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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

292 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Authors of "Vickerman"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3468 10 05/17/2002 Text icon Pappas Resolution to ensure preservation of and respect for state and local authority in negotiating free trade agreements
Senate SF3456 2 04/03/2002 Text icon Larson Teachers additional retirement benefits
Senate SF3406 2 02/27/2002 Text icon Stumpf Citizenship and volunteer services office reestablishment
Senate SF3356 2 02/21/2002 Text icon Vickerman Red Rock rural water system regional water supply project construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3351 2 02/21/2002 Text icon Neuville Child support guidelines
Senate SF3335 2 02/20/2002 Text icon Fowler Sales tax exemption for Lewisville wastewater collection and treatment system construction materials and supplies
Senate SF3325 2 02/20/2002 Text icon Murphy Agricultural contract requirements exclusion clarification
Senate SF3316 2 02/20/2002 Text icon Fowler Fairmont county juvenile facility operating costs grant appropriation
Senate SF3307 2 02/20/2002 Text icon Pappas Buildings accessible entrances requirement
Senate SF3305 2 02/20/2002 Text icon Vickerman Residential buildings inspection under state building code
Senate SF3271 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Vickerman Children with severe emotional disturbance residential treatment services choice and medical assistance coverage
Senate SF3250 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Fowler School districts debt service equalizing factor increase
Senate SF3249 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Fowler Independent school district 2071, Lake Crystal-Wellcome Memorial; debt service equalizing factor increase
Senate SF3213 3 05/14/2002 Text icon Lessard Lawful gambling provisions technical modifications
Senate HF3196 15 03/27/2002 298 Text icon Robertson Administration department provisions modifications; voyageurs national park citizens council statutory authority repeal
Senate SF3194 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Samuelson World war II veterans memorial and informational kiosk construction bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF3190 4 02/26/2002 Text icon Lesewski Wind energy conversion systems production tax imposition and property tax exemption
Senate SF3162 5 03/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Murray county recorder appointment
Senate SF3144 3 05/14/2002 Text icon Lessard Lawful gambling license terms modifications
Senate SF3130 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Fowler Independent school district 458, Truman; permanent fund transfer
Senate HF3116 7 03/11/2002 225 Text icon Vickerman Environment and natural resources trust fund provisions modifications
Senate SF3115 9 03/25/2002 260 Text icon Kelley, S.P. State energy efficiency installment purchases regulation provisions modifications
Senate HF3073 7 05/15/2002 386 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling provisions modifications
Senate SF3051 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Vickerman Crop residue biomass generated electricity incentive payments
Senate SF3035 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Fowler Madelia business incubator building capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF3022 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Metzen Emergency telephone service (911) access, fee and reimbursement requirements modifications
Senate SF3008 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Johnson, Dean Minnesota Valley regional rail authority freight rail improvements grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2990 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Southwest regional development commission Prairie Expo debt retirement
Senate SF2967 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Reiter Lawful gambling lawful purpose expenditures by veterans organizations
Senate SF2966 5 02/27/2002 Text icon Robertson Administration department provisions modifications; voyageurs national park citizens council statutory authority repeal
Senate SF2946 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 2898, Westbrook-Walnut Grove; disabled access levy authority extension
Senate SF2945 5 03/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Nobles county recorder and auditor-treasurer appointment
Senate SF2940 3 04/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF2936 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Special education program costs expansion
Senate SF2935 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 836, Butterfield; permanent fund transfer
Senate SF2934 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Telephone solicitation calls regulation
Senate SF2932 11 03/25/2002 253 Text icon Krentz Citizens water quality monitoring
Senate SF2922 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Neuville Marriage dissolution family farm property division
Senate SF2915 3 02/15/2002 Text icon Murphy MSRS, PERA and state patrol retirement plan members prior military service credit purchase authority extension
Senate SF2904 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Cities overhead electric or communication facilities conversion authority
Senate SF2902 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Bachmann American Heritage Education in Minnesota Public Schools Act
Senate SF2890 8 04/02/2002 299 Text icon Knutson Public works contracts costs recovery waiver provisions unenforceability
Senate SF2886 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Fowler Fairmont sports complex land acquisition, renovation and expansion grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2885 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Fowler Cities local government aid base increase
Senate SF2822 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Environment and natural resources trust fund provisions modifications
Senate SF2817 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Berg Public waters work permission requirement clarification and wetland replacement plan exemption criteria modification
Senate SF2815 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Murphy Counties livestock development program
Senate SF2814 8 04/02/2002 303 Text icon Murphy Cooperative members electronic voting
Senate SF2806 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Johnson, Dave Fire protection contractor license requirement exemption
Senate SF2805 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Knutson Transportation public works contracts waiver provisions unenforceability
Senate SF2799 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Cohen St. Paul Roy Wilkins auditorium capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2794 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman State agency motor vehicles clean fuels use requirement
Senate SF2793 10 04/02/2002 300 Text icon Vickerman Medical assistance reimbursement for out of state services to children with severe emotional disturbance
Senate SF2779 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Small cities public infrastructure capital expenditures grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2772 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Hottinger Cities alternative annexation procedures
Senate SF2727 18 05/17/2002 366 Text icon Samuelson State park, recreation area and forest land additions and deletions; state and tax-forfeited land sales; trail modifications; stream easements acquisition; lower St. Croix national scenic riverway substandard structures continuation
Senate SF2696 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Sams Business loans for job enhancement
Senate SF2695 3 02/14/2002 Text icon Ring Counties subdivided lands dedication
Senate SF2694 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Lesewski Trunk highway 23 high priority interregional corridor reconstruction project
Senate SF2690 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Telephone solicitation calls regulation
Senate SF2689 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman School districts shared time aid payment to nonresident districts
Senate SF2680 20 04/09/2002 317 Text icon Limmer Residential housing ventilation system installation requirements elimination; new energy code adoption
Senate SF2679 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program; redevelopment account and wastewater infrastructure funding program bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2668 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Frederickson Rail service improvement program bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2664 5 03/04/2002 Text icon Scheevel Pollutants release into state waters prohibition exceptions expansion; open air swine basins construction permits issuance prohibition
Senate HF2637 7 03/18/2002 241 Text icon Vickerman Town boards temporary officeholders appointment
Senate SF2626 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Dille Reinvest in Minnesota conservation reserve program easement payment bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2612 12 04/09/2002 316 Text icon Kleis Funeral home vehicles flashing red lights use authority
Senate SF2588 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Murray county Lake Shetek centralized wastewater system grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2587 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Tracy central business district revitalization bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2561 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Langseth Native prairie bank easements acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2546 13 03/27/2002 296 Text icon Fischbach Rockville and Pleasant Lake and town of Rockville and New London, Spicer and town of New London consolidation plans; Montgomery ward system abolishment
Senate SF2539 5 02/15/2002 Text icon Wiger St. Paul major league baseball park construction
Senate SF2530 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Berg LQP-25 Lazarus Creek floodwater retention project grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2526 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Jackson county Fort Belmont restoration bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2517 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Samuelson Transit systems property tax replacement aid eligibility expansion
Senate SF2507 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Lesewski Southwest state university facilities replacement and repair bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2500 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Dille Sales tax exemption for seller prepared bakery products
Senate SF2487 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Krentz State park and recreation area facilities improvements and land acquisition bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2478 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Johnson, Dean Granite Falls flood hazard mitigation grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2472 5 03/06/2002 Text icon Vickerman Town boards temporary officeholders appointment
Senate SF2455 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Casey Jones state trail capital planning, acquisition and development bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2447 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Vickerman Wastewater infrastructure funding program bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2446 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Casey Jones state trail expansion and use modification
Senate SF2445 5 03/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman School property trespass law expansion
Senate SF2444 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Vickerman Lewis and Clark rural water system construction grant appropriation modification and bond sale cancellation
Senate SF2440 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Frederickson Homestead property tax treatment of nonhomestead property
Senate SF2421 3 02/14/2002 Text icon Vickerman Biodiesel fuel use incentives
Senate SF2412 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Vickerman Minnesota west community and technical college Worthington campus capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2392 16 05/17/2002 372 Text icon Metzen Emergency 911 telecommunications system
Senate SF2385 2 05/16/2001 Text icon Vickerman State residential facilities education services bargaining unit issues study
Senate HF2362 3 05/17/2001 Text icon Murphy Resolution for cigarettes less likely to start fires
Senate SF2328 10 05/21/2001 5 Text icon Kelly, R.C. Resolution for railroad employees unemployment and sickness benefits eligibility
Senate SF2285 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Larson Teachers retirement annuity selection option
Senate SF2265 3 05/08/2001 Text icon Murphy Resolution for cigarettes less likely to start fires
Senate SF2244 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Vickerman Worthington nursing facilities medical assistance case mix operating cost payment rate increases
Senate SF2218 3 03/04/2002 Text icon Fowler Town road maintenance revolving loan fund
Senate SF2201 2 04/02/2001 Text icon Vickerman School districts American sign language English interpreters and oral or oral cued speech transliterators certification clarification
Senate SF2189 2 03/29/2001 Text icon Fowler Teacher loan forgiveness program
Senate SF2135 2 03/28/2001 Text icon Vickerman Electric utility services joint ventures
Senate SF2111 2 03/28/2001 Text icon Stevens Local government units solid waste collector businesses displacement advance notice or reasonable compensation requirements
Senate SF2097 5 04/19/2001 Text icon Vickerman Rural ambulance services staff requirements temporary variances; rural emergency medical technician-paramedic training programs accreditation requirement exemption
Senate SF2084 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Murphy Agricultural processing revolving loan program; ethanol facility germ and fiber recovery process appropriation
Senate SF2031 12 05/21/2001 126 Text icon Knutson Public works contracts costs recovery waiver provisions unenforceability
Senate SF2030 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Johnson, Doug Motor vehicle transfer fee repeal
Senate SF2027 5 04/18/2001 Text icon Sams Agriculture best management practices loan program modifications
Senate SF2025 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Lesewski Secondary school science teachers alternative licensure requirements
Senate SF2010 3 04/05/2001 Text icon Vickerman Livestock or animal feed vehicles seasonal highway weight restrictions exemption
Senate SF2009 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Metzen Public employees insurance program retired employees open enrollment period
Senate SF2003 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Vickerman Municipal planning standards
Senate SF1999 8 05/11/2001 78 Text icon Vickerman Judicial system obsolete references amendment or repeal; warrants issuance and service provisions clarification
Senate SF1981 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Value added agricultural product processing and marketing grant program expansion
Senate SF1980 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Travel information centers operation appropriation
Senate SF1972 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Dille Agricultural product shipper organizations establishment grants appropriation
Senate SF1884 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean Rail service improvement program appropriation
Senate SF1805 2 03/19/2001 Text icon Frederickson Counties tribal tax agreement payment increases
Senate SF1802 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Frederickson Nursing facilities medical assistance therapy services separate billing requirement exemption expansion
Senate SF1801 4 03/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman American Heritage Education in Minnesota Public Schools Act
Senate SF1792 3 02/11/2002 Text icon Murphy Ethanol producer payments program provisions modifications
Senate SF1749 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Passing on the farm center continued funding appropriation
Senate HF1748 8 05/08/2001 74 Text icon Vickerman Rural or small community ambulance services staff requirements temporary variances; rural emergency medical technician-paramedic training programs accreditation requirement exemption
Senate SF1739 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 173, Mountain Lake; permanent fund transfer
Senate SF1737 3 04/18/2001 Text icon Vickerman Manufactured home park redevelopment program
Senate SF1730 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Government training service grant appropriation
Senate SF1707 7 04/18/2001 Text icon Vickerman Public safety officers survivor benefits eligibility expansion
Senate SF1689 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Grain inspection fee study
Senate SF1680 10 05/18/2001 162 Text icon Robertson Administration department provisions modifications
Senate SF1678 6 04/20/2001 Text icon Rest State fund mutual insurance company state involvement elimination
Senate SF1677 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Sams County agricultural society exhibitor awards inflation adjusted annual appropriation
Senate SF1674 6 04/18/2001 Text icon Vickerman Gambling control board investigators unmarked motor vehicles use authority and registration tax exemption
Senate SF1603 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Fowler Towns snow removal expenses grants appropriation
Senate SF1573 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 671, Hills-Beaver Creek; school year start before Labor Day
Senate SF1572 5 04/23/2001 Text icon Langseth Municipal planning legal nonconforming land uses treatment clarification
Senate SF1529 5 04/25/2001 Text icon Lesewski Local government units smaller building projects architects or engineers employment study
Senate SF1525 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Lesewski Rural local public service facilities construction appropriation
Senate SF1510 4 04/11/2001 Text icon Krentz Forest resources management provisions modifications
Senate HF1507 15 05/18/2001 174 Text icon Langseth Municipal planning legal nonconforming land uses treatment clarification
Senate SF1507 10 05/21/2001 Text icon Knutson State procurement provisions modifications
Senate SF1506 5 04/19/2001 Text icon Larson Veterans homes board donations administration provision modification
Senate SF1471 8 03/06/2002 223 Text icon Vickerman Municipal board abolishment and powers and duties transfer statutory provisions conformity
Senate SF1463 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Wiger Maplewood Bruentrup farm restoration completion grant appropriation
Senate SF1455 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Vickerman Veterans unemployment benefits
Senate SF1449 7 04/20/2001 Text icon Hottinger Community based planning modifications
Senate SF1441 9 05/15/2001 93 Text icon Hottinger Local officials gifts acceptance prohibition exception
Senate SF1405 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean Minnesota River trail
Senate SF1400 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Stevens Waste management act provisions modifications
Senate SF1375 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Lourey Motor vehicle drivers speed reduction awareness study
Senate SF1367 10 05/21/2001 198 Text icon Lourey County creation and boundary change procedures modification
Senate SF1338 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Fowler Fairmont sales and use taxes imposition authority
Senate SF1302 2 03/05/2001 Text icon Hottinger State and local government units sustainable environment policies
Senate SF1301 7 05/21/2001 140 Text icon Robertson Housing and redevelopment authorities contracting and performance and payment bond threshold increases
Senate SF1272 2 03/05/2001 Text icon Lesewski Resolution for constitutional amendment for legislative body apportionment on basis of area
Senate SF1263 9 05/18/2001 161 Text icon Robertson Multimember agencies expiration dates modifications or repeal; health boards council establishment
Senate SF1258 9 05/16/2001 102 Text icon Frederickson Minnesota investment fund loan or grant authority expansion
Senate HF1247 8 05/08/2001 75 Text icon Larson Veterans homes board donations administration provision modification
Senate HF1219 8 05/01/2001 63 Text icon Rest State fund mutual insurance company state involvement elimination
Senate SF1213 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Frederickson Wastewater infrastructure funding program provisions modifications
Senate SF1207 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Vickerman Nobles county prairieland transit system operating costs grant appropriation
Senate SF1199 6 04/18/2001 Text icon Larson County hospitals board membership and financing provisions modifications
Senate SF1193 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dave Local building department professional activity funds
Senate HF1188 8 05/03/2001 67 Text icon Vickerman Fire training exercises ash disposal regulation
Senate SF1171 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 175, Westbrook; Westbrook-Walnut Grove high school student entrepreneurship project appropriation
Senate SF1164 9 05/16/2001 99 Text icon Frederickson Reinvest in Minnesota program landowner definition modification and easements and wetland restoration payment limit increases
Senate SF1159 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Frederickson Property tax homestead classification for residents of elderly assisted living facilities
Senate SF1154 13 05/19/2001 176 Text icon Kelley, S.P. Metropolitan radio board expiration date extension and duties and responsibilities transfer plan
Senate HF1153 15 05/18/2001 172 Text icon Lesewski Local government units smaller building projects architect employment requirement exemption, study and education program
Senate SF1148 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Murphy Animal feedlot permit conditions
Senate SF1147 4 04/02/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Health insurance purchasing alliance stop-loss fund; health care purchasing alliances establishment grants appropriation
Senate SF1146 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Nursing facilities employer paid health insurance coverage stop-loss fund
Senate SF1130 3 03/19/2001 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling tax rate reductions and reporting requirements elimination
Senate SF1085 3 03/08/2001 Text icon Vickerman Soybean oilseed processing facility construction funding
Senate SF1075 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dave Minnesota investment fund appropriation
Senate SF1074 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dave Minnesota investment fund provisions modifications
Senate SF1064 9 05/16/2001 100 Text icon Rest State agencies professional services contractors selection process
Senate SF1060 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Fowler Volunteer ambulance services financial assistance and rural ambulance services challenges study
Senate SF1059 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Anderson St. Paul technology infrastructure improvements bond issuance authority
Senate SF1046 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Fischbach Farmed cervidae hunting on licensed shooting preserves
Senate SF1045 6 04/19/2001 Text icon Vickerman Fire training exercises ash disposal regulation
Senate SF1039 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Lesewski Election candidates parade participation fees restriction
Senate SF1036 3 03/19/2001 Text icon Frederickson Brown county nursing facility medical assistance case mix operating cost payment rate increases
Senate HF1028 3 05/21/2001 Text icon Vickerman American Heritage Education in Minnesota Public Schools Act
Senate SF1016 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Lesewski Sales tax exemption for southwest regional emergency response and fire training center construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF1015 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Lesewski Sales tax exemption extension for agricultural processing facility construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF1008 11 05/15/2001 92 Text icon Betzold Racetrack card club cheaters detention
Senate SF1005 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Lewis and Clark rural water system project development and construction appropriations
Senate SF0998 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Hottinger City local government aid formula modifications and homestead and agricultural credit aid adjustments
Senate SF0990 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman MinnesotaCare hospitals and health care providers gross earnings and health insurance gross premium taxes contingent elimination; tobacco settlement proceeds deposit
Senate SF0987 3 03/19/2001 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling premises permit validity period and class modifications
Senate SF0986 11 05/15/2001 96 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling regulation provisions modifications; racetrack card club gambling activities limits modifications and licensees reporting requirements
Senate SF0983 5 04/20/2001 Text icon Sams Farm implements and heavy and utility equipment manufacturer or distributor repurchase requirements expansion
Senate SF0976 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Chaudhary Legislative day definition modification
Senate HF0933 8 05/08/2001 72 Text icon Sams Farm implements and heavy and utility equipment manufacturer or distributor repurchase requirements expansion
Senate SF0902 2 02/19/2001 Text icon Murphy MinnesotaCare program funding and corporate franchise tax modifications; income tax personal and dependent subtractions and child care credit; local government units sales tax exemption expansion
Senate HF0871 3 03/08/2001 Text icon Stevens City purchases by credit card
Senate SF0851 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Stevens City purchases by credit card
Senate SF0849 9 05/11/2001 86 Text icon Vickerman Rural policy and development center staff state employee insurance plan participation eligibility and state campaign finance and public disclosure board regulation subjection
Senate SF0847 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Rural policy and development center administration grant appropriation
Senate SF0840 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Langseth Sales tax farm machinery definition expansion
Senate SF0819 7 05/02/2002 Text icon Lourey Plumbers licensing requirements modifications
Senate SF0815 3 03/08/2001 Text icon Vickerman Ethanol producer payments program provisions modifications
Senate SF0814 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Sams Clean fuels public education and awareness program appropriation
Senate SF0813 4 04/09/2001 Text icon Sams Clean fuel development grant program and use incentives
Senate SF0791 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Sales tax exemption for agricultural processing facilities construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate HF0766 3 03/18/2002 Text icon Price Waste programs administration and funding transfers
Senate SF0761 6 05/01/2001 Text icon Fowler Administrative boards and agencies proportional metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas representation requirement
Senate SF0735 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Kleis Income tax subtraction for military compensation
Senate SF0704 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Fowler Sales tax rate reduction
Senate SF0695 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Vickerman Public pension plan members joint and survivor annuity selection requirement
Senate SF0680 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Lesewski School districts school buildings disabled access and fire safety improvements levy duration restriction elimination
Senate SF0678 3 02/22/2001 Text icon Frederickson Rural hospital capital improvement grant and loan program
Senate SF0662 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Vickerman Cottonwood, Lincoln, Nobles and Pipestone counties soil surveys update and digitization cost sharing contracts grants appropriation
Senate SF0661 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Pappas Ethanol plant odor control equipment installation grant appropriation
Senate SF0594 3 03/29/2001 Text icon Stumpf Property tax agricultural homestead classification for conservation reserve program property
Senate SF0592 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Hottinger Independent school district 508, St. Peter; tornado associated operating losses grant appropriation
Senate SF0578 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Anderson St. Paul Como park east Como Lake trail and lakeshore restoration grant appropriation
Senate SF0577 10 05/18/2001 Text icon Anderson St. Paul transit regulation by metropolitan council and existing transit route preservation
Senate SF0570 8 04/17/2001 23 Text icon Reiter Obsolete rules repeal
Senate SF0569 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Fowler Quad-Lakes project grant appropriation
Senate SF0558 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Stumpf Agricultural land definition clarification under hunting trespass law; deer licenses for agricultural or conservation reserve program landowners or tenants
Senate SF0557 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Fowler Independent school district 2860, Blue Earth area; public school boiler replacement grant appropriation
Senate SF0523 5 02/22/2001 Text icon Dille Bovine herds Johne's disease control program appropriation
Senate SF0522 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Kleis School districts equity revenue provisions modifications
Senate SF0515 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Larson Resource conservation and development association grants appropriation
Senate SF0511 9 05/11/2001 85 Text icon Sams State agricultural society provisions modifications
Senate SF0510 11 05/18/2001 105 Text icon Pappas Hubbard and Cass county offices appointment process
Senate SF0509 10 04/09/2001 13 Text icon Robling City and county obligations electronic funds transfer or credit card payment; city or town purchases by credit card
Senate SF0483 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Vickerman Heron Lake watershed district administrative fund levy increase authority
Senate SF0475 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Vickerman Sales tax exemptions for county road and bridge maintenance purchases
Senate SF0474 3 02/08/2001 Text icon Vickerman Local government units tax free zones designation
Senate SF0471 3 02/08/2001 Text icon Sams State agricultural society provisions modifications
Senate SF0465 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Vickerman Minnesota River basin conservation reserve enhancement program bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF0462 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Lesewski School districts equalized debt service levy formula increase and agricultural land exemption
Senate SF0461 3 02/15/2001 Text icon Lesewski Juvenile correctional facilities maltreatment reports assessment or investigation responsibility transfer
Senate SF0449 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Betzold County economic development assistance program data classification
Senate SF0434 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Murphy Shooting ranges zoning protection
Senate SF0433 8 03/28/2001 11 Text icon Ring Town boards health, social and recreational services contracts monetary limit increase
Senate SF0430 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Vickerman Soybean diseases and genetics additional research grant appropriation
Senate SF0419 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Lesewski Currant Lake diversion system abandonment prohibition
Senate SF0418 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Lesewski School districts cooperative secondary facility grant use expansion and availability extension
Senate SF0407 6 04/25/2001 Text icon Pappas Historic structures renovation and rehabilitation building code adoption requirement
Senate SF0378 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Vickerman Wastewater infrastructure funding program grants appropriation
Senate SF0376 8 03/05/2001 5 Text icon Vickerman City contract limit increases
Senate SF0375 5 04/17/2001 Text icon Vickerman Independent school district 2884, Red Rock Central; broadband Internet access expansion grant appropriation
Senate SF0373 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Samuelson Abortion informed consent requirements
Senate SF0352 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Wiger Metropolitan council members election
Senate SF0330 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Vickerman Income tax credit extension for taxes paid to other states
Senate SF0326 4 03/05/2001 Text icon Vickerman Diesel fuel biodiesel fuel oil content requirement and special fuel tax payment clarification for biodiesel fuel oil
Senate HF0326 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Vickerman Local and state government agencies requests denial clarification
Senate SF0324 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Vickerman Minnesota River basin area II floodwater control projects grant appropriation
Senate SF0316 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Lesewski Income tax subtraction for military pension or retirement pay
Senate SF0304 2 01/25/2001 Text icon Lesewski Luverne border city development zones designation authority
Senate SF0299 2 01/25/2001 Text icon Sams Farm advocates program and agriculture information centers grants appropriations
Senate SF0295 4 04/02/2001 Text icon Price Environmental and natural resources projects appropriations
Senate SF0266 10 05/16/2001 Text icon Vickerman Metropolitan area land use plans content requirements expansion
Senate SF0263 4 02/08/2001 Text icon Bachmann Afton metropolitan agricultural preserve early termination authority
Senate SF0241 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Berg LQP-25 Lazarus Creek floodwater retention project grant appropriation
Senate SF0240 4 03/04/2002 Text icon Vickerman Dental assistants licensure
Senate SF0233 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Sams MinnesotaCare health care providers gross earnings tax requirements elimination for ambulance services
Senate SF0232 4 02/08/2001 Text icon Lourey Emergency medical services special taxing districts
Senate SF0230 3 02/15/2001 Text icon Fowler Sales and gasoline and special fuels tax exemptions for ambulance services petroleum products purchases
Senate SF0227 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Regional planning support appropriation
Senate SF0221 10 05/02/2001 Text icon Pappas Animal cruelty prevention and dangerous dogs regulation provisions modifications
Senate HF0209 3 04/19/2001 Text icon Murphy Shooting ranges zoning protection
Senate SR0202 2 03/27/2002 Text icon Vickerman A senate resolution congratulating the Southwest Minnesota Christian high school boys basketball team on winning the 2002 state high school class A boys basketball tournament
Senate SF0200 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Local and state government agencies requests denial
Senate SF0199 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean Town bridges engineering costs payment
Senate SF0196 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Local government units highway rights-of-way recreational motor vehicles use or operation tort liability immunity
Senate SF0188 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Hottinger Minnesota talented youth math project program maintenance and expansion appropriation
Senate SF0186 3 01/22/2001 Text icon Cohen Health insurance coverage for eyeglasses and hearing aids
Senate SF0175 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Kierlin Counties chemical dependency funds direct allocation
Senate SF0160 6 02/28/2002 Text icon Stumpf Fire departments motor vehicle fires extinguishment expenses reimbursement; towns unpaid services charges collection from nonresidents
Senate HF0156 3 05/15/2001 Text icon Vickerman Barber shop registration renewal fee exception
Senate SF0154 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Dille Bleacher safety compliance grants
Senate SF0143 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Metzen Youth intervention programs expansion appropriation
Senate SF0140 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Ring Taylors Falls Interstate park fire and rescue operations grant appropriation
Senate SF0132 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Vickerman Barber shop registration fee exception
Senate HF0125 8 04/26/2001 37 Text icon Larson Foreign trained dentists licensure examination disqualification restriction
Senate HF0118 3 04/19/2001 Text icon Larson Resolution to reduce television networks violent and sexually explicit programs
Senate SF0112 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Vickerman Lewis and Clark rural water system project appropriation replacement
Senate SF0110 9 05/11/2001 81 Text icon Vickerman Prairieland exposition center operation and management
Senate SR0107 2 04/11/2001 Text icon Vickerman A senate resolution honoring Rodney A. Maguire for 50 years as a school bus driver
Senate SF0104 5 02/19/2001 Text icon Larson Foreign trained dentists licensure examination disqualification restriction
Senate SF0103 15 05/21/2001 204 Text icon Larson Motor fuel theft civil liability; worthless check issuance liability modifications
Senate SF0102 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Larson Dental services expansion grant program; dental hygienist services without supervision; medical assistance reimbursement rate increase for dentists
Senate SF0099 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Langseth Property tax classification rate reductions and market value increases for agricultural homestead property and education agricultural credit increase and application extension
Senate SR0092 2 03/28/2001 Text icon Vickerman A senate resoution congratulating Johns Galle Sr., mayor of Windom, Minnesota on his retirement
Senate SF0089 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Larson Income tax maximum long term care insurance premiums credit increase
Senate SR0065 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman A senate resolution congratulating Erica Whisney of Alpha, Minnesota on receiving the 2001 prudential spirit of community award
Senate SF0054 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Larson Resolution to reduce television networks violent and sexually explicit programs
Senate SF0051 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Samuelson Constitutional amendment for constitutional standard for abortion
Senate SF0031 2 01/08/2001 Text icon Samuelson Special motor vehicle license plates for decorated world war II veterans
Senate SF0026 3 02/01/2001 Text icon Langseth Wastewater infrastructure funding program appropriation