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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

62 Documents Found in Legislative Session 93 (2023-2024)
for Chief Authors of "Freiberg"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF1801 10 03/20/2024 Text icon Freiberg A house resolution urging Congress to pass federal legislation granting statehood to the people of Washington, D.C.
House HF3918 1 02/19/2024 Text icon Freiberg Absentee ballot applications allowed to be submitted electronically for standalone local elections.
House HF0159 1 01/09/2023 Text icon Freiberg Additional investment authority provided for qualifying local units of government.
House HF0642 14 03/15/2023 Text icon Freiberg Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote enacted.
House HF2392 4 03/20/2023 Text icon Freiberg Campaign finance provisions modified, and civil penalties provided.
House HF2394 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Freiberg Campaign finance; economic interest statement provisions modified.
House HF0175 3 01/26/2023 Text icon Freiberg Cannabis; manufacturers allowed to distribute medical cannabis to Tribal medical cannabis program patients, registry program patients allowed to obtain medical cannabis from Tribal medical cannabis program, medical cannabis transportation by manufacturers registered with Tribal medical cannabis program provided, protections extended, and criminal penalty modified.
House HF0367 6 04/02/2024 Text icon Freiberg Child care center and family child care provider allowed to adopt policy regarding immunizations.
House HF4128 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Freiberg Cities authorized to impose public park dedication fee on new property developments.
House HF3410 7 04/02/2024 Text icon Freiberg Classification of commercial dog and cat breeder data collected and maintained by Board of Animal Health amended; kennel and dealer advertising requirements modified; and Board of Animal Health required to post kennel, dealer, and commercial breeder information.
House HF0274 6 02/27/2023 Text icon Freiberg Commission created to redesign the official state flag and official state seal, and report required.
House HF1612 1 02/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Commissioner of corrections authority to house inmates in multiple occupancy cells modified.
House HF1459 4 03/22/2023 Text icon Freiberg Consumer protection violation civil remedies amended for individual or family farmer.
House HF1496 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Freiberg Criminal background checks required for firearms transfers, and grounds for disqualification of transferee permit modified.
House HF0236 6 04/11/2023 Text icon Freiberg Disabled veteran market value exclusion increased.
House HF3557 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Freiberg Election administration provisions modified, voter registration requirements modified, voting instruction and sample ballot requirements amended, tabulation process and equipment requirements amended, notification timeline provided to counties amended, and vacancy in nomination process amended.
House HF1723 6 04/11/2023 Text icon Freiberg Elections finance and policy bill.
House HF4772 29 05/17/2024 112 Text icon Freiberg Elections policy and finance bill.
House HF4411 15 05/03/2024 Text icon Freiberg Elections, campaign finance, and secretary of state funding provided and policy modified; voting rights act cost sharing account established; transfers and appropriations modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1141 6 05/01/2023 Text icon Freiberg Elections; technical and clarifying changes made.
House SF1362 4 05/01/2023 Text icon Freiberg Elections; technical and clarifying changes made.
House HF1604 7 03/09/2023 Text icon Freiberg Emergency grant program created for autism spectrum disorder treatment providers, and money appropriated.
House HF1930 17 03/21/2024 Text icon Freiberg End-of-life option established for terminally ill adults with a prognosis of six months or less, criminal penalties provided, data classified, reports required, immunity provided, and enforcement authorized.
House HF4182 9 05/13/2024 Text icon Freiberg Equal Access to Broadband Act established, and broadband services and broadband infrastructure governing provisions modified.
House HF1397 3 03/18/2024 Text icon Freiberg Executive compensation of hospitals and affiliated medical entities regulated.
House HF4670 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Freiberg Exercise of due-on-sale clause limited.
House HF0500 5 03/18/2024 Text icon Freiberg Federal standard time year-round beginning in 2024 and expiring upon enactment of federal law authorizing states to recognize advanced standard time year-round recognition provided.
House HF0654 1 01/23/2023 Text icon Freiberg Golden Valley; local sales and use tax imposition authorized.
House HF0365 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Freiberg Golden Valley; new fire station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1231 1 02/02/2023 Text icon Freiberg Grant funding provided to perpetuate public land survey stem monuments and associated data, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3261 1 04/18/2023 Text icon Freiberg Gross receipts tax imposed on digital products, local governments payment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1577 2 02/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Hennepin County; Blue Line light rail transit extension project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0638 2 01/25/2023 Text icon Freiberg Inflow and infiltration program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1654 1 02/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Issuance of big-game license after conviction modified.
House HF2393 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Freiberg Lobbyist registration and reporting modified, and definitions created.
House HF4243 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Freiberg Local election provisions modified, and absentee voting provisions modified.
House HF2204 7 05/10/2023 42 Text icon Freiberg Metropolitan Council redistricting provided.
House HF2358 2 03/06/2023 Text icon Freiberg Minnesota Volunteerism Innovation Board established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2334 2 03/02/2023 Text icon Freiberg Minnesota's Emergency Alert and AMBER Alert systems upgrades funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4399 2 03/14/2024 Text icon Freiberg Mortgage payment satisfaction governing provisions modified.
House HF1189 3 03/27/2023 Text icon Freiberg Motor vehicle insurance policy time limitation requirements modified.
House HF4348 2 03/20/2024 Text icon Freiberg Nonbank data security law established.
House HF4972 1 03/14/2024 Text icon Freiberg Notaries electronic database changes made.
House HF5016 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Freiberg Ongoing grant program for renewable energy projects established, and money appropriated from renewable development account.
House HF5269 2 04/09/2024 Text icon Freiberg Open or concealed carry of firearms within 100 feet of designated polling places prohibited.
House HF0568 4 04/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Payment rates modified for intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities.
House HF3487 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Freiberg Perpich Center for Arts Education duties modified.
House HF0544 5 03/08/2023 Text icon Freiberg Pharmacy benefit manager and health carrier requirements established related to clinician-administered drugs.
House HF3552 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Freiberg Public land survey system monument grant program prioritization criteria amended, and money appropriated.
House HF4186 6 05/13/2024 Text icon Freiberg Public, educational, or governmental programming fee imposed on digital video service providers, and penalties provided.
House HF3338 3 04/02/2024 Text icon Freiberg Real property; private transfer fees provided.
House HF0142 5 03/08/2023 Text icon Freiberg Reasonable accommodations required for parents of children with disabilities.
House HF0275 1 01/11/2023 Text icon Freiberg Religious Freedom Day; a joint resolution recognizing January 16th as Religious Freedom Day.
House HF4953 1 03/14/2024 Text icon Freiberg Revenue-neutral assessment on environmental emissions provided, refundable FICA and property tax credits provided, credits against income taxes required to be paid as dividends, energy efficiency and renewable energy project loans authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2894 2 05/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Sales and use tax provisions modified, and firearm storage units exemption provided.
House HF0182 2 01/23/2023 Text icon Freiberg Seat belts required on newly purchased school buses.
House HF4643 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Freiberg Service cooperative clarified to be able to participate in local, state, and national civic, educational, and governmental organizations.
House HF0160 6 03/16/2023 Text icon Freiberg Service-learning integrated into Minnesota's education system, evidence-based service-learning technical assistance and grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF3707 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Freiberg State government; position under agency head salaries added, and Compensation Council provision changes made.
House HF3486 4 03/20/2024 Text icon Freiberg Substance use disorder treatment; licensed alcohol and drug counselors continuing education requirements modified, religious objections to placements in substance use disorder treatment programs allowed, comprehensive assessment requirements modified, courts or other placement authorities prohibited from compelling an individual to participate in religious elements of substance use disorder treatment, and report required.
House HF1140 4 03/20/2023 Text icon Freiberg Technical and policy changes made to elections administration provisions.
House HF1484 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Freiberg Third-party transport of medical cannabis expanded.