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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

143 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Authors of "Lohmer"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0199 2 01/20/2015 Text icon Hilstrom First-degree burglary amended to include violation of an order for protection as an underlying offense.
House HF0274 1 01/22/2015 Text icon Zerwas Consecutive sentencing provided for a person charged with or convicted of crime by the United States and who is incarcerated in a county or regional jail and convicted of assaulting an employee of the jail.
House HF0301 1 01/22/2015 Text icon Lohmer Debt collection agency or individual debt collector required to create and maintain records of its contacts with alleged debtors.
House HF0009 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Scott Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government duties added, Metropolitan Council provided to budget on a state fiscal year starting July, and legislative approval of council's budgets required.
House HF0164 10 01/29/2015 Text icon Knoblach Disaster assistance deficiency funding provided, local match funding provided to repair local roads and bridges, water and soil disaster area protection resources funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0310 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Pugh Light rail transit facility construction approval by city, county, and town required.
House HF0455 1 01/29/2015 Text icon Winkler Defamation actions regulated, and correction or clarification requests provided.
House HF0533 1 02/02/2015 Text icon Nash Start Seeing Motorcycles special license plates established, and money appropriated.
House HF0493 2 02/05/2015 Text icon McDonald Estate tax repealed.
House HF0638 1 02/05/2015 Text icon Whelan State math standards statutory review postponed.
House HF0677 1 02/09/2015 Text icon Lucero Gasoline sales below cost regulated.
House HF0706 1 02/09/2015 Text icon Miller Gifts included in the estate modified.
House HF0734 2 02/12/2015 Text icon Newberger Abortion inducing drug administration required to have prescribing physician physically present, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0863 1 02/12/2015 Text icon Franson Autism spectrum disorder insurance coverage modified.
House HF0003 4 02/18/2015 Text icon Schomacker Nursing facility employee scholarship costs modified, long-term care savings plan provided, income tax subtraction for contributions made to the long-term care savings plan provided, credit provided for the additional tax paid on early withdrawals from retirement accounts if used for long-term care expenses, and money appropriated.
House HF1081 1 02/19/2015 Text icon Gruenhagen Tax credit for contributions to school angel funds provided.
House HF1104 1 02/19/2015 Text icon Lohmer Community supervision fund division between county and state formula developed, and report required.
House HF0075 3 02/23/2015 Text icon Runbeck Metropolitan Council guidelines and plans made advisory.
House HF0448 3 02/23/2015 Text icon Nash Local approval of gubernatorial appointees to the Metropolitan Council required.
House HF0710 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Koznick Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue allocation modified.
House HF1129 1 02/23/2015 Text icon Lohmer Complaint or charge data on teachers who resign or are terminated made public, release of personnel data on school employees to other schools required, and definitions of maltreatment of minors provided.
House HF0070 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Anderson, S. Sunday growler sales allowed for small brewers.
House HF0436 4 03/02/2015 Text icon Franson Hands Off Child Care Act adopted.
House HF0628 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Barrett Comprehensive vision examination before kindergarten enrollment required.
House HF1247 3 03/02/2015 Text icon Laine Needs of incarcerated women related to pregnancy and childbirth addressed, and report on use of restraints required.
House HF1351 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Norton Foster care licensing modified for individuals with autism.
House HF1352 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Lohmer Marriage dissolution and legal separation education requirements provided.
House HF1393 1 03/02/2015 Text icon McDonald Resident definition modified.
House HF0102 6 03/04/2015 Text icon Garofalo Public school bullying provisions modified.
House HF0273 6 03/04/2015 Text icon Uglem Youth intervention program provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0500 5 03/04/2015 Text icon Bennett List of offenses authorizing a denial or revocation of a teaching license by the Board of Teaching or School Administrators Board expanded.
House HF0657 2 03/09/2015 Text icon Lohmer Automated drug distribution system usage expanded, over-the-counter medication amount covered by medical assistance if dispensed by an automated drug distribution system modified, and drugs covered under medical assistance changed and allowed retrospective billing.
House HF1005 2 03/09/2015 Text icon Davids Income tax; Wisconsin reciprocity terms modified.
House HF1145 4 03/09/2015 Text icon Dean, M. Chemical dependency prevention program grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1574 1 03/09/2015 Text icon Quam Requirements for residential program staff to make food purchases using resident EBT cards established.
House HF1648 1 03/09/2015 Text icon Whelan Parental review of curriculum clarified.
House HF1708 1 03/10/2015 Text icon Uglem Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board role and composition changed.
House HF1547 2 03/11/2015 Text icon Quam Student Physical Privacy Act established.
House HF0008 10 03/12/2015 4 Text icon Kresha Child protection provisions updated.
House HF0777 9 03/12/2015 Text icon Hamilton Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury research grant program created, spinal cord and traumatic brain injury advisory council established, and money appropriated.
House HF1347 3 03/12/2015 Text icon Fenton Alternative teacher preparation grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1662 2 03/12/2015 Text icon Loeffler Medical assistance income eligibility limit, asset limits, and excess income standards for the blind, disabled, and elderly increased.
House HF1011 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Albright Medical assistance coverage permitted for mental health services provided by physician assistants in outpatient settings.
House HF1856 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Fenton Woodbury; I-94, I-694, and I-494 interchange safety improvement study required.
House HF1887 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Runbeck Local housing incentives program and other funding programs link stricken.
House HF1934 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Lohmer Housing with services establishment licensing exemptions created.
House HF0005 7 03/19/2015 Text icon Mack MNsure; commerce commissioner required to seek federal approval, salary limit imposed, health plan approval rates specified, notification of enrollment information required, individual coverage option provided, product lines prohibited, small business health care tax credit expansion proposal required, MNsure organizational changes made, background checks required, and exemptions removed.
House HF0564 6 03/19/2015 Text icon Hamilton Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and home and community based service providers.
House HF1001 4 03/19/2015 Text icon Dean, M. Resident definition modified to exclude days spent in Minnesota for medical treatment.
House HF1047 5 03/19/2015 Text icon Whelan Born Alive Infants Protection Act concerning abortion created, and civil remedies and protections provided.
House HF1978 2 03/19/2015 Text icon Pugh Health care providers required to report adverse vaccination events and disclose information.
House HF2044 1 03/19/2015 Text icon Lohmer Community corrections aid formula base funding amount modified.
House HF0981 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Peterson Optometrist licensing provisions changed.
House HF1012 3 03/23/2015 Text icon Dean, M. Home and community based setting residency ratio restrictions modified.
House HF1027 16 03/23/2015 Text icon Garofalo Minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities modified.
House HF1529 6 03/23/2015 Text icon Fenton Education Savings Accounts for Students with Special Needs Act created, and money appropriated.
House HF1604 3 03/23/2015 Text icon Zerwas Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
House HF1664 6 03/23/2015 Text icon Dean, M. Health insurance; Minnesota required to transition to a federally facilitated marketplace, and money appropriated.
House HF1949 2 03/23/2015 Text icon Whelan School board required to publicly inform parents of a decision to keep available instructional materials a parent considers harmful to minors.
House HF2017 2 03/23/2015 Text icon McDonald Digital products sales tax repealed.
House HF2080 2 03/25/2015 Text icon Lohmer Licensed midwife regulatory agency changed from Medical Practice Board to the health commissioner.
House HF1443 4 03/26/2015 Text icon Mack Public assistance program treatment of income simplified; and reporting income, changes, overpayment, and underpayment requirements simplified.
House HF1634 3 03/26/2015 Text icon Baker Hospital that specializes in treatment of cerebral palsy and other conditions payment rates for provided services increased.
House HF0795 4 04/07/2015 Text icon Mack Cost-benefit approach implemented to measure success of corrections and human services programs.
House HF1546 8 04/07/2015 Text icon Miller Athletic team participation provided, and Student Physical Privacy Act established.
House HF2143 1 04/07/2015 Text icon Zerwas Ambulance service exemption extended.
House HF2183 1 04/09/2015 Text icon Fenton Woodbury; accessible and inclusive playground funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0191 11 04/13/2015 Text icon Kresha Maltreatment of minors report governing provisions modified.
House HF0300 7 04/13/2015 Text icon Lohmer Social Security benefit subtraction allowed.
House HF1061 9 04/13/2015 Text icon Miller Safe harbor funding provided for sexually exploited youth, and money appropriated.
House HF1232 8 04/13/2015 Text icon Quam Data privacy, predatory offender registration, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions modified; and new criminal penalties created.
House HF0830 7 04/16/2015 Text icon Lucero Federal Gun Control Act; firearm sale and purchase permitted in any state where lawful under the act.
House HF0969 3 04/22/2015 Text icon Hertaus Offenders placed on intensive supervised release from prison required to be placed on electronic monitoring immediately upon release.
House HF2142 3 04/23/2015 Text icon Vogel Mandatory fire sprinkler installation prohibited.
House HF0439 12 05/04/2015 Text icon Lohmer Health care practitioners required to deliver information relating to trisomy 13, 18, and 21; and duties imposed on the health commissioner.
House SF1270 2 05/06/2015 Text icon Quam Data privacy, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions amended; and new criminal penalties created.
House SF0462 7 05/08/2015 28 Text icon Lohmer Health care practitioners required to deliver information relating to trisomy 13, 18, and 21; and duties imposed on the health commissioner.
House HF0906 9 05/11/2015 Text icon Lohmer Public participation in government protections modified.
House SF0383 2 05/13/2015 Text icon Peterson Optometrist licensing provisions changed.
House HF0450 10 05/14/2015 41 Text icon Lohmer Military Spouses and Families Day established.
House SF1025 7 05/14/2015 49 Text icon Lohmer Public participation in government protections modified.
House SF1244 3 05/14/2015 Text icon Hertaus Persons placed on intensive supervised release from prison required to be placed on electronic monitoring immediately upon release.
House HF2338 2 05/16/2015 Text icon Hoppe Health care sharing ministry exemption provided.
House HF2364 2 05/17/2015 Text icon Drazkowski Labor negotiation open meetings required.
House HF2519 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Green Family planning grant reviews provided.
House HF2706 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Hamilton Intermediate care facilities for persons with development disabilities and home and community based service provider reimbursement rates modified.
House HF2747 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Lohmer Empowering Parents Act enacted, and curriculum review procedures and prohibitions established.
House HF2780 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Green Peace officer training to identify and respond to domestic terrorism established.
House HF2817 1 03/10/2016 Text icon Newberger Emission credits resulting from implementation of federal carbon emissions reduction requirements allocated.
House HF1234 8 03/14/2016 Text icon Lohmer Criminal sexual conduct offenses expanded for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles.
House HF2412 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Miller Intentionally stopping a beating heart made a felony.
House HF2985 1 03/14/2016 Text icon Quam Household size methodology for pregnant women under medical assistance clarified.
House HF0606 8 03/16/2016 Text icon Kiel Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF2743 2 03/16/2016 Text icon Bernardy Recall elections for school board members authorized.
House HF3220 1 03/16/2016 Text icon Lohmer Parenting consultant use in family court cases regulated.
House HF3149 2 03/17/2016 Text icon Whelan Parental responsibility in guiding the educational experience of a child defined.
House HF3372 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Lohmer Autism early intensive intervention benefit provisions modified.
House HF3373 2 03/23/2016 Text icon Lohmer Family planning service fund grant distribution requirements modified, entities eligible for family planning grants specified, and health commissioner required to apply for and distribute federal Title X funds for family planning services.
House HF3524 1 03/23/2016 Text icon Hertaus Prescribed controlled substance question included in review hearing of driver's license revocation.
House SF1137 6 03/29/2016 Text icon Lohmer Criminal sexual conduct offenses expanded for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles.
House HF3657 1 03/29/2016 Text icon Smith Inmate release program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1122 10 03/30/2016 Text icon Zerwas Intensive pediatric care category established for home care nursing services, payment rate increased for home care nursing services, and additional revenue required to be spent on patient-specific training.
House HF3260 2 03/30/2016 Text icon Newberger Level III sex offender residency regulation by local governmental units allowed.
House HF3150 4 03/31/2016 Text icon Whelan Abortion data required to be reported by physicians or facilities modified.
House HF3555 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Public health care program or qualified health plan notice and consent requirements established for persons applying for coverage.
House HF3556 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Release of notice of potential claim requirements modified.
House HF3615 3 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Estate recovery provisions modified.
House HF3712 2 04/01/2016 Text icon Dettmer Stillwater; Stillwater Armory sale to the city for less than market value permitted.
House HF3791 1 04/01/2016 Text icon O'Neill Corrections funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0607 6 04/04/2016 Text icon Theis Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF2865 3 04/06/2016 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota appropriations in fiscal year 2017 modified, University of Minnesota fiscal year 2018 funding provided, legislative findings made related to the disposal of fetal tissue use in academic research, and money appropriated.
House HF3130 2 04/06/2016 Text icon Dean, M. Legislative auditor review of University of Minnesota research activities that involve the use of fetal tissue requested, and money appropriated.
House HF0978 5 04/07/2016 Text icon Zerwas Genetic counselors licensed.
House HF3369 4 04/07/2016 Text icon Lohmer Sensory testing service alcohol use allowed.
House HF1089 14 04/11/2016 Text icon Rarick Firework manufacture, sale, and use regulated.
House HF0333 13 04/14/2016 Text icon Newberger Legislative approval of a state plan to comply with federal regulations regarding emissions from existing power plants required.
House HF2104 4 04/14/2016 Text icon Albright Sewer availability charges imposed on eating or drinking establishments that add or expand outdoor seating regulated.
House HF3663 4 04/14/2016 Text icon Dettmer Military personnel stationed outside the state permitted to obtain extensions of their permit to carry a handgun.
House HF3835 2 04/14/2016 Text icon Dean, M. Independent School District No. 834, Stillwater, required to proceed with schoolhouse closings only after conducting a referendum on the closings; and board approved operating referenda authority conditioned on citizen involvement in schoolhouse closings.
House HF2166 19 04/15/2016 Text icon Kahn Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF0644 8 04/18/2016 Text icon Zerwas Massage and bodywork therapy registration and fees established, and exchange of information provided.
House HF2695 10 04/20/2016 Text icon Runbeck Literacy and dyslexia specialists required, and money appropriated.
House HF3374 6 04/20/2016 Text icon Lohmer Family planning service fund grant distribution requirements modified, entities eligible for family planning grants specified, grant recipient reporting and publication required, and health commissioner required to apply for and distribute federal Title X funds for family planning services.
House HF2820 9 04/21/2016 Text icon Fenton Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority laws amended, and Washington County Community Development Agency created.
House HF0137 12 04/25/2016 Text icon Dettmer Military retirees and survivors allowed a subtraction from taxable income.
House HF3034 2 04/25/2016 Text icon Drazkowski Legislative auditor directed to conduct financial audits of spending related to refugee resettlement costs, and money transferred.
House HF3396 2 04/28/2016 Text icon Gruenhagen Human Rights Act provisions governing gender specific accommodations clarified.
House HF3978 2 05/02/2016 Text icon Hancock Minors prohibited from possessing or disseminating indecent images, retroactive applications for relief allowed, and penalties created.
House HR0003 2 05/04/2016 Text icon Lohmer A house resolution recognizing the first Thursday in May as a day of prayer, fasting, and repentance.
House HF1099 13 05/04/2016 Text icon Loonan Building construction and contract requirements clarified.
House SF0107 9 05/05/2016 103 Text icon Zerwas Hospital required to provide a patient the opportunity to designate a caregiver upon entry, and hospital required to provide discharge plan and aftercare instructions to designated caregiver prior to discharge.
House HF0210 16 05/05/2016 Text icon Zerwas Hospital required to provide a patient the opportunity to designate a caregiver upon entry, and hospital required to provide discharge plan and aftercare instructions to designated caregiver prior to discharge.
House HF0798 5 05/05/2016 Text icon Knoblach K-12 education expense subtraction and credit modified; credit extended to tuition; subtraction and credit amounts increased; income phaseout for the credit increased; and credit, subtraction amount, and credit phaseout threshold adjusted for inflation.
House HF2438 12 05/05/2016 Text icon Zerwas Asset medical assistance eligibility limit and the excess income standard for the blind, disabled, and elderly increased.
House HF2927 7 05/09/2016 98 Text icon Nash Service signs at two intersections or interchanges permitted.
House HF3377 11 05/11/2016 Text icon Fabian Workforce and affordable homeownership development program established, reports required, and portion of proceeds of the mortgage registry tax and the deed tax appropriated to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for creation of workforce and affordable ownership housing.
House HF3482 17 05/12/2016 121 Text icon Zerwas Identity theft crimes statute of limitations extended.
House HF1036 17 05/16/2016 125 Text icon Baker Physician assistant, midwife, and nurse provisions modified; and license suspension and contested case hearing provisions modified.
House HF2704 15 05/16/2016 Text icon Scott Vehicle forfeiture provisions modified to include more than one owner of a vehicle.
House HF1495 6 05/17/2016 Text icon Green State Patrol trooper funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2090 2 05/20/2016 Text icon Kahn Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House HF3308 12 05/21/2016 167 Text icon Pugh Family law case alternative dispute resolution information required to be provided by the court.
House HF4027 1 05/22/2016 Text icon Peterson Family and medical leave savings accounts authorized, tax deductions and credits provided, small business development centers grants authorized, and money appropriated.