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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

167 Documents Found in Legislative Session 90 (2017-2018)
for Authors of "McDonald"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4536 1 05/18/2018 Text icon Lucero Resident tuition and state student aid provisions modified.
House HF4513 1 05/16/2018 Text icon McDonald Motor vehicle plate impoundment violation expanded to include registered predatory offenders.
House HF4433 3 04/23/2018 Text icon Theis Mandatory fire sprinkler installation prohibited.
House HF4403 3 04/25/2018 Text icon Drazkowski Local government aid reductions for spending on illegal immigrant defense provided.
House HF4331 2 04/12/2018 Text icon Dean, M. Government and citizenship credit required for high school graduation.
House HF4285 1 03/29/2018 Text icon McDonald Prompt payment of wages to independent contractors required, and civil penalties provided.
House HF4246 1 03/26/2018 Text icon McDonald Percentage of gross profits that an organization licensed to conduct lawful gambling must expend on lawful purposes lowered.
House HF4245 1 03/26/2018 Text icon McDonald Combined net receipts tax rates reduced.
House HF4234 7 05/01/2018 Text icon Pelowski Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees required to submit a plan to transfer technical colleges.
House HF4161 1 03/22/2018 Text icon McDonald Contractors for state contracts required to verify work hours using automated software.
House HF4144 4 04/12/2018 Text icon Kiel Revenue commissioner required to study adequacy of valuation of pipeline companies.
House HF4108 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Davids Refundable film production tax credit provided.
House HF4107 1 03/21/2018 Text icon Fenton Snowbate program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4072 7 05/02/2018 Text icon Anderson, S. Minnesota housing tax credit contribution fund established, tax credit for contributions provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4061 2 03/22/2018 Text icon McDonald Minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities modified.
House HF4037 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald Gift prohibitions modified.
House HF4036 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald State workforce reduction required, early retirement program created, level of budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in the prior biennium, bonus payments for public employees prohibited, state employee and elected official salaries reduced, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF4020 8 05/03/2018 Text icon Ward Credit for donations to youth intervention organizations allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF3989 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald Corporate franchise rates reduced.
House HF3987 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald Resident hunting and fishing license issuance to active military members authorized.
House HF3971 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald Equalization aid enhanced, state aid increased for the debt service equalization aid program and the operating referendum revenue program, and money appropriated.
House HF3970 1 03/19/2018 Text icon McDonald Montrose; regional park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3935 3 03/22/2018 Text icon Anselmo DUI; lifetime revocation of licenses and permits to drive for repeat offenders, and reinstatement process created.
House HF3895 4 04/09/2018 Text icon Koznick Collective bargaining agreements for self-directed workers provisions modified.
House HF3708 5 04/23/2018 Text icon O'Neill Carbon reduction facility designation established for large electric generating facilities.
House HF3665 4 05/03/2018 Text icon Lohmer Display of national motto in school buildings required.
House HF3656 1 03/12/2018 Text icon Anderson, S. Tax provision federal conformity provided, individual income tax rates reduced, and treatment of expensing modified.
House HF3539 1 03/08/2018 Text icon McDonald Facility fee disclosure required.
House HF3538 2 03/28/2018 Text icon McDonald Qualifying prescription drug cost disclosure required, and report required.
House HF3536 7 05/03/2018 Text icon McDonald Physician Assistant Advisory Council member term limits eliminated.
House HF3535 3 03/28/2018 Text icon Munson Co-payments for prescription drugs limited.
House HF3531 1 03/08/2018 Text icon McDonald Health plan companies required to provide enrollees access to participating primary care providers, and health plan companies required to contract with primary care providers.
House HF3529 3 03/29/2018 Text icon McDonald Charter school property exemption expanded.
House HF3524 1 03/08/2018 Text icon McDonald Legislator per diem living expenses precluded during a special session.
House HF3518 5 04/09/2018 Text icon O'Neill State pay increases for state personnel required to be tied to performance.
House SF3504 6 05/18/2018 Text icon O'Neill Carbon reduction facility designation established for large electric generating facilities.
House HF3469 2 03/15/2018 Text icon Runbeck Transit system development implementation plan required.
House HF3468 6 03/21/2018 Text icon Olson Older and vulnerable adult statutes changed; Minnesota Health Records Act and health care bill of rights modified; regulation of nursing homes, home care providers, housing, and assisted living services modified; maltreatment reporting requirements modified; task force established; information and data sharing provided; reports required; and penalties imposed.
House HF3464 11 04/24/2018 Text icon Davids Charitable contribution subtraction for taxpayers who do not itemize modified.
House HF3413 1 03/08/2018 Text icon McDonald Uniform rates required for primary care services provided by primary care providers located within a geographic rating area or service area.
House HF3396 2 03/26/2018 Text icon Munson Health care providers and health plan companies required to provide price transparency to patients and enrollees.
House SF3367 8 05/15/2018 179 Text icon Whelan Hotel and motel employees required to be trained to recognize sex trafficking.
House HF3357 8 04/18/2018 Text icon Zerwas Reduction or waiver of the criminal and traffic surcharge authorized; courts required to consider indigency or hardship before imposing fines, fees, or surcharges; and notice required.
House HF3356 14 04/12/2018 Text icon Zerwas Public safety commissioner's authority to suspend drivers' licenses modified, retroactive driver's license reinstatement provided, and technical changes made.
House HF3287 14 05/09/2018 Text icon Whelan Lodging facility employees required to be trained to recognize sex trafficking.
House HF3191 16 05/01/2018 Text icon Schomacker Disability waiver rate system modified.
House HF3118 1 02/26/2018 Text icon McDonald Operation referendum equalization factors linked to statewide growth in property tax base.
House HF3016 1 02/22/2018 Text icon Zerwas Health plan company prohibited from contractually preventing a pharmacist from informing a patient of a price differential.
House HF3013 11 05/10/2018 Text icon Runbeck Teacher training required to enable a teacher to implement instructional strategies to meet the needs of students with dyslexia.
House HF3003 2 02/26/2018 Text icon Bahr, C. Carbon-free energy standard established, definition modified, and conforming changes made.
House HF2998 3 03/01/2018 Text icon Lohmer Choose Life special license plates established, and money appropriated.
House SF2865 7 05/07/2018 130 Text icon McDonald Physician Assistant Advisory Council member term limits eliminated.
House HF2716 2 02/20/2018 Text icon Drazkowski Income and business taxes eliminated, and sales tax replaced with a fair tax.
House HF2713 1 05/20/2017 Text icon Fenton Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF2682 3 02/20/2018 Text icon Whelan Regent Candidate Advisory Council repealed.
House HF2658 2 05/15/2017 Text icon Dean, M. Crime of hiding identity at a public demonstration provided.
House HF2628 3 05/04/2017 Text icon Koznick Local option transportation sales tax modified, authority to impose a sales tax limited, fund use limited and allocated, and referendum required.
House HF2463 2 04/07/2017 Text icon Zerwas Health commissioner authorized to levy penalties against medical cannabis manufacturers.
House HF2461 2 02/21/2018 Text icon Koznick Homestead credit state refund schedule modified.
House HF2403 1 03/14/2017 Text icon Wills Motion picture investment incentive program created, and money appropriated.
House HF2265 1 03/08/2017 Text icon McDonald 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations exempted from sales and use tax on purchases and fundraising.
House HF2142 1 03/06/2017 Text icon McDonald Legislator per diem living expenses precluded during a special session.
House HF2128 4 03/01/2018 Text icon McDonald Taproom and cocktail license restriction repealed.
House HF2060 1 03/02/2017 Text icon McDonald County agricultural society sales at county fairs exemption provided.
House HF1981 1 03/02/2017 Text icon Nash Cities and towns authorized to apply for replacement service.
House HF1978 2 03/06/2017 Text icon Olson Nonprofit corporations operating ice arenas or ice rinks used primarily for youth and high school programs exemption provided.
House HF1962 2 03/06/2017 Text icon Lohmer Family planning service grant distribution requirements modified.
House HF1952 2 03/15/2017 Text icon Gruenhagen Railroad crossing related expenditures tax credit allowed.
House HF1944 9 03/12/2018 Text icon Nash Temporary refundable high school youth skills training tax credit established for employers, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1912 1 03/01/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Required pooling limited to members of the Public Employees Retirement Association police and fire and local government correctional service retirement plans, open appropriation from the general fund created to fund the public safety officer's benefit account, and employer consent for participation in public employees insurance program required.
House HF1904 1 03/01/2017 Text icon McDonald Long-Term Care for Older Adults Rethink Advisory Task Force created, and money appropriated.
House HF1797 2 03/01/2017 Text icon McDonald Long-term care credit, pharmacy refund, and disclosure to the human services commissioner provisions modified.
House HF1688 3 03/07/2017 Text icon Zerwas Probation length modified, and court ability to grant early termination and discharge or probation clarified.
House HF1657 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Hertaus Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1656 1 02/23/2017 Text icon Hertaus Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1641 3 04/05/2017 Text icon McDonald County fair admission exemption provided.
House HF1633 2 02/27/2017 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota fetal tissue research requirements imposed, ethical fetal tissue research program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1619 9 04/20/2017 Text icon Schomacker Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established.
House SF1616 7 05/04/2017 32 Text icon Schomacker Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established.
House HF1514 2 02/23/2017 Text icon McDonald Metropolitan Council prohibited from expanding beyond the seven-county metropolitan area.
House HF1508 4 03/15/2017 Text icon Lucero Child care licensing provisions modified, and reports required.
House HF1507 6 03/15/2018 Text icon Lucero Student Data Privacy Act created, and penalties provided.
House HF1396 1 02/20/2017 Text icon Carlson, L. Nonprofit group sales tax exemption expanded.
House HF1381 4 03/16/2017 Text icon McDonald Equalization aid enhanced; state aid for debt service equalization aid program increased; calculation of referendum equalization revenue, aid, and levy modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1371 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Peterson Hospital construction moratorium exception for a juvenile psychiatric hospital authorized.
House HF1360 5 03/13/2017 Text icon McDonald Herbicide purchase exemption created.
House HF1358 2 02/23/2017 Text icon Baker Special overweight permits for hauling construction materials authorized.
House HF1340 7 03/20/2017 Text icon Pierson Dental service medical assistance rates increased, uniform credentialing process development required for dental providers and uniform prior authorization criteria for dental services, and money appropriated.
House HF1327 1 02/16/2017 Text icon McDonald Goodwill-Easter Seals FATHER project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1275 1 02/15/2017 Text icon Smith Vending machine sales taxation modified.
House HF1242 13 05/18/2017 77 Text icon Swedzinski Notice of proposed city ordinances required.
House HF1229 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Pierson Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities definitions and duties modified, and Ombudsman Committee modified.
House HF1213 1 02/15/2017 Text icon McDonald Persons under 21 serving in the armed forces authorized to consume, purchase, or possess alcohol.
House HF1206 5 04/24/2017 Text icon Albright Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council modified, spinal cord and traumatic brain injury student research scholarship and education program created, and money appropriated.
House HF1182 12 03/23/2017 Text icon Peterson Parental contribution amounts for services for children with disabilities modified.
House HF1115 2 03/09/2017 Text icon Schomacker Swing bed eligibility license condition modified, specialized care facilities provisions modified, and criteria modified for determining when an area of the state is a hardship area with regard to access to nursing facility services.
House HF1088 4 03/15/2017 Text icon Hamilton Disabled accessibility home modification refundable credit provided.
House HF1070 3 03/01/2017 Text icon Swedzinski Tax payer assistance grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1049 2 02/13/2017 Text icon Hoppe Drinking age changed to 19.
House HF1032 3 03/07/2017 Text icon McDonald Temporary and seasonal agriculture workers exempted from overtime requirements.
House HF0998 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Gruenhagen Minnesota's special education system cost-benefit analysis required, and report required.
House HF0987 4 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Social service agencies required to provide foster care or other services to individuals reentering foster care after 18 years of age.
House HF0986 2 03/13/2017 Text icon Bennett Liability insurance coverage expanded for licensed foster home providers.
House HF0956 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Garofalo St. Paul; police officers prohibited from issuing speeding tickets for speeds under 55 miles per hour on I-35E.
House HF0951 4 03/12/2018 Text icon Dehn, R. Civil right to vote restored to an individual upon release from incarceration or upon sentencing if no incarceration is imposed, notice required, and county attorney obligation to promptly investigate voter registration and eligibility repealed.
House HF0950 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Koznick Tax rates modified, and brackets updated to current values.
House HF0908 1 02/09/2017 Text icon McDonald Meal and drink sales tax exemption expanded, and exemption expanded for capital equipment purchases.
House HF0906 1 02/09/2017 Text icon Davids Cigarette excise tax frozen at current rate, and annual indexing requirement for cigarettes repealed.
House HF0886 2 02/16/2017 Text icon Gruenhagen Nondiscrimination policies in providing health care services required.
House HF0866 2 02/13/2017 Text icon McDonald Minnesota supplemental aid modified.
House HF0865 3 02/20/2017 Text icon McDonald Housing support services created, general assistance provisions modified, and human services commissioner required to seek necessary federal waivers.
House HF0851 4 02/15/2017 Text icon McDonald Self-advocacy services and supports for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0822 13 05/08/2018 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act modified.
House HF0820 3 02/13/2017 Text icon McDonald Employer-provided fitness facility expense credit allowed.
House HF0812 13 05/08/2017 33 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0810 6 04/04/2017 Text icon Pugh Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF0800 3 02/22/2017 Text icon Nash Light rail transit operating costs governed.
House HF0789 3 02/13/2017 Text icon Fenton Snowbate program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0774 6 03/27/2017 Text icon Pierson Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services Act provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0753 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Inspection authority for commercial motor vehicle records without a warrant eliminated.
House HF0711 3 03/01/2017 Text icon McDonald Federally qualified health center and rural health clinic reimbursement option provided for dual eligibles, health center subsidies provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0668 9 03/23/2017 Text icon Daniels Dyslexia and literacy specialist required, and money appropriated.
House HF0641 2 02/01/2017 Text icon Dean, M. Intergovernmental transfers and supplemental payments exempted from hospital surcharge, and mandatory intergovernmental transfer repealed.
House HF0615 2 02/09/2017 Text icon Anderson, S. Taxes conformed to federal section 179 allowances.
House SF0614 7 05/10/2018 143 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act and Minnesota Psychology Practice Act modified.
House HF0609 2 02/02/2017 Text icon Backer County program aid modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0608 6 04/12/2018 Text icon Pierson Agricultural asset sale or rental to beginning farmers income tax credit provided, credit for beginning farmer financial management programs provided, and Rural Finance Authority duties established.
House HF0606 5 03/06/2017 Text icon McDonald State general levy on commercial-industrial property phased out over five years.
House HF0605 3 02/09/2017 Text icon McDonald Annual city celebration exemption provided, and threshold for duration of premises leases for nonprofit fund-raising events modified.
House HF0601 7 05/21/2017 Text icon Lohmer Human services commissioner provided additional authority to sanction and terminate state health care program providers, financial reporting requirements for abortion services established, and payment procedures for abortion services modified.
House HF0600 25 02/22/2018 Text icon Garofalo Uniform State Labor Standards Act enacted, and uniformity for employment mandates on private employers provided.
House HF0589 1 01/26/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Political contribution refund repealed, public subsidy program repealed, and voluntary pledges to abide by expenditure limits provided.
House HF0527 3 02/20/2017 Text icon Hamilton Wind energy production tax modified.
House HF0525 3 02/15/2017 Text icon Garofalo St. Paul; I-35E speed limit set at 55 miles per hour.
House HF0518 5 02/16/2017 Text icon Zerwas Complex pediatric home care nursing category established for home care nursing services, and payment rate for home care nursing services increased.
House HF0465 4 02/24/2017 Text icon Drazkowski Rail project expenditures and other powers restricted, and project insurance required.
House HF0459 2 01/26/2017 Text icon Lucero Citizens' right to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of electronic communications and data provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0418 3 02/09/2017 Text icon Runbeck Metropolitan Council prohibited from undertaking a light rail project without legislative authority.
House HF0399 25 02/26/2018 100 Text icon Anderson, S. Senate and house of representatives funding provided, transfers required, and money appropriated.
House HF0390 14 05/14/2018 150 Text icon Zerwas Penalties for obstructing trunk highway, airport, or transit traffic increased.
House HF0389 9 03/30/2017 Text icon O'Neill Vehicle forfeiture provisions modified to include more than one owner of a vehicle.
House HF0386 5 02/13/2017 Text icon Kresha K-12 scholarship donation credit provided, and K-12 education credit extended to tuition.
House HF0385 1 01/19/2017 Text icon Lucero Wright County; I-94 lane expansion and replacement of black iron overpasses funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0351 4 02/27/2017 Text icon Hertaus Supplemental payments from gross revenues that are subject to the provider tax exempted.
House HF0349 2 01/23/2017 Text icon McDonald Digital products tax repealed.
House HF0345 9 03/31/2017 Text icon Zerwas Palliative Care Advisory Committee created.
House HF0338 2 01/23/2017 Text icon Green Alternative wetland mitigation options in greater than 80 percent areas established, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF0329 9 03/01/2018 Text icon Rarick Fireworks manufacture, sale, and use regulated.
House HF0322 7 03/27/2017 Text icon Zerwas Governmental units allowed to sue to recover costs related to unlawful assemblies and public nuisances.
House HF0317 1 01/17/2017 Text icon Lucero Electronic communication retention requirements provided.
House HF0309 9 03/08/2017 Text icon Bahr, C. Right to carry a firearm without a permit provided, and penalties provided.
House HF0295 3 02/22/2017 Text icon Nash State auditor appropriation use for litigation expenses regulated, and schedule of charges for calendar year 2017 regulated.
House HF0287 6 02/20/2018 Text icon Hertaus Fair repair requirements for manufacturers of digital electronic products established.
House HF0248 1 01/17/2017 Text icon Green Overvalued property tax credits required.
House HF0247 3 01/23/2017 Text icon Green Public agency limited in amount it may pay to acquire real property or an interest in real property.
House HF0238 11 05/20/2017 Text icon Nash Use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in self-defense outside of home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expanded, presumption in the case of a person entering a dwelling or occupied vehicle by stealth or force created, and right to defend against entry extended.
House HF0231 5 02/23/2017 Text icon Lucero Corridors of Commerce program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0226 21 05/14/2018 Text icon Dettmer Combined net receipts tax calculation modified.
House HF0225 11 03/07/2017 Text icon Zerwas Medical assistance asset and spenddown limits increased for persons who are blind, have disabilities, or are 65 or older.
House HF0217 3 03/15/2017 Text icon Dehn, R. Super Bowl extended alcohol service hours established.
House HF0213 6 03/13/2017 Text icon Lohmer Social Security benefit phased-in subtraction allowed.
House HF0203 1 01/12/2017 Text icon Backer Drainage system repair procedures modified.
House HF0202 3 03/13/2017 Text icon Gruenhagen Public health care programs for dental service providers participation requirements modified.
House SF0151 7 03/29/2017 12 Text icon O'Neill Vehicle forfeiture provisions modified to include more than one owner of a vehicle.
House HF0085 6 03/02/2017 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed.
House HF0082 1 01/09/2017 Text icon McDonald Health plan market rules and health insurance provisions related to MNsure changed, and MNsure and Minnesota Rules governing MNsure repealed.
House HF0010 6 03/07/2017 Text icon Dean, M. MNsure transition to a federally facilitated marketplace required, and money appropriated.