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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

135 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Piper"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF3424 2 04/09/1998 Text icon Hottinger Renewable energy development account authorized uses expansion and restriction
Senate SF3420 2 04/07/1998 Text icon Hottinger Drainage provisions modifications
Senate SF3405 2 03/18/1998 Text icon Johnson, J.B. Boundary waters canoe area waters motorboats use prohibition
Senate SF3202 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Pappas Midwifery licensure requirements exemption
Senate SF3069 2 02/09/1998 Text icon Morse Feedlots regulation
Senate SF3064 2 02/09/1998 Text icon Piper Resolution supporting closure of United States army school of the Americas
Senate SF3063 6 02/24/1998 Text icon Piper Mower county tax-forfeited land sale
Senate SF3030 2 02/05/1998 Text icon Piper Breast and cervical cancer control program appropriation
Senate SF3029 3 02/16/1998 Text icon Piper Early childhood learning facilities construction and rehabilitation grant provisions modification, bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2973 2 02/05/1998 Text icon Robling At home infant child care program eligibility requirements modifications
Senate SF2967 3 02/18/1998 Text icon Lourey Mentally retarded day training and habilitation programs capital improvement needs study
Senate SF2855 2 02/04/1998 Text icon Piper Albert Lea additional on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses issuance
Senate SF2854 2 02/04/1998 Text icon Piper Child support enforcement centralized work reporting system reporting and income withholding time limit reductions
Senate SF2853 4 02/18/1998 Text icon Piper Local government units tort liability provisions modifications
Senate SF2852 2 02/04/1998 Text icon Piper Independent school district 241, Albert Lea; year round school extended week or day pilot program additional funding
Senate SF2842 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Piper Lead abatement program appropriation
Senate SF2775 17 04/06/1998 Text icon Hottinger Children's endowment fund establishment, constitutional amendment
Senate SF2747 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Morse State capitol mall memorials repair and rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2740 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Piper Mower county Ramsey mill pond wildlife management area land acquisition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2710 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Piper Austin domestic wastewater treatment plant project bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2709 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Piper Blazing Star state trail construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2697 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Samuelson Group residential housing homeless adult pilot project expansion and rental assistance program establishment
Senate SF2666 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Samuelson Health care providers uniform billing requirements
Senate SF2635 2 01/29/1998 Text icon Berglin MinnesotaCare, medical assistance and general assistance medical care programs eligibility modifications
Senate SF2616 2 01/29/1998 Text icon Anderson High level radioactive waste increased transportation state readiness reports
Senate SF2605 7 02/23/1998 Text icon Piper Radiation hazards state regulation agreement
Senate SF2547 2 01/29/1998 Text icon Dille County children's mental health services grants appropriation
Senate SF2532 19 04/03/1998 365 Text icon Piper Omnibus family and early childhood education programs supplemental appropriations
Senate SF2477 11 03/11/1998 273 Text icon Stumpf Children, families and learning and economic security department programs reorganization order codification
Senate SF2455 2 01/29/1998 Text icon Lourey Medical assistance payment rate increases for home and community based waivered and semi-independent living services and intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation employee wage increases
Senate SF2413 3 02/02/1998 Text icon Higgins Minnesota family asset initiative
Senate SF2389 2 01/26/1998 Text icon Anderson Income tax dependent care credit income limit increases and reduction requirement decreases
Senate SF2291 3 02/04/1998 Text icon Morse School districts immunization aid and vaccination and health services coordination requirement
Senate SF2240 4 02/04/1998 Text icon Foley Transitional housing programs appropriation increase and homeless persons emergency services grants appropriation
Senate SF2235 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Samuelson Alex and Brandon Frank Family Visitation Center Act
Senate SF2226 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Robling Family day care licensure interim age groupings permanent extension
Senate SF2209 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Hottinger Day care centers and homes smoking prohibition expansion
Senate SF2145 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Lourey Child care providers assistance requirements
Senate SF2125 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Vickerman Passing on the farm center additional appropriation
Senate SF2123 3 01/29/1998 Text icon Piper Mental illness crisis housing assistance account appropriation
Senate SF2117 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Betzold Health care conscience and religious liberty protection
Senate SF2107 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Berglin Medical assistance personal care services coverage expansion
Senate SF2106 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Berglin MinnesotaCare program coverage for hearing and language interpreter services
Senate SF1964 2 05/15/1997 Text icon Johnson, J.B. Major league baseball facility construction, funding, maintenance and governance
Senate SF1927 2 04/24/1997 Text icon Anderson Income tax credit child care programs or facilities development costs
Senate SF1897 2 04/10/1997 Text icon Johnson, D.E. Education bill of rights for deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing children
Senate SF1858 8 04/18/1997 Text icon Piper Omnibus family and early childhood education programs appropriations
Senate SF1815 2 04/01/1997 Text icon Piper Special Masonic license plates
Senate SF1778 2 03/26/1997 Text icon Price Cigarette and tobacco products tax rate increases and floor stocks tax imposition
Senate SF1690 3 04/08/1997 Text icon Samuelson Minority health initiative
Senate SF1647 2 03/24/1997 Text icon Wiger STAR program appropriation
Senate SF1641 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Marty WIC nutritional food supplement program appropriation
Senate SF1616 3 03/25/1997 Text icon Marty Cigarettes outdoor advertising restriction
Senate SF1615 4 02/24/1998 Text icon Marty Problem gambling program
Senate SF1613 3 03/26/1997 Text icon Lesewski Breast feeding encouragement and exemption from crime of indecent exposure
Senate SF1597 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Lourey Plumbers licensing requirement expansion
Senate SF1590 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Morse Southeast Minnesota water resources board administrative costs appropriation
Senate SF1575 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Foley Tenants reasonably safe conditions requirement
Senate SF1565 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Sams Staples hospital infant hearing screening program appropriation
Senate SF1457 2 03/17/1997 Text icon Terwilliger Alcohol abuse by pregnant women; responsible alcoholic beverage sales and use study and training program
Senate SF1432 2 03/17/1997 Text icon Foley Legal noncitizens public assistance eligibility determination
Senate SF1385 2 03/17/1997 Text icon Terwilliger Residential hospices food preparation rules exemption
Senate SF1376 2 03/17/1997 Text icon Janezich School bus advertising, pupil unit weightings adjustments, teachers employer paid insurance benefits and learning readiness and head start programs funding
Senate SF1291 3 04/09/1997 Text icon Lourey Railroad employees counseling services and mandatory leave
Senate SF1257 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Berglin Resolution of public apology to persons with developmental disabilities involuntarily committed to state institutions
Senate SF1247 4 04/01/1997 Text icon Lourey Ombudsman services regulation; crime victim ombudsman authority and duties modifications
Senate SF1246 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Murphy Chemical dependency treatment services and detoxification center costs appropriations
Senate SF1208 24 05/19/1997 225 Text icon Berglin MinnesotaCare and health care programs provisions modifications
Senate SF1200 2 03/10/1997 Text icon Anderson Prescription drug price contracts and generic drugs dispensing regulations modification
Senate SF1164 4 02/12/1998 Text icon Krentz Deaf or hard of hearing interpreters or transliterators certification standards
Senate SF1151 9 03/17/1998 281 Text icon Piper Guardians and conservators appointment provisions modifications
Senate SF1088 2 03/06/1997 Text icon Higgins School districts early childhood family education programs revenue increase
Senate SF1076 12 03/20/1998 301 Text icon Sams Health plan coverage for off label use of drugs
Senate SF1002 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Sams Medical assistance and general assistance medical care nonmetropolitan counties prepaid capitation rates modification
Senate SF1001 7 02/24/1998 Text icon Kelley, S.P. Psychology unlicensed practice penalty increase and violations reporting and investigations cooperation liability immunity
Senate SF1000 9 05/13/1997 134 Text icon Kelley, S.P. Psychology practice licensure requirements modifications
Senate SF0999 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Kelley, S.P. Psychology part time practitioners licensure and licensees emeritus registration
Senate SF0993 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper Emergency medical services personnel HIV testing availability expansion; hypodermic needles or syringes sale
Senate SF0992 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper School districts HIV AIDS prevention demonstration project
Senate SF0991 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper HIV and HBV prevention provisions modifications
Senate SF0979 4 03/13/1997 Text icon Lourey Deaf-blind persons services or assistance appropriations
Senate SF0972 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Robling Community and school and children and family support services appropriations
Senate SF0949 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper Corporate aid moratorium
Senate SF0934 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Hottinger Pistols and semiautomatic military style assault weapons local regulation
Senate SF0933 3 03/20/1997 Text icon Spear Learn and earn graduation achievement grant program
Senate SF0921 4 03/26/1997 Text icon Morse Medical assistance southeastern Minnesota alternative quality assurance licensing system pilot project for persons with developmental disabilities
Senate SF0913 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Cohen Child support enforcement provisions modifications
Senate SF0912 6 04/24/1997 Text icon Lourey Parent education and cooperation for the children program pilot projects; custody order modifications for visitation denial or interference
Senate SF0898 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Lourey Nursing regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF0896 3 02/27/1997 Text icon Janezich Head start program administration responsibility transfer, program accounts authorized uses modification, funding allocation requirements clarification and program appropriation
Senate SF0851 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Foley Opticians licensure requirement
Senate SF0825 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Piper Independent school district 241, Albert Lea; year round school extended week or day pilot program evaluation and additional funding
Senate SF0779 6 04/24/1997 Text icon Piper Government entities as victims for criminal restitution purposes
Senate SF0767 2 02/24/1997 Text icon Dille Children's mental health services appropriation
Senate SF0747 8 04/16/1997 Text icon Knutson Child placement and protection provisions modifications
Senate SF0718 2 02/20/1997 Text icon Berglin Health technology advisory committee provisions modifications
Senate SF0716 2 02/20/1997 Text icon Pappas School districts adult basic education funding provisions modification, collaboration requirements and technological applications study
Senate SF0715 2 02/20/1997 Text icon Lourey St. Louis county adolescent compulsive gambling prevention and education project grant appropriation
Senate SF0652 10 04/30/1997 69 Text icon Kiscaden Autism treatment options advisory task force
Senate SF0645 2 02/17/1997 Text icon Lourey Home care providers and elderly housing with services establishments requirements modifications
Senate SF0644 2 02/17/1997 Text icon Lourey Medical assistance intermediate care facilities contractual alternative payment demonstration project
Senate SF0642 2 02/17/1997 Text icon Krentz Down syndrome informational packets distribution appropriation
Senate SF0639 3 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper Physician assistant advisory council
Senate SF0603 2 02/17/1997 Text icon Ranum Early childhood technology grant program
Senate SF0571 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Sams Mentally retarded day training and habilitation services vendors payment rate increases for staff salaries
Senate SF0570 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Scheevel School year start before Labor Day prohibition repeal
Senate SF0561 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Johnson, J.B. Naturopathic physicians licensing and regulation
Senate SF0556 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Beckman Farmamerica operating grants appropriation
Senate SF0532 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Ranum School districts adolescent parenting and prevention support pilot project
Senate SF0500 7 04/24/1997 Text icon Foley Uniform interstate family support act provisions modifications
Senate SF0498 2 02/11/1997 Text icon Kiscaden Nursing home bed moratorium exception
Senate SF0446 2 02/10/1997 Text icon Berglin Medical assistance home care services reimbursement rates inflation adjustments
Senate SF0430 7 03/26/1997 Text icon Berglin Birth defects information system
Senate SF0410 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Spear Health care and human services programs license applicants background study process modification
Senate SF0390 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Novak Foodshelf program appropriation
Senate SF0383 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Lesewski Agriculture department contracts and grants provisions modifications
Senate SF0376 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Samuelson Nursing home bed moratorium provisions modifications
Senate SF0352 3 03/03/1997 Text icon Piper Physician assistants disaster care authority
Senate SF0346 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Lourey Mental health and mental retardation ombudsman services for children
Senate SF0345 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Lourey Intermediate care facilities medical assistance performance based contracting demonstration project expansion
Senate SF0334 3 03/03/1997 Text icon Berglin Home care providers and elderly housing with services establishments requirements modifications
Senate SF0333 14 05/09/1997 113 Text icon Berglin Home care providers and elderly housing with services establishments requirements modifications
Senate SF0331 2 02/03/1997 Text icon Anderson Citizenship promotion program
Senate SF0328 4 02/11/1997 Text icon Lourey MinnesotaCare health care providers tax modifications and hospitals medical assistance surcharge repeal
Senate SF0289 4 03/06/1997 Text icon Berglin Welfare reform measures
Senate SF0274 10 03/13/1997 8 Text icon Robertson Adoption assistance program service costs reimbursement limit modification
Senate SF0244 9 05/12/1997 124 Text icon Kiscaden Controlled substances prescription for intractable pain
Senate SF0234 23 05/19/1997 248 Text icon Morse Human services licensing act provisions modifications
Senate SF0207 2 01/30/1997 Text icon Neuville Nursing home residents medical assistance physician evaluations frequency reduction and data collection minimum data set use requirement exemption federal law changes
Senate SF0205 2 01/30/1997 Text icon Day Sales tax exemption permanency for used farm machinery
Senate SF0203 11 05/19/1997 218 Text icon Berglin Adoption registry establishment and notice and consent provisions modification
Senate SF0180 4 02/13/1997 Text icon Stumpf Coya Knutson memorials construction
Senate SF0136 4 03/10/1997 Text icon Kiscaden Child welfare programs and children's mental health collaboratives provisions modifications; adoption services privatization
Senate SF0122 10 05/15/1997 177 Text icon Robertson Adoption provisions modifications
Senate SF0106 2 01/23/1997 Text icon Vickerman Passing on the farm center services expansion and appropriation