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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

75 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Chief Authors of "Morse"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF2865 2 02/28/1996 Text icon Morse Local government units solid waste collection and disposal services retroactive sales tax exemption
Senate SF2855 2 02/23/1996 Text icon Morse Mississippi River oil or hazardous material tank vessels double hull or tugboat escort requirement
Senate SF2779 9 03/26/1996 Text icon Morse Oxygenated gasoline requirements exemptions
Senate SF2745 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Morse Wabasha county farms transfer pilot project appropriation
Senate SF2724 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse Extended employment program audit appeals settlement
Senate SF2723 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse School districts special education excess cost aid formula modification
Senate SF2722 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse School districts special education revenue base year definition modification
Senate SF2721 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse Economic Efficiency and Pollution Reduction Act (EEPRA)
Senate SF2719 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse Conservation reserve land transfer program
Senate SF2710 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Morse Sustainable agriculture development program
Senate SF2649 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Morse Commercial fishing regulations modification
Senate SF2648 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Morse Volunteer firefighters relief associations voluntary consolidation and defined benefit plans voluntary conversion to defined contribution plans
Senate SF2647 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Morse Snowmobile trails board and fund establishment
Senate SF2542 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Morse Nursing home bed moratorium exception
Senate SF2520 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Morse Winona state university chiller plant addition bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2501 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Morse Independent school district 492, Austin; Rushford area public television transmitter construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF2500 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Morse Retirement provisions modifications
Senate SF2439 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Morse Frog tissues study appropriation
Senate SF2252 5 03/05/1996 Text icon Morse Pollution control agency board and commissioner powers and duties clarification
Senate SF2205 7 03/12/1996 Text icon Morse Food handlers licensing requirements modifications
Senate SF2182 3 01/29/1996 Text icon Morse Higher education retirement board
Senate SF2172 8 03/05/1996 Text icon Morse Petroleum tank release cleanup reimbursement increase and corrective actions performance audit requirements
Senate SF2167 26 04/03/1996 407 Text icon Morse Omnibus environment, natural resources and agriculture supplemental appropriations
Senate SF2166 9 03/06/1996 297 Text icon Morse Municipal water and wastewater treatment systems and essential community facilities loan bonds term modification
Senate SF2165 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Morse Firefighters fireworks operators certification requirements exemption
Senate SF2141 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Morse Wetlands protection and management provisions modifications
Senate SF2140 2 01/22/1996 Text icon Morse Pollution control agency budget reductin for failure to meet pollution reduction goals
Senate SF2126 7 03/12/1996 Text icon Morse Local pension plans provisions modifications
Senate SF2120 10 03/12/1996 Text icon Morse Landfill cleanup costs and associated damages state claims resolution process
Senate SF2114 5 02/26/1996 Text icon Morse Reinvest in Minnesota resources conservation reserve program provisions modifications
Senate SF1987 4 01/18/1996 Text icon Morse Individual sewage treatment system licenses regulation modification and local government unit loan programs
Senate SF1766 5 03/11/1996 Text icon Morse State university or community college board employees retirement annuity contract investments
Senate SF1708 5 03/12/1996 Text icon Morse Cities trunk highway construction or reconstruction projects municipal involvement process establishment authority
Senate SF1674 2 04/20/1995 Text icon Morse Environmental learning centers matching funds requirement reduction
Senate SF1608 2 04/03/1995 Text icon Morse State mandates development, imposition and management regulation
Senate SF1526 3 03/30/1995 Text icon Morse Toxic pollution prevention provisions modifications
Senate SF1461 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Morse Sustainable development
Senate SF1448 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Morse State agencies intellectual property protection
Senate SF1434 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Morse Health risk values for ambient air pollutants
Senate SF1431 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Morse Local government units animal feedlots regulatory authority
Senate SF1399 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Morse Small business workers compensation safety pilot project and injury and illness prevention survey
Senate SF1398 4 03/30/1995 Text icon Morse Agriculture best management practices loan program modifications; clean water partnership loans with general obligation notes
Senate SF1383 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Morse Forest resources management responsibilities modification and expansion
Senate SF1382 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Morse State employees and teachers collective bargaining agreements content restrictions
Senate SF1201 2 03/16/1995 Text icon Morse Hazardous substance release remedies standing appropriation
Senate SF1083 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Morse State university and community and technical college systems and higher education board employees early retirement incentives
Senate SF1008 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Morse Carbon dioxide emissions environmental review requirements
Senate SF1007 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Morse Air quality permit fee and assessment provisions modifications
Senate SF1006 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Morse Wastewater treatment disputes mediation; sewage sludge definition modification; permit fees pollutants discharge reflection
Senate SF0972 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Morse PERA defined benefit plan participation limit for elected or appointed local government officials
Senate SF0931 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Morse Extended employment programs audit and funding requirements
Senate SF0920 3 03/20/1995 Text icon Morse Houston county conservation credit pilot program
Senate SF0916 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Morse Forest resources sustainable management, use, development and protection
Senate SF0863 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Morse Excess police state aid amounts allocation as additional amortization aid
Senate SF0806 8 05/19/1995 Text icon Morse Retirement provisions modifications
Senate SF0765 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Morse MSRS and PERA contribution and annuity increases
Senate SF0722 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Morse Local government units environmental legal assistance pilot project
Senate SF0719 3 03/02/1995 Text icon Morse Higher education officers salary limit modification
Senate SF0698 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Morse Land use planning provisions modifications
Senate SF0697 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Morse College and university tuition increases student approval requirement
Senate SF0696 3 02/27/1995 Text icon Morse Tri-state high speed rail service study phase II
Senate SF0548 5 03/27/1995 Text icon Morse State park modifications
Senate SF0547 5 04/10/1995 Text icon Morse Environmental education provisions modification and environmental education council establishment
Senate SF0502 2 02/16/1995 Text icon Morse School districts referendum and supplemental revenue reduction formulas modification
Senate SF0494 5 03/13/1995 Text icon Morse Winona county real property sale through contract for deed
Senate SF0429 9 05/03/1995 Text icon Morse Farmer lender mediation program expiration date extension and continuation or expansion study
Senate SF0428 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Morse Local recreation grants
Senate SF0310 6 02/27/1995 Text icon Morse Blufflands trail system extension
Senate SF0282 2 02/02/1995 Text icon Morse State college and university libraries debt service requirement exemption
Senate SF0257 15 05/19/1995 222 Text icon Morse Soil and water conservation district supervisor office compatibility with city and town offices
Senate SF0210 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Morse Winona lodging tax revenues use authority expansion
Senate SF0189 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Morse State troopers retirement contribution rates and annuity formulas modifications
Senate SF0106 20 05/19/1995 220 Text icon Morse Omnibus environment, natural resources and agriculture appropriations
Senate SF0102 3 02/09/1995 Text icon Morse Environment and natural resources appropriations
Senate SF0094 5 02/02/1995 Text icon Morse Solid waste generator assessment provisions correction and clarification