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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

162 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "Bennett"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0234 20 03/16/2017 8 Text icon Baker Public Utilities Commission regulation of municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives amended.
House HF0792 16 04/27/2017 20 Text icon Theis Fire sprinkler rules required to be amended by labor commissioner.
House HF0809 8 05/08/2017 31 Text icon Franson Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF0022 12 05/09/2017 36 Text icon Smith Trusts exempted from reporting requirements.
House HF0140 26 05/17/2017 73 Text icon Erickson Teacher licensing system restructured, Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board established, all teacher licensing and support personnel licensing and credentialing authority transferred to the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, rulemaking provided, and report required.
House HF3157 14 04/25/2018 106 Text icon Green Service animals; misrepresenting an animal as a service animal crime established, and immunity from liability specified for real property owners required to provide access to assistance animals.
House SF2849 8 05/10/2018 142 Text icon Whelan Physicians required to allow viewing of ultrasound imaging prior to an abortion.
House SF2554 7 05/10/2018 144 Text icon Lohmer Collection of information on the connection between pornography and sex trafficking required, and authorized penalty assessment expanded to include additional crimes.
House HF3249 17 05/14/2018 159 Text icon Davids Provisions governing passing emergency vehicles stopped on a roadway modified.
House SF0327 7 05/16/2018 174 Text icon Bliss Assignment of military pay or benefits prohibited, and remedies provided.
House HF2835 20 05/20/2018 178 Text icon Baker Deputy registrar reimbursement grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3265 19 05/18/2018 188 Text icon Kresha Minnesota assessment of parenting for children and youth and child foster care governing provisions modified, and foster care sibling bill of rights established.
House HR0006 1 04/30/2018 Text icon Lohmer A house resolution recognizing the first Thursday in May as a day of statewide prayer, fasting, and repentance in Minnesota.
House HF0149 4 03/07/2017 Text icon Urdahl Minnesota school finance reform effort working group established, and money appropriated.
House HF0213 6 03/13/2017 Text icon Lohmer Social Security benefit phased-in subtraction allowed.
House HF0226 21 05/14/2018 Text icon Dettmer Combined net receipts tax calculation modified.
House HF0238 11 05/20/2017 Text icon Nash Use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in self-defense outside of home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expanded, presumption in the case of a person entering a dwelling or occupied vehicle by stealth or force created, and right to defend against entry extended.
House HF0259 4 02/02/2017 Text icon Johnson, C. Cost-share requirement for schools that receive a tractor rollover protection grant eliminated, and retroactive effective date provided.
House HF0268 3 03/13/2017 Text icon Theis Academic and behavioral interventions for low-performing and chronically absent students grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0299 4 02/09/2017 Text icon Swedzinski Construction material exemption provisions modified, and refund provision added.
House HF0327 4 03/05/2018 Text icon Zerwas Occupational disease provisions modified.
House HF0346 9 02/22/2017 Text icon Cornish Peace officers required to receive training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity; peace officer training reimbursement funding reformed and increased; reimbursement grants for pathway to policing programs provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0368 16 05/09/2018 Text icon Bliss Assignment of military pay or benefits prohibited, and remedies provided.
House HF0446 3 02/23/2017 Text icon Bennett Albert Lea; local sales tax authority modified.
House HF0465 4 02/24/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Rail project expenditures and other powers restricted, and project insurance required.
House HF0489 3 02/27/2017 Text icon Fenton Minnesota Principals Academy grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0594 1 01/26/2017 Text icon Poppe Cedar River Watershed District flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0601 7 05/21/2017 Text icon Lohmer Human services commissioner provided additional authority to sanction and terminate state health care program providers, financial reporting requirements for abortion services established, and payment procedures for abortion services modified.
House HF0602 7 03/07/2017 Text icon Anderson, S. Education expense credit and deduction applied to expenditures for prekindergarten expenses.
House HF0603 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Drazkowski School building bond agricultural property tax credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0610 5 03/08/2017 Text icon Knoblach Agricultural homestead rules modified for properties owned by trusts.
House HF0631 9 03/15/2017 Text icon Rarick Youth job skills training program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0646 2 02/15/2017 Text icon Bennett Minnesota reading corps program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0661 4 04/12/2018 Text icon Peterson Manufactured home park cooperative shareholders allowed to include a portion of ground lease payments when filing for the homestead credit state refund.
House HF0670 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Scott Compensatory revenue pilot project made permanent.
House HF0713 10 03/01/2017 Text icon Miller Statewide sex trafficking victim strategic plan and report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0714 11 03/06/2017 Text icon Miller Child sex trafficking prevention director duties modified; forfeited money from public safety commissioner transferred to health commissioner; shelter, services, and other activities provided for sexually exploited youth and youth at risk of sexual exploitation; and money appropriated.
House HF0719 2 02/15/2017 Text icon Peterson Minnesota math corps program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0734 5 03/01/2017 Text icon Haley Education partnerships enhanced, youth development promoted, education partnerships coalition fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF0736 3 03/16/2017 Text icon Peterson Family and medical leave savings accounts authorized, tax deductions for amounts deposited in family and medical leave savings accounts provided, amounts deposited from state withholding taxes exempted, family and medical leave savings account tax credit provided, small business development center grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0747 11 04/18/2017 Text icon Hamilton Prescription drug coverage prior authorization requirements modified, and drug benefit transparency disclosure required.
House HF0805 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Baker Water conditioning installation requirements modified.
House HF0811 5 03/23/2017 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0819 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Koznick Public school employees prohibited from using public funds and resources to advocate to pass, elect, or defeat a political candidate, ballot question, or pending legislation.
House HF0823 8 03/31/2017 Text icon Schomacker Elderly waiver program reformed, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0831 4 03/02/2017 Text icon Loon Extended time revenue linked to basic formula allowance.
House HF0843 5 03/20/2017 Text icon Mariani Extended time revenue linked to basic formula allowance.
House HF0873 10 03/01/2017 Text icon Hamilton Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and for home and community-based providers.
House HF0986 2 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Liability insurance coverage expanded for licensed foster home providers.
House HF0987 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Social service agencies required to provide foster care or other services to individuals reentering foster care after 18 years of age.
House HF1019 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Layman Qualified business improvements exempted.
House HF1020 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Hamilton Refundable workforce housing tax credit established, and reports required.
House HF1024 1 02/09/2017 Text icon Urdahl Small schools revenue calculation modified.
House HF1039 2 03/09/2017 Text icon Anderson, P. Ethanol blending allowed, and motor fuel marketing agreements and franchise agreements that do not allow ethanol blending prohibited.
House HF1126 5 03/08/2018 Text icon Kiel Driver's licenses governed, and restricted farm work license requirements modified.
House HF1138 2 03/31/2017 Text icon Franson Naturopathic doctor licensure required, and scope of practice modified.
House HF1180 15 05/16/2018 Text icon Uglem Hands free cell phone use while driving mandated.
House HF1212 1 02/15/2017 Text icon Bennett Riverland Community College funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1295 3 03/08/2017 Text icon Bennett Firefighter cancer incidence data collection required to be reported on the cancer surveillance system.
House HF1296 1 02/16/2017 Text icon Bennett Blazing Star Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1297 1 02/16/2017 Text icon Bennett Albert Lea; public infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1339 1 02/16/2017 Text icon Erickson Assistive technology plans provided.
House HF1358 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Baker Special overweight permits for hauling construction materials authorized.
House HF1381 4 03/16/2017 Text icon McDonald Equalization aid enhanced; state aid for debt service equalization aid program increased; calculation of referendum equalization revenue, aid, and levy modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1382 9 03/14/2018 Text icon Nornes Regional public library systems state aid formula modified; funding increased for regional public library systems and multicounty, multitype libraries; and money appropriated.
House HF1398 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Jessup General education development term modified.
House HF1421 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Snow day policy adoption by school boards authorized, and e-learning days for school days with inclement weather authorized.
House HF1474 3 03/01/2017 Text icon Pierson Second Harvest Heartland grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1478 7 03/16/2017 Text icon Loon Teachers; unrequested leave of absence provisions modified.
House HF1484 7 03/22/2018 Text icon Howe Library construction grant program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1499 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Loon Dependent care credit expanded.
House HF1507 6 03/15/2018 Text icon Lucero Student Data Privacy Act created, and penalties provided.
House HF1523 1 02/22/2017 Text icon Anselmo Minnesota school districts encouraged to implement science, technology, engineering, and math educational programming with grant funding under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.
House HF1550 3 03/19/2018 Text icon Backer Municipal road funding provided, and allocation and distribution of funds amended.
House HF1593 1 02/22/2017 Text icon Theis Public school students allowed to attend courses at nonpublic schools.
House HF1633 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota fetal tissue research requirements imposed, ethical fetal tissue research program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1641 3 04/05/2017 Text icon McDonald County fair admission exemption provided.
House HF1663 4 05/21/2017 Text icon Erickson Alternative teacher preparation and compensation programs modified, Teacher Shortage Task Force created, concurrent enrollment teacher program expanded, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1680 4 03/09/2017 Text icon Bennett Academic standards modified, child sexual abuse prevention programs established, and report required.
House HF1716 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Loon Education finance; basic formula allowance increased by two percent per year, and money appropriated.
House HF1720 2 03/13/2017 Text icon Backer Agricultural containment facility exemption modified.
House HF1788 3 03/05/2018 Text icon Miller Pornography; a resolution recognizing pornography as a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms and memorializing Congress to recognize this hazard and address pornography at a national level.
House HF1829 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Poston Late tax payment penalty abatement provided.
House HF1831 3 03/01/2018 Text icon Loonan Minnesota Grape and Wine Council established, grant program established, sales and use tax nexus established for direct shippers, revenues deposited, direct shipper's license required for shipments of wine to consumers, reporting requirements established for direct shippers, and money appropriated.
House HF1864 2 03/19/2018 Text icon Baker Highway and heavy construction wages modified.
House HF1874 3 03/08/2017 Text icon Poston Collaborative urban educator program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1914 1 03/01/2017 Text icon Bennett Freeborn County; regional trail connection funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1915 1 03/01/2017 Text icon Bennett Alberta Lea; Blazing Star Landing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1920 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Kresha Nonexclusionary policies and practices made a central focus of pupil discipline, and money appropriated.
House HF1924 10 05/19/2018 Text icon Bennett Trapping on private land without written permission prohibited.
House HF1944 9 03/12/2018 Text icon Nash Temporary refundable high school youth skills training tax credit established for employers, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1962 2 03/06/2017 Text icon Lohmer Family planning service grant distribution requirements modified.
House HF1994 3 03/13/2017 Text icon Torkelson Public waters and drainage ditch buffer requirements modified, and rulemaking for soil loss ordinances clarified.
House HF1997 1 03/02/2017 Text icon Kresha Early learning scholarship program child eligibility modified, early learning scholarship program administration modified, targeted home visiting grant program for high-risk populations established, and money appropriated.
House HF2020 1 03/02/2017 Text icon Peterson Teacher governed schools grants modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2098 1 03/06/2017 Text icon Bennett Blooming Prairie; wastewater infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2120 6 03/21/2018 Text icon Davids Fire protection special taxing district creation authorized, and property tax levies and bond issuance authorized.
House HF2161 2 03/09/2017 Text icon Ward Early autism spectrum disorders in young children screening expanded, study group created, rulemaking provided, and report required.
House HF2258 1 03/08/2017 Text icon Moran Student data provided, task force established, and money appropriated.
House HF2274 10 03/29/2018 Text icon Albright Regional behavioral health crisis program development grant program established, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2424 7 03/29/2018 Text icon Gunther Sustainable child care in rural Minnesota funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2434 1 03/16/2017 Text icon Bennett Foundation and incentive revenue for school districts established, and money appropriated.
House HF2463 2 04/07/2017 Text icon Zerwas Health commissioner authorized to levy penalties against medical cannabis manufacturers.
House SF2483 5 05/08/2018 Text icon Loonan Adult foster care and community residential setting license capacity modified, and home and community-based services governing provisions modified.
House HF2528 8 02/20/2018 Text icon Theis Identifying and screening patients at risk for colon cancer funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2581 1 04/04/2017 Text icon Bennett Housing Finance Agency disaster assistance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2621 18 05/15/2017 Text icon Franson Female genital mutilation crime expanded, requirements for education and outreach updated, definition of egregious harm expanded, child in need of protection or services expanded to include a victim of female genital mutilation, and maltreatment definition provided for reporting maltreatment of minors.
House HF2698 2 05/20/2017 Text icon Kunesh-Podein Licensed library media specialist student access grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2768 9 04/18/2018 Text icon Jessup Child sexual abuse prevention instruction in a health curriculum modified.
House HF2777 1 02/20/2018 Text icon Fenton Grounds for teacher license revocation, suspension, or denial expanded; and grounds for teacher discharge expanded.
House HF2795 5 03/22/2018 Text icon Loon Teacher code of ethics codified, background checks required, mandatory reporting expanded, grounds for teacher discharge expanded, and criminal sexual conduct offenses for persons in current or recent positions of authority of juveniles expanded.
House HF2830 2 03/01/2018 Text icon Hansen Deputy registrar reimbursement grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2911 10 05/07/2018 Text icon Loonan Adult foster care and community residential setting license capacity modified, and home and community-based services governing provisions modified.
House HF2967 19 05/07/2018 Text icon Lohmer Collection of information on the connection between pornography and sex trafficking required, and authorized penalty assessment expanded to include additional crimes.
House HF3008 2 03/01/2018 Text icon Theis Centers for Independent Living funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3009 4 03/14/2018 Text icon Poston Centers for Independent Living funding provided for services to veterans, and money appropriated.
House HF3013 11 05/10/2018 Text icon Runbeck Teacher training required to enable a teacher to implement instructional strategies to meet the needs of students with dyslexia.
House HF3094 3 03/19/2018 Text icon Lohmer School district bond referendum information required to be available in the polling place, and ballot language for school district bond referendums amended.
House HF3098 2 03/19/2018 Text icon Gunther Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3119 2 04/16/2018 Text icon Theis Sanneh Foundation programs funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3122 2 03/15/2018 Text icon Urdahl Clean water funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3189 4 03/26/2018 Text icon Bennett Medical facilities in underserved areas exempted from sales and property taxes.
House HF3190 5 03/15/2018 Text icon Bennett Extended time use expanded to pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses.
House HF3191 16 05/01/2018 Text icon Schomacker Disability waiver rate system modified.
House HF3194 6 05/03/2018 Text icon Whelan Physicians required to allow viewing of ultrasound imaging prior to an abortion.
House HF3197 1 03/01/2018 Text icon Runbeck Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) modified to require an assessment of need for parenting skills training.
House HF3198 4 03/29/2018 Text icon Haley Legislative auditor requested to study and report on disparities in health insurance rates, and money appropriated.
House HF3281 8 03/21/2018 Text icon Bennett Blocking of obscene material option and requirements provided for all electronic devices that connect to the Internet, and report required.
House HF3288 3 03/26/2018 Text icon Bennett Public interest review requirements established for a hospital's discontinuance or transfer of an essential health service.
House HF3313 1 03/05/2018 Text icon Bennett State infrastructure aid use to restore lost health care services allowed.
House HF3317 2 03/08/2018 Text icon Zerwas Cancer reporting system provisions changed.
House HF3349 2 03/06/2018 Text icon Anderson, P. Acres exempt under the agricultural historical society property exemption increased.
House HF3361 4 03/21/2018 Text icon Kunesh-Podein Substance misuse prevention instruction grant provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3370 8 03/29/2018 Text icon Franke Threat assessment teams and oversight committees required, access to criminal history and health records provided, educational data sharing with school threat assessment teams allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF3375 6 03/26/2018 Text icon Kunesh-Podein Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women task force created, annual report on issues related to violence against indigenous women and girls required, and money appropriated.
House HF3396 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Munson Health care providers and health plan companies required to provide price transparency to patients and enrollees.
House HF3429 7 03/23/2018 Text icon Dettmer Disabled veterans homestead exclusion spousal benefit modified.
House HF3484 5 05/03/2018 Text icon Johnson, C. Rural economic development study funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3544 1 03/08/2018 Text icon Theis Water safety instruction for children grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3560 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Poppe Riverland Community College improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3570 2 03/22/2018 Text icon Nash MN.IT Services duties modified, and legislation to recodify chapter 16E required.
House HF3626 3 03/29/2018 Text icon Bennett Foster care sibling bill of rights established.
House HF3706 2 04/23/2018 Text icon Albright Separate chapter for county-based purchasing plans created.
House HF3722 7 05/19/2018 Text icon Fenton Work and community engagement requirement for medical assistance enrollees federal waiver required.
House HF3765 2 03/28/2018 Text icon Theis Labor and industry commissioner required to collaborate on construction and skilled trades career counseling.
House HF3796 5 04/09/2018 Text icon Loon School safety facility grants authorized for school districts to enhance safety for students and staff, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3797 1 03/14/2018 Text icon Haley Safe schools revenue increased, safe schools levy equalized, portion of levy available for intermediate school districts linked to the school district per pupil allowance, and money appropriated.
House HF3810 5 04/16/2018 Text icon Barr, R. Project Build Minnesota funding provided to encourage students to consider a career in the construction industry, and money appropriated.
House HF3945 2 05/17/2018 Text icon Franke Fine for using a wireless communications device while driving increased.
House HF4020 8 05/03/2018 Text icon Ward Credit for donations to youth intervention organizations allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF4032 5 04/09/2018 Text icon Gunther Greater Minnesota child care facility capital grant program established, grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4117 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Urdahl Government and citizenship credit required for high school graduation.
House HF4120 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Anselmo Safe schools revenue program established, charter schools made eligible for safe schools revenue, safe schools revenue increased, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4198 1 03/22/2018 Text icon Bennett School-linked mental health telemedicine grants funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4238 1 03/26/2018 Text icon Bennett Special education cooperatives statutory definition provided.
House HF4239 1 03/26/2018 Text icon Bennett Paraprofessional pathway to teacher licensure program expanded to include school districts in greater Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF4395 10 05/15/2018 Text icon Anderson, P. Property tax credit for land constituting a riparian buffer provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4465 3 05/01/2018 Text icon Freiberg Sexual harassment definition clarified.
House HF4509 2 05/17/2018 Text icon Bennett Evidence-based grant standard established for legislative grants awarded to organizations for prekindergarten through grade 12 education programs.
House HF4518 2 05/17/2018 Text icon Sandstede Blocking or altering caller ID in making a commercial telephone solicitation prohibited.
House HF4519 3 05/19/2018 Text icon Dean, M. Temporary immediate license suspensions modified, eligibility verification required, legislative auditor directed to conduct a special investigation into child care assistance programs, and report required.
House HF4524 2 05/18/2018 Text icon Miller Abortions prohibited when a fetal heartbeat is detected.