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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

132 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "Daniels"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4536 1 05/18/2018 Text icon Lucero Resident tuition and state student aid provisions modified.
House HF4534 2 05/19/2018 Text icon Ward Candidates who receive the public subsidy required to comply with accessibility standards.
House HF4524 2 05/18/2018 Text icon Miller Abortions prohibited when a fetal heartbeat is detected.
House HF4522 2 05/18/2018 Text icon Heintzeman University of Minnesota appropriations reduced if the University uses a fellowship to train doctors in abortion procedures.
House HF4464 2 04/26/2018 Text icon Christensen Higher education office required to inform students of postsecondary education options for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and money appropriated.
House HF4459 8 05/20/2018 Text icon Peppin Sexual harassment definition clarified.
House HF4433 3 04/23/2018 Text icon Theis Mandatory fire sprinkler installation prohibited.
House HF4391 1 04/12/2018 Text icon Petersburg Trunk Highway 14 expansion to four lanes funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4390 1 04/12/2018 Text icon Petersburg Trunk Highway 14 expansion to four lanes funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4389 1 04/12/2018 Text icon Petersburg Trunk Highway 14 expansion to four lanes funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4146 3 04/09/2018 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academies asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4117 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Urdahl Government and citizenship credit required for high school graduation.
House HF4103 2 03/28/2018 Text icon Daniels I-35 signage required.
House HF4089 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Daniels Faribault; Northern Links Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4088 3 04/09/2018 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf security corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4087 3 04/09/2018 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academies dormitory renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4086 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Daniels Faribault Water Reclamation Facility flood protection and mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4085 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Daniels Faribault; water treatment plant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4084 3 04/09/2018 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academies track funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4083 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Daniels Military ready reserve special license plates established.
House HF3985 1 03/19/2018 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Colleges and Universities required to provide affordable textbooks for a percentage of courses, and report required.
House HF3918 4 03/28/2018 Text icon Swedzinski Gun safe purchases exempted from taxation.
House HF3888 3 03/28/2018 Text icon Howe Patriotic societies allowed the opportunity to encourage student participation.
House HF3848 4 03/29/2018 Text icon Schomacker Nurse Licensure Compact created, and money appropriated.
House HF3779 6 04/09/2018 Text icon Drazkowski Employees granted the right to work without being required to become a member or pay fees to a labor organization, penalties and jurisdiction created, and other unfair labor practices provided.
House HF3715 1 03/12/2018 Text icon Zerwas Dentist licensing provisions modified, faculty licensure clarified, emeritus licensure created, and technical changes made.
House HF3673 1 03/12/2018 Text icon Daniels Selection process requirements in providing state financial assistance for public transit established.
House HF3634 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Daniels South Central College asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3597 1 03/12/2018 Text icon Daniels Teacher candidates allowed to obtain a Tier 3 license with passing basic skills exams.
House HF3570 2 03/22/2018 Text icon Nash MN.IT Services duties modified, and legislation to recodify chapter 16E required.
House HF3514 1 03/08/2018 Text icon Barr, R. Metropolitan Council promotional signs and activities prohibited.
House HF3480 5 04/09/2018 Text icon Barr, R. Consumer report regulation modified; and security freezes, alternative dispute resolution, and credit monitoring services regulated.
House HF3281 8 03/21/2018 Text icon Bennett Blocking of obscene material option and requirements provided for all electronic devices that connect to the Internet, and report required.
House HF3223 3 03/12/2018 Text icon Baker University of Minnesota pediatric resident mental health training program funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3191 16 05/01/2018 Text icon Schomacker Disability waiver rate system modified.
House HF3190 5 03/15/2018 Text icon Bennett Extended time use expanded to pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses.
House HF3098 2 03/19/2018 Text icon Gunther Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3064 4 03/14/2018 Text icon Albright Regional behavioral health crisis program development grant program established, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3013 11 05/10/2018 Text icon Runbeck Teacher training required to enable a teacher to implement instructional strategies to meet the needs of students with dyslexia.
House HF2998 3 03/01/2018 Text icon Lohmer Choose Life special license plates established, and money appropriated.
House HF2994 10 04/16/2018 Text icon Wills Traditional and gestational surrogacy arrangements regulated, and crime of operating a for-profit surrogacy agency created.
House HF2844 1 02/20/2018 Text icon Daniels Medford; municipal building funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2843 1 02/20/2018 Text icon Daniels Charter school admission lotteries modified.
House HF2768 9 04/18/2018 Text icon Jessup Child sexual abuse prevention instruction in a health curriculum modified.
House HF2624 1 04/27/2017 Text icon Daniels Rice County; I-35 and County Road 9 interchange feasibility study funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2614 2 04/27/2017 Text icon Heintzeman Biodiesel minimum content requirement delayed two years.
House HF2581 1 04/04/2017 Text icon Bennett Housing Finance Agency disaster assistance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2576 2 04/04/2017 Text icon Franke Long-term services and supports safety and quality improvement practices recommendations required, and money appropriated.
House HF2548 3 05/18/2017 Text icon Koznick Orange Line bus rapid transit project phase 2 funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2356 3 02/20/2018 Text icon Daniels Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities program at state universities implementation required, similar program requested at University of Minnesota campuses, and money appropriated.
House HF2222 3 03/20/2017 Text icon Drazkowski MNsure, medical assistance, and MinnesotaCare eligibility determination improved oversight required; special revenue account for savings established; savings required to be used for long-term care provider rate increases; and report required.
House HF2153 1 03/06/2017 Text icon Daniels State university program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities required, similar program at University of Minnesota campuses requested, and money appropriated.
House HF2068 2 03/14/2017 Text icon Daniels Antiterrorism grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1823 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Daniels Rice County; process for making offices appointive provided.
House HF1782 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Lueck Minnow importing requirements modified.
House HF1716 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Loon Education finance; basic formula allowance increased by two percent per year, and money appropriated.
House HF1663 4 05/21/2017 Text icon Erickson Alternative teacher preparation and compensation programs modified, Teacher Shortage Task Force created, concurrent enrollment teacher program expanded, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1639 1 02/23/2017 Text icon Peterson School districts and charter schools authorized to create innovation zones, grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1634 4 03/23/2017 Text icon Baker Somali arts and cultural heritage program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1633 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota fetal tissue research requirements imposed, ethical fetal tissue research program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1572 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Grossell Stays of adjudication and stays of imposition in criminal sexual conduct cases eliminated, sex offenders required to serve lifetime conditional release or probation, intensive probation for sex offenders established, child pornography penalties increased, mandatory minimum sentences created, and Sentencing Guidelines Commission directed to modify the sex offender grid.
House HF1462 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Albright Human Services Financing Reform Task Force established.
House HF1381 4 03/16/2017 Text icon McDonald Equalization aid enhanced; state aid for debt service equalization aid program increased; calculation of referendum equalization revenue, aid, and levy modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1358 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Baker Special overweight permits for hauling construction materials authorized.
House HF1323 3 03/09/2017 Text icon Vogel Debt limit established.
House HF1295 3 03/08/2017 Text icon Bennett Firefighter cancer incidence data collection required to be reported on the cancer surveillance system.
House HF1275 1 02/15/2017 Text icon Smith Vending machine sales taxation modified.
House HF1257 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Anderson, P. Technical assistance and technology grants for spark ignition motor fuel wholesalers and retailers provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1206 5 04/24/2017 Text icon Albright Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council modified, spinal cord and traumatic brain injury student research scholarship and education program created, and money appropriated.
House HF1189 1 02/15/2017 Text icon Daniels Large animal veterinarian loan forgiveness program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1180 15 05/16/2018 Text icon Uglem Hands free cell phone use while driving mandated.
House HF1119 7 02/22/2018 Text icon Theis Criminal penalties modified.
House HF1110 6 05/09/2017 Text icon West Waiver of examination, dental assisting licensure, and allied dental professional restorative functions clarified; and technical changes made.
House SF1097 5 05/08/2018 Text icon Heintzeman Driving without a valid license repeat violation penalties enhanced and minimum fines established.
House HF1088 4 03/15/2017 Text icon Hamilton Disabled accessibility home modification refundable credit provided.
House HF1079 2 02/22/2017 Text icon Erickson Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board established, all teacher licensing and support personnel licensing and credentialing authority transferred to the board, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1066 7 03/27/2017 Text icon Lohmer Penalties for obstructing a highway increased.
House HF1043 4 03/09/2017 Text icon Baker Commission on Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard-of-Hearing Minnesotans funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1026 1 02/09/2017 Text icon Gunther Livestock facility nuisance exemption provided.
House HF1024 1 02/09/2017 Text icon Urdahl Small schools revenue calculation modified.
House HF0987 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Social service agencies required to provide foster care or other services to individuals reentering foster care after 18 years of age.
House HF0986 2 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Liability insurance coverage expanded for licensed foster home providers.
House HF0901 6 03/15/2017 Text icon Koznick Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue allocation modified.
House HF0875 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Daniels Pilot program to provide, repair, and maintain motor vehicles for commuting to work created; and money appropriated.
House HF0823 8 03/31/2017 Text icon Schomacker Elderly waiver program reformed, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0822 13 05/08/2018 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act modified.
House HF0812 13 05/08/2017 33 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0811 5 03/23/2017 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0810 6 04/04/2017 Text icon Pugh Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF0802 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Daniels Senior care career opportunities educational material development funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0794 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Haley Student loan debt counseling grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0793 2 02/15/2017 Text icon O'Neill Minneapolis; YWCA grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0792 16 04/27/2017 20 Text icon Theis Fire sprinkler rules required to be amended by labor commissioner.
House HF0769 1 02/02/2017 Text icon West Attorney fee awards provided in wrongful death actions against law enforcement officers.
House HF0764 4 03/20/2017 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf campus security corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0763 4 03/20/2017 Text icon Daniels Minnesota State Academies asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
House HF0755 9 03/28/2017 Text icon Dettmer Minnesota Medal of Honor commemorative memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0747 11 04/18/2017 Text icon Hamilton Prescription drug coverage prior authorization requirements modified, and drug benefit transparency disclosure required.
House HF0719 2 02/15/2017 Text icon Peterson Minnesota math corps program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0677 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Petersburg Corridors of Commerce general fund allocation provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0668 9 03/23/2017 Text icon Daniels Dyslexia and literacy specialist required, and money appropriated.
House HF0667 3 02/09/2017 Text icon Daniels Faribault; Rice County Veterans Memorial funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0646 2 02/15/2017 Text icon Bennett Minnesota reading corps program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0631 9 03/15/2017 Text icon Rarick Youth job skills training program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
House SF0614 7 05/10/2018 143 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act and Minnesota Psychology Practice Act modified.
House HF0610 5 03/08/2017 Text icon Knoblach Agricultural homestead rules modified for properties owned by trusts.
House HF0606 5 03/06/2017 Text icon McDonald State general levy on commercial-industrial property phased out over five years.
House HF0603 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Drazkowski School building bond agricultural property tax credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0601 7 05/21/2017 Text icon Lohmer Human services commissioner provided additional authority to sanction and terminate state health care program providers, financial reporting requirements for abortion services established, and payment procedures for abortion services modified.
House HF0600 25 02/22/2018 Text icon Garofalo Uniform State Labor Standards Act enacted, and uniformity for employment mandates on private employers provided.
House HF0555 11 03/20/2017 Text icon Dettmer Congressionally chartered veterans organizations reduced class rate provided.
House HF0552 3 02/06/2017 Text icon Green Grant of authority in law required for adoption of rules, and threshold for conducting a public hearing on expedited rules reduced.
House HF0505 8 03/01/2017 Text icon Dettmer Veterans Defense Project grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0481 4 05/09/2017 Text icon West Waiver of examination, dental assisting licensure, and allied dental professional restorative functions clarified; and technical changes made.
House HF0465 4 02/24/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Rail project expenditures and other powers restricted, and project insurance required.
House HF0346 9 02/22/2017 Text icon Cornish Peace officers required to receive training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity; peace officer training reimbursement funding reformed and increased; reimbursement grants for pathway to policing programs provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0329 9 03/01/2018 Text icon Rarick Fireworks manufacture, sale, and use regulated.
House HF0323 3 01/26/2017 Text icon Howe Motor vehicle repair or maintenance tax revenue allocated exclusively to fund roads, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0272 2 03/28/2017 Text icon Bly Mill Towns State Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0265 2 02/01/2017 Text icon Petersburg U.S. Highway 14 reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0258 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Johnson, C. South Central College, North Mankato funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0238 11 05/20/2017 Text icon Nash Use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in self-defense outside of home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expanded, presumption in the case of a person entering a dwelling or occupied vehicle by stealth or force created, and right to defend against entry extended.
House HF0234 20 03/16/2017 8 Text icon Baker Public Utilities Commission regulation of municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives amended.
House HF0232 6 03/13/2017 Text icon Dettmer Veterans Rest Camp and Camp Legionville facility improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0231 5 02/23/2017 Text icon Lucero Corridors of Commerce program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0226 21 05/14/2018 Text icon Dettmer Combined net receipts tax calculation modified.
House HF0213 6 03/13/2017 Text icon Lohmer Social Security benefit phased-in subtraction allowed.
House HF0199 4 03/01/2017 Text icon Anderson, P. Agriculture commissioner required to provide notice of the presence of noxious weeds.
House HF0192 9 05/07/2018 Text icon Heintzeman Driving without a valid license repeat violation penalties enhanced and minimum fines established.
House HF0188 12 03/08/2018 Text icon Nash Right to carry without a permit provided, and optional permit to carry provided.
House HF0119 11 03/28/2017 Text icon Dettmer Deceased veteran's spouse benefit eligibility modified.
House HF0055 6 01/26/2017 Text icon Lohmer Highway obstruction penalties increased.