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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

59 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Authors of "O'Neill"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3383 2 05/16/2014 Text icon Loeffler Federal marijuana medical research; President and Congress memorialized to require the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to expedite serious research into the medical uses and benefits of marijuana.
House HF3371 3 05/12/2014 Text icon McDonald State general levy phased out.
House HF3338 1 04/03/2014 Text icon Albright Sales and use tax exemption provided for used goods and used motor vehicles.
House HF3306 2 03/28/2014 Text icon Hoppe MNsure report required on the number of uninsured enrollees.
House HF3296 2 03/27/2014 Text icon Davids Partnership and S corporation income subtraction allowed.
House HF3246 1 03/20/2014 Text icon Petersburg Transportation Studies Center legislative report and study required on electronically powered vehicles and transportation funding and general sales tax collections for transportation projects, and money appropriated.
House HF3185 2 03/20/2014 Text icon FitzSimmons Location equity revenue school district eligibility expanded.
House HF3106 2 03/28/2014 Text icon Barrett Legislature; number of members reduced.
House HF2927 4 03/24/2014 Text icon Holberg Abortion prohibited at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age unless exceptions apply, civil and criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2842 4 04/01/2014 Text icon Winkler University of Minnesota, Duluth; Sustainable Mining Institute established, and money appropriated.
House HF2808 2 03/12/2014 Text icon Sundin Transportation commissioner required to utilize pavement material with a design life of at least 20 years.
House HF2800 3 03/17/2014 Text icon Dean, M. Legislative office building construction authority repealed, and remaining money from the project appropriated to the Capitol Building renovation project.
House HF2785 10 04/30/2014 Text icon Dorholt Central fund feasibility study creation required to pay for costs of providing accommodations to state employees with disabilities.
House HF2673 2 03/20/2014 Text icon Selcer Digital audio work and digital audiovisual work exemption provided.
House HF2668 13 05/05/2014 204 Text icon Hilstrom Courts and elections; errors and omissions petitioners shall also serve the petition on all candidates for the office in which the error or omission is alleged, raised court seal and notarial act requirements eliminated, and application of fine payment to restitution before application to court fines permitted.
House HF2630 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Wills School nutrition policy provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2479 8 05/05/2014 205 Text icon Hilstrom Housing courts and housing calendars allowed to use referees almost exclusively for landlord and tenant cases.
House HF2368 1 02/25/2014 Text icon O'Neill Telecommunications and pay televisions services and machinery purchases by businesses exempted from sales and use tax.
House HF2314 6 03/20/2014 Text icon Fabian Hospital construction moratorium exception provided.
House HF2268 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Rosenthal Small business investment credit allowance extended.
House HF2267 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Rosenthal Bullion coin sales and use taxation exemption provided.
House HF2243 6 03/19/2014 Text icon Selcer Women entrepreneurs business development competitive grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF2187 2 03/04/2014 Text icon Garofalo Internal Revenue Code changes conformed, and working family credit phase-out extended for married filers.
House HF2181 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Rosenthal Telecommunications equipment exemption reinstated.
House HF2145 2 03/04/2014 Text icon Dettmer USS Minnesota commissioning grant funding provided, and money appropriated
House HF1992 5 03/20/2014 Text icon Dehn, R. Home and community-based waiver housing program requirement exceptions established.
House HF1968 2 02/27/2014 Text icon O'Neill Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
House HF1771 3 04/17/2013 Text icon Quam Student Religious Liberties Act established.
House HF1764 2 04/16/2013 Text icon Barrett Minnesota Vikings football stadium bond sales halted, and revenue certification required.
House HF1614 1 03/18/2013 Text icon Metsa All-electric vehicle surcharge established.
House HF1467 1 03/11/2013 Text icon Scott Factor provided for determining the amount of attorney fees awarded in certain actions.
House HF1384 2 03/14/2013 Text icon Selcer SciMathMN grant provided; Minnesota STEM Network expanded; science, mathematics, and engineering frameworks website enhanced; funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1324 3 03/21/2013 Text icon Hilstrom Firearm and ammunition lawful possession, purchase, and transfer regulated; crime of violence definition amended; mandatory minimum sentence established; new criminal offense created; firearm right restoration procedure provided; and mental health commitment information report, civil commitment, law enforcement, and court data timely transmittal required.
House HF1310 1 03/06/2013 Text icon Dorholt Wright County; I-94 expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1292 1 03/05/2013 Text icon O'Neill Hennepin and Wright Counties; I-94 programming required for expansion.
House HF1082 29 05/05/2014 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.
House HF1081 14 03/04/2014 Text icon Allen Vehicle forfeiture; burden of proof shifted to the prosecutor in an innocent owner case involving off-highway vehicles, DWI, designated offenses, controlled substance offenses, fleeing offenses, and prostitution offenses; homestead exemption codified and expanded; and innocent owners allowed to reclaim vehicle if equipped with ignition interlock device.
House HF0985 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Johnson, S. Telecommunications enforcement authority clarified, new requirements for tariffs added, proprietary information protected, criteria for certificates of authority specified, alternative regulation plans terminated, definitions added, technical corrections made, obsolete provisions removed, and conforming changes made.
House HF0963 1 02/28/2013 Text icon McDonald Wright County Highway Department employee permitted to purchase service credit for a period of omitted contributions.
House HF0952 3 03/03/2014 Text icon Sundin Building and construction contracts regulated, and retainage required to be held in escrow or trust accounts until released.
House HF0901 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Fritz State-sponsored health programs for funding abortions use of funds limited.
House HF0900 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Ward, J.E. Facilities that perform ten or more abortions per month licensure required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0874 7 05/02/2014 201 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture provisions modified.
House HF0758 8 04/20/2013 Text icon Albright Adult basic education program representative added to the Workforce Development Council.
House HF0755 2 02/21/2013 Text icon Barrett School districts with below average revenue new source of state aid created.
House HF0644 13 05/15/2013 Text icon Atkins Building and construction contracts regulated, and third party insurance agreements prohibited.
House SF0561 7 05/17/2013 88 Text icon Atkins Building and construction contracts regulated, and third party insurance agreements prohibited.
House HF0553 1 02/13/2013 Text icon Woodard School districts allowed to use safe schools levy proceeds for mental health services, and facility modifications designed to enhance student and staff safety.
House HF0544 1 02/13/2013 Text icon Benson, M. State employee group insurance program legislator premiums established.
House HF0500 1 02/11/2013 Text icon Masin Driver's license filing fee charged by driver license agents increased.
House HF0499 1 02/11/2013 Text icon FitzSimmons Sprinkler requirements in single-family dwellings prohibited.
House HF0419 7 05/14/2014 Text icon Drazkowski Firearms; providing that any new federal law designed to ban or limit any personal firearm, magazine, accessory, or ammunition, or to require the registration of any firearm or firearm owner shall be unenforceable.
House SF0380 7 05/03/2013 48 Text icon Albright Adult basic education program representative added to the Workforce Development Council.
House HF0316 11 05/20/2013 140 Text icon Mahoney Motor vehicle titling fee transactions amended, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0293 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Franson Employers prohibited from requiring social network passwords as a condition of employment.
House HF0269 4 02/14/2013 Text icon Kieffer Elections; proof-of-residence oaths that a voter may sign on election day number reduced.
House HF0254 1 01/31/2013 Text icon Peppin Nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0248 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Runbeck Equalization aid levels increased for operating referendum and debt service equalization aid programs.
House HF0192 1 01/28/2013 Text icon Drazkowski Student protection from bullying state policy established.