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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

146 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Janezich"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2843 2 02/19/1996 Text icon Ranum Student bill of rights and responsibilities task force
Senate SF2813 10 03/06/1996 291 Text icon Janezich Truck parts definition modification for heavy and utility equipment manufacturers and dealers trade practices regulation purposes
Senate SF2805 3 02/21/1996 Text icon Pappas Alcohol impaired driver education grant appropriation increase and graduation rule appropriation reduction
Senate SF2799 2 02/09/1996 Text icon Lessard Gilbert off highway vehicle recreation area establishment
Senate SF2736 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Janezich Town of Biwabik different general election date designation
Senate SF2730 3 02/19/1996 Text icon Janezich Virginia area ambulance district
Senate SF2729 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Janezich Mountain Iron tax increment financing district original net tax capacity modification and duration extension and soils condition district establishment
Senate SF2678 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Janezich Workforce investment funds allocation modification
Senate SF2665 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Janezich Eveleth and Virginia economic development association funding
Senate SF2646 3 02/07/1996 Text icon Vickerman Municipal unincorporated land annexation procedures and criteria
Senate SF2641 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Sams Snowmobile trails board and fund establishment
Senate SF2597 8 03/05/1996 Text icon Metzen Intergovernmental relations advisory council
Senate SF2591 5 02/22/1996 Text icon Scheevel Temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses issuance restrictions modification
Senate SF2488 3 02/12/1996 Text icon Murphy Amateur radio volunteer system
Senate SF2471 9 03/29/1996 382 Text icon Janezich Charitable hospitals labor disputes mandatory arbitration requirement expansion
Senate SF2466 10 03/12/1996 Text icon Lessard Motor carriers traffic regulations provisions modifications
Senate SF2464 4 02/07/1996 Text icon Janezich Metropolitan area stadium construction nonbinding referendum
Senate SF2450 6 03/22/1996 Text icon Ranum Family services collaboratives operation provisions modifications
Senate SF2436 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Lessard Pistols possession or transport permit requirement exception
Senate SF2421 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Frederickson Mississippi River critical area administration and indoor national shooting sports center construction responsibilities transfer
Senate SF2388 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Pappas Education funding provisions modifications
Senate SF2386 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Ranum School site foundations, adopt a classroom and endowed chair programs
Senate SF2359 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Pogemiller School districts pupil units calculation and learning and development revenue modification
Senate SF2355 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Pogemiller High school graduation rule outcome requirement
Senate SF2354 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Pogemiller School districts staff development reserved revenue modifications
Senate SF2351 7 02/15/1996 Text icon Berg Public assistance benefits electronic withdrawal or warrant cashing prohibitions at gambling establishments
Senate SF2329 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Janezich Independent school district 701, Hibbing; health and safety revenue use
Senate SF2291 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Lesewski Compulsory school attendance age increase elimination
Senate SF2290 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Solon Seaway port authorities leases and management contract rights and responsibilities clarification
Senate SF2283 6 03/20/1996 Text icon Stumpf Mail balloting authority expansion; precinct caucus and presidential primary date changes; presidential primary experimental procedures
Senate SF2274 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Janezich First grade preparedness program
Senate SF2248 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Pappas School districts adult basic education aid appropriation increases
Senate SF2237 3 01/29/1996 Text icon Novak Indpendent school district 621, Moundsview; Laurentian environmental learning center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2218 5 02/22/1996 Text icon Berg Lawful gambling provisions modifications
Senate SF2202 3 01/29/1996 Text icon Janezich Publicly owned housing construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2201 5 02/22/1996 Text icon Janezich Motor vehicle dealerships relocation restrictions exemption
Senate SF2173 4 02/23/1996 Text icon Hanson Property tax classification clarification for green acres treatment and deferred taxes recapture modification
Senate SF2149 6 02/26/1996 Text icon Murphy Wages prompt payment requirements modification; newspaper carriers age requirement reduction
Senate SF2099 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Krentz Education funding stabilization account; pupil unit count and basic revenue formula allowance reductions elimination
Senate SF2082 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Janezich Technical college employees contractual benefits protection
Senate SF2081 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Janezich Mesabi trail system bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2080 3 01/25/1996 Text icon Janezich Health insurance coverage for prostate cancer screening
Senate SF2079 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Janezich Hibbing community college improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2062 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Solon Midgrade gasoline definition and labeling or advertising prohibition
Senate SF2052 6 03/29/1996 Text icon Janezich Racetrack card club gambling activities
Senate SF2039 2 01/18/1996 Text icon Stumpf Secondary vocational education aid guarantee modification
Senate SF2038 2 01/18/1996 Text icon Berg Video lottery terminals and pull tab dispensing devices at licensed racetracks
Senate SF2037 5 02/23/1996 Text icon Metzen Financial institution provisions modifications; Consumer Credit Uniform Code Clarification and Development Act; Banking Services Development Act
Senate SF2000 2 01/18/1996 Text icon Janezich Retired public employees health insurance benefits continuation requirement
Senate SF1997 17 04/01/1996 447 Text icon Hottinger State or local financially assisted businesses poverty level wage payment requirement and new tax expenditure job and wage goals responsibility transfer
Senate SF1977 5 03/22/1996 Text icon Janezich Taconite tax relief area commercial industrial property assessed valuation increases allocation and additional revenues distribution
Senate SF1964 5 02/08/1996 Text icon Vickerman City, county or town land use permits issuance property taxes payment certification requirement authority
Senate SF1936 10 03/01/1996 288 Text icon Janezich Lottery retailers ticket sales authority expansion and bond requirement option
Senate SF1884 11 02/27/1996 Text icon Pogemiller Omnibus education appropriations
Senate SF1870 3 01/22/1996 Text icon Scheevel Independent school district 238, Mabel-Canton; debt service aid
Senate SF1869 2 01/16/1996 Text icon Scheevel Independent school districts 233, Preston-Fountain and 228, Harmony; debt service aid grant extension
Senate SF1868 2 01/16/1996 Text icon Scheevel School districts debt service aid for elementary school construction
Senate SF1752 2 05/22/1995 Text icon Janezich Charitable and endorsement solicitation regulation
Senate SF1711 2 05/18/1995 Text icon Vickerman Annexation provisions modifications
Senate SF1704 5 05/17/1995 Text icon Metzen Athletic organizations financing, organization and ownership and facilities use requirements
Senate SF1697 3 05/11/1995 Text icon Janezich Professional hockey franchise purchase negotiation
Senate SF1689 2 05/04/1995 Text icon Johnson, D.J. St. Louis county heritage and arts center addition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1682 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Janezich Hospital and health care provider tax repeal and income tax increase for health care access fund
Senate SF1659 2 04/12/1995 Text icon Stumpf Resolution for Minnesota Ontario border waters dispute resolution
Senate SF1631 2 04/05/1995 Text icon Johnson, D.J. Deer hunting combined license
Senate SF1620 2 04/05/1995 Text icon Krentz School restructuring grants appropriation
Senate SF1615 2 04/05/1995 Text icon Janezich Community corrections equalization formula modification
Senate SF1612 2 04/03/1995 Text icon Janezich High school graduation incentives program provisions modifications
Senate SF1606 2 04/03/1995 Text icon Robertson School districts projected capital expenditures report
Senate SF1590 7 05/10/1995 Text icon Piper Health insurance coverage for breast cancer bone marrow transplant treatment
Senate SF1514 2 03/29/1995 Text icon Janezich Life insurance policies replacement disclosure requirements
Senate SF1512 2 03/29/1995 Text icon Janezich Taconite tax relief area commercial industrial property assessed valuation increases allocation
Senate SF1509 3 03/30/1995 Text icon Samuelson Post-secondary enrollment options program modifications
Senate SF1476 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Beckman Youth service and apprenticeship programs modifications
Senate SF1469 5 05/05/1995 Text icon Metzen Savings banks regulations modifications and clarifications
Senate SF1468 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Johnson, D.J. Taconite research funding
Senate SF1415 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Dille Veterinary medicine x-ray machines minimal use regulation
Senate SF1400 3 03/27/1995 Text icon Krentz Interagency services for children with disabilities
Senate SF1365 7 05/05/1995 Text icon Solon Fireworks use and sale regulation
Senate SF1340 2 03/22/1995 Text icon Pappas Education programs funding provisions modification
Senate SF1321 2 03/22/1995 Text icon Janezich Fish imported from Ontario restrictions removal
Senate SF1317 3 03/22/1995 Text icon Kiscaden Nursing and intermediate care facilities provisions and day training and habilitation services vendor payment rates modifications
Senate SF1295 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Solon Community and technical colleges faculty bargaining unit transfers
Senate SF1267 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Janezich St. Louis county on-sale intoxicating malt liquor license issuance
Senate SF1266 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Janezich Motor vehicle service contracts and mechanical breakdown insurance regulation
Senate SF1265 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Janezich Enrollment options program athletic activities participation restriction
Senate SF1251 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Lessard Timber standardized measurements
Senate SF1250 5 04/11/1995 Text icon Johnson, D.J. Tax-forfeited land timber sales downpayment requirement modification
Senate SF1241 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Solon Hospital peer groups repeal
Senate SF1203 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Krentz School interpreters skills upgrade and certification appropriation
Senate SF1173 9 05/15/1995 191 Text icon Chandler Telephone companies local exchange service territory sale regulation
Senate SF1143 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Kroening Video lottery and education trust fund establishment
Senate SF1138 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Janezich Inflow and infiltration revolving fund establishment
Senate SF1103 20 05/02/1995 Text icon Ranum Education department abolishment and department of children, families and learning establishment
Senate SF1093 4 03/23/1995 Text icon Robertson STARS eligibility expansion to public and private schools
Senate SF1038 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Sams Independent school districts 789, Clarissa and 790, Eagle Bend; alternative debt service plan
Senate SF1028 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Pappas Temporary restroom facilities at construction sites
Senate SF0977 7 02/01/1996 Text icon Mondale Gambling tax refund or credit for unsold pull tabs or tipboard tickets
Senate SF0975 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Hanson Educational cooperative service units replacement
Senate SF0950 5 02/22/1996 Text icon Metzen Musical works copyright licenses enforcement
Senate SF0949 5 04/21/1995 Text icon Solon Automobile insurance premiums reduction for vehicle antitheft alarms or devices
Senate SF0941 3 03/27/1995 Text icon Frederickson Mineral resources exploration data classification
Senate SF0932 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Ranum Legislative commission on children, youth and families membership, responsibilities and expiration date modifications
Senate SF0917 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Janezich Options plus education pilot program for children with learning disabilities
Senate SF0908 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Janezich Constitutional amendment for unabridged right to keep and bear arms
Senate SF0907 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Janezich Teachers early retirement incentives and prior service credit purchase authority
Senate SF0892 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Stumpf Library grants and data access provisions
Senate SF0887 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Janezich School districts terminated education support employees employment
Senate SF0861 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Janezich Student or school operated businesses grant program
Senate SF0859 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Chmielewski St. Louis county road and bridge fund accounting and expenditure requirements modifications
Senate SF0836 9 05/18/1995 Text icon Solon Rental purchase agreements cash price and finance charges regulation
Senate SF0821 3 03/29/1995 Text icon Janezich School districts retired employee health benefits state aid payments and levy authority permanency
Senate SF0813 3 01/25/1996 Text icon Solon Lake Superior zoological gardens improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0763 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Mondale School districts general education basic revenue formula allowance increase
Senate SF0724 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Robertson School districts referendum levy notice wording requirement modification
Senate SF0723 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Robertson School districts capital expenditure revenues transfer authority
Senate SF0688 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Krentz Children's services assessment and case management procedures analysis and report
Senate SF0665 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Johnson, D.J. University of Minnesota Duluth family practice residency program clinic building remodeling bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0649 5 04/05/1995 Text icon Chandler Property and casualty insurance agents quotas prohibition
Senate SF0631 2 02/21/1995 Text icon Kroening Accountancy licensing and regulation provisions modifications
Senate SF0601 2 02/21/1995 Text icon Robertson School bus safety provisions modifications
Senate SF0597 2 02/21/1995 Text icon Hottinger No-fault automobile insurance managed care plans for medical expense benefits
Senate SF0581 2 02/16/1995 Text icon Hanson Sport shooting ranges nuisance liability protection
Senate SF0579 17 05/22/1995 235 Text icon Chandler Charitable organizations regulations modification and clarification
Senate SF0577 9 04/26/1995 81 Text icon Janezich St. Louis county nursing home administrator services sharing authority
Senate SF0560 5 02/21/1996 Text icon Berg Indian tribal governments sales or excise tax refunds determination and revenue sharing agreements repeal
Senate SF0458 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Krentz Education programs appropriation limits repeal
Senate SF0453 5 03/20/1995 Text icon Janezich Towns damage awards to affected property owners for recorded road maps
Senate SF0446 9 04/21/1995 73 Text icon Solon Sales discrimination and competition law price markup provisions repeal
Senate SF0426 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Janezich Motor vehicle registration fleet definition modification
Senate SF0402 2 02/09/1995 Text icon Berg Video lottery terminals pilot program
Senate SF0312 4 02/13/1995 Text icon Janezich School bus advertising
Senate SF0305 5 03/16/1995 Text icon Chandler Motor vehicle dealerships establishment or relocation limits clarification
Senate SF0289 2 02/02/1995 Text icon Stumpf Teacher training in computer use
Senate SF0276 3 02/23/1995 Text icon Novak School enrichment partnership program
Senate SF0262 2 02/02/1995 Text icon Novak Affirmative enterprise program expiration date repeal
Senate SF0199 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Solon Motor vehicle lienholders towing and storage notice requirement
Senate SF0182 8 03/29/1995 21 Text icon Vickerman Town supervisor vacancies filling procedure clarification
Senate SF0177 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Janezich Eveleth police and fire trust fund retirement benefit increases
Senate SF0172 10 04/21/1995 74 Text icon Lessard Manufacturer test motor vehicle license plates issuance
Senate SF0171 5 04/06/1995 Text icon Lessard St. Louis county school trust fund land sale
Senate SF0138 2 01/23/1995 Text icon Solon Designer selection board membership increase
Senate SF0105 3 01/23/1995 Text icon Olson Constitutional amendment affirming rights of parents to direct upbringing and education of children
Senate SF0100 2 01/18/1995 Text icon Janezich Makinen community polling place requirement
Senate SF0099 3 01/23/1995 Text icon Janezich Homeowners insurance prompt claims payment requirement
Senate SF0023 7 02/21/1995 Text icon Hanson Resolution for federal government conformity to constitutional limits