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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

78 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "Applebaum"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4465 3 05/01/2018 Text icon Freiberg Sexual harassment definition clarified.
House HF4275 1 03/28/2018 Text icon Olson Older and vulnerable adult statutes changed; Minnesota Health Records Act and health care bill of rights modified; regulation of nursing homes, home care providers, housing, and assisted living services modified; maltreatment reporting requirements modified; task force established; information and data sharing provided; reports required; and penalties imposed.
House HF4178 1 03/22/2018 Text icon Applebaum Liability coverage regulated, right of direct action provided.
House HF4047 5 04/25/2018 Text icon Fenton Family Protection Act coverage exclusions regulated.
House HF3954 1 03/19/2018 Text icon Dehn, R. Transfer of semiautomatic military-style assault weapons prohibited, semiautomatic military-style assault weapon buyback program established, criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3814 3 03/26/2018 Text icon Nash Local government taxing authority modified, and limit on excise taxes and fees expanded.
House HF3793 2 03/21/2018 Text icon Loon Minnetonka; construction exemption for public safety facilities provided.
House HF3581 1 03/08/2018 Text icon Applebaum Private right of action provided on actions taken on reverse mortgage loans.
House HF3306 1 03/05/2018 Text icon Pryor Independent School District No. 270, Hopkins; additional facilities levy authorized.
House HF3305 1 03/05/2018 Text icon Pryor Charter school and school district program combination process created, and continuity in building lease revenue for school districts that combine programming with a charter school provided.
House HF3282 10 05/14/2018 Text icon Bahr, C. Motor carrier tariff requirements modified.
House HF3281 8 03/21/2018 Text icon Bennett Blocking of obscene material option and requirements provided for all electronic devices that connect to the Internet, and report required.
House HF3224 7 05/01/2018 110 Text icon Jessup Credit union membership, governance, and powers and duties regulated.
House HF3202 16 05/19/2018 199 Text icon Schomacker Hospital construction moratorium exception project added, and deadlines imposed on the public interest review process.
House HF3033 4 03/08/2018 Text icon Thissen Internet service providers serving Minnesota customers and those under contract to the state or political subdivisions prohibited from certain activities.
House HF2986 2 03/21/2018 Text icon Lee Dog ownership use in underwriting practices prohibited.
House HF2942 2 02/23/2018 Text icon Applebaum Tax conforming changes adopted.
House HF2933 10 03/21/2018 Text icon Hilstrom Public employee collective bargaining agreements ratified.
House SF2869 8 05/16/2018 184 Text icon Bahr, C. Motor carrier tariff requirement modified.
House HF2714 3 04/26/2018 Text icon Liebling Cannabis and cannabis-infused product consumption and possession allowed for individuals 21 years of age or older, cannabis regulation provided, rulemaking authorized, fees authorized, penalties provided, cannabis sales taxed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2680 1 05/17/2017 Text icon Freiberg Russian election interference; a resolution calling on Congress to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.
House HF2574 14 04/26/2018 Text icon Dean, M. Rare Diseases Advisory Council establishment requested to provide advice on issues related to rare diseases, and money appropriated.
House HF2571 1 04/03/2017 Text icon Maye Quade Education finance; basic formula allowance increased by 2.5 percent per year, and money appropriated.
House HF2526 3 04/03/2017 Text icon Freiberg Potential conflict of interest disclosure required.
House HF2122 1 03/06/2017 Text icon Applebaum Judgment debtors provided a standard exemption for funds in bank or other deposit accounts.
House HF2112 1 03/06/2017 Text icon Knoblach Housing project bonding authority allocations provided.
House HF2054 3 02/20/2018 Text icon Applebaum Knowing euthanasia of pet or companion animals with nonanesthetic gas prohibited, and penalties provided.
House HF1793 1 02/27/2017 Text icon Sundin Helmets to Hardhats funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1732 15 05/09/2017 39 Text icon Hoppe Commerce commissioner examinations modified.
House HF1714 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Hamilton Working group and pilot programs established to improve the implementation of youth sports concussion protocols and identify best practices for preventing and treating concussions, and money appropriated.
House HF1657 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Hertaus Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1656 1 02/23/2017 Text icon Hertaus Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1607 6 03/13/2017 Text icon Haley Housing trust fund creation by local governments authorized, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF1605 5 02/26/2018 Text icon Pinto Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm.
House HF1577 5 05/01/2017 Text icon Omar Postsecondary educational institutions required to provide information to pregnant students and student parents, state grant program to fund activities and services to support pregnant students and student parents at postsecondary educational institutions established, and money appropriated.
House HF1576 2 03/01/2017 Text icon Omar Minnesota made a sanctuary state for immigration enforcement purposes.
House HF1575 4 05/01/2017 Text icon Omar Summer academic enrichment program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1501 2 03/02/2017 Text icon Youakim Speech and press rights of student journalists in grades 7 through and in postsecondary institutions clarified.
House HF1396 1 02/20/2017 Text icon Carlson, L. Nonprofit group sales tax exemption expanded.
House HF1391 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Mahoney Wage theft prohibited, payment of wages modified, civil and criminal penalties increased, administrative review allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF1365 1 02/16/2017 Text icon Carlson, L. Administrative mechanism for conforming to future federal tax legislation provided, and money transferred.
House HF1333 2 02/20/2017 Text icon Applebaum Proposed levy certification date for townships modified.
House HF1322 1 02/16/2017 Text icon Carlson, L. Plymouth Ice Center renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1321 7 03/31/2017 Text icon Applebaum Student loan payment refundable credit provided.
House HF1250 4 02/27/2017 Text icon Bliss Telecommunications equipment exemption expanded.
House HF1091 8 04/12/2018 Text icon Hansen Sunday liquor sales tax proceeds dedicated.
House HF1070 3 03/01/2017 Text icon Swedzinski Tax payer assistance grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1060 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Haley After-school community learning grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1031 6 03/26/2018 Text icon Theis Entities selling ophthalmic goods and services through the Internet disclaimer required.
House HF0978 7 03/29/2018 Text icon Theis Support our students grant program funding provided, support our students grant program codified, and money appropriated.
House HF0950 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Koznick Tax rates modified, and brackets updated to current values.
House HF0927 8 04/26/2018 Text icon Applebaum Individuals 21 years of age allowed to consume and use marijuana for personal use, regulation provided, marijuana establishment activities permitted, rulemaking authorized, criminal penalties provided, and fee schedule and tax development required.
House HF0926 4 03/28/2017 Text icon Metsa Marijuana; individuals 21 years of age allowed to consume and use marijuana for personal use, regulation provided, marijuana establishment activities permitted, rulemaking authorized, criminal penalties provided, fee schedule and tax development required, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0869 9 03/28/2017 Text icon Metsa Social Security benefit subtraction allowed.
House HF0822 13 05/08/2018 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act modified.
House HF0792 16 04/27/2017 20 Text icon Theis Fire sprinkler rules required to be amended by labor commissioner.
House HF0791 1 02/02/2017 Text icon Garofalo Direct ship wineries provided and regulated.
House HF0740 25 05/20/2018 203 Text icon Vogel Motor vehicle franchises regulated; warranty and recall obligations specified; unfair practices and succession agreements by manufacturers, distributors, and factory branches regulated; and penalties provided.
House HF0727 3 02/06/2017 Text icon Hilstrom Chemicals of high concern in children's products regulated.
House HF0723 7 03/13/2017 Text icon Peterson Child care assistance program maximum reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0626 1 01/30/2017 Text icon Youakim Motorcycle underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage required.
House HF0622 2 02/15/2017 Text icon Davids Resident definition modified for purposes of determining domicile.
House SF0614 7 05/10/2018 143 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act and Minnesota Psychology Practice Act modified.
House HF0593 11 05/09/2017 37 Text icon O'Driscoll Real estate appraiser investigation, background check, and disciplinary action requirements changed.
House HF0587 6 02/16/2017 Text icon Barr, R. Unclaimed property requirements modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0527 3 02/20/2017 Text icon Hamilton Wind energy production tax modified.
House HF0488 4 03/29/2018 Text icon Bly Health care availability and affordability for every Minnesotan guaranteed; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and auditor general for the Minnesota Heath Plan established; 1332 waiver requested; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
House HF0463 3 01/30/2017 Text icon Fenton Alternative procedure for absentee voting modified.
House HF0456 2 01/30/2017 Text icon Freiberg Construction material exemption provisions modified.
House HF0410 3 05/21/2017 Text icon Halverson Expressly advocating definition modified, disclosure of electioneering communications provided, prorating method for contributions or use of general treasury money amended, and penalties provided.
House HF0400 17 04/27/2017 21 Text icon Kresha State contracts; vendor discrimination against Israel prohibited.
House HF0365 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Applebaum Refundable student loan credit allowed.
House HF0298 1 01/17/2017 Text icon Applebaum Levy certification dates for special taxing districts changed.
House HF0262 10 03/20/2017 Text icon Kiel Alzheimer's disease working group extended, and money appropriated.
House HF0168 10 03/16/2017 Text icon Fenton Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF0097 2 01/17/2017 Text icon Freiberg Service-learning integrated into Minnesota's education system, evidence-based service-learning grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0085 6 03/02/2017 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed.
House HF0019 3 03/02/2017 Text icon Davids Student loan payment refundable credit provided.