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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

98 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Authors of "Loonan"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House SF1438 7 05/07/2015 26 Text icon Loonan Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
House HF2954 9 05/11/2016 107 Text icon Loon Motor vehicle distribution unfair practices regulated.
House SF2555 7 05/11/2016 111 Text icon Peterson Temporary family health care dwelling zoning regulated, and temporary dwelling permits established.
House HF3211 13 05/22/2016 183 Text icon Hoppe Advance deposit wagering authorized, horse racing revenue provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0223 2 01/26/2015 Text icon Howe Zero based budgeting provided.
House HF0231 3 02/02/2015 Text icon Loon Intoxicating liquor off-sale sales permitted on Sundays.
House HF0232 4 03/05/2015 Text icon Urdahl Nursing facility operating payment rate increase provided.
House HF0244 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Urdahl Teacher efficacy preparation programs approved by state Board of Teaching data collected and reported, and money appropriated.
House HF0247 2 01/22/2015 Text icon Urdahl Teacher licensure interstate reciprocity agreements provided.
House HF0294 8 04/30/2015 Text icon Loonan Health plan contracts and stop loss coverage regulated.
House HF0328 6 03/23/2015 Text icon Loon Crowdfunding transactions provided exemption from securities regulation.
House HF0413 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Runbeck Streetcar lines expenditures and planning prohibited.
House HF0416 3 04/22/2015 Text icon Anzelc Direct reduced iron tax incentive reinstated, and apportionment of occupation taxes modified.
House HF0441 2 02/26/2015 Text icon Swedzinski Rental motor vehicles tax dedicated to the corridors of commerce program.
House HF0443 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Swedzinski Estate tax conformed to federal exclusion amount.
House HF0458 1 01/29/2015 Text icon Loonan Insurer conduct in collision cases regulated.
House HF0493 2 02/05/2015 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed.
House HF0500 5 03/04/2015 Text icon Bennett List of offenses authorizing a denial or revocation of a teaching license by the Board of Teaching or School Administrators Board expanded.
House HF0620 1 02/05/2015 Text icon McNamara Overweight vehicle annual permits established.
House HF0666 5 02/23/2015 Text icon Peterson Executive branch official salaries legislative approval required, and salary increases rescinded.
House HF0710 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Koznick Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue allocation modified.
House HF0713 5 04/14/2015 Text icon Loonan Minnesota High Tech Association's SciTechsperience program grant funding provided; science, technology, engineering, and math internships provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0743 1 02/12/2015 Text icon Albright Scott County; probation caseload and workload reduction grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0748 16 05/20/2016 Text icon Torkelson Omnibus capital investment bill.
House HF0772 3 03/04/2015 Text icon Considine Cuba agricultural marketing efforts and outreach funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0804 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Christensen School districts required to contract with student information system vendors that are able to seamlessly transfer records of students with disabilities.
House HF0807 2 03/11/2015 Text icon Gunther Redevelopment grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0813 3 04/14/2016 Text icon Loonan Cogeneration facilities environmental review requirements modified, and energy facility definitions clarified.
House HF0837 4 03/12/2015 Text icon Davids Domicile definition modified.
House HF0864 4 03/23/2015 Text icon Sanders Insurance fraud administrative penalty established, persons convicted of insurance fraud prohibited from enforcing contracts for no-fault benefits, and crime established for accident victim solicitation.
House HF0943 1 02/16/2015 Text icon Swedzinski Public television equipment grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1001 4 03/19/2015 Text icon Dean, M. Resident definition modified to exclude days spent in Minnesota for medical treatment.
House HF1021 1 02/18/2015 Text icon Christensen Permission to enter privately owned land for outdoor recreation purposes required.
House HF1044 1 02/18/2015 Text icon Anderson, S. Prohibition on municipality issuing more than one off-sale license to any one person or place repealed.
House HF1099 13 05/04/2016 Text icon Loonan Building construction and contract requirements clarified.
House HF1105 1 02/19/2015 Text icon Vogel Urban challenge grants program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1238 1 02/25/2015 Text icon Loonan Off-sale intoxicating liquor sales modified.
House HF1239 2 03/10/2015 Text icon Loon Municipalities authorized to allow off-sale intoxicating liquor sales on Sundays.
House HF1282 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Knoblach State legislator election without political party designation provided.
House HF1290 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Loonan Insurance fraud prevention account funding provided, and annual money transfer from the automobile theft prevention program to the general fund ended.
House HF1330 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Loonan Ten-year transit capital improvement program required instead of a three-year program.
House HF1365 9 05/13/2016 Text icon Fenton State primary election changed from August to June, and primary elections conducted by a political subdivision date changed.
House HF1368 4 03/31/2016 Text icon Kresha Prekindergarten educational program credit for donations provided, districts required to accept scholarships funded by donations, and report required.
House HF1369 4 05/09/2016 Text icon Kresha Equity and opportunity tax credit provided.
House HF1434 11 03/08/2016 Text icon Anderson, M. Firearm suppressor possession and use prohibition repealed, chief law enforcement officers required to complete federal certifications relating to suppressors in a timely manner, and appeal process for denial of certification provided.
House HF1466 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Loonan Microdistilleries authorized to make off-sales and self-distribute, and microdistilleries authorized to obtain temporary licenses for social events.
House HF1493 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Loonan Enforcement of restrictive covenants against involuntarily terminated agents prohibited.
House HF1494 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Howe Groundwater appropriation permit requirements modified.
House HF1514 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Loonan Raffle exemption clarified.
House HF1525 2 03/19/2015 Text icon Loon Transportation Advisory Board of the Metropolitan Council composition modified.
House HF1526 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Albright Suburban connections demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1538 8 05/04/2015 Text icon Loonan Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
House HF1624 1 03/09/2015 Text icon Loonan Occupation licenses provided, purses modified, and appointment of stewards provided.
House HF1625 6 05/08/2015 Text icon Loonan Commerce commissioner's powers modified, diesel fuel advertisement sign requirements clarified, ethanol flex fuel definition modified, and fuel standard references updated.
House HF1645 2 03/26/2015 Text icon Norton Active transportation programs provided to support bicycle, pedestrian, and other nonmotorized transportation activities; and legislative report required.
House SF1698 4 05/08/2015 Text icon Loonan Commerce commissioner's powers modified, diesel fuel advertisement sign requirements clarified, ethanol flex fuel definition modified, and fuel standard references updated.
House HF1793 3 03/25/2015 Text icon Loonan Horse racing definitions modified and provided, Minnesota Racing Commission powers and duties clarified, licensure requirements and other regulatory provisions provided and modified, and industry related revenue provided.
House HF1868 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Dehn, R. Jail credit provided for time spent on pretrial electronic home monitoring.
House HF1870 2 04/07/2015 Text icon Loonan Energy optimization goal established, and cogeneration projects allowed to be included in energy conservation plan programs.
House HF1952 1 03/17/2015 Text icon Koznick Nonprofit Insurance Trust authorized to self-insure for purposes of health benefits insurance.
House HF2017 2 03/23/2015 Text icon McDonald Digital products sales tax repealed.
House HF2074 1 03/23/2015 Text icon Youakim Automatic renewal cancellation notice required.
House SF2090 2 05/20/2016 Text icon Kahn Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF2166 19 04/15/2016 Text icon Kahn Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF2247 2 04/21/2015 Text icon Hortman Original birth record access and other adoption related information access provisions modified, affidavits of disclosure and nondisclosure provisions modified, contact preference form provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2267 1 04/23/2015 Text icon Loonan Remedies of uninsured motorists limited.
House HF2283 1 04/30/2015 Text icon Loonan Shakopee; controlled railroad crossing project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2285 1 04/30/2015 Text icon Loonan Shakopee; interchange construction funding provided, trunk highway bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2286 1 04/30/2015 Text icon Loonan Seat belt use gag rule repealed.
House HF2289 2 05/04/2015 Text icon Rarick Agriculture commissioner required to pursue federal reimbursement for livestock depredation payments.
House HF2298 1 05/04/2015 Text icon Loonan Remedies of uninsured motorists limited.
House HF2299 1 05/04/2015 Text icon Loonan Jordan; U.S. Highway 169 and Trunk Highway 282 interchange construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2330 1 05/13/2015 Text icon Masin Long-term disability policies regulated, and standard of review provisions prohibited.
House HF2332 3 04/01/2016 Text icon Loonan Merged market health plan requirements established, and related changes made.
House HF2374 1 05/18/2015 Text icon Loonan Special registration plates for vehicles operated with no insurance provided, and stop of vehicles bearing special plates authorized.
House HF2378 1 05/18/2015 Text icon Howe Motor vehicle repair or maintenance state tax revenue allocated exclusively to fund roads, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF2385 2 05/11/2016 Text icon Albright Metropolitan Council staggered terms provided, nomination committee membership expanded, additional information required to be made publicly available, council member qualifications clarified, new advisory committee required, and sewer availability charges stakeholder group established.
House HF2467 4 04/01/2016 Text icon Albright Metropolitan Council membership and terms modified, Blue Ribbon Commission on the Metropolitan Council created, appointments provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2497 11 05/12/2016 Text icon Peterson Temporary family health care dwelling zoning regulated, and temporary family health care dwellings added to the definition of a housing with services establishment.
House HF2508 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Barrett Metro Transit fare revenue schedule established.
House HF2706 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Hamilton Intermediate care facilities for persons with development disabilities and home and community based service provider reimbursement rates modified.
House HF2888 4 05/19/2016 Text icon Cornish Sentencing Guidelines Commission recommendations on controlled substance offenses rejected.
House HF2970 6 05/11/2016 Text icon Vogel Debt limit established.
House HF3001 4 04/06/2016 Text icon Loonan Federal penalty disclosure relating to purchase or sale of state bonds required.
House HF3181 2 03/23/2016 Text icon Theis Audiological rehabilitation counseling coverage mandated.
House HF3245 1 03/16/2016 Text icon Loonan Public adjusters regulated, public adjuster definition modified to include persons who negotiate on behalf of an insured or urge or encourage an insured to file a claim for loss or damages.
House HF3246 5 03/31/2016 Text icon Loonan No-fault auto benefits regulated, and deduction of basic economic loss benefits previously provided required.
House HF3247 1 03/16/2016 Text icon Loonan Basic economic loss benefits regulated, and double recovery prevented.
House HF3307 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Garofalo Presidential primary established, parties allowed to decide whether or not to have party caucuses, date of state primary changed from August to June, and technical changes made.
House HF3319 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Fenton Additional personal and dependent exemption amount allowed.
House HF3355 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Kresha Small business assistance services modified, Office of the Legislative Auditor citizen advocate office created, appropriation reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF3425 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Loonan Scott County; U.S. Highway 169 and County State-Aid Highway 14 overpass construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3426 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Loonan Scott County; tax-forfeited land that borders public water public sale authorized.
House HF3456 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Loonan No-fault auto insurance claim data collection authorized, No-Fault Auto Insurance Task Force revived, and report required.
House HF3594 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Drazkowski Income and business taxes eliminated, and sales tax replaced with a fair tax.
House HF3732 2 04/01/2016 Text icon Dehn, R. Energy sector jobs initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3764 1 03/31/2016 Text icon Considine Mankato; Southview Heights area connection to the city sewer system funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3768 1 03/31/2016 Text icon Considine Former corrections and human services employees permitted to receive continued employer insurance contributions following assault on the job and permanent disability.