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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

94 Documents Found in Legislative Session 91 (2019-2020)
for Authors of "McDonald"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0187 2 01/17/2019 Text icon Lucero Wright, Becker, and Ramsey Counties; state auditor required to reimburse legal costs, and state auditor appropriation use for litigation expenses regulated.
House HF0153 2 01/24/2019 Text icon McDonald Verification software pilot program established, and report required.
House HF0280 3 01/24/2019 Text icon Lucero Firearms; permitted and trained school staff allowed to carry firearms.
House HF0413 1 01/28/2019 Text icon McDonald Herbicide purchases exemption provided.
House HF0308 2 01/31/2019 Text icon Rarick Individual health plans offered by health carriers to Minnesota residents guaranteed issue required.
House HF0444 3 01/31/2019 Text icon Gruenhagen Charter schools renting property from private individuals exempted from property tax.
House HF0602 1 01/31/2019 Text icon Urdahl Students ensured to be adequately prepared to be capable citizens able to fully participate in the political process.
House HF0658 2 02/04/2019 Text icon Dettmer STEM Starbase Minnesota program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0644 2 02/07/2019 Text icon Nash Voter registration information required to be on the hunting and fishing licensing website.
House HF0662 2 02/07/2019 Text icon McDonald Meals, drinks, and capital equipment purchases sales tax exemption expanded.
House HF1085 1 02/14/2019 Text icon McDonald Corporate franchise tax rates reduced.
House HF1108 1 02/14/2019 Text icon Sandstede Physicians required to allow viewing of ultrasound imaging prior to abortion.
House HF1118 2 02/14/2019 Text icon McDonald Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and outreach to persons in institutional settings services funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1164 1 02/14/2019 Text icon Swedzinski Gun safe purchase exempted.
House HF1205 2 02/16/2019 Text icon Johnson Inmate convicted of Department of Corrections employee assault good time earned eliminated.
House HF1309 1 02/18/2019 Text icon Scott Parenting time for child care modified, technical changes made, and redundant language removed.
House HF1357 1 02/18/2019 Text icon Schultz Car-sharing services exempted from special tax and fee on short-term motor vehicle rentals.
House HF0649 3 02/21/2019 Text icon Olson Assisted living residents consumer protections established, assisted living establishment license established, criminal penalties provided, and rulemaking authority granted.
House HF0722 3 02/21/2019 Text icon McDonald Combined net receipts tax rate reduction and lawful purpose expenditure deduction provided.
House HF0729 9 02/21/2019 Text icon Considine Minnesota State Patrol trooper salary setting requirements established, and state auditor required to conduct an annual compensation survey.
House HF1154 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Xiong, T. Unrelated business taxable income definition modified.
House HF1195 2 02/21/2019 Text icon Kunesh-Podein Tobacco sales from kiosks permitted for limited types.
House HF1311 2 02/21/2019 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed, and technical changes provided.
House HF1278 3 02/25/2019 Text icon Garofalo Sports wagering authorized, sports wagering commission created, sports pool operators and sports wagering premise licensing provided, mobile and electronic sports pool licenses established, sports pools conduct prescribed, local restrictions prohibited, sports wagering participation restricted, sports wagers excise tax in lieu of corporate tax imposed, tax administration provided, and report required.
House HF1647 1 02/25/2019 Text icon McDonald Persons under 21 serving in the armed forces alcohol consumption, purchase, or possession authorized.
House HF0876 3 02/27/2019 Text icon Cantrell Federally qualified health centers subsidies funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0115 4 02/28/2019 Text icon Lucero School districts; new source of state aid created for school districts with low general education revenue and low property wealth per pupil, and money appropriated.
House HF0834 3 02/28/2019 Text icon Lesch Bond Allocation Act definition of a public facilities project modified.
House HF1894 1 02/28/2019 Text icon Kresha K-12 scholarship fund donation tax credit provided.
House HF0473 7 03/04/2019 Text icon Liebling Preferred incontinence program for medical assistance repealed.
House HF0670 4 03/04/2019 Text icon Freiberg Construction materials purchased by certain contractors exemption provisions modified, and refund provision added.
House HF1991 1 03/04/2019 Text icon McDonald Short-term motor vehicle rentals extra tax repealed.
House HF2035 1 03/04/2019 Text icon Brand Prepared food donation tax credit provided.
House HF2019 2 03/07/2019 Text icon McDonald Federal tax exclusion amount conformity made, and technical changes made.
House HF2101 1 03/07/2019 Text icon Theis Abortion prohibited when a fetal heartbeat is detected with certain exceptions, and penalties provided.
House HF2134 2 03/07/2019 Text icon Erickson EquipALife nonprofit grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2250 2 03/08/2019 Text icon McDonald Risk level III predatory offenders license plates required, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF0975 5 03/11/2019 Text icon Richardson Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard-of-Hearing funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2372 1 03/11/2019 Text icon McDonald K-12 lottery game established and fund created, and net proceeds deposit in school endowment fund required.
House HF0709 4 03/13/2019 Text icon McDonald County agricultural society sales at county fairs exemption provided.
House HF1115 5 03/13/2019 Text icon Lesch Cooperative private divorce program established, conforming changes made, and money appropriated.
House HF1644 7 03/13/2019 Text icon Long United States Census employee access to multiunit residential facilities required, Census 2020 Mobilization Partnership program established, encouraging participation in 2020 federal census outreach initiatives funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2441 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Franson Firearm transferee permit hearing modified.
House HF2468 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Mekeland Gasoline tax lowered, and general fund transfer created.
House HF2469 2 03/13/2019 Text icon Mekeland Gasoline optional tax authorized.
House HF1649 7 03/18/2019 Text icon Ecklund School bus company third-party testing provided.
House HF1777 4 03/18/2019 Text icon Elkins Residential roadway definition changed.
House HF0681 7 03/20/2019 Text icon Tabke Pregnant and parenting pupils transportation to qualified programs provided, reimbursement allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF0898 7 03/20/2019 Text icon Lesch License reinstatement diversion pilot program made permanent, and report required.
House HF2607 2 03/20/2019 Text icon McDonald Annandale; infrastructure improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0430 7 03/21/2019 Text icon Xiong, J. Veterans defense project grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1862 4 03/21/2019 Text icon Lien Financial capability services integrated with taxpayer assistance services grant program created and funding provided, reports required, taxpayer assistance grant program existing appropriation increased, and money appropriated.
House HF2614 2 03/21/2019 Text icon McDonald Tipped employee two-tiered minimum wage created.
House HF0577 5 03/25/2019 Text icon Heintzeman Arts and cultural heritage fund; 40 percent of fund reallocated to public school art programs, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1839 10 03/27/2019 Text icon Ecklund Energy saving state's policy goal updated and Conservation Improvement Program Modernization Act of 2019 established.
House HF2386 2 03/27/2019 Text icon Becker-Finn Youth intervention organization refundable donation credit allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF0114 3 03/28/2019 Text icon Lucero Low revenue school districts minimum revenue guarantee created, and money appropriated.
House HF0725 6 04/01/2019 Text icon Fischer Federally qualified health center and rural health clinic alternative payment methodology established, federally qualified health center and rural health clinic payments modified, and report required.
House HF1312 7 04/01/2019 Text icon Scott Abortions prohibited at or after 20 weeks postfertilization unless certain exceptions apply, civil and criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1580 6 04/01/2019 Text icon Edelson Durable medical equipment and medical supplies supplemental payments provided to providers.
House HF1693 3 04/01/2019 Text icon Noor Goodwill Easter Seals; FATHER Project grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1430 5 04/03/2019 Text icon Torkelson Agricultural riparian buffer credit established, and money appropriated.
House HF2732 5 04/03/2019 Text icon Franson Public assistance and child care assistance program fraud prevention provided, theft offense penalties established, early learning scholarship eligibility modified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0347 6 05/02/2019 Text icon Becker-Finn Single entities ownership of a cocktail room and taproom license permitted.
House HF2500 13 05/02/2019 Text icon Pierson Organ harvesting; a resolution calling for the end of Falun Gong practitioners' cold genocide and forced organ harvesting.
House HF2895 3 05/19/2019 Text icon Gruenhagen Pornography; age verification required to view adult content online.
House HF2551 11 02/11/2020 Text icon Bernardy Gifted and talented program provisions modified, and funding increased.
House HF1000 11 02/13/2020 Text icon Scott Traditional and gestational surrogacy arrangements regulated, and operation of a for-profit surrogacy agency crime created.
House HF3147 3 02/18/2020 Text icon Scott Sexual education curriculum; parental review and consent requirements modified.
House HF3480 2 02/19/2020 Text icon McDonald Minimum wage modified for employees receiving gratuities.
House HF3481 2 02/19/2020 Text icon McDonald Social Security unlimited subtraction allowed.
House HF3410 2 02/20/2020 Text icon Gruenhagen Special education legislative working group established, and report required.
House HF3644 1 02/20/2020 Text icon O'Neill Wright County; dental care facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3300 3 02/24/2020 Text icon Lucero Driver's license knowledge, road, and skills test third-party testing program authorized.
House HF3669 1 02/24/2020 Text icon Novotny Public Safety Department funding provided to increase Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's capacity to investigate gang-related crime, and money appropriated.
House HF3668 2 02/26/2020 Text icon Novotny Critical infrastructure trespass liability and vicarious liability created, and crime created for recruiting or educating individuals to trespass on or damage critical infrastructure.
House HF3740 2 02/26/2020 Text icon Koznick Transit safety, fare payment compliance, and administrative citation provisions modified; grants and fund allocation required; penalties established; and report required.
House HF4030 1 03/02/2020 Text icon Gruenhagen Medicare supplement plans modified.
House HF4041 1 03/02/2020 Text icon McDonald Annandale; infrastructure improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4047 1 03/04/2020 Text icon McDonald Wright County Community Action for homeownership education, counseling, and training services funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF4063 1 03/04/2020 Text icon Masin Falun Gong; a resolution calling for an end to the genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China.
House HF4126 1 03/04/2020 Text icon McDonald Individual income tax rates reduced.
House HF1370 12 03/09/2020 Text icon Erickson Gifted and talented provisions modified, and transitional outcomes improved.
House HF2947 5 03/09/2020 Text icon Davids Federal conformity to section 179 expensing effective date made retroactive, and special penalty exception provided.
House HF4065 3 03/09/2020 Text icon Robbins Reading proficiency, retention, promotion, and literacy incentive aid requirements modified; and report required.
House HF4289 1 03/09/2020 Text icon McDonald South Haven; new wells and water tower improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3806 2 03/11/2020 Text icon McDonald Agricultural society sales exemption expanded.
House HF4403 2 03/16/2020 Text icon O'Neill Abortion funding from state-sponsored health program funds limited.
House HF1060 11 04/07/2020 Text icon Lesch Criminal and traffic surcharge reduction or waiver authorized; courts required to consider indigency or hardship before imposing fines, fees, or surcharges; and notice required.
House HF1061 15 04/07/2020 Text icon Lesch Drivers' license suspension by the commissioner of public safety authority modified, retroactive driver's license reinstatement provided, technical changes made, and report required.
House HF1525 4 04/07/2020 Text icon Drazkowski Motorcycle profiling policies established.
House HF4384 2 04/07/2020 Text icon Masin Gifted and talented program provisions modified, funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF4566 1 04/17/2020 Text icon Robbins COVID-19; small business grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4573 1 04/17/2020 Text icon Koznick On-sale liquor licensees allowed to make off-sale of liquor.