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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

103 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Authors of "Bahr"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0061 1 01/14/2019 Text icon Green Tax-forfeited land sale requirements modified.
House HF0107 1 01/17/2019 Text icon Lucero Municipal liquor store provisions modified.
House HF0249 1 01/22/2019 Text icon Urdahl Graduation and civics testing requirements modified to ensure students are adequately prepared to be capable citizens able to fully participate in the political process.
House HF1296 1 02/18/2019 Text icon Bahr Data transfer ability between government agencies amended.
House HF1334 1 02/18/2019 Text icon Bahr Firearms; right of people to keep and bear arms constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1364 1 02/18/2019 Text icon Runbeck Ambulances; municipality consultation and approval required before ambulance service change approved or implemented.
House HF1643 1 02/25/2019 Text icon Bahr Youth organizations informational access to students permitted.
House HF1894 1 02/28/2019 Text icon Kresha K-12 scholarship fund donation tax credit provided.
House HF2578 1 03/18/2019 Text icon Munson Term limits for legislators and executive officers placed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2591 1 03/18/2019 Text icon Bahr Local government licensing of facilities for barbering and cosmetology authorized, and barber and cosmetologist state licensing repealed.
House HF2667 1 03/21/2019 Text icon Drazkowski Child care assistance program repealed.
House HF2851 1 04/24/2019 Text icon Miller Child care programs excluded from licensure modified.
House HF2996 1 02/11/2020 Text icon Green Interagency group meetings required to be open to the public.
House HF3021 1 02/11/2020 Text icon Bahr Inducements for public survey responses by government prohibited.
House HF3846 1 02/26/2020 Text icon Bahr Firearms; Saturday night special handgun ban repealed.
House HF4063 1 03/04/2020 Text icon Masin Falun Gong; a resolution calling for an end to the genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China.
House HF4069 1 03/04/2020 Text icon Schultz Legislative enactments; policy provision expiration in appropriation bills provided.
House HF4079 1 03/04/2020 Text icon Miller Managerial employee discipline required for financial misfeasance.
House HF4217 1 03/05/2020 Text icon Drazkowski Provider taxes repealed.
House HF4270 1 03/09/2020 Text icon Munson Income tax refund distribution required, and money appropriated.
House HF4390 1 03/11/2020 Text icon Poston Cottage food license exemption sales limit increased.
House HF4438 1 03/12/2020 Text icon Poston Watershed projects initiated by managers provisions modified.
House HF4440 1 03/12/2020 Text icon Drazkowski Capitation payments provided to managed care plans and county-based purchasing plans withholding authorized.
House HF4529 1 03/26/2020 Text icon Munson Legislators prohibited from receiving compensation from businesses whose primary activities involve lobbying.
House HF4530 1 03/26/2020 Text icon Bahr National Guard release to federal active duty limitations specified.
House HF4551 1 04/14/2020 Text icon Bahr Cellular telephone data solicitation and purchase by state agencies and the Metropolitan Council prohibited, and destruction of existing data required.
House HF4654 1 05/09/2020 Text icon Munson Minnesota Food Freedom Act established, homemade food sellers exempted from statutes, and homemade food seller local ordinance application preempted.
House HF0066 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Green Nitrogen monitoring on state lands required.
House HF0239 2 01/22/2019 Text icon Koegel Anoka County; regional public safety training facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0317 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Quam Public union release time restricted.
House HF0318 2 01/28/2019 Text icon Quam Exclusive representatives fair share fees charging authority repealed.
House HF0467 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Bahr Legislative auditor directed to conduct financial audits of refugee resettlement costs, report required, and money transferred.
House HF0588 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Drazkowski Community solar garden program administration provided, and community solar garden program repealed.
House HF0638 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Munson Health plan companies' development and implementation of shared savings incentive program required.
House HF0698 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Grossell Local units of government prohibited from disarming peace officers who are in good standing.
House HF0902 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Bahr Continued nuclear waste storage ongoing payment obligations terminated and future account expenditures restricted to previous legislative mandates.
House HF1242 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Erickson Small business definition modified.
House HF1311 2 02/21/2019 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed, and technical changes provided.
House HF1392 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Bennett Positive abortion alternatives grant program eligibility requirements modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1558 2 03/14/2019 Text icon Bahr Resident military service members and veterans allowed to use alternative residency proof for game and fish license.
House HF1810 2 03/04/2019 Text icon Theis Bullion exemption of including bullion coin expanded.
House HF1920 2 04/01/2019 Text icon Quam Positions unfilled for at least 180 days appropriation reduction required.
House HF2173 2 04/08/2019 Text icon Huot License by reciprocity provision for body art added.
House HF2441 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Franson Firearm transferee permit hearing modified.
House HF2470 2 03/27/2019 Text icon Hansen Legal firearms permitted to take turkey modified.
House HF2517 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Munson Hospital billing price transparency within a certain time required.
House HF2518 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Munson Qualified prescription drugs cost disclosure required, and report required.
House HF2594 2 03/18/2019 Text icon Munson Motor vehicle registration tax holiday for one year authorized, money transferred from budget reserve account to cover revenue lost due to motor vehicle registration tax holiday and MNLARS software replacement.
House HF2847 2 04/26/2019 Text icon Miller Child care; parents caring for dependent children income tax credit established, and human services child care assistance program repealed.
House HF2861 2 05/02/2019 Text icon Drazkowski Income and business taxes eliminated and sales tax replaced with a fair tax.
House HF2921 2 02/11/2020 Text icon Drazkowski State agency funding provided to continue operations if a bill to fund the operations of that agency has not been enacted by July 1, 2019; and money appropriated.
House HF4163 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Urdahl Civics test reporting requirements created.
House HF4194 2 03/09/2020 Text icon Davids Social Security unlimited subtraction allowed.
House HF4348 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Franson Vaccine minimum safety standards provided for any vaccine required to enroll or remain enrolled in elementary and secondary school.
House HF4410 2 03/12/2020 Text icon Bahr Town adoption of home rule charters provided, and report required.
House HF0034 3 02/18/2019 Text icon Poston State contracts with state sponsors of terrorism and foreign terrorist organizations prohibited.
House HF0049 3 01/22/2019 Text icon Bahr Snowbate program repealed.
House HF0257 3 01/31/2019 Text icon Poston Noncitizens public assistance collection costs allowed.
House HF0280 3 01/24/2019 Text icon Lucero Firearms; permitted and trained school staff allowed to carry firearms.
House HF0589 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Hausman Legislative per diem precluded.
House HF0676 3 02/18/2019 Text icon Munson Freedom of speech provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0894 3 04/01/2019 Text icon Drazkowski Wind energy siting process created to address noise complaints.
House HF1527 3 02/17/2020 Text icon Mekeland Emergency medical personnel providing emergency medical care to police dogs without veterinary medicine license specified.
House HF2179 3 03/04/2020 Text icon Huot Casket and urn sale license exception clarified.
House HF3051 3 02/17/2020 Text icon Munson Firearms; cause of action provided when a person who is prohibited from carrying a firearm on a property suffers a loss by not having the firearm.
House HF3227 3 02/18/2020 Text icon Munson Firearms; providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry.
House HF3288 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Poston State contracts with state sponsors of terrorism and foreign terrorist organizations prohibited.
House HF3290 3 02/20/2020 Text icon Poston County collection of costs for public assistance to noncitizens allowed.
House HF3692 3 03/04/2020 Text icon Munson Extreme risk protection order enactment or enforcement against individuals regarding firearms prohibited, and criminal violation penalty established.
House HF4208 3 03/12/2020 Text icon Lucero Statutory immunization requirement exemption provided for sincerely held religious belief.
House HF4655 3 05/11/2020 Text icon Miller Religious liberty and expression provided.
House HC0008 4 04/14/2020 Text icon Drazkowski COVID-19; a house concurrent resolution terminating the peacetime emergency.
House HF0160 4 01/25/2019 Text icon Green Homesteads owned by persons age 65 or older property value increase prohibited.
House HF1686 4 03/11/2019 Text icon Scott Disclosure of health care records consent statutory form established.
House HF2249 4 03/27/2019 Text icon Gomez Cosmetology; salon and salon manager regulation requirements repealed for licensed practitioners who only provide eyelash extensions.
House HF3217 4 03/02/2020 Text icon Scott Political party data collection at presidential nomination primary prohibited.
House HF0054 5 01/31/2019 Text icon Scott Security breach notification requirement expanded.
House HF0117 5 02/04/2019 Text icon Grossell Sanctuary cities aid reduced.
House HF0271 5 03/07/2019 Text icon Miller Abortion prohibited when a fetal heartbeat is detected with certain exceptions, and penalties provided.
House HF0480 5 03/20/2019 Text icon O'Neill Criminal sexual conduct definitions amended, criminal sexual conduct offenses expanded for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles, affirmative defenses to criminal sexual conduct charges eliminated, and statute of limitations removed for felony criminal sexual offenses.
House HF2825 5 02/17/2020 Text icon Munson Vaccines; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for design defects that result in adverse side effects from vaccines.
House HF0201 6 02/17/2020 Text icon Grossell Firearms; use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in cases of self-defense outside the home common law eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, and rights available to a person in that person's dwelling extended to a person defending against entry of that person's occupied vehicle.
House HF0878 6 03/27/2019 Text icon Mahoney Building and construction contract retainage requirements modified.
House HF0986 6 02/11/2020 Text icon Bahr Legislative enactment single subject requirement enacted, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1258 6 03/02/2020 Text icon Moran Childhood trauma-informed policy and practices task force established, and reports required.
House HF0352 7 03/12/2020 Text icon Drazkowski Employees granted the right to work without being required to become a member or pay fees to a labor organization, penalties and jurisdiction created, and other unfair labor practices provided.
House HF0373 7 04/11/2019 Text icon Franson Female genital mutilation crime expanded, education and outreach requirements updated, and egregious definition expanded.
House HF1740 7 02/18/2020 Text icon Huot Capitol flag program established for families of military service members and first responders who die in the line of duty.
House HF1864 7 03/12/2020 Text icon Munson Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
House HF2967 7 03/09/2020 Text icon Sauke Mortgage financing allowed for manufactured homes in manufactured home park cooperatives.
House HF0140 8 03/18/2019 Text icon Moran Hair braiders exempted from cosmetology registration requirements.
House HF0268 8 03/18/2019 Text icon Drazkowski Firearms; right to carry without a permit provided, and option permit to carry provided.
House HF0445 8 05/16/2019 Text icon Franson Office of Inspector General created.
House HF0855 9 02/11/2020 Text icon Quam Federal government; a resolution to impose fiscal constraints, limit power and jurisdiction, and limit terms and office for members of Congress.
House HF0040 10 05/14/2019 Text icon Dehn Civil right to vote of an individual restored upon release from incarceration or upon sentencing if no incarceration is imposed, and notice required.
House HF0930 10 03/28/2019 Text icon Kunesh-Podein Commissioner of human services directed to develop medical assistance TEFRA enrollment content, medical assistance TEFRA stakeholder group option established, and report required.
House HF0056 11 02/13/2020 Text icon Jurgens Unlimited Social Security subtraction allowed.
House HF1971 11 04/09/2019 Text icon Lesch Criminal forfeiture provided, federal Equitable Sharing Program participation limited, and administrative forfeiture eliminated.
House HF2551 11 02/11/2020 Text icon Bernardy Gifted and talented program provisions modified, and funding increased.
House HF1370 12 03/09/2020 Text icon Erickson Gifted and talented provisions modified, and transitional outcomes improved.
House HF0748 13 03/27/2019 Text icon Mann Parental contribution fees for services for children with disabilities eliminated.
House HF2500 13 05/02/2019 Text icon Pierson Organ harvesting; a resolution calling for the end of Falun Gong practitioners' cold genocide and forced organ harvesting.
House HF0286 16 05/16/2019 Text icon Hornstein Rail carrier minimum crew size required, and criminal penalties imposed.