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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

87 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Authors of "Franson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HR0001 1 02/06/2013 Text icon Zellers Holidays and observances; a house resolution recognizing February 6, 2013, as "Ronald Reagan Day" in Minnesota.
House HF0301 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Franson Local education and employment transition systems objectives clarified.
House HF0302 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Franson Variable tuition rates required to encourage student participation in programs that produce graduates with technical and vocational skills.
House HF0303 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Franson Alexandria Technical and Community College equipment maintenance and acquisition funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0305 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Franson Military pension income tax subtraction allowed.
House HF0370 1 02/06/2013 Text icon Franson Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; prioritization of in-demand programs required.
House HF0517 1 02/13/2013 Text icon Swedzinski Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; leveraged equipment acquisition funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0736 1 02/20/2013 Text icon Franson Industrial hemp industry development and regulation provided, rulemaking authorized, possession and cultivation of industrial hemp defense provided, and marijuana definition modified.
House HF0939 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Franson Equity-stripping law protection extended to include owners of agricultural property.
House HF0940 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Franson Microdistelleries allowed to offer samples.
House HF0941 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Franson Microdistilleries allowed to make limited off-sales.
House HF0942 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Franson Microdistilleries allowed to sell their own products at on-sale.
House HF0987 1 02/28/2013 Text icon Franson TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline; a resolution urging the President and the United States Department of State to approve the Presidential Permit application allowing the construction and operation of the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline between the United States and Canada.
House HF1077 1 03/04/2013 Text icon Franson Education Internet Privacy Protection Act established.
House HF1078 1 03/04/2013 Text icon Franson Uncompensated medical care credit allowed.
House HF1218 1 03/04/2013 Text icon Lesch Juvenile predatory offender registration, juvenile records access, and provisions governing hearings in juvenile court proceedings modified.
House HF1467 1 03/11/2013 Text icon Scott Factor provided for determining the amount of attorney fees awarded in certain actions.
House HF1620 1 03/18/2013 Text icon Kahn Law enforcement agency prohibited from using drones to gather evidence or other information, drone use by persons prohibited, and federal agency drone use within the boundaries of Minnesota prohibited.
House HF1726 1 04/08/2013 Text icon Johnson, C. Athletic Trainers Practice Act provisions modified.
House HF2620 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Bly University of Minnesota, Morris; educating tomorrow's sustainable food producers pilot program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2685 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Franson Minnesota Personal Protection Act amended to recognize the North Dakota permit to carry a pistol as being valid within Minnesota.
House HF2686 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Franson Cigarette and tobacco product excise tax changes repealed in the 2013 regular session.
House HF2859 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Schomacker Individual income tax credit provided for the additional tax paid on early withdrawals from retirement accounts if used for long-term care expenses, and money appropriated.
House HF2860 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Schomacker Long-term care savings plan provided, and income tax subtraction provided for contributions.
House HF3029 1 03/13/2014 Text icon Franson Affordable Care Act insurance premium increase income tax credit allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF3068 1 03/13/2014 Text icon Franson Social skill games modified to include tournaments or contests of whist.
House HF3069 1 03/13/2014 Text icon Franson Driving while impaired, implied consent, and administrative plate impoundment crimes amended to include an impaired person supervising a permit holder.
House HF3174 1 03/19/2014 Text icon Pugh Parental rights established.
House HF3270 1 03/24/2014 Text icon Erickson, S. School liability provisions modified and civil cause of action created.
House HF3288 1 03/26/2014 Text icon Fritz Community emergency medical technician (EMT) certification created; human services commissioner required to submit proposed services and payment rates for coverage of community EMT services under medical assistance to the legislature and evaluate community paramedic services.
House HF3289 1 03/26/2014 Text icon Franson Bluffton; city aid penalty forgiven, and money appropriated.
House HF3294 1 03/26/2014 Text icon Loeffler Assistive technology grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3335 1 04/03/2014 Text icon Sawatzky Nursing facility peer groups modified, and operating payment rate increase provided for nursing facilities in group three.
House HF3338 1 04/03/2014 Text icon Albright Sales and use tax exemption provided for used goods and used motor vehicles.
House HF0672 2 03/04/2013 Text icon Liebling Acute stroke center and system established.
House HF0711 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Ward, J.E. Explore Minnesota Tourism funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0755 2 02/21/2013 Text icon Barrett School districts with below average revenue new source of state aid created.
House HF0768 2 02/25/2013 Text icon Laine Medical assistance required to cover doula services.
House HF0891 2 02/28/2013 Text icon Fabian Maintenance plumbers licensed, and fees modified.
House HF1076 2 03/20/2013 Text icon Franson Law enforcement agency prohibited from using drones to gather evidence or other information, use of drones prohibited by persons, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF1391 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Isaacson Collaborative job-based education and apprenticeship program created, report required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1612 2 03/20/2013 Text icon Benson, M. Voters required to provide picture identification before receiving a ballot, voter identification cards provided at no charge, canvassing deadlines changed, notices required, provisional balloting procedure established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1687 2 04/23/2013 Text icon Kelly Civil union relationships provided.
House HF1744 2 04/11/2013 Text icon Hamilton Banking; a resolution memorializing Congress to enact legislation to reinstate the separation of commercial and investment banking functions in effect under the Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933).
House HF1788 2 04/20/2013 Text icon Barrett Stadium naming rights, seat licenses, and NFL loan revenue required to be used for the state's share of stadium costs.
House HF2608 2 03/26/2014 Text icon Franson Family child care providers collective bargaining authorization repealed.
House HF2630 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Wills School nutrition policy provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2641 2 05/12/2014 Text icon Franson Alexandria; Jefferson High School site acquisition and redevelopment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2749 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Liebling Adult mental health case management services county share eliminated.
House HF2826 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling County roles and options defined in the purchasing of health care for people enrolled in Minnesota health care programs.
House HF3254 2 03/27/2014 Text icon Lien Border city allocations modified, study and report mandated on North Dakota oil production and economic impacts in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF3327 2 04/02/2014 Text icon Atkins Kensington Runestone Park designated as a historic site.
House HF3379 2 05/12/2014 Text icon Nornes State disposal permit requirements modified for some campgrounds.
House HF3384 2 05/16/2014 Text icon Franson Residents age 75 and older allowed to fish without a license.
House HF0304 3 02/14/2013 Text icon Franson Capital equipment sales and use tax exemption allowed at time of purchase.
House HF0306 3 04/17/2013 Text icon Beard Renewable energy standards for 2025 abolished, and clarifying changes made.
House HF0667 3 03/11/2013 Text icon Nornes Northern Connections workforce program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0712 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Atkins Rental motor vehicle tax revenue deposit modified, Explore Minnesota Tourism funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0846 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Franson Collective bargaining clarified.
House HF1324 3 03/21/2013 Text icon Hilstrom Firearm and ammunition lawful possession, purchase, and transfer regulated; crime of violence definition amended; mandatory minimum sentence established; new criminal offense created; firearm right restoration procedure provided; and mental health commitment information report, civil commitment, law enforcement, and court data timely transmittal required.
House HF1376 3 03/19/2014 Text icon Urdahl Meeker County; nursing facility operating payment rates modified.
House HF1723 3 04/16/2013 Text icon Franson Minnesota Vikings football stadium construction and bond sales halted until revenue certification.
House HF1756 3 04/29/2013 Text icon Holberg Safe at Home address confidentiality program data handling regulated.
House HF1771 3 04/17/2013 Text icon Quam Student Religious Liberties Act established.
House HF2800 3 03/17/2014 Text icon Dean, M. Legislative office building construction authority repealed, and remaining money from the project appropriated to the Capitol Building renovation project.
House HF2977 3 03/26/2014 Text icon Franson Home care provider licensing and compliance monitoring changes made.
House HF0107 4 03/11/2013 Text icon Moran Child care assistance absent days modified.
House HF0277 4 03/11/2013 Text icon Atkins Driving; aggressive, inattentive, reckless, or careless driving resulting in death or great bodily harm crime established; and penalties provided.
House HF0292 4 03/06/2014 Text icon Ward, J.E. New jobs training program established, credit against withholding tax liability provided, accounts established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0293 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Franson Employers prohibited from requiring social network passwords as a condition of employment.
House HF0331 4 02/25/2013 Text icon Norton Greater Minnesota internship program established, tax credit allowed, reports required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2059 4 03/12/2014 Text icon McNamar Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modification funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2689 4 03/17/2014 Text icon Simonson Local government aid appropriation increased.
House HF3094 4 03/24/2014 Text icon Franson United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations nullified.
House HF0604 5 03/13/2013 Text icon Myhra Personnel data disclosure provisions modified.
House HF0851 5 04/02/2013 Text icon Wills Veterans job tax credit provided.
House HF0957 5 02/25/2014 Text icon Dettmer School construction near former landfills prohibited, and notice required for schools located near former landfills.
House HF1328 5 03/18/2013 Text icon Laine Child care assistance accreditation bonus modified.
House HF0813 6 03/14/2013 Text icon Nornes Water-related service provider training exemption provided.
House HF0886 6 04/04/2013 Text icon Fritz Nursing facility and elderly waiver rate increases provided.
House HF0419 7 05/14/2014 Text icon Drazkowski Firearms; providing that any new federal law designed to ban or limit any personal firearm, magazine, accessory, or ammunition, or to require the registration of any firearm or firearm owner shall be unenforceable.
House HF0777 9 02/25/2014 Text icon Newton Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0605 11 04/03/2014 Text icon Winkler Toxic Free Kids Act; children protected from harmful chemical exposure in products, disclosure required, priority chemical identification criteria amended, Pollution Control Agency authorized to prohibit sales of children's products that contain harmful chemicals, waiver process provided, fees established, and criminal penalty provided.
House HF2408 11 04/02/2014 Text icon Newton Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0485 17 04/08/2013 Text icon Allen Child sex trafficking prevention director established, sexually exploited youth provisions modified, grant programs established and amended relating to combating sexual exploitation of youth, related services and housing provided to victims, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0458 18 05/08/2013 58 Text icon Persell Formaldehyde banned in children's products.
House HF0459 25 05/13/2013 71 Text icon Atkins Bisphenol-A in children's food containers sale prohibited.