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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

229 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Authors of "Slocum"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0013 3 01/17/2013 Text icon Norton Minnesota Constitution; amendment method changed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0035 3 01/17/2013 Text icon Mullery Underwater mortgage loans regulated, refinance opportunity provided, and transparency required in loan modification criteria.
House HF0047 3 01/17/2013 Text icon Mullery Consumer credit score or history use prohibited by insurers in underwriting automobile insurance policies.
House HF0051 3 01/17/2013 Text icon Mullery Lender sale regulated of a foreclosed property to a person who has an unremedied local housing code violation.
House HF0124 1 01/17/2013 Text icon Mahoney Minnesota Trade Office modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0125 1 01/17/2013 Text icon Radinovich Minnesota investment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0127 2 01/22/2013 Text icon Halverson School district current year aid payment shift percentage restored to 90.
House HF0008 4 01/24/2013 Text icon Mullery Supporting Responsible Homeowners and Stabilizing Neighborhoods Act enacted, and homeowner opportunities provided in regard to underwater mortgage loans and foreclosure relief on residential homestead property.
House HF0022 3 01/24/2013 Text icon Mullery Foreclosure forbearance provided for unemployed long-term homeowners.
House HF0093 3 01/24/2013 Text icon Simon Minnesota Constitution; amendment method changed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0165 2 01/28/2013 Text icon Slocum Students in approved recovery programs additional funding sources created.
House HF0166 2 01/28/2013 Text icon Slocum Resident pupils temporarily placed in a care and treatment center allowed to continue participation in district extracurricular activities.
House HF0182 2 01/31/2013 Text icon Davnie Beer educator license established.
House HF0186 2 01/31/2013 Text icon Davnie Beer consumption permitted by amending wine tasting statute.
House HF0249 1 01/31/2013 Text icon Slocum Richfield; 77th Street underpass funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0354 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Selcer Teacher licensure renewal requirements related to recognizing mental illness in children and adolescents clarified.
House HF0208 2 02/05/2013 Text icon Lenczewski Bloomington; expanded tax increment financing powers provided to existing districts, special sales tax proceed imposition and use modified, funding provided to renovate and restore or replace the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0095 8 02/06/2013 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans between Minnesota and employee associations ratified.
House HF0234 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Newton School district expiring referendum renewal by school board action authorized.
House HF0238 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Davnie Firearms; offenders who unlawfully possess firearms on school properties equal penalties established.
House HF0239 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Davnie Firearms; persons who possess guns on private property after being ordered to leave the premises equal penalties established.
House HF0240 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Schoen Firearm permit mental health screening improved.
House HF0241 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Hausman Firearms; assault weapon manufacture, transfer, or possession crime established; existing assault weapon disposal or registration provided; terms defined; data classified; language clarified; and penalties provided.
House HF0242 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Hausman Firearms; large-capacity magazine crime established for the manufacture, transfer, or possession of ammunition feeding devices with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds or any conversion kit, part, or combination of parts; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0244 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Johnson, S. Firearm loss or theft false report crime established, crime of transferring firearms to an ineligible person expanded, and a person convicted of these crimes made ineligible to possess a firearm.
House HF0255 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Atkins Commerce commissioner directed to assess federal progress in developing a permanent repository for high-level radioactive waste, reports required, and actions to be taken specified by commissioner and Public Utilities Commission.
House HF0258 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Murphy, M. Northern Lights Express passenger rail line funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0281 3 02/06/2013 Text icon Slocum Charitable organization salary public disclosures regulated.
House HF0299 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Clark Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) Line tenant services programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0315 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Benson, J. Food shelves and food stamp outreach funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0345 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Nelson Minnesota State Retirement System; retirement coverage provided for employees of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees.
House HF0355 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Bly Mental health curriculum required for students in grades 6 through 12.
House HF0309 3 02/07/2013 Text icon Atkins Education health and safety revenue expanded to include facility modifications necessary to make school facilities more secure for students and staff.
House HF0427 1 02/07/2013 Text icon Laine Patient charge for copying records decreased.
House HF0433 1 02/07/2013 Text icon Allen Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) transitional standard cash portion increased.
House SF0058 9 02/14/2013 2 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans between Minnesota and employee associations ratified.
House HF0364 2 02/14/2013 Text icon Bly Extended time and area learning center programs funding increased.
House HF0205 4 02/18/2013 Text icon Loeffler Hennepin and Ramsey Counties; authority to impose a mortgage and deed tax expiration amended.
House HF0357 4 02/18/2013 Text icon Mullery Children's mental health; psychosis early identification, intensive treatment, and support funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0645 2 02/20/2013 Text icon Anzelc Legislative employees authorized to organize and to select representatives to negotiate collective bargaining agreements.
House HF0225 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Erickson, R. Independent School District No. 38, Red Lake; facilities construction and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0808 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Bernardy Adult basic education aid annual program growth factor increased.
House HF0296 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Liebling Drug formulary exception provided, case management services extended for young adults with severe emotional disturbances, funding provided, and money appropriated for various mental health services and training.
House HF0673 5 03/04/2013 Text icon Simon Youth intervention program fund use modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0151 6 03/06/2013 Text icon Hansen Pesticide education and training program modified.
House HF0320 4 03/06/2013 Text icon McNamar School energy conservation revolving loan program established, school districts permitted to repay energy conservation loans from levies made without voter approval, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0416 3 03/07/2013 Text icon Radinovich General education basic formula allowance annual minimum increase created.
House HF0090 15 03/11/2013 5 Text icon Hilstrom Vulnerable adult financial exploitation offenses allowed to be aggregated over a six month period, and venue options expanded.
House HF0105 4 03/11/2013 Text icon Ward, J.A. Voluntary, full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
House HF1294 2 03/11/2013 Text icon Clark Youthbuild funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1457 1 03/11/2013 Text icon Metsa Academic standard requirements modified.
House HF0640 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Slocum Charter school financing modified.
House HF1322 3 03/14/2013 Text icon Loeffler Triclosan or similar antibacterial compound sale prohibited.
House HF1583 1 03/14/2013 Text icon Slocum Fort Snelling Upper Post redevelopment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1337 4 03/18/2013 Text icon Brynaert Statewide assessments aligned with state academic standards, career and college readiness benchmarks series provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0142 4 03/20/2013 Text icon Kieffer Criminal sexual conduct offender penalties enhanced.
House HF0361 3 03/20/2013 Text icon Slocum Education provided in care and treatment settings, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0005 41 03/21/2013 9 Text icon Atkins Minnesota Insurance Marketplace established, powers and duties prescribed, person's physician of choice right recognized, right to not participate established, open meeting requirements and data practice procedures specified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0773 5 03/21/2013 Text icon Morgan Solar value rate that utilities may pay to owners of solar photovoltaic systems established, solar energy standard established, solar photovoltaic systems made eligible to receive a renewable energy production incentive payment, account established, studies required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0363 3 04/02/2013 Text icon Benson, J. Student services personnel team staffing grant established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0600 2 04/02/2013 Text icon Mahoney Employment discrimination based on credit history prohibited.
House HF0602 5 04/02/2013 Text icon Atkins Additional unemployment benefit eligibility modified in cases of lockout, and penalties provided for organizations involved in lockouts.
House HF0147 3 04/08/2013 Text icon Slocum Teacher and school administrator cultural competency training required for renewal of professional license.
House HF0214 6 04/08/2013 Text icon Huntley MinnesotaCare established as the state's basic health program.
House HF0310 8 04/08/2013 Text icon Moran Cultural and Ethnic Leadership Communities Council for the Department of Human Services created.
House HF1609 2 04/08/2013 Text icon Loeffler Equitable transit fares provided, and bus and bus shelter policy requirements established.
House HF1010 3 04/10/2013 Text icon Simonson Repeat sex offender 36-month presumptive executed sentence provided.
House HF1774 1 04/15/2013 Text icon Bernardy School aid shifts repaid, school district current year aid payment percentage restored to 90, and property tax recognition shift eliminated.
House HF0126 4 04/16/2013 Text icon Faust Property tax refund modified, threshold percentage decreased for the homestead credit refund for homeowners, and percentage of rent constituting property taxes increased.
House HF0334 7 04/17/2013 Text icon Bernardy Early voting and funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0143 15 04/20/2013 22 Text icon Persell Minnesotan American Indian veteran plaque authorized for placement in the court of honor on the Minnesota State Capitol grounds.
House HF1336 3 04/20/2013 Text icon Hansen Fracturing sand extraction and processing tax imposed, aggregate production tax rates modified, funding provided, money appropriated, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF1808 1 04/25/2013 Text icon Slocum Richfield; on-sale wine and malt liquor licenses issuance authorized for the Richfield Ice Arena.
House HF0128 11 05/02/2013 Text icon Slocum Solid waste collection organization implementation process for cities amended.
House SF0510 7 05/02/2013 45 Text icon Slocum Solid waste collection organization implementation process for cities amended.
House HF0902 6 05/03/2013 Text icon Slocum Cosmetology continuing education requirements established.
House HF1400 8 05/03/2013 47 Text icon Paymar Domestic abuse provisions modified.
House HF0194 12 05/06/2013 50 Text icon Atkins Fraud prevented, money transmissions regulated, no transmit list established, and notifications and verifications required.
House HF0131 17 05/08/2013 60 Text icon Slocum Estate sale conductors required to post a bond to protect owners of property to be sold.
House HF1815 2 05/13/2013 Text icon Clark Transit shelters and stops design, accessibility, and maintenance regulated; and special transportation service buses access required.
House HF1817 2 05/13/2013 Text icon Allen Health care practitioner complementary and alternative health care practice use authorized.
House HF1820 2 05/13/2013 Text icon Kahn Nuclear energy recoverable costs specified, equipment installation required, and certificate of need for waste issuance storage for facilities operating for more than 60 years prohibited.
House HF1827 2 05/13/2013 Text icon Norton Diabetes prevention, treatment, and cure funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0644 13 05/15/2013 Text icon Atkins Building and construction contracts regulated, and third party insurance agreements prohibited.
House HF0353 11 05/17/2013 Text icon Davnie Children's school-based mental health grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0561 7 05/17/2013 88 Text icon Atkins Building and construction contracts regulated, and third party insurance agreements prohibited.
House HF0193 3 05/20/2013 Text icon Simon Absentee ballot voting eligibility and application or obtainment procedures modified, and county auditors required to explain ballot changes to voters with ongoing or permanent absentee ballot status.
House SF0271 2 05/20/2013 Text icon Clark Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.
House HF1823 22 05/20/2013 124 Text icon Metsa Council authorized to establish salaries for legislators, Compensation Council composition changed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1108 2 02/25/2014 Text icon Bly Charter school additional accountability measures established for at-risk student populations.
House HF1930 1 02/25/2014 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Orchestra community ownership process provided.
House HF2010 1 02/25/2014 Text icon Slocum Charter school approval provisions modified.
House HF2234 1 02/25/2014 Text icon Slocum Estate sale conductor license required.
House HF1900 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Johnson, S. Telecommunication and pay television machinery and equipment exemption reinstated.
House HF1921 3 02/27/2014 Text icon Newton Captioning required on all televisions and audiovisual display equipment used to communicate with the public.
House HF1922 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Newton School breakfast program state aid increased.
House HF1945 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Bly Nontraditional student instructional program choices ensured, students' personal learning plans modified, and report required.
House HF1987 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Moran Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and general assistance random drug testing requirements modified.
House HF2009 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Slocum Wireless communications devices handheld use prohibited while a vehicle is in motion or part of traffic, and fines and criminal penalties established.
House HF2038 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Carlson Bottineau light rail transit (LRT) project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2077 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Slocum Richfield; 77th Street underpass funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2101 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Hansen Plastic microbeads in surface water study money appropriated.
House HF0952 3 03/03/2014 Text icon Sundin Building and construction contracts regulated, and retainage required to be held in escrow or trust accounts until released.
House HF2204 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Winkler Adult basic education aid increased for program providers.
House HF2221 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Fischer Animal protection required in the cargo portion of motor vehicles.
House HF2223 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Mullery Latino student graduation rate and higher education enrollment grants created for a pilot program, and money appropriated.
House HF2283 2 03/03/2014 Text icon Selcer Teachers; advisory task force on better aligning Minnesota's alternative teacher professional pay system and teacher evaluation program established.
House HF1081 14 03/04/2014 Text icon Allen Vehicle forfeiture; burden of proof shifted to the prosecutor in an innocent owner case involving off-highway vehicles, DWI, designated offenses, controlled substance offenses, fleeing offenses, and prostitution offenses; homestead exemption codified and expanded; and innocent owners allowed to reclaim vehicle if equipped with ignition interlock device.
House HF2012 3 03/04/2014 Text icon Dettmer High school students with disabilities allowed to transfer between schools without affecting their eligibility for varsity competition.
House HF2706 1 03/04/2014 Text icon Slocum Charter school provisions modified.
House HF0084 13 03/06/2014 Text icon Lesch Dog and cat breeder licensing and inspection provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0850 9 03/06/2014 Text icon Clark Genetically engineered food and seed disclosure required, and consumer protection provided.
House HF1850 3 03/06/2014 Text icon Fritz Chiropractors; scope of practice modified.
House HF2716 2 03/06/2014 Text icon Anzelc Northeast Higher Education District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2717 2 03/06/2014 Text icon Anzelc Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) at Northeast Higher Education District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2770 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Johnson, S. Probation single funding implemented.
House HF2776 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Brynaert Minnesota's career pathways and technical education system key elements further clarified, and Minnesota P-20 Education Partnership support enlisted.
House HF2848 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Moran Twin Cities Rise! funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0092 36 03/10/2014 Text icon Winkler Minimum wage regulated, and overtime and parental leave provisions modified.
House HF1986 8 03/10/2014 Text icon Winkler Gift ban law for legislators and legislative employees food and beverage exception eliminated.
House HF2326 3 03/10/2014 Text icon Slocum Recovery program additional funding sources created for students, and money appropriated.
House HF2378 3 03/10/2014 Text icon Davnie Early education programs and developmental screening aid funding increased, English language learner services extended, adult basic education funding increased, charter school authorized to access lease aid for facilities leased from a school district, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2754 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Fischer Emancipation of minors provided.
House HF2772 3 03/10/2014 Text icon Loeffler Cleaning products containing triclosan sale prohibited.
House HF2811 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Peppin Nonprofit corporation salary disclosure required for employees receiving appropriations or grants from the state.
House HF2879 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Clark Residential tenant's right to notice established, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2923 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Slocum Chicano/Latino Affairs Council nonvoting members specified.
House HF2934 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Slocum Intoxicating liquor off-sale licenses limited to Minnesota residents, and current license holders grandfathered.
House HF2758 3 03/11/2014 Text icon Wagenius Agricultural property tax credit provided for property used for organic farming.
House HF1917 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Newton Safe Schools levy authority increased.
House HF2353 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Lenczewski Minnesota Valley State Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2379 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Liebling Recovery school programs grant money appropriated.
House HF2382 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Abeler First generation Somali women in Minnesota health disparities elimination funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2514 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Davnie Postsecondary enrollment options program modified, transportation funding source for pupils attending an area learning center created, and money appropriated.
House HF2551 4 03/12/2014 Text icon Anzelc Mammogram result notice provision required.
House HF2584 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Clark Farmers' market definition provided, and food product sampling and demonstration permitted in some circumstances.
House HF2808 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Sundin Transportation commissioner required to utilize pavement material with a design life of at least 20 years.
House HF2913 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Mariani Minnesota Humanities Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3005 1 03/12/2014 Text icon Slocum Healthy Eating, Here at Home program established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1941 7 03/13/2014 Text icon Dehn, R. Mortgage foreclosure mediation established, and money appropriated.
House HF1955 3 03/13/2014 Text icon Erhardt Individual income tax subtraction for contributions to a Minnesota college savings plan provided.
House HF2248 7 03/13/2014 Text icon Allen Safe harbor director duties expanded, and money appropriated for service grants and safe housing.
House HF2263 4 03/13/2014 Text icon Halverson Sexual assault victim notice of rights required to be given by hospitals.
House HF2960 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Murphy, M. Intercity passenger rail projects money appropriated.
House HF2001 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Norton Family child care training and background study requirements modified, and safe sleep spaces for infants in child care requirements clarified.
House HF2558 3 03/17/2014 Text icon Mullery Early learning scholarship program funding increased, neighborhood achievement zone services extended, basic sliding fee child care assistance program fully funded, provider reimbursement rates modified, home visiting program expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF3124 1 03/17/2014 Text icon Bly Learning area center assignment provision removed.
House HF3168 1 03/17/2014 Text icon Mariani Healthy relationship and sexual development programs provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2243 6 03/19/2014 Text icon Selcer Women entrepreneurs business development competitive grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF2259 6 03/19/2014 Text icon Yarusso Nursing mothers; unfair employment practices clarified.
House HF2291 6 03/19/2014 Text icon Morgan Women's economic self-sufficiency promoted; gender segregation in the workforce reduced; gender pay gap reduced through the participation of women in high-wage, high-demand, and nontraditional occupations; women and nontraditional jobs grant program established; and money appropriated.
House HF2366 5 03/19/2014 Text icon Rosenthal Unemployment benefits eligibility modified when applicant is a victim of sexual assault or stalking.
House HF2575 5 03/19/2014 Text icon Slocum Practice or student teacher placement limited.
House HF2679 3 03/19/2014 Text icon Mariani Extended time review linked to the basic formula allowance, English language learners services extended, and safe schools levy increased.
House HF2775 2 03/19/2014 Text icon Brynaert Teacher evaluation programs aligned.
House HF3055 2 03/19/2014 Text icon Atkins Triclosan sale prohibited.
House HF3208 1 03/19/2014 Text icon Slocum Hennepin County; surplus state land conveyance authorized.
House HF1606 4 03/20/2014 Text icon Myhra Focused home visiting grants established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2224 4 03/20/2014 Text icon Mullery High-risk children and youth projects established to provide early intervention collaborative services, and money appropriated.
House HF2264 3 03/20/2014 Text icon Halverson Early childhood family education programs revenue increased.
House HF2461 7 03/20/2014 Text icon Lesch Employee earned sick and safe time provided.
House HF2469 3 03/20/2014 Text icon Savick Military members or their spouses or inactive military veteran professional licensing boards required to expedite issuance of license or certification, and report required.
House HF2734 2 03/20/2014 Text icon Lenczewski The Works Museum grant authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2910 6 03/20/2014 Text icon Simonson Animal cruelty law enforcement task force established to comprehensively review the enforcement of animal anticruelty laws and practices and to make recommendations for improvement, and money appropriated.
House HF3081 4 03/20/2014 Text icon Clark Asian-Pacific women and their children seeking independence from exploitative, abusive, and dangerous circumstances; culturally and linguistically accessible resource task force created, and report required.
House HF3242 1 03/20/2014 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Orchestra community governance process provided.
House HF2643 2 03/21/2014 Text icon Wagenius Fort Snelling Upper Post Administration Building renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2885 7 03/21/2014 Text icon Fritz Nursing facility rate adjustment provided.
House HF1860 4 03/24/2014 Text icon Rosenthal Tax credits provided to encourage charitable contributions, Endow Minnesota program established, rulemaking authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2130 3 03/24/2014 Text icon Moran Student-to-school counselor ratio required to be at national average, task force on racial diversity of teachers and guidance counselors created, and report required.
House HF2294 3 03/24/2014 Text icon Mullery Juvenile incarceration, release, and risk assessment tools effectiveness study authorized.
House HF2878 5 03/24/2014 Text icon Clark Cancer surveillance system modified.
House HF1880 8 03/26/2014 Text icon Winkler Early learning scholarships availability expanded.
House HF2361 5 03/26/2014 Text icon Moran Health disparities in minority populations addressed, health priorities of minority populations identified, health disparities task force created, and money appropriated.
House HF2407 6 03/26/2014 Text icon Simonson Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2932 4 03/26/2014 Text icon Liebling Health and human services committees and task forces established and modified, and prescription monitoring program changed.
House HF3062 5 03/26/2014 Text icon Mariani Native and English language development and academic needs of English learners from young children to adults recognized.
House HF3281 2 03/26/2014 Text icon Murphy, E. Health care delivery access improved by advanced practice registered nurses, and penalties provided.
House HF3288 1 03/26/2014 Text icon Fritz Community emergency medical technician (EMT) certification created; human services commissioner required to submit proposed services and payment rates for coverage of community EMT services under medical assistance to the legislature and evaluate community paramedic services.
House HF2142 6 03/27/2014 Text icon Yarusso Domestic violence victim provided with notice of release of offender.
House HF2419 9 03/27/2014 Text icon Fritz State-administered retirement savings plan report to the legislature required by the commissioner of management and budget, and money appropriated.
House HF3158 5 03/27/2014 Text icon Wagenius Omnibus supplemental environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance bill.
House HF3273 3 03/27/2014 Text icon Paymar Omnibus public safety bill.
House HF3298 2 03/27/2014 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Historical Society funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3196 2 03/28/2014 Text icon Fischer Wolf trapping prohibited, penalty for violations related to wolves increased, wolf baiting prohibited, and the taking of wild animals with snares prohibited.
House HF1295 6 03/31/2014 Text icon Fritz Nursing facility level of care modified to prevent seniors currently enrolled in the elderly waiver program from losing coverage.
House HF2373 8 03/31/2014 Text icon Moran Equal pay certificate required as a condition for public contracts, data classified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2795 7 03/31/2014 Text icon Holberg Driver's license and motor vehicle registration data bulk transfer standards modified, and collection and deposit of fees provided for requests for data in bulk form.
House HF2564 4 04/01/2014 Text icon Hornstein Statewide solid waste source reduction goal established, recycling definition expanded, recycling required in sports facilities and commercial buildings, metropolitan area county recycling goals amended, and money appropriated.
House HF0076 5 04/03/2014 Text icon Laine Minnesota Health Plan; all necessary health care guaranteed to be available and affordable for every Minnesotan; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, patient advocacy ombudsman, and inspector general established; funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1929 3 04/03/2014 Text icon Dehn, R. Crime sentencing; studies required on sentencing disparity and racial data, efficacy and access for minority offenders of reentry services, expungement, and treatment programs.
House HF2249 3 04/03/2014 Text icon Clark East African women and children victims of abuse; emergency shelter provision money appropriated.
House HF2568 9 04/03/2014 Text icon Sawatzky Special education; paperwork burdens reduced by creating a unified online system for collecting and reporting required special education due process data and thereby increasing opportunities for special education educators to focus on teaching students.
House HF2693 5 04/03/2014 Text icon Sawatzky Special Education Case Load and Rule Alignment Task Force 2014 recommendations implemented, and commissioner of education authorized to use expedited rulemaking to implement the rule recommendations of the task force.
House HF2908 7 04/03/2014 Text icon Hansen Bee death caused by pesticide poisoning compensation provided, pollinator emergency response team established, and money appropriated.
House HF2928 8 04/04/2014 Text icon Slocum Criminal vehicular homicide or operation statute technical amendments provided, and driving while impaired law clarified to work with amendments to criminal vehicular homicide and operation statute.
House HF2861 3 04/09/2014 Text icon Isaacson Education commissioner directed to consult with experts to determine the content and status of Minnesota's career and technical education programs, and money appropriated.
House HF2281 26 04/10/2014 Text icon Winkler Legislators' privilege from arrest clarified, and driving while impaired specified as a breach of the peace for purposes of the Minnesota Constitution.
House HF1925 10 04/22/2014 Text icon Newton Massage and bodywork therapy registration and fees established.
House HF2203 9 04/22/2014 Text icon Halverson Homeless Youth Act activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2659 12 04/24/2014 169 Text icon Slocum Threading exemptions provided, and good cause exemption authorized for rulemaking.
House HF3349 3 04/24/2014 Text icon Clark Genetically engineered food and seed disclosure required, and consumer protection provided.
House HF3356 1 04/24/2014 Text icon Dehn, R. Nonprofit hospitals and affiliated medical entities executive compensation regulated.
House HF2295 10 04/25/2014 Text icon Johnson, C. Judicial districts required to establish minimum standards as a condition to using GPS to monitor domestic abuse offenders, and victim and defendant location data protected.
House HF2942 5 04/25/2014 Text icon Slocum Dual academic credit provisions established and modified.
House HF2141 11 04/28/2014 177 Text icon Rosenthal Probable cause arrests clarified for violations of protection, restraining, and no contact orders; and time limit modified for probable cause arrests for domestic abuse.
House SF2571 7 04/28/2014 180 Text icon Slocum Criminal vehicular homicide or operation statute technical amendments provided, and driving while impaired law clarified to work with amendments to criminal vehicular homicide and operation statute.
House SF0874 7 05/02/2014 201 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture provisions modified.
House HF1818 5 05/02/2014 Text icon Melin Marijuana medical use permitted, fees set, rulemaking authorized, criminal and civil penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3359 3 05/02/2014 Text icon Freiberg Service-learning integrated into Minnesota's education system, evidence based service-learning grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1082 29 05/05/2014 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.
House HF2479 8 05/05/2014 205 Text icon Hilstrom Housing courts and housing calendars allowed to use referees almost exclusively for landlord and tenant cases.
House HF2755 9 05/06/2014 218 Text icon Paymar Corrections Department; outdated and redundant statutes amended and repealed.
House HF0348 9 05/07/2014 Text icon Clark Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.
House SF1641 2 05/07/2014 Text icon Melin Marijuana medical use permitted, fees set, rulemaking authorized, criminal and civil penalties provided, advisory council established, and money appropriated.
House HF3238 14 05/07/2014 213 Text icon Schoen Domestic violence restraining order provisions modified to prohibit persons subject to the restraining orders from possessing weapons, and persons convicted of domestic violence offenses required to surrender their firearms while they are prohibited from possessing firearms.
House SF0511 8 05/08/2014 235 Text icon Schoen Advanced practice registered nurse-delivered health care access improved, penalties provided, advisory council provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2423 8 05/08/2014 234 Text icon Laine Incarcerated women; pregnancy and childbirth-related needs addressed, and advisory committee authorized.
House HF0435 17 05/09/2014 Text icon Schoen Advanced practice registered nurse clarified.
House HF2536 30 05/09/2014 239 Text icon Melin Women's Economic Security Act (WESA) various provisions established and modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2574 7 05/09/2014 Text icon Slocum Predatory offender registration requirements modified and clarified, criminal sexual conduct in the third degree crime sentence clarified.
House HF2833 10 05/12/2014 Text icon Laine Incarcerated women needs addressed relating to pregnancy and childbirth.
House HF0263 14 05/13/2014 260 Text icon Paymar Firearm law crime of violence definition amended.
House SF2546 7 05/13/2014 259 Text icon Slocum Predatory offender registration requirements modified and clarified, and criminal sexual conduct in the third degree crime sentence clarified.
House SF2736 17 05/13/2014 263 Text icon Johnson, C. Domestic abuse offender GPS monitoring pilot project establishment by counties authorized, and reports required.
House HF3381 2 05/13/2014 Text icon Hansen Terminally ill persons permitted to possess small amounts of marijuana without criminal penalty.
House HF2031 19 05/14/2014 Text icon Hausman Public housing rehabilitation and debt service on additional housing infrastructure bonds issued by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2680 5 05/14/2014 Text icon Isaacson Wolf management provisions modified, wolf baiting limits provided, and temporary suspension of wolf hunt provided.
House HF0183 19 05/16/2014 284 Text icon Holberg Data practices; penalties and procedures related to unauthorized access to data by a public employee enhanced, and data submission by law enforcement agencies to Comprehensive Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS) provided to be public.