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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

165 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Authors of "Franson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0001 2 01/12/2015 Text icon Kresha Economic development provisions modified relating to job creation, efficiency goals, rulemaking, business income, the research credit, business growth, workforce housing, tax credits, land trusts, penalty revenue, and grant programs; Minnesota New Markets Jobs Act adopted; and money appropriated.
House HF0003 4 02/18/2015 Text icon Schomacker Nursing facility employee scholarship costs modified, long-term care savings plan provided, income tax subtraction for contributions made to the long-term care savings plan provided, credit provided for the additional tax paid on early withdrawals from retirement accounts if used for long-term care expenses, and money appropriated.
House HF0008 10 03/12/2015 4 Text icon Kresha Child protection provisions updated.
House SF0152 4 03/25/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Agritourism activities liability immunity provided.
House HF0154 3 02/02/2015 Text icon Scott Automated license plate readers related data classified, log of use required, and destruction of data required.
House HF0155 3 02/02/2015 Text icon Scott Automated license plate readers related data classified, log of use required, and destruction of data required.
House HF0211 7 02/19/2015 Text icon Kiel Rural mental health professionals, public health nurses, dental therapists, and advanced dental therapists added to the health professional education loan forgiveness program; and money appropriated.
House HF0216 8 03/25/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Agritourism activities liability immunity provided.
House HF0229 4 02/16/2015 Text icon McDonald Individual subtraction provided for the value of the use of an employer provided fitness facility, and corporate subtraction provided for fitness facility dues for employees.
House HF0232 4 03/05/2015 Text icon Urdahl Nursing facility operating payment rate increase provided.
House HF0271 3 02/09/2015 Text icon Persell Veterinary Medicine Board appointments specified to reflect geography of the state, and temporary suspension of veterinarian licenses process modified.
House HF0316 14 03/23/2015 Text icon Schomacker Nursing facility reimbursement system modified.
House HF0346 7 03/26/2015 Text icon Hoppe Regional poison information center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0362 5 05/04/2016 Text icon Quam Federal government operations; a resolution memorializing Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution to impose fiscal constraints on the federal government, limit power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and members of Congress.
House HF0372 11 04/16/2015 Text icon Nash Firearm notice of possession at the Capitol complex requirement amended.
House HF0376 2 01/29/2015 Text icon Zerwas Rural mental health professionals, public health nurses, dental therapists, and advanced dental therapists added to the health professional education loan forgiveness program; and money appropriated.
House HF0399 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Loon Bullion coin dealer regulation exemption provided.
House HF0404 4 02/25/2015 Text icon Carlson Infant and child car seats exempted from sales tax.
House HF0410 3 02/09/2015 Text icon Davids Tax credit for penalties imposed under the Affordable Care Act allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF0420 3 04/07/2015 Text icon O'Neill Science, technology, engineering, and math employees and long-term care employees tax credit provided.
House HF0422 3 03/09/2015 Text icon Fabian Workforce housing grant program provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0436 4 03/02/2015 Text icon Franson Hands Off Child Care Act adopted.
House HF0444 2 02/02/2015 Text icon Knoblach Bullion and bullion coin sales tax exemption provided.
House HF0483 2 02/05/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Wood burning heater regulation prohibited.
House HF0484 2 03/05/2015 Text icon Urdahl Eligible utility cooperatives authorized to receive state grants to match federal disaster assistance.
House HF0505 2 02/09/2015 Text icon Davids Tax credit allowed for excess advance premium credits required to be repaid under the Affordable Care Act.
House HF0559 11 03/10/2016 Text icon Zerwas Income medical assistance eligibility limit, asset limits, and excess income standard for the blind, disabled, and elderly increased.
House HF0563 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Nornes Otter Tail County; flood projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0564 6 03/19/2015 Text icon Hamilton Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and home and community based service providers.
House HF0577 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Hansen Internet sales of restricted use pesticides restricted.
House HF0578 3 02/18/2015 Text icon Franson Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0579 2 02/18/2015 Text icon Franson Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0591 3 03/09/2015 Text icon Franson Fishing without a license eligibility modified.
House HF0592 2 02/23/2015 Text icon Franson Microdistillery authorized to sell its own products at on-sale.
House HF0604 4 03/26/2015 Text icon Baker Medical assistance rates increased for chemical dependency providers, and report required.
House HF0607 6 04/04/2016 Text icon Theis Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
House HF0627 5 03/23/2015 Text icon Franson Nursing facility employee scholarship costs modified, list of health professionals eligible for the health professional education loan forgiveness program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0651 1 02/05/2015 Text icon Franson Driving while impaired crime, implied consent, and administrative plate impoundment amended to include an impaired person supervising a permit holder.
House HF0652 1 02/05/2015 Text icon Franson Application for Discharge of Judgment filing excluded from filing fee.
House HF0653 1 02/05/2015 Text icon Franson Social skill games modified to include tournaments or contests of whist.
House HF0673 1 02/09/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Stearns County; administrative grant funding provided to group residential housing service provider serving veterans, and money appropriated.
House HF0683 9 04/16/2015 Text icon Franson Industrial hemp industry development provided for and regulated, industrial hemp research authorized, rulemaking required, possession of industrial hemp defense provided, wild hemp definition modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0688 8 03/25/2015 Text icon Albright New market tax credit program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0740 1 02/09/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Support Our Troops account grant provided to Eagle's Healing Nest.
House HF0742 11 03/19/2015 Text icon O'Neill Campus sexual harassment and sexual violence; various provisions modified relating to campus sexual assault policies, good faith reporting, postsecondary institution and law enforcement coordination, online reporting systems, data access, data classifications, security officer and administrator training, and student health services.
House HF0749 7 04/13/2015 Text icon Hamilton Workforce housing grant program created, tax credits created for workforce housing, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0788 4 04/11/2016 Text icon Scott Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
House HF0798 5 05/05/2016 Text icon Knoblach K-12 education expense subtraction and credit modified; credit extended to tuition; subtraction and credit amounts increased; income phaseout for the credit increased; and credit, subtraction amount, and credit phaseout threshold adjusted for inflation.
House HF0830 7 04/16/2015 Text icon Lucero Federal Gun Control Act; firearm sale and purchase permitted in any state where lawful under the act.
House HF0836 2 03/12/2015 Text icon Franson Autism spectrum disorder coverage modified.
House HF0863 1 02/12/2015 Text icon Franson Autism spectrum disorder insurance coverage modified.
House HF0867 3 03/08/2016 Text icon Moran Basic sliding fee child care assistance program forecasted, and child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modified.
House HF0869 8 04/14/2016 Text icon Franson Minnesota Family Investment Program cash assistance payment increased, and money appropriated.
House SF0877 8 05/22/2016 180 Text icon Kiel Utilities crossing railroad right-of-way requirements established, and money appropriated.
House HF0881 2 02/18/2015 Text icon Rosenthal Qualified child care expense tax credit established, and money appropriated.
House HF0889 10 04/09/2015 Text icon Hilstrom Fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct expanded, and crime of adulteration by bodily fluid created.
House HF0906 9 05/11/2015 Text icon Lohmer Public participation in government protections modified.
House HF0907 1 02/16/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Fertilizer research grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0931 1 02/16/2015 Text icon Urdahl Litchfield; phase 2 power generation improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0962 1 02/16/2015 Text icon Franson Microdistillery bottle sales allowed.
House HF0963 19 05/20/2016 Text icon Kiel Railroad crossing rights-of-way by utilities requirements established, and money appropriated.
House HF0974 4 02/25/2015 Text icon McDonald Fetal alcohol syndrome reduction program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1011 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Albright Medical assistance coverage permitted for mental health services provided by physician assistants in outpatient settings.
House HF1013 1 02/18/2015 Text icon Franson Medical assistance payment rates for health services and therapies modified.
House SF1025 7 05/14/2015 49 Text icon Lohmer Public participation in government protections modified.
House HF1031 1 02/18/2015 Text icon Anderson, M. Catch and release angling without license authorized.
House HF1047 5 03/19/2015 Text icon Whelan Born Alive Infants Protection Act concerning abortion created, and civil remedies and protections provided.
House HF1057 4 03/18/2015 Text icon Franson Child care assistance program provider rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1059 4 03/11/2015 Text icon Franson Child care assistance program provider rates modified, dependent care credit expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF1060 9 03/21/2016 Text icon Albright Prescription drug coverage utilization review and prior authorization requirements modified, and prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
House HF1061 9 04/13/2015 Text icon Miller Safe harbor funding provided for sexually exploited youth, and money appropriated.
House HF1062 5 03/25/2015 Text icon Albright Health plan requirements modified to add mental health crisis services to emergency services, recommendations required on funding children's mental health crisis residential services, and money appropriated.
House HF1064 4 03/11/2015 Text icon Loon Dependent care credit expanded.
House HF1081 1 02/19/2015 Text icon Gruenhagen Tax credit for contributions to school angel funds provided.
House HF1115 3 03/04/2015 Text icon Franson Seed law exemptions provided, and definitions modified.
House HF1138 2 03/02/2015 Text icon Clark Seed law exemptions provided, and definitions modified.
House HF1156 1 02/23/2015 Text icon Peterson Clinical lactation service licensing created, and fees established.
House HF1187 9 05/11/2015 Text icon Franson Equity-stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
House HF1188 1 02/25/2015 Text icon Franson Otter Tail County; West Leaf Lake Dam funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1258 4 03/19/2015 Text icon Franson Organ donation grant program established to increase donation among underserved communities, and money appropriated.
House HF1287 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Gruenhagen Pediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1289 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Hackbarth Right of individuals to keep and bear arms protected, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF1293 2 05/07/2015 Text icon Hilstrom Fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct expanded, and crime of adulteration by bodily fluid created.
House HF1322 5 03/23/2016 Text icon McDonald Herbicide purchase exemption created.
House HF1345 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Franson Personal care attendant exclusive representative required to notify members of terms, and exclusive representative required to allow personal care attendants to terminate membership with 30-day notice.
House HF1363 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Franson Cigarette stamp sale modified.
House HF1393 1 03/02/2015 Text icon McDonald Resident definition modified.
House HF1425 6 03/23/2015 Text icon Daniels Pilot program to provide, repair, and maintain motor vehicles for commuting to work created; and money appropriated.
House HF1434 11 03/08/2016 Text icon Anderson, M. Firearm suppressor possession and use prohibition repealed, chief law enforcement officers required to complete federal certifications relating to suppressors in a timely manner, and appeal process for denial of certification provided.
House HF1497 5 03/08/2016 Text icon Urdahl State high school graduation requirements modified, and students required to demonstrate knowledge of civics as a condition of receiving a high school diploma.
House HF1531 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Urdahl Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission recommended grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1587 7 05/14/2015 50 Text icon Franson Equity stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
House HF1630 1 03/09/2015 Text icon Zerwas Mental health and substance abuse services utilization review requirements modified.
House HF1634 3 03/26/2015 Text icon Baker Hospital that specializes in treatment of cerebral palsy and other conditions payment rates for provided services increased.
House HF1706 3 03/11/2015 Text icon Drazkowski Outdoor heritage trust fund account established, trust fund payments to counties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1707 6 04/30/2015 Text icon Drazkowski Environment and natural resources trust fund payment account established, trust fund payments to counties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1776 5 04/16/2015 Text icon Pinto Violent Crime Coordinating Council and multijurisdictional investigations expanded to include combating sex trafficking crimes, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agent funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1815 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Quam Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation commissioner and board prohibited from providing loans or grants to entities engaged in political activities.
House HF1843 2 03/26/2015 Text icon Smith Mobile food shelf grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1881 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Attendance record requirements for family child care providers modified.
House HF1882 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Family child care training requirements modified.
House HF1883 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Family child care and group family child care provider governing provision changes made, data classifications modified, hearing requirements modified, and county agency staff training required.
House HF1914 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Family child care training requirements clarified.
House HF1915 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Family child care provider training requirements modified.
House HF1916 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Attendance records requirements for family child care providers reimbursed by governmental programs modified.
House HF1917 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Franson Legislative auditor duties modified, constant audit of community action agencies required, and community action agencies required to cover the costs of audits.
House HF1936 4 03/23/2015 Text icon Pierson Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor for eligibility verification audit services for public health care programs.
House HF1978 2 03/19/2015 Text icon Pugh Health care providers required to report adverse vaccination events and disclose information.
House HF1993 3 03/08/2016 Text icon Drazkowski Defense of Dwelling and Person Act; use of force in defense of home and person modified, duty to retreat eliminated, and burden of proof placed upon the state relating to justifiable use of force.
House HF2220 1 04/15/2015 Text icon Kiel Crookston; regional charitable food distribution, warehouse, and office facility funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF2272 1 04/25/2015 Text icon Franson Farm wineries tax credit provided.
House HF2284 2 05/01/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Sauk Center; Eagle's Healing Nest funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2322 5 03/31/2016 Text icon Peterson Clinical lactation service licensing created, fees established, and report required.
House HF2329 1 05/13/2015 Text icon Schultz Doula licensure provided.
House HF2355 3 05/18/2015 Text icon Lesch Safe Harbor Act created, and penalties for prostitutes repealed.
House HF2368 1 05/17/2015 Text icon Lucero Automated license plate reader technology independent audit prior to data collection required.
House HF2374 1 05/18/2015 Text icon Loonan Special registration plates for vehicles operated with no insurance provided, and stop of vehicles bearing special plates authorized.
House HF2389 8 05/12/2016 Text icon Franson Eyelash extension services regulated, and continuing education requirements modified.
House HF2628 5 04/18/2016 Text icon Dean, M. Greater Minnesota family medicine residency program established, grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2660 5 03/24/2016 Text icon Baker Addiction medicine graduate medical education fellowship program grant program established, and money appropriated.
House SF2713 7 05/16/2016 126 Text icon Lesch Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation civil cause of action created, crime of stalking amended, qualified domestic violence related offense definition expanded, criminal penalties established, and criminal defamation law clarified.
House HF2741 10 05/05/2016 Text icon Lesch Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation civil cause of action created, coercion crime amended to include threat of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, stalking crime amended to include nonconsensual sexual solicitation, qualified domestic violence related offense and harassment definitions expanded, criminal penalties established for nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation, and criminal defamation law clarified.
House SF2802 7 05/16/2016 127 Text icon Franson Eyelash extension services regulated.
House HF2865 3 04/06/2016 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota appropriations in fiscal year 2017 modified, University of Minnesota fiscal year 2018 funding provided, legislative findings made related to the disposal of fetal tissue use in academic research, and money appropriated.
House HF2927 7 05/09/2016 98 Text icon Nash Service signs at two intersections or interchanges permitted.
House HF2985 1 03/14/2016 Text icon Quam Household size methodology for pregnant women under medical assistance clarified.
House HF3012 3 03/24/2016 Text icon Franson Small distiller bond rates raised.
House HF3038 3 03/21/2016 Text icon Franson Minnesota Athletics Trainers Act modified.
House HF3143 1 03/16/2016 Text icon Franson On-sale license holders providing catering service authorized.
House HF3150 4 03/31/2016 Text icon Whelan Abortion data required to be reported by physicians or facilities modified.
House HF3184 2 04/07/2016 Text icon Franson Industrial hemp pilot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3185 1 03/16/2016 Text icon Franson Industrial hemp pilot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF3208 8 05/21/2016 174 Text icon Franson Child care legislative task force created, and report to legislature and governor required.
House HF3235 4 04/18/2016 Text icon Backer Medical assistance payment rates for ambulance services increased, and money appropriated to the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board.
House HF3244 4 05/21/2016 Text icon Freiberg Continuing education requirements for health professionals modified, and coverage for acupuncture services provided.
House HF3282 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Schomacker County based purchasing plan contract negotiations modified.
House HF3349 4 04/04/2016 Text icon Franson Food shelf program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3374 6 04/20/2016 Text icon Lohmer Family planning service fund grant distribution requirements modified, entities eligible for family planning grants specified, grant recipient reporting and publication required, and health commissioner required to apply for and distribute federal Title X funds for family planning services.
House HF3396 2 04/28/2016 Text icon Gruenhagen Human Rights Act provisions governing gender specific accommodations clarified.
House HF3402 4 03/30/2016 Text icon Franson Retirement, health savings, and medical savings accounts regulated; and asset protection provided.
House HF3431 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Franson Child care provider online information and application system development feasibility study required.
House HF3432 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Franson Child care provider liaison and advocate in the Human Services Department designated.
House HF3433 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Franson Child care program governing provisions modified, legislative task force on child care created, and money appropriated.
House HF3436 9 05/16/2016 Text icon Franson Child care legislative task force created, and report to legislature and governor required.
House HF3460 1 03/21/2016 Text icon Peterson Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities and home and community based service provider reimbursement rates modified.
House HF3469 21 05/22/2016 175 Text icon Anderson, P. Interference with a body or scene of death crime modified and sentence increased.
House HF3555 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Public health care program or qualified health plan notice and consent requirements established for persons applying for coverage.
House HF3556 2 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Release of notice of potential claim requirements modified.
House HF3571 4 04/06/2016 Text icon O'Neill Sexual assault victim medical examination financial responsibility clarified.
House HF3578 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Franson Ottertail city; storm shelter funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3583 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Franson Commencement of actions alleging sexual abuse of a minor time period extended.
House HF3591 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Franson State community storm shelter grant program created.
House HF3597 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Franson Responsible contractor requirement changes made.
House HF3615 3 03/31/2016 Text icon Rarick Estate recovery provisions modified.
House HF3629 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Rarick Portion of revenues dedicated to public safety, and new account in the state treasury provided.
House HF3680 1 03/29/2016 Text icon Franson Handheld portable x-ray system use authorized.
House HF3683 7 05/02/2016 Text icon Anzelc Foreign steel; a resolution urging the President and Congress to take action to halt the illegal dumping of foreign steel into the United States.
House HF3762 1 03/31/2016 Text icon O'Neill Homeowner's insurance coverage regulated, and day care services coverage requirements modified.
House HF3775 1 04/01/2016 Text icon Franson Health care treatment outcomes and costs of providing iron-rich foods to children and pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia research program established.
House HF3796 3 04/14/2016 Text icon Metsa Living organ donor paid leave benefits provided.
House HF3849 1 04/07/2016 Text icon Mack Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act enacted, and civil and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF3901 2 04/20/2016 Text icon Anderson, P. Real estate appraiser finger printing requirement eliminated.
House HF3924 1 04/14/2016 Text icon Franson Microdistillery additional production license created.
House HF4017 2 05/20/2016 Text icon Hansen Veterans' plate design for multinational peacekeeper military service established.
House HF4022 1 05/21/2016 Text icon Franson Firearm safety certificate for persons 11 years old that are valid for hunting permitted.