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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

85 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Chandler"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2878 2 03/14/1996 Text icon Chandler New metropolitan airport construction prohibition
Senate SF2750 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Price North St. Paul trunk highway 36 pedestrian and bicycle overpass construction
Senate SF2699 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Chandler Public utilities radioactive waste storage fee collection, telecommunication relay service contract expenditures limit, midwest regulatory agreement development and rate unbundling investigation and report
Senate SF2637 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Frederickson Nonintoxicating liquor term change for on-sale licensing purposes
Senate SF2572 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Chandler Independent school district 624, White Bear Lake; class size reduction appropriation
Senate SF2563 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Johnson, J.B. Child Boating Safety Act
Senate SF2496 3 02/07/1996 Text icon Price Metropolitan regional parks and recreation areas acquisition and betterment bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2477 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Chandler Independent school district 624, White Bear Lake; fund transfer
Senate SF2438 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Anderson Parenting school conference and activities employment leave eligibility expansion
Senate SF2433 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Chandler Youthful motorboat operation age increase
Senate SF2381 16 04/01/1996 445 Text icon Johnson, D.J. Intrastate interLATA telecommunications competitive services regulation
Senate SF1796 7 02/26/1996 Text icon Krentz Firearms intentional discharge penalty increase and transit vehicle firearms crime expansion
Senate SF1742 2 05/19/1995 Text icon Chandler Corrugated paper products disposal prohibition
Senate SF1741 2 05/19/1995 Text icon Chandler Limited liability companies credit union term use restriction
Senate SF1740 3 05/22/1995 Text icon Chandler Minors investment fund
Senate SF1724 2 05/19/1995 Text icon Chandler Motor vehicle paint, thinner and reducer sales regulation
Senate SF1715 2 05/18/1995 Text icon Runbeck Good Faith Reference Protection Act
Senate SF1643 2 04/06/1995 Text icon Chandler Independent school district 624, White Bear Lake; project extend pilot program
Senate SF1622 9 02/28/1996 285 Text icon Knutson Homeowners insurance proof of loss regulation
Senate SF1610 2 04/03/1995 Text icon Chandler Independent school district 624, White Bear Lake; early intervention services pilot program
Senate SF1560 2 03/30/1995 Text icon Kelly Sex offenders information release requirements and HIV testing provisions modification and clarification
Senate SF1495 2 03/29/1995 Text icon Marty Hearing impaired persons independent living skills training and support services pilot project
Senate SF1466 3 04/11/1995 Text icon Runbeck School districts elective secondary course fees and unlicensed teaching authority and accelerated aids and credits payment schedule
Senate SF1442 5 04/07/1995 Text icon Chandler St. Paul district heating and cooling cogeneration facility biomass energy mandate satisfaction
Senate SF1416 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Kroening Banks corporate franchise differential tax rate
Senate SF1403 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Chandler Proposed property tax notice statement requirements expansion
Senate SF1383 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Morse Forest resources management responsibilities modification and expansion
Senate SF1381 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Chandler Mental illness supported employment services appropriations
Senate SF1360 6 05/09/1995 Text icon Laidig Lawful gambling local regulation authority expansion
Senate SF1323 2 03/22/1995 Text icon Chandler North St. Paul tax increment financing district duration extension authority
Senate SF1284 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Riveness Group residential housing moratorium exception
Senate SF1263 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Limmer Residential building contractors regulations modifications and clarifications
Senate SF1244 3 04/03/1995 Text icon Kelly Rental tax equity pilot project
Senate SF1228 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Krentz Independent school districts 622, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale, , South Washington county and 834, Stillwater; joint elementary school facility authority expansion
Senate SF1227 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Chandler Social security numbers use prohibition for unique patient identification numbers
Senate SF1226 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Chandler Employee medical records access by self insured employers
Senate SF1178 3 03/30/1995 Text icon Vickerman Eurasian wild hog owners indemnification and compensation
Senate SF1173 9 05/15/1995 191 Text icon Chandler Telephone companies local exchange service territory sale regulation
Senate SF1165 3 03/20/1995 Text icon Novak Workers compensation mutual employer self insurance groups creation and operation regulation
Senate SF1149 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Krentz School districts transportation aid for service learning programs
Senate SF1119 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Chandler School districts referendum revenue and equalization provisions modifications
Senate SF1074 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Chandler St. Paul police relief association member service credit
Senate SF1073 5 04/12/1995 Text icon Chandler Hazardous waste abandonment private cause of action
Senate SF1060 9 04/21/1995 54 Text icon Chandler Reemployment insurance provisions modification
Senate SF1047 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Reichgott Junge School districts tax abatement aid modification
Senate SF1020 8 05/11/1995 Text icon Novak Workers compensation insurance and benefits modifications
Senate SF0960 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Chandler Workers compensation messengers or couriers employment status
Senate SF0937 3 03/09/1995 Text icon Novak Workers compensation and special compensation fund provisions modifications
Senate SF0874 3 03/27/1995 Text icon Chandler State government cost savings suggestion award program
Senate SF0850 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Chandler Legislature hearing impaired interpreters employment requirement
Senate SF0846 5 04/12/1995 Text icon Neuville Videotapes captioning requirements
Senate SF0787 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Chandler State agencies and legislature antinepotism policy
Senate SF0768 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Novak Foodshelf program appropriation
Senate SF0752 11 05/12/1995 156 Text icon Novak Telephone companies alternative regulation; local exchange services fair and reasonable competition
Senate SF0736 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Chandler Prescription drug price contracts; generic drugs use provisions; state drug formulary establishment
Senate SF0734 14 05/18/1995 209 Text icon Chandler Private switch telephone services emergency telephone service (911) requirements
Senate SF0698 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Morse Land use planning provisions modifications
Senate SF0649 5 04/05/1995 Text icon Chandler Property and casualty insurance agents quotas prohibition
Senate SF0613 5 03/09/1995 Text icon Anderson Health insurance coverage for dental procedures hospitalization and anesthesia
Senate SF0612 2 02/21/1995 Text icon Chandler Student uniforms policy adoption authority and use of reasonable force authority clarification
Senate SF0588 8 03/20/1996 Text icon Chandler Environmental marketing deceptive trade practices regulation
Senate SF0579 17 05/22/1995 235 Text icon Chandler Charitable organizations regulations modification and clarification
Senate SF0530 10 03/28/1996 Text icon Metzen Constitutional amendment for payment of bonuses to Persian Gulf war veterans
Senate SF0500 2 02/16/1995 Text icon Pappas St. Paul Wabasha street bridge removal and replacement bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0463 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Lessard National pollution discharge elimination system permit fees limits
Senate SF0462 20 05/22/1995 247 Text icon Johnson, J.B. Solid waste management provisions modifications and metropolitan council solid waste management duties transfer implementation
Senate SF0457 5 03/29/1995 Text icon Chandler Taxis no-fault automobile insurance basic economic loss benefits coverage priorities regulation exemption
Senate SF0449 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Hottinger Uniform Transfer of Litigation Act
Senate SF0400 3 02/13/1995 Text icon Hottinger Uniform Conflict of Laws-Limitations Act
Senate SF0394 2 02/09/1995 Text icon Chandler North St. Paul trunk highway 36 pedestrian-bicycle overpass construction
Senate SF0351 2 02/06/1995 Text icon Chandler Entertainment agency licensing requirements repeal
Senate SF0320 9 04/21/1995 55 Text icon Hottinger School property warrantless probable cause assault arrests
Senate SF0305 5 03/16/1995 Text icon Chandler Motor vehicle dealerships establishment or relocation limits clarification
Senate SF0275 2 02/02/1995 Text icon Novak Natural gas public utilities performance based gas purchasing regulation
Senate SF0270 2 02/02/1995 Text icon Chandler Constitutional amendment for elementary and secondary education trust fund
Senate SF0259 9 05/22/1995 251 Text icon Merriam Genetic Discrimination Act
Senate SF0217 17 05/22/1995 257 Text icon Cohen Child support administration, collection and enforcement and parentage recognition provisions modifications; cooperation for the children and MN ENABL programs; work reporting system
Senate SF0204 12 04/21/1995 57 Text icon Chandler Federal mandates reports
Senate SF0202 3 02/02/1995 Text icon Chandler School districts unfunded state mandates noncompliance authority
Senate SF0164 7 04/13/1995 Text icon Hottinger Health insurance plans subrogation rights restrictions
Senate SF0159 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Chandler North St. Paul city manager public employees police and fire fund membership retention
Senate SF0109 2 01/23/1995 Text icon Cohen Legislators per diem compensation elimination and salary recommendations consideration requirement
Senate SF0101 2 01/18/1995 Text icon Chandler Teachers sabbatical leave full retirement service credit purchase
Senate SF0063 3 01/17/1995 Text icon Finn Fish imported from Ontario restrictions removal
Senate SF0040 3 01/17/1995 Text icon Knutson Constitutional amendment to limit legislative sessions to odd numbered years