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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

203 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Authors of "Day"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3449 2 03/22/2002 Text icon Lessard Major league professional baseball park construction
Senate SF3446 2 03/20/2002 Text icon Schwab Sales tax exemption for motor home production facility construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF3434 2 03/11/2002 Text icon Schwab Special united we stand motor vehicle license plates
Senate SF3394 2 02/26/2002 Text icon Day Tobacco use prevention and local public health endowment fund repeal
Senate SF3387 2 02/25/2002 Text icon Day Medford local sales and use tax imposition and bonding authority for wastewater treatment facilities construction and improvement
Senate SF3364 2 02/21/2002 Text icon Stevens Public employment labor agreements rejection and ratification
Senate SF3221 2 02/15/2002 Text icon Day Waseca northeast park community recreational facility construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF3196 15 03/27/2002 298 Text icon Robertson Administration department provisions modifications; voyageurs national park citizens council statutory authority repeal
Senate SF3157 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Schwab Crimes of criminal vehicular homicide and injury expansion
Senate SF3156 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Schwab Motorcycles with new engines titling standard
Senate SF3113 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Hottinger DM E railroad corridor increased activity adverse impacts mitigation grants bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF3073 7 05/15/2002 386 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling provisions modifications
Senate SF3007 3 02/14/2002 Text icon Schwab Tax amnesty program
Senate SF2994 3 02/14/2002 Text icon Belanger Legislative districts redistricting plan adoption
Senate SF2971 8 03/25/2002 254 Text icon Knutson State procurement competitive bidding process codification
Senate SF2966 5 02/27/2002 Text icon Robertson Administration department provisions modifications; voyageurs national park citizens council statutory authority repeal
Senate SF2940 3 04/11/2002 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF2927 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Day State lottery gaming machines
Senate SF2926 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Schwab Forfeiture law property seizure criminal charges filing time limit
Senate SF2925 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Schwab School districts equity revenue provisions modifications
Senate SF2903 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Bachmann Major political party conventions date designation
Senate SF2888 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Johnson, Dean Constitutional amendment for general obligation bonds issuance and motor vehicle sales tax fund creation; gas tax increases; motor vehicle sales tax proceeds allocation modification; highways and transit bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2861 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Schwab Transportation department radio communications system infrastructure construction appropriation
Senate SF2849 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Kleis Unemployment insurance extra benefits for Fingerhut, Inc. laid off employees
Senate SF2843 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Hottinger South Central technical college capital projects bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2835 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Day Farmamerica emergency operating expenses appropriation
Senate SF2834 8 03/25/2002 256 Text icon Day Steele county recorder appointment
Senate SF2761 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Kiscaden Rochester regional public safety training center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2749 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Stevens Wetlands replacement bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2716 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Day Public employees police and fire plan survivor benefits
Senate SF2688 3 02/11/2002 Text icon Day State government financing provisions modifications and hiring freeze
Senate SF2682 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Johnson, Doug Metropolitan airports commission as department of transportation division
Senate HF2681 6 02/07/2002 6 Text icon Moe, R.D. Resolution expressing sentiments relating to terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
Senate SF2651 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Property tax exemption for electric generation facility personal property
Senate HF2637 7 03/18/2002 241 Text icon Vickerman Town boards temporary officeholders appointment
Senate SF2637 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Agricultural crops transport highway seasonal gross weight limit increase provision expansion
Senate SF2612 12 04/09/2002 316 Text icon Kleis Funeral home vehicles flashing red lights use authority
Senate SF2603 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Trunk and county state aid highways construction and reconstruction projects bond issue and appropriations
Senate SF2602 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Lottery receipts use for trunk highway improvements
Senate SF2601 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day I-394 single occupant vehicles sane lanes use study
Senate SF2600 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax proceeds dedication to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate SF2599 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Metropolitan area transportation advisory board chair and members appointment modifications
Senate SF2598 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Road improvement work barricades placement restriction
Senate SF2597 3 02/14/2002 Text icon Day Drivers license examinations English language requirements
Senate SF2596 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Day Federal highway funding programs state participation discontinuation and motor fuel tax rates adjustment; metropolitan council transportation planning powers and duties transfer
Senate SF2584 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Johnson, Debbie Motor vehicle sales tax revenues allocation modification; constitutional amendment to dedicate motor vehicle sales tax proceeds to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate SF2559 7 03/13/2002 Text icon Knutson Impounded motor vehicles shorter sale period application expansion
Senate HF2514 8 05/18/2001 192 Text icon Murphy Animal health board dangerous domestic animal diseases eradication emergency authority expansion; temporary biological products or antigens sale or distribution rule waiver
Senate SF2472 5 03/06/2002 Text icon Vickerman Town boards temporary officeholders appointment
Senate SF2469 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. Resolution expressing sentiments relating to terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
Senate SF2409 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Pariseau Local government units firearms industry regulation and lawsuit restrictions
Senate SF2368 9 05/18/2001 Text icon Murphy Animal health board dangerous domestic animal diseases eradication emergency authority expansion
Senate SF2352 2 04/26/2001 Text icon Day Electricians licensing requirements owner definition and maintenance electricians exemption expansion
Senate SF2328 10 05/21/2001 5 Text icon Kelly, R.C. Resolution for railroad employees unemployment and sickness benefits eligibility
Senate SF2282 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Knutson Property tax classification rate reduction for child care facility property
Senate SF2269 2 04/05/2001 Text icon Scheevel Southeastern Minnesota public safety radio system pilot project construction appropriation
Senate SF2196 2 03/29/2001 Text icon Lessard Legislative activities limit
Senate SF2187 2 03/29/2001 Text icon Langseth Local road improvement program; constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax proceeds dedication to highway user tax distribution fund; greater Minnesota transit assistance appropriation
Senate SF2142 9 05/21/2001 139 Text icon Kelly, R.C. County highways or town roads property condemnation judicial review
Senate SF2028 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Johnson, Doug University of Minnesota under state government competitive bidding and prompt payment requirements
Senate HF1958 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. Resolution for fairness between states in medicare reimbursements
Senate SF1945 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Schwab Forfeiture law property seizure criminal charges filing time limit
Senate SF1940 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Day Highway speed limit violations driver records recording prohibition modification
Senate SF1922 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Day Metropolitan council light rail transit operating costs special taxing district
Senate SF1877 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Pariseau Sales tax exemption for Cannon Falls water treatment and utility facilities construction or improvement materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF1875 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Midwest interstate passenger rail compact state dues payment appropriation
Senate SF1859 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. Resolution for fairness between states in medicare reimbursements
Senate SF1858 2 03/22/2001 Text icon Johnson, Debbie Sales tax rebate; automatic rebate mechanism modification
Senate SF1827 2 03/19/2001 Text icon Samuelson Municipal planning legal nonconforming land uses treatment clarification
Senate SF1821 12 05/21/2001 122 Text icon Murphy Telecommunications and cable facilities railroad rights-of-way use regulation
Senate SF1819 2 03/19/2001 Text icon Murphy Sales tax exemption for telecommunications services machinery, equipment and attachments
Senate SF1811 17 04/11/2002 327 Text icon Ourada Public drainage systems jurisdiction transfer
Senate SF1748 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Bachmann Constitutional amendment to restrict use of state funds for abortion services
Senate SF1729 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Day I-35W trunk highway 62 construction project suspension and I-494 reconstruction project schedule advancement
Senate SF1707 7 04/18/2001 Text icon Vickerman Public safety officers survivor benefits eligibility expansion
Senate SF1671 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Day Military recruiting officers educational data access
Senate SF1644 6 05/21/2001 Text icon Kelly, R.C. Resolution for prompt aid to India earthquake victims
Senate SF1625 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Day Farmamerica capital improvements grant appropriation
Senate SF1609 4 03/08/2002 Text icon Tomassoni Fireworks definition sparklers exclusion for regulation purposes
Senate SF1598 5 04/11/2001 Text icon Schwab Motorcycles and motorized bicycles handlebar height restrictions elimination
Senate SF1590 3 03/19/2001 Text icon Metzen Racetrack card club gambling activities limits modifications and licensees reporting requirements
Senate SF1567 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Samuelson Constitutional amendment for special sessions calling authority expansion
Senate SF1554 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Stevens Legislature size, committee and leadership modifications; governor's cabinet establishment; constitutional amendment for increased and staggered legislative terms
Senate SF1527 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Pappas Greater Minnesota and metropolitan transit appropriations
Senate SF1507 10 05/21/2001 Text icon Knutson State procurement provisions modifications
Senate SF1491 2 03/12/2001 Text icon Day Property tax exemption for agriculture education property
Senate SF1455 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Vickerman Veterans unemployment benefits
Senate SF1453 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Day Sparklers legalization
Senate SF1452 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Day Waseca tax increments expenditure authority
Senate SF1451 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Day Sales tax exemption for Dodge Center fire hall construction materials, supplies, machinery and equipment
Senate HF1383 8 05/01/2001 60 Text icon Schwab Motorcycles and motorized bicycles handlebar height restrictions elimination
Senate SF1360 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Scheevel Olmsted county solid waste recovery facility grant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1359 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Scheevel Olmsted county solid waste recovery facility grant appropriation
Senate SF1353 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Ourada Elections provisions modifications
Senate SF1242 2 03/05/2001 Text icon Samuelson Constitutional amendment for legislative days limit removal
Senate HF1236 3 04/19/2001 Text icon Johnson, Doug Metropolitan airports commission members and executive director house and senate confirmation requirement
Senate SF1214 5 04/20/2001 Text icon Tomassoni Horse racing license application and medication provisions modifications
Senate HF1214 3 04/25/2001 Text icon Ourada Elections provisions modifications
Senate SF1197 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Day Transportation obsolete or duplicative provisions repeal
Senate HF1159 9 05/01/2001 55 Text icon Samuelson Local bridge replacement and rehabilitation and Gillette children's hospital addition prior funding modifications
Senate HF1155 17 05/18/2001 170 Text icon Sams Health plan companies network shadow contracting regulation provisions modifications and action plan requirements repeal; small business health insurance task force; managed care automobile insurance plans moratorium
Senate SF1155 9 05/11/2001 83 Text icon Langseth Recreational equipment and motor homes maximum highway width or length limits
Senate SF1154 13 05/19/2001 176 Text icon Kelley, S.P. Metropolitan radio board expiration date extension and duties and responsibilities transfer plan
Senate SF1140 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Hottinger Trunk highway 14 expansion federal aid match and environmental impact statement completion appropriations
Senate SF1139 3 04/18/2001 Text icon Hottinger Constitutional amendment to dedicate motor vehicle sales tax proceeds to surface transportation fund; state trunk highway improvement projects appropriations
Senate SF1132 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Stumpf Lawful gambling tax rate reductions and reporting requirements elimination
Senate SF1125 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Neuville State officials litigation or settlements prohibition and recovered money deposit requirement
Senate SF1081 6 05/09/2001 Text icon Sams Health plan companies network shadow contracting regulation provisions modifications; managed care automobile insurance plans moratorium
Senate SF1060 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Fowler Volunteer ambulance services financial assistance and rural ambulance services challenges study
Senate SF1056 8 05/16/2001 98 Text icon Sabo School bus drivers licenses validity verification requirement
Senate SF1025 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Murphy Cannon River joint powers board resource protection and conservation grant appropriation
Senate SF1008 11 05/15/2001 92 Text icon Betzold Racetrack card club cheaters detention
Senate HF0995 9 05/01/2001 59 Text icon Tomassoni Horse racing license application and medication provisions modifications
Senate SF0986 11 05/15/2001 96 Text icon Vickerman Lawful gambling regulation provisions modifications; racetrack card club gambling activities limits modifications and licensees reporting requirements
Senate SF0930 8 05/11/2001 89 Text icon Schwab Motor vehicle carriers obsolete rules repeal
Senate SF0910 8 05/18/2001 119 Text icon Robertson Residential roadway definition modification for traffic regulations purposes
Senate SF0907 2 02/19/2001 Text icon Kleis Prescription drug program eligibility expansion requirements
Senate SF0902 2 02/19/2001 Text icon Murphy MinnesotaCare program funding and corporate franchise tax modifications; income tax personal and dependent subtractions and child care credit; local government units sales tax exemption expansion
Senate SF0883 8 04/18/2001 29 Text icon Hottinger Hospitals operation, construction and equipment rules variance or waiver request procedure
Senate SF0859 13 05/18/2001 109 Text icon Hottinger Accountancy Act of 2001
Senate SF0857 3 03/26/2001 Text icon Samuelson Local bridge replacement and rehabilitation and Gillette children's hospital addition prior funding modifications
Senate SF0829 7 05/19/2001 Text icon Murphy Motor vehicle registration transactions filing fee increase
Senate SF0772 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Schwab Resolution urging congressional adherence to special education funding promise
Senate SF0735 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Kleis Income tax subtraction for military compensation
Senate SF0731 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Day Juvenile correctional facility residents religious services attendance
Senate SF0692 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Lessard Sales tax rebate; automatic rebate mechanism modification
Senate SF0682 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Lesewski Newspapers or magazines paid political advertisement disclaimers type size requirement
Senate SF0679 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Johnson, Doug Metropolitan airports commission members and executive director house and senate confirmation requirement
Senate SF0616 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Lourey Massage and Oriental bodywork therapists registration and regulation
Senate HF0553 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Day Transportation obsolete or duplicative provisions repeal
Senate SF0551 3 03/08/2001 Text icon Dille Resolution supporting state participation in Sault Ste. Marie lock new construction and recognizing upper Mississippi River critical habitat restoration and rehabilitation needs
Senate SF0526 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Day Medical assistance program pharmacies participation conditions
Senate SF0525 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Day State owned casino establishment and operation
Senate SF0500 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Rochester university center infrastructure improvement initiative completion bond issue and appropriation
Senate HF0486 15 05/16/2001 143 Text icon Lesewski Newspapers or magazines paid political advertisement disclaimers legibility requirement
Senate SF0459 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Betzold Sales tax exemption for commuter rail systems construction materials, supplies and equipment
Senate SF0458 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Betzold Sales tax exemption for diesel fuel used to operate commuter rail systems
Senate SF0434 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Murphy Shooting ranges zoning protection
Senate SF0402 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Fischbach Motor vehicle sales tax revenues allocation modification; constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax proceeds dedication to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate SF0387 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Multilane highways motor vehicles lane shift requirement for passing emergency vehicles
Senate SF0350 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Terwilliger Trunk highway system improvements funding
Senate SF0297 3 02/15/2001 Text icon Kiscaden Midwest regional rail corridor preliminary engineering and environmental analysis activities completion appropriation
Senate SF0266 10 05/16/2001 Text icon Vickerman Metropolitan area land use plans content requirements expansion
Senate SF0265 3 02/05/2001 Text icon Langseth Metropolitan state university St. Paul region campus library facility construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SR0262 2 05/20/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to conduct of senate business during the interim between sessions
Senate SR0261 2 05/20/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to notifying the governor the senate is about to adjourn sine die
Senate SF0260 3 02/12/2001 Text icon Sams MinnesotaCare hospitals and health care providers gross earnings and health insurance premium taxes and medical assistance surcharge elimination provisions; tobacco settlement proceeds deposit requirement
Senate SR0260 2 05/20/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to notifying the house of representatives the senate is about to adjourn sine die
Senate SF0258 10 03/19/2001 1 Text icon Tomassoni Resolution for steel products importation trade agreements enforcement
Senate SF0257 3 03/22/2001 Text icon Day I-394 single occupant vehicles sane lanes use study
Senate SF0233 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Sams MinnesotaCare health care providers gross earnings tax requirements elimination for ambulance services
Senate SF0232 4 02/08/2001 Text icon Lourey Emergency medical services special taxing districts
Senate SF0230 3 02/15/2001 Text icon Fowler Sales and gasoline and special fuels tax exemptions for ambulance services petroleum products purchases
Senate SF0226 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean Highway user tax distribution fund appropriation
Senate SR0221 4 05/20/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution commemorating the lives and work of deceased senators
Senate SF0214 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Day School districts career and technical education programs funding restoration
Senate SF0213 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Day Constitutional amendment for motor vehicle sales tax proceeds dedication to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate HF0209 3 04/19/2001 Text icon Murphy Shooting ranges zoning protection
Senate HF0208 10 05/18/2001 4 Text icon Dille Resolution supporting state participation in Sault Ste. Marie lock new construction and recognizing upper Mississippi River critical habitat restoration and rehabilitation needs
Senate SF0204 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. Local key bridges replacement, rehabilitation and repair bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0196 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Vickerman Local government units highway rights-of-way recreational motor vehicles use or operation tort liability immunity
Senate SF0190 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Scheevel Volunteer firefighters maximum state supplemental retirement benefit increase
Senate SR0168 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to mileage; setting the miles traveled by members of the senate in going to and returning from the capitol
Senate SF0165 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Day St. Paul I-35E speed limit increase
Senate SF0164 3 02/05/2001 Text icon Day State trooper position increases appropriation
Senate SF0163 3 03/01/2001 Text icon Day Motor vehicle sales tax revenues allocation modification; constitutional amendment to increase motor vehicle sales tax proceeds percentage dedicated to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate SR0162 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to expenses of interns
Senate SR0161 2 01/29/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to postage
Senate SF0160 6 02/28/2002 Text icon Stumpf Fire departments motor vehicle fires extinguishment expenses reimbursement; towns unpaid services charges collection from nonresidents
Senate SF0157 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Day Medford economic development district tax increment revenues use authority
Senate SF0152 6 04/05/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean State troopers hiring and state patrol recruit training academy appropriations and training program efficiency and cost effectiveness report
Senate SF0149 2 01/18/2001 Text icon Rest Income tax subtraction increase for charitable contributions by nonitemizers
Senate SF0145 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Johnson, Dean Medical assistance alternative and home and community based waivered services programs statewide maximum rate payment
Senate SR0136 2 05/21/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to conduct of senate business during the interim between sessions
Senate SR0123 2 04/20/2001 Text icon Day A senate resolution congratulating Lincoln elementary school for being selected as a Minnesota school of excellence
Senate SR0090 2 03/26/2001 Text icon Larson A senate resolution congratulating the university of Minnesota wrestling team on winning the 2001 NCAA wrestling championship
Senate SF0074 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Langseth Motor vehicle sales tax revenues allocation modification; constitutional amendment to increase motor vehicle sales tax proceeds percentage dedicated to highway user tax distribution fund
Senate SR0073 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Day A senate resolution congratulating Kasson-Mantorville elementary school for being selected as a Minnesota school of excellence
Senate SR0071 3 03/05/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resoution adopting permanent rules of the senate
Senate SF0068 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Kierlin Winona county state aid highways natural preservation route designation removal
Senate SF0061 6 02/26/2001 Text icon Kierlin Local government units personal property transfer authority expansion
Senate SF0049 4 02/07/2002 Text icon Kleis Constitutional amendment for unicameral legislature
Senate SR0039 2 01/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to mileage; setting the miles traveled by members of the senate in going to and returning from the capitol
Senate SC0013 3 05/19/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to the delivery of bills to the governor after final adjournment
Senate SC0011 3 03/27/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment for more than three days
Senate SR0010 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution to notify the house of representatives that the senate is organized
Senate SR0009 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to appointment of a committee to notify the governor the senate is organized
Senate SC0009 3 01/29/2002 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment for more than three days
Senate SC0008 3 05/21/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment of the senate and house of representatives until 2002
Senate SR0008 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution naming a president pro tem
Senate SR0007 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to expenses of interns
Senate SC0007 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to adjournment for more than three days
Senate SR0006 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to the attendance of members of standing committees at meetings and seminars; providing for the payment of expenses
Senate SR0005 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to postage
Senate SC0005 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution adopting deadlines for the 2001 regular session
Senate SC0004 2 02/19/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution providing for a joint convention of the senate and the house of representatives to elect members of the board of regents of the university of Minnesota
Senate SR0004 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to the schedule of standing committee meetings
Senate SC0003 3 01/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resolution relating to the adjournment of the senate and house of representatives on January 11, 2001
Senate SR0003 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to standing committees
Senate SR0002 4 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution relating to rules; adopting temporary rules for the 82nd session of the legislature
Senate SC0002 4 01/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resoluton relating to parking space in the capitol area for members of the legislature and staff
Senate SR0001 2 01/03/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate resolution naming a majority leader and a minority leader
Senate SC0001 3 01/11/2001 Text icon Moe, R.D. A senate concurrent resoluton relating to the adoption of temporary joint rules