing mothers workplace privacy requirement
Senate SF1792 11 03/25/2004 Text icon Bakk State agencies services contracts restriction
Senate SF1772 2 02/05/2004 Text icon Dibble Transitional housing programs and emergency services grants appropriation
Senate SF1769 6 05/05/2004 Text icon Anderson Major league baseball franchise community ownership
Senate SF1753 15 05/12/2004 216 Text icon Anderson Schools wind energy conversion systems; public utilities low income customer affordability program; cooperative associations and municipalities energy conservation improvement plan overview requirements modification
Senate SF1742 3 02/23/2004 Text icon Pappas World languages as academic standard
Senate HF1710 6 04/13/2004 Text icon Anderson Humanities commission employees state paid insurance and benefits eligibility
Senate SF1695 2 02/05/2004 Text icon Tomassoni Laurentian energy authority wood yard construction grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1654 3 02/05/2004 Text icon Solon Local government units and public medical facilities firearms ban authority
Senate SF1652 2 02/02/2004 Text icon Solon Lead fishing tackle awareness and education program
Senate SF1624 2 02/02/2004 Text icon Marty Income tax trade or business expense deduction disallowance
Senate SF1561 2 05/19/2003 Text icon Anderson Antibacterial cleaning products and soaps sale restrictions
Senate SF1558 2 05/19/2003 Text icon Anderson Income and franchise tax credits for alternative energy production
Senate SF1557 2 05/19/2003 Text icon Anderson Professional baseball franchise community ownership
Senate SF1548 2 05/14/2003 Text icon Jungbauer Municipal wastewater treatment facilities phosphorus management plans development and implementation
Senate SF1535 4 05/08/2003 Text icon Skoglund Minnesota citizens personal protection act of 2003 repeal
Senate SF1529 2 05/02/2003 Text icon Pappas Business corporations liability for damage to public interest
Senate SF1517 2 04/28/2003 Text icon Anderson State contractors equitable compensation relationships certification and reporting requirements
Senate SF1509 2 04/23/2003 Text icon Dibble Bridges rental housing assistance program appropriation
Senate SF1499 2 04/22/2003 Text icon Marty Income tax mortgage interest deduction limit to fund human services and housing programs
Senate SF1488 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Rosen Renewable energy production incentive qualified on farm biogas recovery facility definition modification
Senate SF1446 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Marty Drinking water protection
Senate SF1403 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Lourey Constitutional amendment to define person
Senate SF1387 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Anderson Health insurance insulin copayment limit
Senate SF1383 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Anderson Renewable energy production incentive eligibility expansion
Senate SF1317 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Higgins Free game and fish licenses
Senate SF1316 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Higgins Predatory offenders community residence location restriction
Senate SF1311 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Kelley Open video systems regulation
Senate SF1240 3 04/16/2003 Text icon Anderson Automobile insurance requirements enforcement provisions modifications
Senate SF1228 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Anderson Small wind energy conversion systems incentive payments eligibility modifications and clarifications
Senate SF1222 4 04/03/2003 Text icon Cohen St. Paul sales tax use for cultural organization operating expenses expenditure condition modification
Senate SF1205 3 04/16/2003 Text icon Hottinger Property tax exemption for electric generation facilities personal property
Senate SF1181 2 03/27/2003 Text icon Moua Minneapolis-St. Paul central corridor transitway project implementation reauthorization and appropriation
Senate SF1175 7 03/31/2004 Text icon Anderson Tobacco products telephone, Internet or mail order sales and deliveries regulation
Senate SF1172 2 03/27/2003 Text icon Sams Watercraft surcharge and gasoline tax apportionment increases for aquatic plant management
Senate SF1116 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Anderson Public utilities residential customers budget billing plan redefinition
Senate SF1093 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Lourey Business corporation officers and directors standard of conduct modifications
Senate SF1089 3 03/31/2003 Text icon Dibble Deaf and hard of hearing people employment center grants appropriation
Senate SF1087 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Pappas United family medicine residency program grant appropriation
Senate SF1083 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Higgins Residential mortgage originators employees registration
Senate SF1067 4 04/07/2003 Text icon Kelley Biotechnology and health sciences industry tax free zones designation
Senate SF1051 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Scheid WomenVenture and metropolitan economic development association grants appropriations
Senate SF1040 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Higgins Older manufactured homes discriminatory or arbitrary park lot rules prohibition
Senate SF1032 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Higgins Coal fired power plants pollution control equipment installation requirement
Senate SF1017 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Higgins Coal fired power plant emissions health care costs assessment and reimbursement
Senate SF0995 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Kubly Electricity generation environmental costs evaluation criteria
Senate SF0930 7 02/02/2004 Text icon Anderson Renewable energy standard establishment and development and conservation improvement funding increase
Senate SF0929 5 02/02/2004 Text icon Anderson Prairie Island nuclear reactors phaseout and replacement
Senate SF0928 3 02/02/2004 Text icon Anderson Public utilities residential customers protections
Senate SF0925 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Marty Sales tax exemption for rerefined motor oils and recycled copier and printing paper
Senate SF0921 3 04/09/2003 Text icon Scheid Job training program grants
Senate SF0916 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Higgins Lead hazard reduction project continuation grant appropriation
Senate SF0898 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Moua Income tax credit for affordable housing contributions
Senate SF0896 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Anderson St. Paul Como park conservatory restoration project bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0864 6 05/16/2003 Text icon Anderson Unemployment insurance trust fund solvency provisions and policy and technical modifications
Senate SF0854 2 03/13/2003 Text icon Pappas School boards probationary teachers evaluation time requirements
Senate HF0831 5 05/16/2003 Text icon Anderson Unemployment insurance trust fund solvency provisions and policy and technical modifications
Senate SF0826 2 03/13/2003 Text icon Metzen Alcoholic beverage sales to minors mandatory civil penalties
Senate SF0820 2 03/13/2003 Text icon Anderson Substitute teachers continuing contract or tenure status attainment
Senate SF0811 2 03/13/2003 Text icon Moua PERA coverage for St. Paul port authority employees
Senate SF0810 3 03/26/2003 Text icon Tomassoni Consumer right to privacy, confidentiality and secrecy of financial records
Senate SF0805 6 05/16/2003 Text icon Dibble Municipal housing maintenance code violations reinspection local special assessments
Senate SF0766 4 04/09/2003 Text icon Kelley Education telecommunications fund
Senate SF0761 2 03/10/2003 Text icon Anderson Nonpublic schools pupil fair dismissal act and student admission discrimination prohibitions subjection
Senate SF0760 2 03/10/2003 Text icon Anderson Nonpublic schools high school graduation requirements subjection
Senate SF0757 2 03/10/2003 Text icon Kiscaden Health insurance coverage mandates evaluation
Senate SF0733 10 02/05/2004 Text icon Anderson Nuclear facility additional dry cask storage; hydrogen energy economy goal and development programs; renewable energy development and energy conservation provisions; biomass mandate reduction; energy enterprise zones
Senate SF0690 2 03/06/2003 Text icon Dibble Workplace HIV/AIDS education, awareness and management appropriation
Senate SF0684 3 03/26/2003 Text icon Kelley Professional teaching standards promotion grants program modification and appropriation
Senate SF0665 5 03/01/2004 Text icon Pappas Post-secondary educational institutions credit cards marketing practices prohibition
Senate SF0663 2 03/06/2003 Text icon Pogemiller Minneapolis on-sale wine and malt liquor licenses for Guthrie lab
Senate SF0653 16 05/15/2004 282 Text icon Sams Multiline telephone systems emergency telephone (911) system enhancement requirements; drivers license invalidation requirement modification
Senate SF0650 2 03/03/2003 Text icon Marty Civil remedy for employer willful or repeated occupational safety violations causing serious injury or death
Senate SF0647 2 03/03/2003 Text icon Anderson Metropolitan area regional parks operation and maintenance grants appropriation
Senate SF0583 3 03/17/2003 Text icon Stumpf Collaborative urban educator recruitment and training programs grants appropriation
Senate SF0581 5 04/07/2003 Text icon Anderson Health insurance disabled children coverage termination notice content requirements
Senate SF0537 5 04/14/2003 Text icon Anderson Long term care insurance life and health guaranty association coverage
Senate HF0536 7 04/29/2003 21 Text icon Scheid Minnesota joint underwriting association regulation provisions modification
Senate SF0495 2 02/24/2003 Text icon Dibble Outdoor light pollution restriction
Senate SF0487 5 02/02/2004 Text icon Kelley Telecommunications Consumer Privacy Act
Senate SF0482 2 02/24/2003 Text icon Moua City local government aid increase limits elimination
Senate SF0455 2 02/20/2003 Text icon Scheid Health plan companies prompt payment requirements modifications
Senate SF0440 2 02/20/2003 Text icon Anderson Health maintenance organizations enrollee cost sharing restrictions modifications
Senate SF0439 3 02/24/2003 Text icon Robling Traffic signal violations photographic evidence programs
Senate SF0405 2 02/17/2003 Text icon Dibble Motor vehicle sales tax temporary exemption for clean fuel vehicles
Senate SF0404 2 02/17/2003 Text icon Sparks Blazing Star trail segment acquisition, design and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0403 2 02/17/2003 Text icon Sparks Shooting Star trail segment design, acquisition and construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0394 7 05/16/2003 Text icon Sams Minnesota Health Plan Contracting Act; health care services prior authorization requests regulation; network shadow contracting provisions modifications and profiling data release restrictions
Senate SF0387 2 02/17/2003 Text icon Moua St. Paul housing and redevelopment authority multiple tax increment financing housing districts creation
Senate SF0382 5 03/24/2003 Text icon Scheid Minnesota joint underwriting association regulation provisions modification
Senate SF0377 5 04/09/2003 Text icon Anderson Infant cribs safety
Senate SF0374 6 05/13/2003 63 Text icon Pappas St. Paul civic center (RiverCentre) authority powers and duties technical modifications
Senate SF0359 2 02/13/2003 Text icon Vickerman Environment and natural resources projects appropriations
Senate SF0343 9 05/16/2003 Text icon Sparks Health plan companies compensated employees or directors information reporting requirements
Senate SF0295 3 03/10/2003 Text icon Murphy Fire safety sprinkler systems installation in high rise buildings; building owners functioning smoke detectors reporting requirements
Senate SF0269 5 03/17/2003 Text icon Anderson Health plan companies coverage for prescription contraceptives
Senate SF0264 2 02/06/2003 Text icon Higgins Juvenile criminal conviction records expungement authority expansion
Senate SF0260 6 03/22/2004 Text icon Higgins Workplace ergonomic hazards occupational safety and health standard adoption requirement
Senate SF0249 2 02/04/2003 Text icon Moua Minneapolis-St. Paul central corridor transitway planning and preliminary engineering bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0247 2 02/03/2003 Text icon Pappas St. Paul Raspberry island rivers edge improvements construction and public park redevelopment bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0240 3 02/06/2003 Text icon Marty Telephone solicitations regulation expansion
Senate SF0196 2 01/30/2003 Text icon Anderson Family homeless prevention and assistance program appropriation
Senate SF0185 2 01/30/2003 Text icon Dibble Transitional housing programs and emergency services grants appropriation
Senate SF0178 2 01/30/2003 Text icon Kubly Urban ethanol plant relocation assistance
Senate SF0102 2 01/23/2003 Text icon Pappas St. Paul nonconforming billboards amortization authority
Senate SF0069 5 02/05/2004 Text icon Saxhaug Secondary school attendance areas as local calling areas
Senate HF0051 7 04/28/2003 19 Text icon Anderson Long term care insurance life and health guaranty association coverage
Senate SF0036 3 02/17/2003 Text icon Pappas Ethanol producer payments restriction
Senate SF0019 4 01/16/2003 Text icon Moua St. Paul Phalen boulevard contamination remediation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0004 2 01/09/2003 Text icon Anderson Unemployment insurance benefits extension
Senate SF0003 6 04/13/2004 Text icon Anderson Minimum wage increase