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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

67 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "Vogel"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4522 2 05/18/2018 Text icon Heintzeman University of Minnesota appropriations reduced if the University uses a fellowship to train doctors in abortion procedures.
House HF4433 3 04/23/2018 Text icon Theis Mandatory fire sprinkler installation prohibited.
House HF4407 1 04/16/2018 Text icon Vogel Financial institutions account in the special revenue fund funding provided.
House HF4213 2 03/28/2018 Text icon Runbeck Metropolitan Council and political subdivision prerequisites related to application for federal funds for transit capital projects established.
House HF3993 1 03/19/2018 Text icon Baker Energy conservation utility stakeholder group established.
House HF3921 6 05/17/2018 Text icon Uglem Cell phone use while driving prohibited.
House HF3889 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Albright Scott County; turn lane fee authorized.
House HF3848 4 03/29/2018 Text icon Schomacker Nurse Licensure Compact created, and money appropriated.
House HF3771 3 03/26/2018 Text icon Vogel Fiscal note provisions effective date modified, and provisions governing the Legislative Budget Office modified.
House HF3688 18 05/09/2018 Text icon O'Driscoll Energy improvements program modified, consumer protections for residential property assessed clean energy loans provided, and remedies provided.
House HF3686 1 03/12/2018 Text icon Vogel Retirement system annual stress testing required.
House HF3376 3 04/16/2018 Text icon Vogel CPA firm audit provisions changed.
House SF3245 7 05/14/2018 155 Text icon O'Driscoll Energy improvements program modified, consumer protections for residential property assessed clean energy loans provided, and remedies provided.
House HF3153 7 05/03/2018 Text icon Loonan Local recycling programs matching funds requirement modified.
House HF3044 4 04/09/2018 Text icon Vogel Agencies required to determine the impact of a proposed rule on the cost of residential construction or remodeling, notice to the applicable legislative committees required, and legislative committee permitted to require approval of a rule by law.
House HF2994 10 04/16/2018 Text icon Wills Traditional and gestational surrogacy arrangements regulated, and crime of operating a for-profit surrogacy agency created.
House SF2978 2 05/14/2018 Text icon Vogel State auditor review of CPA firm audits requirements changed.
House SF2921 7 05/08/2018 134 Text icon Loonan Local recycling programs matching funds requirement modified.
House HF2690 5 03/15/2018 Text icon Quam Federal government; a resolution memorializing Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution to impose fiscal constraints on the federal government, limit power, and limit terms of office.
House HF2682 3 02/20/2018 Text icon Whelan Regent Candidate Advisory Council repealed.
House HF2628 3 05/04/2017 Text icon Koznick Local option transportation sales tax modified, authority to impose a sales tax limited, fund use limited and allocated, and referendum required.
House HF2138 1 03/06/2017 Text icon Nash MN.IT performance outcomes required, and reports required.
House HF2053 1 03/02/2017 Text icon Theis Small business development centers grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1975 15 05/02/2018 124 Text icon Vogel Water tank service contract bidding exception narrowed.
House HF1936 2 03/07/2017 Text icon Vogel Outdated budget related language updated and deleted.
House HF1926 2 03/07/2017 Text icon Vogel Minnesota Assistive Technology Advisory Council appointments modified, Office of Equity in Procurement codified, who may certify a small business for procurements changed, and master contract processes expanded.
House HF1897 1 03/01/2017 Text icon Vogel Elko New Market; water treatment facility sales tax exemption provided, refund provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1711 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Loonan Agricultural purposes definition modified.
House HF1707 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Smith Limitation period for bringing actions reduced.
House HF1706 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Smith Interlocutory appeal on the question of class certification provided.
House HF1666 1 02/23/2017 Text icon Swedzinski Silica sand project particulate emission rulemaking authority eliminated.
House HF1514 2 02/23/2017 Text icon McDonald Metropolitan Council prohibited from expanding beyond the seven-county metropolitan area.
House HF1377 6 03/20/2017 Text icon O'Driscoll Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing; stakeholder group established to develop recommendations for consumer protections, authorization for residential PACE financing suspended, and report required.
House HF1358 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Baker Special overweight permits for hauling construction materials authorized.
House HF1328 2 03/23/2017 Text icon Vogel Financial services inclusion program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1323 3 03/09/2017 Text icon Vogel Debt limit established.
House HF1315 2 03/01/2017 Text icon Runbeck Special tax district creation to capture incremental property taxes to finance operating costs of light rail and bus rapid transit lines provided.
House HF1303 3 03/15/2017 Text icon Albright New markets tax credit program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1294 9 05/01/2017 24 Text icon Loonan Sales representative termination regulated.
House HF1184 1 02/13/2017 Text icon Vogel Veterans 70 years of age or older allowed to hunt and fish for free.
House HF1160 3 03/16/2017 Text icon Runbeck Transit financial activity auditing and reporting required, and money appropriated.
House HF1150 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Uglem Twin Cities metropolitan area transit farebox recovery objective established.
House HF1146 4 03/09/2017 Text icon Vogel Notice and referendum provided on whether a municipality may use public utility license, permit, rights, or franchise fees to raise revenue.
House HF1070 3 03/01/2017 Text icon Swedzinski Tax payer assistance grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1037 8 02/22/2018 Text icon Vogel Legislative approval of housing incentives and allocations by the Metropolitan Council required.
House HF1019 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Layman Qualified business improvements exempted.
House HF1001 10 05/12/2017 Text icon Vogel Agencies required to determine impact of proposed rule on cost of residential construction or remodeling, notice to legislative committees required, and legislative committee permitted to require approval of a rule by law.
House HF0828 3 03/08/2017 Text icon Albright Metropolitan Council governance modified.
House HF0812 13 05/08/2017 33 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0810 6 04/04/2017 Text icon Pugh Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF0800 3 02/22/2017 Text icon Nash Light rail transit operating costs governed.
House HF0792 16 04/27/2017 20 Text icon Theis Fire sprinkler rules required to be amended by labor commissioner.
House HF0752 2 02/06/2017 Text icon Albright New markets grant program created, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0740 25 05/20/2018 203 Text icon Vogel Motor vehicle franchises regulated; warranty and recall obligations specified; unfair practices and succession agreements by manufacturers, distributors, and factory branches regulated; and penalties provided.
House HF0629 9 05/08/2017 Text icon Rarick Claims against estates provisions under medical assistance modified.
House HF0599 3 02/22/2017 Text icon Vogel Legislative Budget Office created, powers and duties prescribed, and money appropriated.
House HF0484 6 03/06/2017 Text icon Peterson State general levy frozen at the 2017 level.
House HF0465 4 02/24/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Rail project expenditures and other powers restricted, and project insurance required.
House HF0409 5 02/23/2017 Text icon Albright Long-term equity investment authority provided.
House HF0399 25 02/26/2018 100 Text icon Anderson, S. Senate and house of representatives funding provided, transfers required, and money appropriated.
House HF0287 6 02/20/2018 Text icon Hertaus Fair repair requirements for manufacturers of digital electronic products established.
House HF0234 20 03/16/2017 8 Text icon Baker Public Utilities Commission regulation of municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives amended.
House SF0216 7 05/10/2017 46 Text icon Rarick Claims against estates provisions under medical assistance modified.
House HF0202 3 03/13/2017 Text icon Gruenhagen Public health care programs for dental service providers participation requirements modified.
House HF0182 5 02/06/2017 Text icon Davids Resident definition modified.
House HF0018 5 01/30/2017 Text icon Loon Estate tax conformed to the federal exclusion amount.
House HF0012 4 02/16/2017 Text icon Lueck State general levy modified, and market value exclusions provided.