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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

95 Documents Found in Legislative Session 93 (2023-2024)
for Authors of "Igo"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HC0001 2 02/21/2023 Text icon Igo A house concurrent resolution concerning the use of mineral resources as key components of technically advanced energy and telecommunications devices.
House HF0027 3 01/17/2023 Text icon Lislegard Iron ore mining additional unemployment benefits provided.
House SF0040 7 01/23/2023 2 Text icon Lislegard Iron ore mining additional unemployment benefits provided.
House HF0136 3 01/17/2023 Text icon Robbins Individual income tax provisions modified, and unlimited Social Security subtraction allowed.
House HF0268 4 03/13/2023 Text icon Lislegard Special permit for hauling forest products modified.
House HF0341 3 01/25/2023 Text icon Igo New nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0342 2 02/16/2023 Text icon Igo Carbon capture and sequestration technology state policy established.
House HF0343 2 01/25/2023 Text icon Igo Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified.
House HF0344 3 01/25/2023 Text icon Igo Minnesota declared to be a mining-friendly state.
House HF0356 14 04/24/2024 Text icon Demuth Law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat outside the home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights available to a person in that person's dwelling extended to others defending against forced entry.
House HF0414 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Lislegard Sales and use tax provisions modified, refundable exemptions provided for construction materials for school buildings, and money appropriated.
House HF0415 3 02/15/2023 Text icon Lislegard Northern Lights Academy Special Education Cooperative service area education learning center and Northland Learning Center Level IV setting regional special education program in northeastern Minnesota funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0511 1 01/18/2023 Text icon Igo Hibbing; regional public safety center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0512 1 01/18/2023 Text icon Igo Local government aid provisions modified, and sparsity factor modified in the city aid formula.
House HF0513 1 01/18/2023 Text icon Igo Floodwood; water and sewer infrastructure capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0592 3 03/15/2023 Text icon Lislegard All-terrain vehicle trail funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0593 1 01/19/2023 Text icon Lislegard St. Louis County; all-terrain vehicle trail system capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0703 4 02/28/2024 Text icon Scott Product stewardship program required for wind and solar infrastructure, and fee provided on retail sales of wind and solar infrastructure, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0725 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Davis Shooting sports facility grants funding provided, previous appropriation modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0825 7 03/13/2023 Text icon Lislegard Payment in lieu of taxes provisions modified, payments increased, valuation modified, and report required.
House HF0881 1 01/25/2023 Text icon Igo Hill-Annex Mine State Park Advisory Council established, and Hill-Annex Mine State Park management requirements established.
House HF0882 2 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo Small natural gas utilities eligibility amended to be exempt from Minnesota Public Utilities Commission regulation.
House HF0883 2 02/01/2023 Text icon Igo Forest and forestry capital project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0884 1 01/25/2023 Text icon Igo Freedom Flag designated as official symbol of the state's commitment to remembering American lives lost as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and display of flag encouraged on certain days in public locations.
House HF0924 1 01/26/2023 Text icon Igo Taconite and Pengilly; U.S. Highway 169 segment expansion to four-lane highway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0925 2 05/08/2023 Text icon Igo Taconite and Pengilly; U.S. Highway 169 segment expansion to four-lane highway funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0961 3 03/06/2023 Text icon Skraba Duluth; St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center mining exhibit funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1029 3 05/21/2023 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Property tax provisions modified, first-tier valuation limit for agricultural homestead properties modified, homestead resort property tier limits modified, homestead market value exclusion modified, and state general levy reduced.
House HF1081 4 02/15/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Youth job skills and career development funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1098 2 03/16/2023 Text icon Jordan Individuals with disabilities employment assistance funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1121 1 02/01/2023 Text icon O'Driscoll Right established for the legislature to intervene in actions where validity of statute is challenged.
House HF1281 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Jordan Wilderness program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1291 3 02/08/2023 Text icon Olson, B. State general sales tax revenue allocation related to motor vehicle repair and replacement parts modified, and sales tax revenue dedicated to small cities assistance account and town road account.
House HF1467 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Igo Coordination, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of environmental review and permitting process for metallic mineral mining projects improved.
House HF1470 3 02/15/2023 Text icon Igo Hibbing; Sportsman's and Sportswoman's Outdoor Development Learning Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1788 3 04/04/2024 Text icon Nelson, N. Sale of adipose tissue from animals and fish allowed.
House HF1972 6 03/16/2023 Text icon Brand Portion of motor vehicle registration taxes allocated to small cities and townships.
House HF2136 1 02/21/2023 Text icon Igo Hibbing; local sales and use tax provisions modified, and local sales tax imposition authorized.
House HF2139 7 03/11/2024 Text icon Burkel Annual open season for wolves required.
House HF2149 1 02/21/2023 Text icon Igo Itasca County; sales and use tax provisions modified, refundable construction exemption provided for new and remodeled courthouse and correctional facility.
House HF2154 2 03/20/2023 Text icon Igo 911 telecommunicator working group established to institute statewide standards for training and certification, and report required.
House HF2176 7 04/27/2023 Text icon Hudella Electronic pull-tab devices, games, and systems made not subject to changes in rule unless authorized by legislature.
House HF2331 1 03/01/2023 Text icon Igo Historic school building preservation grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2332 1 03/01/2023 Text icon Igo St. Louis County; authorizing county to pay for reestablishing drainage system records.
House HF2379 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Davis Northwoods Regional ATV Trail System funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2380 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Igo Additional long-term facilities maintenance revenue and revenue uses authorized for school districts with facilities on National Register of Historic Places.
House HF2464 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Igo Certification process established for public safety telecommunicators, and money appropriated.
House HF2529 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Norris Extracurricular activities grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2567 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Davis Cohasset; community civic center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2569 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Lislegard Coordinated plans to complete environmental review and other state agency actions provided, and reports required.
House HF2659 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Igo Property tax refunds; veterans educational benefits excluded from household income.
House HF2824 1 03/09/2023 Text icon Igo Itasca County; private sale of tax-forfeited land authorized.
House HF2937 1 03/16/2023 Text icon Igo Canisteo flood hazard mitigation project funding provided to mitigate threats to public safety, property, and regional water quality; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF3026 2 03/23/2023 Text icon Hudson Charging of victim of crime for towing or impounding motor vehicle prohibited, sale of motor vehicle prohibited for 180 days, reimbursement provided, charging victim any fine or fee prohibited, and law enforcement agencies required to investigate reports of stolen vehicles and provide update on investigation.
House HF3133 2 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo Firearms education funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3134 3 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo Law enforcement mental health treatment grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3135 2 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo Behavioral health crisis facility grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3136 2 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo County attorneys grant funding provided to reduce violent crime and criminal case backlogs, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3178 1 03/30/2023 Text icon Igo Itasca County; integrated regional waste processing, recycling, and mixed municipal solid waste disposal campus funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF3221 1 04/13/2023 Text icon Bakeberg Funding provided for kindergarten through grade 12 education; general education, literacy and learning, special education, education innovation, and education excellence provisions modified; forecast adjustments made; reports required; and money appropriated.
House HF3265 1 04/19/2023 Text icon Igo Forgotten Heroes Ranges and Retreat grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3313 5 02/13/2024 Text icon Baker Voluntary family and medical benefit insurance plan created, marketplace for wage replacement insurance benefits provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3332 1 05/19/2023 Text icon Davis Wizard of Oz ruby slippers purchase funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3668 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Igo Drill Core Library construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3669 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Igo Floodwood; water and sewer infrastructure capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3670 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Igo Hibbing; drinking water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3691 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Davis Grand Rapids; historic Central School renovation funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3796 4 03/21/2024 Text icon Davis Liability for costs incurred for search and rescue operations on unsafe ice established, county sheriff reimbursement required, and money appropriated.
House SF3881 6 05/01/2024 98 Text icon Lislegard U.S. Highway 169 portion between Marble and Mountain Iron designated as "Senator David J. Tomassoni Memorial Cross Range Expressway."
House HF3924 9 04/18/2024 Text icon Urdahl Outdoor School for All grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF3992 16 04/18/2024 Text icon Lislegard Local government and private ambulance service aid provisions modified, and onetime aid program established for licensed ambulance services, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF4009 9 03/13/2024 Text icon Kraft Minimum allowable densities established on residential lots in cities, authorization of middle housing types to be built on residential lots required, subdivision of residential lots authorized, parking requirements established by cities limited, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency required to create model ordinance, city aesthetic mandates on residential building permits limited, and multifamily residential development requirements established.
House HF4033 2 02/26/2024 Text icon Zeleznikar Program established to provide grants to women's pregnancy centers and maternity homes, appropriation reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF4223 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Floodwood; water and sewer infrastructure prior appropriation amended.
House HF4224 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Tamarack; school building demolition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4225 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Aitkin County; private sale of tax-forfeited land authorized.
House HF4226 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Tamarack; local road resurfacing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4227 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Aitkin County; Health and Human Services building capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4228 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Igo Hill City; clean infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4229 2 03/04/2024 Text icon Igo Forests and forestry capital projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4237 5 03/20/2024 Text icon Lislegard U.S. Highway 169 portion between Marble and Mountain Iron designated as "Senator David J. Tomassoni Memorial Cross Range Expressway."
House HF4452 2 03/07/2024 Text icon Nash Prosecution of offenses punishable by life imprisonment to proceed by indictment required, and prosecutions of peace officers involved in an officer-involved death to proceed by indictment required.
House HF4502 5 04/02/2024 Text icon Schultz Statewide wolf population survey required.
House HF4504 4 04/08/2024 Text icon Koznick Retail delivery tax repealed.
House HF4550 7 04/15/2024 Text icon Kozlowski Task force established to advise commissioner of Pollution Control Agency on ways to increase recovery of critical materials from end-of-life products, and report required.
House HF4601 3 03/14/2024 Text icon Zeleznikar Program to provide grants to women's pregnancy centers and maternity homes established, appropriation reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF4770 2 03/13/2024 Text icon Engen Undocumented noncitizens made ineligible for early release from incarceration, and undocumented noncitizens made ineligible for prosecutor-initiated sentence adjustments.
House HF4982 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Igo Additional long-term facilities maintenance revenue for historic school building preservation authorized.
House HF5011 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Lislegard Wetland Conservation Act determinations efficiency improved, environmental and resource management permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency required to issue separate permits for construction and operation of certain facilities, other provisions related to environmental review and licensing modified, and money appropriated.
House HF5116 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Igo Itasca County; regional wastewater collection system funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF5117 2 04/04/2024 Text icon Igo Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5118 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Igo Itasca County; sales and use tax exemption provided for construction materials.
House HF5256 1 04/04/2024 Text icon Igo Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5264 2 04/08/2024 Text icon Zeleznikar Right of patients and residents to have a support person present when receiving health care services established, and civil penalty established.
House HF5265 2 04/08/2024 Text icon Zeleznikar All-electric vehicle surcharge amended.