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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

239 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Bill Numbers HF*

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate HF3368 3 05/13/2014 Text icon Hayden Resolution memorializing the President and Congress concerning the detention and torture of the Somali people in Kenya
Senate HF3302 5 05/16/2014 313 Text icon Latz Revisor's bill
Senate HF3241 7 05/12/2014 252 Text icon Carlson Claims against the state; departments of corrections (DOC) and transportation (DOT) claims settlement and appropriations
Senate HF3238 8 05/12/2014 213 Text icon Latz Domestic violence abusing party with restraining order and persons convicted of domestic violence offenses weapons possession prohibition
Senate HF3172 16 05/16/2014 312 Text icon Cohen Omnibus supplemental appropriations bill
Senate HF3169 8 05/15/2014 282 Text icon Eken Legislative salary council establishment; constitutional amendment to remove lawmakers power to set their own pay modification
Senate HF3167 16 05/16/2014 308 Text icon Skoe Omnibus supplemental tax bill
Senate HF3115 8 05/12/2014 210 Text icon Tomassoni St. Louis county board of commissioners to change to two years the term of a certain member to be elected in 2014 upon local approval
Senate HF3084 9 05/12/2014 227 Text icon Dibble Transportation department (DOT) reporting requirements elimination; obsolete and redundant provisions elimination; conforming changes
Senate HF3073 16 05/16/2014 310 Text icon Jensen Insurance fraud regulations provisions modifications
Senate HF3072 15 05/12/2014 255 Text icon Dibble Traffic regulations and motor vehicles provisions modifications; motor vehicle sales tax distribution clarification; obsolete provisions elimination
Senate HF3043 8 05/12/2014 214 Text icon Brown Cemetery property transfer from local governments to tribal associations authorization
Senate HF3017 9 05/12/2014 212 Text icon Latz Public safety outdated and redundant statutes repeal; victims of domestic abuse data collection report requirement
Senate HF3014 9 05/12/2014 211 Text icon Pappas Public employment relations board establishment and appropriation
Senate HF2995 7 05/14/2014 273 Text icon Reinert Towing order requirements clarification
Senate HF2989 7 05/15/2014 283 Text icon Koenen Business organizations secretary of state filings, recordings and registrations provisions modifications
Senate HF2953 8 05/12/2014 209 Text icon Dahms County correctional services grant qualifications modification; contiguous county requirement elimination
Senate HF2950 8 05/13/2014 262 Text icon Hoffman Human services children and family services, health care, chemical and mental services, continuing care and operations obsolete provisions elimination; elderly waiver, alternative care program and mental health services for children provisions modifications
Senate HF2949 7 05/12/2014 251 Text icon Hawj Unemployment insurance provisions modifications
Senate HF2948 15 05/13/2014 271 Text icon Sparks Economic development obsolete and redundant laws repeal
Senate HF2937 8 04/30/2014 174 Text icon Scalze Minnesota historical society provisions technical modifications
Senate HF2925 15 05/13/2014 269 Text icon Latz Imprisonment and Exoneration Remedies Act
Senate HF2912 8 05/12/2014 231 Text icon Champion Motor vehicle lien held by a licensed dealer sale provisions
Senate HF2881 11 05/16/2014 300 Text icon Carlson Railroad employees motor carriers regulations modification
Senate HF2874 8 05/02/2014 192 Text icon Wiklund Health miscellaneous provisions technical changes, updates and obsolete provisions elimination
Senate HF2858 9 04/30/2014 175 Text icon Franzen Limousine regulations modifications
Senate HF2854 9 05/12/2014 222 Text icon Carlson Commerce department and public utilities commission (PUC) obsolete, unnecessary or redundant laws and rules elimination and provisions modifications
Senate HF2853 9 05/08/2014 198 Text icon Metzen Commerce department policy, enforcement, and technical changes
Senate HF2852 15 05/15/2014 290 Text icon Schmit Omnibus game and fish bill
Senate HF2840 8 04/30/2014 183 Text icon Jensen Rice county district one hospital district private sale of land authorization and hospital district dissolution requirement
Senate HF2835 5 04/02/2014 Text icon Carlson Disability parking provisions modifications
Senate HF2834 15 05/12/2014 254 Text icon Marty Omnibus energy policy bill
Senate HF2830 5 04/29/2014 Text icon Eken Becker county auditor-treasurer and recorder office combination and appointive process authorization
Senate HF2812 7 05/13/2014 267 Text icon Hoffman Veterans' Voices month establishment
Senate HF2798 8 05/16/2014 299 Text icon Dziedzic Pollinator lethal insecticide plant and nursery stock labeling restrictions
Senate HF2785 3 04/25/2014 Text icon Eaton State employees with disabilities central accommodation fund feasibility study and reporting requirement
Senate HF2755 8 05/12/2014 218 Text icon Latz Corrections and corrections department outdated and redundant provisions modifications and elimination
Senate HF2746 9 04/30/2014 181 Text icon Sparks Agriculture department obsolete and redundant laws removal and provisions modifications
Senate HF2733 15 05/15/2014 289 Text icon Marty Natural resources miscellaneous provisions modifications
Senate HF2728 3 04/29/2014 Text icon Kent Statutory speed limit modification; motorized bicycle operators permits modification; commercial learners permit fee authorization; driving skill examination scheduling improvement and appropriation; commercial motor vehicles federal conformance authorization
Senate HF2724 10 05/13/2014 Text icon Pappas Administrative rulemaking process regulations and provisions modifications
Senate HF2722 8 05/08/2014 197 Text icon Eaton Child custody and parenting time provisions modifications
Senate HF2701 7 05/02/2014 Text icon Cohen Disaster assistance contingency account establishment
Senate HF2695 8 05/06/2014 249 Text icon Jensen Commerce department licensee education requirements modifications
Senate HF2694 8 05/08/2014 199 Text icon Jensen Real estate brokers and salespersons regulations modifications
Senate HF2684 8 05/13/2014 261 Text icon Kent Graduated driver licensing requirements modifications
Senate HF2670 8 05/14/2014 236 Text icon Reinert Architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design board professions licensing provisions modifications
Senate HF2668 8 05/08/2014 204 Text icon Latz Courts policy provisions modification
Senate HF2665 9 04/03/2014 152 Text icon Johnson Military affairs department obsolete, redundant and unnecessary laws elimination
Senate HF2660 8 05/08/2014 200 Text icon Champion Forma pauperis party proceeding partial reimbursement costs modification
Senate HF2659 8 04/28/2014 169 Text icon Metzen Threading services cosmetology licensing exemption
Senate HF2658 9 04/30/2014 182 Text icon Sparks Workers compensation advisory council recommendations adoption
Senate HF2656 8 04/30/2014 178 Text icon Lourey All-payer claims data and database use modification
Senate HF2654 9 05/14/2014 244 Text icon Latz Part-time peace officer licensure elimination
Senate HF2647 8 03/26/2014 149 Text icon Bonoff Higher education unnecessary or redundant laws and rules elimination
Senate HF2622 10 05/12/2014 258 Text icon Metzen Water or wastewater treatment law privatization procedures and standards repeal; metropolitan council wastewater services responsibilities continuation authorization
Senate HF2605 8 05/02/2014 190 Text icon Wiger Minneapolis scrap vehicle operators and scrap metal dealers automated property system transaction fee schedule establishment; fee schedule, audit and reporting requirements and automated property system provisions modifications
Senate HF2582 8 04/30/2014 172 Text icon Marty Minnesota Public Benefit Corporation Act
Senate HF2576 16 05/15/2014 246 Text icon Champion Expungement of criminal records and eviction records provisions modifications
Senate HF2566 8 05/12/2014 206 Text icon Hawj St. Paul port authority meetings by telephone or other electronic means authorization
Senate HF2556 5 05/15/2014 Text icon Stumpf Veterans housing and long-term care provisions modifications; new residential facility moratorium exemptions; veterans housing survey grants appropriation
Senate HF2546 7 05/14/2014 275 Text icon Latz Revisor's bill
Senate HF2543 8 05/14/2014 237 Text icon Scalze Natural resources department (DNR) and pollution control agency (PCA) permitting efficiencies modification; administrative penalty order and field citations provisions modifications; civil penalties, rulemaking, data classifications and reporting requirements modification and appropriation authorization
Senate HF2536 19 05/12/2014 239 Text icon Pappas Women's Economic Security Act
Senate HF2531 15 05/16/2014 309 Text icon Hoffman Campaign finance technical changes and provisions modifications
Senate HF2490 7 05/16/2014 294 Text icon Stumpf Omnibus bonding bill
Senate HF2480 4 03/19/2014 Text icon Hayden School lunch aid computation modification; reduced price meals appropriation
Senate HF2479 8 05/08/2014 205 Text icon Latz Housing courts and housing calendars use of referees almost exclusively for landlord and tenant cases authorization
Senate HF2467 7 05/12/2014 250 Text icon Latz Human services background studies requirements modification
Senate HF2447 3 05/16/2014 Text icon Koenen Veterans Day time off for veterans requirement
Senate HF2446 15 05/15/2014 285 Text icon Reinert Pharmacy board synthetic drug sale prevention authority and other provisions modifications and appropriations
Senate HF2405 8 05/12/2014 208 Text icon Kent Checking account numbers as private or nonpublic data classification requirement
Senate HF2402 15 05/15/2014 291 Text icon Sheran Omnibus health and human services policy bill
Senate HF2397 15 05/13/2014 272 Text icon Torres Ray Omnibus education policy bill
Senate HF2392 5 04/24/2014 Text icon Hoffman State agencies cleaner fuel-powered motor vehicles purchase barriers elimination
Senate HF2386 8 05/14/2014 245 Text icon Hall Relief from conviction petition filing modification; notice to offender for restitution modification
Senate HF2385 8 04/04/2014 153 Text icon Latz Civil actions; adjusting certain time limits relating to the certification of expert review
Senate HF2374 9 03/03/2014 145 Text icon Saxhaug Low-income home energy heating assistance program (LIHEAP) appropriation
Senate HF2365 3 04/28/2014 Text icon Saxhaug Former and current military members expedited licensing processing by professional licensing boards requirement; temporary licenses report requirement
Senate HF2318 8 05/12/2014 230 Text icon Metzen Special school district #6, South St. Paul; school district election districts dissolution
Senate HF2313 9 05/12/2014 219 Text icon Hoffman Confidential employee definition modification
Senate HF2293 7 05/16/2014 Text icon Hayden Payday lending regulations and consumer short-term lender requirements clarifications
Senate HF2281 3 04/10/2014 Text icon Sheran Legislators' privilege from arrest; specifying that driving while impaired constitutes a breach of the peace for purposes of the Constitution
Senate HF2276 8 04/30/2014 173 Text icon Goodwin Safe at home program participant data practices and real property records regulations
Senate HF2265 8 05/14/2014 238 Text icon Hoffman Elections data sharing authorization
Senate HF2255 8 05/16/2014 298 Text icon Carlson Ignition interlock device program relating to criminal vehicular operation scope clarification and prior effective dates modification
Senate HF2236 8 05/14/2014 274 Text icon Torres Ray Open meeting law notifications expansion
Senate HF2227 5 04/22/2014 Text icon Eken ST elevation myocardial infarction response and treatment assessment and report requirement
Senate HF2219 8 05/12/2014 216 Text icon Nienow Nicholas Patrick Spehar memorial highway designation
Senate HF2217 8 05/02/2014 187 Text icon Dziedzic Contracting grants management process and contract management provisions modifications and encumbrance exception
Senate HF2214 15 05/15/2014 287 Text icon Reinert Transportation department (DOT) technical, miscellaneous and housekeeping provisions modifications; I-494 rehabilitation work requirements establishment
Senate HF2213 8 05/02/2014 191 Text icon Latz Foreclosure curative act clarification and small servicer definition modification
Senate HF2190 8 04/28/2014 170 Text icon Newman Business organizations prefiling document review; limited liability companies and business corporations regulations modifications
Senate HF2188 7 05/13/2014 266 Text icon Newman Ownership of real estate by spouses and mortgage redemption periods clarification and conformance; transfer on death deeds modification
Senate HF2180 17 05/14/2014 279 Text icon Sieben School district employees health care coverage provisions modifications
Senate HF2166 15 05/15/2014 288 Text icon Bonoff Electronic rosters statewide authorization
Senate HF2149 3 04/10/2014 Text icon Bonoff I-494 rehabilitation project requirements modification
Senate HF2141 8 04/30/2014 177 Text icon Jensen Domestic abuse probable arrest provisions modifications
Senate HF2096 8 04/30/2014 185 Text icon Sieben Online voter registration and absentee ballot applications authorization; web site security, maintenance and monitoring requirements; noncampaign disbursement definition modification
Senate HF2092 15 05/14/2014 280 Text icon Sheran Combat wounded veterans motorcycle plates authorization; retired firefighters special motor vehicle license plates authorization
Senate HF2091 9 04/22/2014 166 Text icon Hayden Minimum wage modification; state employee use of donated vacation leave modification; labor standards for private and public employees
Senate HF2090 17 05/12/2014 257 Text icon Latz Indemnity agreements in design professional service contracts prohibition
Senate HF1986 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Marty Gift ban law food and beverage exception elimination
Senate HF1984 15 05/12/2014 253 Text icon Saxhaug Public construction contracts responsible contractor requirement definition establishment
Senate HF1981 8 05/16/2014 297 Text icon Ruud Snow removal authority sunset elimination
Senate HF1961 3 04/28/2014 Text icon Eken Ethics board duties modification; economic disclosure and conflict of interest requirements expansion
Senate HF1951 15 05/16/2014 296 Text icon Pappas Omnibus retirement bill
Senate HF1926 17 05/12/2014 256 Text icon Saxhaug Outdoor heritage fund appropriations
Senate HF1916 8 05/12/2014 207 Text icon Johnson Women veterans special license plates establishment and appropriation
Senate HF1915 7 05/13/2014 268 Text icon Anderson Relevant military experience modification for peace officer reciprocity examination eligibility
Senate HF1874 9 05/12/2014 226 Text icon Dziedzic Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations
Senate HF1863 15 05/15/2014 286 Text icon Sieben Executive branch advisory groups governing laws modification
Senate HF1851 15 05/13/2014 270 Text icon Schmit Criminal sexual conduct repeat offenders penalties increase
Senate HF1823 9 05/19/2013 124 Text icon Eken Constitutional amendment authorizing a compensation council to establish salaries for legislators
Senate HF1792 7 05/19/2013 122 Text icon Carlson Claims against the state; department of corrections claims settlement and appropriation
Senate HF1777 10 03/26/2014 150 Text icon Skoe Omnibus tax bill
Senate HF1604 13 05/06/2014 Text icon Nelson Narcotics or controlled substances activities by health care professionals employer mandatory reporting requirement
Senate HF1587 8 05/20/2013 130 Text icon Jensen Insurance foreign language policies and advertising regulations
Senate HF1510 7 05/17/2013 97 Text icon Eaton Hennepin county design-build contract provisions updates and technical corrections
Senate HF1470 3 05/01/2013 Text icon Marty Child support services discontinuance authorization
Senate HF1455 8 03/26/2014 148 Text icon Sheran Blue Earth county library board advisory to county board requirement
Senate HF1451 10 05/17/2013 93 Text icon Latz I-35W bridge remnant steel disposition authorization
Senate HF1444 18 05/19/2013 117 Text icon Dibble Omnibus transportation finance bill
Senate HF1425 9 05/12/2014 220 Text icon Koenen Annexation definition modification; annexation by ordinance provisions modifications
Senate HF1400 8 05/10/2013 47 Text icon Jensen Domestic abuse order for protection violation and no contact order prosecution venue clarification
Senate HF1390 7 05/17/2013 95 Text icon Eaton Geospatial information office provisions modifications
Senate HF1389 8 05/20/2013 134 Text icon Scalze Office of enterprise technology (OET) name change to office of MN.IT services and provisions modifications; finance and budget provisions modifications; state information network contract limitations exemption provisions
Senate HF1378 9 05/03/2013 33 Text icon Pappas Workers compensation court of appeals personnel provisions modifications
Senate HF1304 7 05/17/2013 102 Text icon Ruud School bus special events use authorization
Senate HF1284 8 05/20/2013 67 Text icon Metzen Motor vehicle fuel sale payment restriction prohibition
Senate HF1243 8 05/18/2013 106 Text icon Reinert Securities and franchise registration provisions modifications
Senate HF1233 15 05/18/2013 108 Text icon Lourey Omnibus health and human services finance bill
Senate HF1226 8 05/16/2014 302 Text icon Thompson Prosecuting attorney or judge death enhanced penalties modification; prosecuting attorney and judge assault penalties modification
Senate HF1221 8 05/20/2013 135 Text icon Carlson Miscellaneous commerce technical modifications and housekeeping changes and adjustments to statutory dollar amounts; insurance fraud prevention division renamed commerce fraud bureau
Senate HF1214 7 05/20/2013 126 Text icon Wiger Scrap metal processing regulations modifications and criminal penalties establishment
Senate HF1195 8 05/10/2013 41 Text icon Dziedzic Hennepin county authority to negotiate agreements for skilled trade and craft workers and apprentices authorization
Senate HF1183 15 05/20/2013 137 Text icon Cohen Omnibus legacy bill
Senate HF1160 9 05/19/2013 Text icon Latz Omnibus judiciary finance and policy bill.
Senate HF1138 7 05/14/2013 78 Text icon Dahle Military justice code update and revisions
Senate HF1136 6 05/10/2013 Text icon Rosen Pharmacy board regulated businesses licensing requirements modifications; drug compounding provisions modifications
Senate HF1120 8 05/15/2013 56 Text icon Wiklund Contested case judicial review service on all parties requirement
Senate HF1118 7 05/19/2013 119 Text icon Wiklund Bond security requirements modification
Senate HF1117 7 05/18/2013 113 Text icon Rosen Chemical and mental health and human services licensing modifications; opioid addiction methadone treatment program standards establishment; drug treatment modifications; prescription monitoring program
Senate HF1113 8 05/14/2013 52 Text icon Dziedzic Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations
Senate HF1112 7 05/18/2013 110 Text icon Goodwin Secretary of state business organizations duties and responsibilities provisions modifications; directors of cooperatives standard of conduct provisions
Senate HF1070 5 05/20/2013 136 Text icon Bakk Capitol renovation and restoration, flood hazard mitigation, parking facilities, veterans nursing facility and public facilities authority clean water fund bonding bill
Senate HF1069 8 05/14/2013 77 Text icon Eaton State labor agreements and compensation plans ratification
Senate HF1068 7 05/16/2014 295 Text icon Stumpf Omnibus capital investment appropriations bill
Senate HF1054 8 05/15/2013 74 Text icon Dibble Marriage between two persons authorization
Senate HF1000 5 05/09/2013 Text icon Dibble Clean energy resources teams activities funding requirement; public utility emission reduction projects cost recovery
Senate HF0977 9 04/22/2014 157 Text icon Franzen Minnesota Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
Senate HF0976 17 05/18/2013 114 Text icon Tomassoni Omnibus environment, natural resources and agriculture policy and finance bill
Senate HF0975 8 05/18/2013 107 Text icon Franzen Human services fair hearings and internal audits provisions modifications; cultural and ethnic leadership communities council establishment
Senate HF0969 9 05/15/2013 59 Text icon Eaton Chemical and mental health and state operated services policy and technical provisions modifications
Senate HF0956 11 05/10/2013 Text icon Marty Omnibus energy bill
Senate HF0947 8 05/14/2013 49 Text icon Sheran Minnesota Commitment and Treatment Act: Sexually Dangerous Persons and Sexual Psychopathic Personalities
Senate HF0946 7 05/18/2013 112 Text icon Goodwin Alcohol underage possession or consumption immunity from prosecution for persons contacting 911 to seek assistance for another
Senate HF0938 5 05/02/2013 Text icon Johnson Strategic and long-range planning reporting requirements modification; office of enterprise technology North Star reporting requirements modifications
Senate HF0902 3 05/06/2013 Text icon Johnson Cosmetology continuing education requirements establishment
Senate HF0894 15 05/20/2013 131 Text icon Sieben Omnibus elections bill
Senate HF0892 8 05/02/2014 189 Text icon Sheran Uniform Interstate Family Support Act update
Senate HF0859 8 05/02/2014 188 Text icon Hayden Landlords and tenants additional remedies for victims of violence; Housing Opportunities Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project establishment
Senate HF0854 8 05/20/2013 132 Text icon Dibble Distributed generation and renewable energy provisions modification; energy conservation improvement investments for low-income programs regulation; eminent domain and condemnation procedures modification
Senate HF0853 7 05/19/2013 123 Text icon Sparks Fire and police department aid threshold for financial reports and audits modifications
Senate HF0841 5 04/29/2013 Text icon Wiklund Long-term care consultation assessment services support plan information updating modification
Senate HF0834 8 04/25/2013 19 Text icon Scalze Metropolitan area water supply advisory committee sunset date extension
Senate HF0829 8 05/17/2013 100 Text icon Champion Landlord mortgage foreclosure and contract for deed cancellation notice to tenant requirements
Senate HF0826 15 04/10/2014 160 Text icon Dibble Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act
Senate HF0819 8 05/18/2013 105 Text icon Scalze Public facilities authority provisions modifications; wastewater treatment projects total maximum daily load grants reorganization; small community wastewater treatment grant requirements modification
Senate HF0814 7 05/17/2013 92 Text icon Sieben Hazardous substance release report to local fire and law enforcement requirement
Senate HF0792 7 05/19/2013 118 Text icon Sieben Waiver of liability for negligent conduct prohibition
Senate HF0791 8 05/15/2013 54 Text icon Reinert Insurance annuity products regulation and annuity model regulation enactment
Senate HF0790 7 05/17/2013 96 Text icon Goodwin Offender conditional release term commencement clarification
Senate HF0779 8 05/16/2013 84 Text icon Lourey Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) conformity; Minnesota Health Plan Market Rules; market rules work group establishment
Senate HF0767 9 05/20/2013 63 Text icon Eken Continuing care provisions modifications; advisory task forces, nursing facilities, resident relocation, medical assistance (MA), long-term care consultation services, assessments, maltreatment reporting modifications
Senate HF0760 9 05/20/2013 62 Text icon Wiklund Human services outdated statutory terms update
Senate HF0748 8 05/01/2013 27 Text icon Dziedzic Prompt payment of employee wages requirements modifications
Senate HF0740 8 05/13/2013 73 Text icon Hawj Omnibus lands bill
Senate HF0738 7 05/17/2013 101 Text icon Scalze Metropolitan council miscellaneous statutes technical corrections
Senate HF0729 16 05/16/2013 85 Text icon Tomassoni Omnibus jobs and economic development bill
Senate HF0694 7 05/17/2013 91 Text icon Dahle Debt management and debt settlement provisions modification
Senate HF0683 12 05/02/2014 Text icon Stumpf Legislative water commission creation
Senate HF0681 15 05/17/2013 89 Text icon Latz Child Victims Act; sexual abuse civil actions limitation period modification
Senate HF0677 19 05/20/2013 143 Text icon Skoe Omnibus tax bill
Senate HF0669 9 05/03/2013 32 Text icon Jensen Statewide radio board provisions modifications; allied radio matrix for emergency response (ARMER) and 911 systems statewide radio board long-term funding study and report requirement
Senate HF0664 5 05/16/2013 Text icon Eken Campaign finance and public disclosure law technical and conforming changes; public official definition expansion to fiscal analyst
Senate HF0655 9 05/12/2014 221 Text icon Fischbach High-voltage transmission line proposed routes preferred designation prohibition
Senate HF0648 8 05/10/2013 40 Text icon Champion Motor vehicle title loan makers regulation
Senate HF0647 5 05/17/2013 Text icon Goodwin Insurance fraud prevention division renamed commerce fraud bureau; miscellaneous commerce department provisions modifications
Senate HF0634 8 05/20/2013 68 Text icon Jensen Identical product pricing requirement; federal fuel standards compliance updates; E85 requirements modification
Senate HF0630 15 05/19/2013 116 Text icon Wiger Omnibus pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education finance bill
Senate HF0607 8 05/20/2013 129 Text icon Wiklund Optometrist provisions modifications
Senate HF0590 8 05/20/2013 133 Text icon Wiger Transit operator assault criminal penalties imposition
Senate HF0588 9 05/14/2013 51 Text icon Hayden Staffing Plan Disclosure Act; nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes study and report requirement; appropriating money
Senate HF0582 8 03/18/2013 8 Text icon Eken Advanced diagnostic imaging services accreditation requirements modification
Senate HF0580 8 05/14/2013 76 Text icon Goodwin Data protection for victims of violence (safe at home) provisions modifications
Senate HF0542 8 05/16/2013 83 Text icon Goodwin Whistleblower protection for state employees modification; classified employee communications with decision makers expectations establishment
Senate HF0527 7 05/17/2013 103 Text icon Gazelka Money transmitter required fraud prevention measures clarification
Senate HF0504 8 04/25/2013 15 Text icon Sparks Workers compensation reinsurance association prefunded limit elimination
Senate HF0474 15 04/28/2014 Text icon Champion Automated license plate readers data classification; public employees unauthorized access to data enhanced penalties and reporting requirements
Senate HF0461 8 05/14/2013 75 Text icon Bonoff Shaver Lake riparian landowners aquatic plant management permit issuance for cattail control
Senate HF0459 16 05/20/2013 71 Text icon Sieben Bisphenol-A (BPA) food containers sale prohibition
Senate HF0458 9 05/15/2013 58 Text icon Rest Formaldehyde in products for children prohibition
Senate HF0450 8 04/25/2013 21 Text icon Latz Real property improvements limitation of actions for damages based on services or construction modifications
Senate HF0392 7 05/18/2013 109 Text icon Latz Juvenile court proceedings electronic records provisions modifications
Senate HF0369 8 05/01/2013 24 Text icon Franzen Uniform Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act
Senate HF0365 8 03/18/2013 6 Text icon Franzen Electronic funds transfers (EFT) uniform commercial code (UCC) applicability provisions modification
Senate HF0335 7 05/17/2013 90 Text icon Dibble Jury service exclusion due to marital status or sexual orientation prohibition
Senate HF0321 7 03/13/2013 Text icon Dibble Minneapolis and Minneapolis park and recreation board joint dedication fee modification; fair market value definition
Senate HF0316 10 05/20/2013 140 Text icon Tomassoni Motor vehicle special freight distribution permits authorization; public safety appropriations provisions modification
Senate HF0290 8 04/25/2013 16 Text icon Latz False claims against the state provisions modifications
Senate HF0283 8 05/01/2013 28 Text icon Wiklund Witnesses testimony evidence arising from a collaborative law process availability limitation
Senate HF0278 8 03/18/2013 7 Text icon Latz Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act
Senate HF0263 8 05/13/2014 260 Text icon Jensen Crime of violence definition modification
Senate HF0251 3 02/18/2013 Text icon Sparks Farmer-lender mediation act sunset date extension
Senate HF0232 11 04/25/2013 23 Text icon Goodwin Power of attorney statutory short form modification; judicial relief authorization
Senate HF0228 8 05/20/2013 139 Text icon Nienow Crime of wildfire arson involving multiple buildings or dwellings, acreage or crop damages, or results in demonstrable bodily harm penalty increase
Senate HF0215 7 05/17/2013 98 Text icon Carlson Occupational therapy physical agent modalities, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound device use orders by licensed health care professionals authority
Senate HF0195 8 05/15/2013 55 Text icon Eaton Licensed dietitian or licensed nutritionist legend drug prescription protocol implementation authorization
Senate HF0194 9 05/14/2013 50 Text icon Bonoff Money transmitters fraud prevention measures expansion; money transmitter notification of transfer at unexpected location requirement
Senate HF0183 17 05/15/2014 284 Text icon Dibble Public employees unauthorized access to data enhanced penalties and reporting requirements; comprehensive incident-based reporting system (CIBRS) law enforcement data base data disclosure requirements
Senate HF0164 8 04/18/2013 11 Text icon Hayden Radiation therapy facility construction provisions modifications
Senate HF0161 7 05/17/2013 94 Text icon Ingebrigtsen Homicide victim personal property protection inventory and emergency order authorization
Senate HF0157 7 05/19/2013 120 Text icon Sieben Bullion coin dealers regulation, registration requirement, conduct prohibition, enforcement authority, criminal and civil penalties and appropriation
Senate HF0155 8 05/16/2014 301 Text icon Chamberlain Notaries public allowable maximum fee charge increase
Senate HF0143 9 04/25/2013 22 Text icon Skoe American Indian veterans capitol grounds memorial plaque placement
Senate HF0141 4 02/25/2013 Text icon Sieben Soil and water conservation supervision district establishment resolution filing period timeline modification
Senate HF0131 9 05/15/2013 60 Text icon Goodwin Estate sale conductors corporate surety bond posting requirement
Senate HF0129 8 04/25/2013 17 Text icon Dahle Mortgage foreclosure consultant definition clarification
Senate HF0092 16 02/25/2014 Text icon Eaton Minimum wage increase and overtime and parental leave provisions modification
Senate HF0090 8 03/18/2013 5 Text icon Goodwin Vulnerable adult offenses financial exploitation aggregation period allowance and venue options for expansion
Senate HF0087 9 04/02/2013 10 Text icon Franzen Affidavit of survivorship authorization; certificate of satisfaction and release or partial release by assignee requirement modification; interest in registered land after registration claim authorization
Senate HF0080 11 05/17/2013 104 Text icon Latz Conciliation court civil contempt penalty; consumer debt limitation period; assigned consumer debt default judgments regulation
Senate HF0075 8 04/25/2013 18 Text icon Rosen Community paramedics continuing education hours requirement
Senate HF0066 8 03/18/2013 4 Text icon Sparks Drainage system provisions modifications
Senate HF0019 9 05/03/2013 36 Text icon Newman Nonprobate transfers on death multiparty accounts provisions modification; tax court timely filing for appeals from orders modification
Senate HF0009 8 02/21/2013 1 Text icon Sheran Medical assistance (MA) eligibility modification; federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) definition and application; appropriation
Senate HF0006 10 02/21/2013 3 Text icon Skoe Income, franchise and property tax refund provisions conformance for tax year 2012; individual income tax returns for certain IRA rollovers of airline payments modification; Iron Range resources and rehabilitation board (IRRRB) provisions modification; tax incidence report provisions modification
Senate HF0005 17 03/21/2013 9 Text icon Lourey Minnesota Insurance Marketplace Act (MNsure)