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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

148 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Authors of "Liebling"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3383 2 05/16/2014 Text icon Loeffler Federal marijuana medical research; President and Congress memorialized to require the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to expedite serious research into the medical uses and benefits of marijuana.
House HF3381 2 05/13/2014 Text icon Hansen Terminally ill persons permitted to possess small amounts of marijuana without criminal penalty.
House HF3369 1 05/02/2014 Text icon Freiberg Child-resistant packaging required for nicotine electronic delivery devices.
House HF3368 7 05/13/2014 Text icon Clark Somali people detention and torture; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress regarding detention and torture of Somali people in Kenya.
House HF3210 1 03/19/2014 Text icon Norton Twin Cities to Rochester intercity passenger rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3168 1 03/17/2014 Text icon Mariani Healthy relationship and sexual development programs provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3052 1 03/13/2014 Text icon Liebling Sex Offender Civil Commitment Screening Unit established, sexually dangerous persons and persons with sexual psychopathic personalities civil commitment governing provisions modified, statewide sex offender civil commitment judicial panel implemented, Sex Offender Civil Commitment Defense Office established, and money appropriated.
House HF3035 3 03/19/2014 Text icon Liebling MinnesotaCare enrollees dental services and medical assistance provision; single administrator established.
House HF3031 2 03/26/2014 Text icon Liebling Uniform public assistance program eligibility and verification established.
House HF3030 1 03/13/2014 Text icon Loeffler Immigrant and refugee mental health conference planning and conduction money appropriated to the commissioner of health.
House HF2950 16 05/13/2014 262 Text icon Liebling Children and family services, health care, chemical and mental health services, continuing care, and operations obsolete provisions removed; and elderly waiver, alternative care program, and mental health services for children governing provisions modified.
House HF2932 4 03/26/2014 Text icon Liebling Health and human services committees and task forces established and modified, and prescription monitoring program changed.
House HF2916 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling Human services operations and health care provisions modified, bond requirements modified for medical suppliers, reports and obsolete rules repealed, rulemaking authorized, commissioner required to seek federal authority to amend state Medicaid plan, and technical changes made.
House HF2915 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Liebling Human services commissioner required to develop and implement a new health care delivery system, legislative report required, renewal of managed care and county-based purchasing contracts beyond 2015 prohibited, and money appropriated.
House HF2906 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) at Rochester Community and Technical College funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2905 1 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling Rochester Community and Technical College; Art Hall renovation and Plaza and Memorial Hall postdemolition design funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2874 8 04/30/2014 192 Text icon Liebling Health care; technical changes made; and antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete provisions eliminated or modernized.
House HF2826 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling County roles and options defined in the purchasing of health care for people enrolled in Minnesota health care programs.
House HF2806 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling Affordable Care Act geographical considerations specified in regard to implementation and adjustment in Minnesota.
House HF2805 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Liebling Nursing Board grounds for disciplinary action modified, health professional service program modified, and compensation paid to health-related licensing board members modified.
House HF2803 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Liebling Health profession license provisions changed.
House HF2772 3 03/10/2014 Text icon Loeffler Cleaning products containing triclosan sale prohibited.
House HF2770 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Johnson, S. Probation single funding implemented.
House HF2750 1 03/06/2014 Text icon Huntley Community first services and supports governing provisions modified.
House HF2749 2 03/17/2014 Text icon Liebling Adult mental health case management services county share eliminated.
House HF2700 1 03/04/2014 Text icon Norton Autism early intensive intervention benefit under medical assistance modified, and insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder modified.
House HF2678 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Fritz Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) effective date of family cap repeal modified.
House HF2599 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Loeffler Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) housing assistance grant effective date modified.
House HF2585 1 03/03/2014 Text icon Norton Location equity regional definition adjusted.
House HF2581 2 03/04/2014 Text icon Hertaus Licensed dentists authorized to administer influenza vaccinations, and liability insurance coverage and insurance reimbursement provided.
House HF2545 4 03/19/2014 Text icon Liebling Health definitions modified and added; Pharmacy Board powers, duties, and business regulation licensing, and immunization participation requirements changed; compounding requirements clarified; legend drug purchase allowed by educational institutions; drug handling in preparation for emergency use allowed; drug manufacturers payment reporting clarified; and substances added to the controlled substances schedules.
House HF2527 2 03/10/2014 Text icon Liebling Minnesota prescription monitoring program changes made, and report required.
House HF2526 12 04/25/2014 Text icon Norton Newborn screening program modified.
House HF2467 8 05/13/2014 250 Text icon Liebling Human services background studies requirements modified.
House HF2408 11 04/02/2014 Text icon Newton Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2402 23 05/16/2014 291 Text icon Liebling Omnibus health and human services policy bill.
House HF2379 3 03/12/2014 Text icon Liebling Recovery school programs grant money appropriated.
House HF2307 20 05/08/2014 Text icon Schoen Drug overdose prevention and medical assistance provided, and liability limited.
House HF2304 1 02/25/2014 Text icon Liebling Tattoos; health warning to consumers required, commissioner of health required to perform a study and issue reports, and money appropriated.
House HF2177 6 03/17/2014 Text icon Ward, J.A. Tanning equipment limited to persons age 18 or older.
House HF2101 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Hansen Plastic microbeads in surface water study money appropriated.
House HF2067 2 03/13/2014 Text icon Johnson, C. Minnesota Security Hospital, St. Peter phase one renovation and construction project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2059 4 03/12/2014 Text icon McNamar Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modification funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2047 8 05/01/2014 203 Text icon Norton Newborn screening program modified.
House HF2023 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Fritz Home care nursing services payment rates increased, and terminology changed.
House HF2005 3 03/21/2014 Text icon Liebling Health data provisions modified, common entry point establishment requirements changed, automatic external defibrillator (AED) registration established, stroke center criteria modified, prescription monitoring program changed, immunity from civil liability established for use of opiate antagonists, and background study requirements modified.
House HF1986 8 03/10/2014 Text icon Winkler Gift ban law for legislators and legislative employees food and beverage exception eliminated.
House HF1974 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Kahn Smoking definition under the Clean Indoor Air Act expanded.
House HF1971 5 03/19/2014 Text icon Liebling Automatic external defibrillator (AED) registration provided.
House HF1966 4 03/20/2014 Text icon Liebling Children in foster care prevented from being exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke.
House HF1931 7 04/22/2014 Text icon Halverson E-cigarettes, and nicotine and lobelia delivery products regulated.
House HF1904 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Allen Healthcare interpreter spoken language services defined.
House SF1900 9 05/07/2014 232 Text icon Schoen Steve's Law; drug overdose prevention and medical assistance provided, and liability limited.
House HF1898 5 03/21/2014 Text icon Liebling Health-related licensing board requirements changed, credentials for an individual with a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense barred, and temporary suspension provided for imminent risk of harm.
House HF1897 1 02/25/2014 Text icon Liebling State Quality Council and regional quality council requirements modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1827 2 05/13/2013 Text icon Norton Diabetes prevention, treatment, and cure funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1818 5 05/02/2014 Text icon Melin Marijuana medical use permitted, fees set, rulemaking authorized, criminal and civil penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1706 2 04/08/2013 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Historical Society funding provided for a bust of former United States Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, and money appropriated.
House HF1668 1 04/02/2013 Text icon Liebling Diabetes prevention, treatment, and cure funding provided; and money appropriated.
House SF1641 2 05/07/2014 Text icon Melin Marijuana medical use permitted, fees set, rulemaking authorized, criminal and civil penalties provided, advisory council established, and money appropriated.
House HF1604 14 05/07/2014 Text icon Liebling Diverted narcotic or controlled substance report required.
House HF1369 1 03/07/2013 Text icon Liebling Administrative expenses that can be allocated for purposes of medical assistance rate setting limited.
House HF1348 2 02/27/2014 Text icon Abeler Medical assistance spenddown requirements and excess income standard modified.
House HF1347 1 03/07/2013 Text icon Abeler Medical assistance program services clarified.
House HF1341 3 02/25/2014 Text icon Schoen Medical device sales and use tax exemption expanded.
House HF1338 4 03/18/2013 Text icon Norton Parent notification required for incidents that may involve child maltreatment in a school facility.
House HF1139 4 05/14/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified, public education campaign required, and Civil Commitment Act modified.
House HF1136 9 05/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Pharmacy Board business regulation provisions modified.
House HF1132 1 03/04/2013 Text icon Hortman Long-term homeless supportive service funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1107 1 03/04/2013 Text icon Quam Owatonna and Dodge Center; Trunk Highway 14 construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1082 29 05/05/2014 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.
House HF1081 14 03/04/2014 Text icon Allen Vehicle forfeiture; burden of proof shifted to the prosecutor in an innocent owner case involving off-highway vehicles, DWI, designated offenses, controlled substance offenses, fleeing offenses, and prostitution offenses; homestead exemption codified and expanded; and innocent owners allowed to reclaim vehicle if equipped with ignition interlock device.
House HF1054 19 05/14/2013 74 Text icon Clark Civil marriage between two persons, exemptions, and protections based on religious association provided.
House HF1048 1 02/28/2013 Text icon Johnson, S. Probation supervision funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1014 2 05/14/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified, public education campaign required, and Civil Commitment Act modified.
House HF1004 1 02/28/2013 Text icon Norton Statewide health improvement program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0973 2 03/11/2013 Text icon Davnie Collaborative urban educator recruitment and training program grants authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0969 14 05/08/2013 59 Text icon Dorholt Chemical and mental health and state-operated service provisions modified, data sharing allowed, task force repealed, terminology updated and obsolete provisions repealed, and technical changes made.
House HF0948 1 02/25/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota sex offender program provisional discharge and victim notification of discharge or release modified.
House HF0947 11 05/06/2013 49 Text icon Liebling Sexually dangerous persons and persons with sexual psychopathic personalities commitment law distinguished and clarified from other civil commitments.
House HF0946 15 05/18/2013 112 Text icon Liebling Underage possession or consumption of alcohol immunity provided for a person contacting 911 to seek assistance for another.
House HF0937 6 03/21/2013 Text icon Laine Human services programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0885 2 04/10/2013 Text icon Clark Tax rates under the alcoholic beverage excise tax increased, alcohol health and judicial impact fund established, deposit of revenues and funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0874 7 05/02/2014 201 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture provisions modified.
House HF0869 2 03/06/2013 Text icon Loeffler Medical assistance eligibility provided for inmates while they are inpatients in a medical institution.
House HF0861 3 03/14/2013 Text icon Sundin Statewide text message suicide prevention program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0859 14 04/30/2014 188 Text icon Simon Landlords and tenants; victims of violence remedies established, and Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project established.
House HF0844 3 03/13/2013 Text icon Nelson Quality Self-Directed Services Workforce Council created, and individual providers of direct support services regulated.
House SF0840 17 05/16/2013 87 Text icon Hansen Personal sick leave benefit use modified, and report required.
House HF0826 26 05/02/2014 160 Text icon Davnie Safe and supportive schools provided by prohibiting bullying.
House HF0810 1 02/21/2013 Text icon Norton Olmsted County; Third Judicial District Court funding provided for development of a drug court.
House HF0777 9 02/25/2014 Text icon Newton Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0768 2 02/25/2013 Text icon Laine Medical assistance required to cover doula services.
House HF0703 3 03/18/2013 Text icon Clark Child care assistance financial eligibility provision and commissioner of human services duties modified.
House HF0698 5 03/21/2013 Text icon Halverson Runaway and Homeless Youth Act modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0694 8 05/17/2013 91 Text icon Lesch Debt management and settlement; attorneys at law exemption clarified, and debt settlement services regulation modified.
House HF0689 4 03/20/2013 Text icon Liebling Fetal alcohol syndrome reduction programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0676 3 02/28/2013 Text icon Ward, J.A. Tanning equipment limited to persons age 18 or older.
House HF0675 1 02/18/2013 Text icon Schoen Insurance coverage for orthotic and prosthetic devices required.
House HF0672 2 03/04/2013 Text icon Liebling Acute stroke center and system established.
House HF0663 5 04/08/2013 Text icon Laine Newborn screening fee increased, funding provided for support services for families who have a child who is deaf or has a hearing loss, hospital payment rate adjusted, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0605 11 04/03/2014 Text icon Winkler Toxic Free Kids Act; children protected from harmful chemical exposure in products, disclosure required, priority chemical identification criteria amended, Pollution Control Agency authorized to prohibit sales of children's products that contain harmful chemicals, waiver process provided, fees established, and criminal penalty provided.
House HF0589 4 03/13/2013 Text icon Kahn Genetic information provisions changed.
House HF0573 6 04/02/2013 Text icon Ward, J.E. Public employees insurance program regulated, and school employer participation required.
House HF0568 17 04/29/2013 Text icon Hansen Personal sick leave benefit use modified, and report required.
House HF0550 1 02/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Integrated behavioral health care coordination model pilot funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0543 6 04/10/2013 Text icon Liebling Council on Disability membership decreased from 21 to 17.
House HF0507 5 03/18/2013 Text icon Simonson Tax Expenditure Advisory Commission created, and review and sunset of tax expenditures provided.
House HF0488 3 02/14/2013 Text icon Holberg Automated license plate reader data destruction required.
House HF0485 17 04/08/2013 Text icon Allen Child sex trafficking prevention director established, sexually exploited youth provisions modified, grant programs established and amended relating to combating sexual exploitation of youth, related services and housing provided to victims, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0483 7 03/18/2013 Text icon Fritz Newborn screening required for critical heart disease.
House HF0474 14 04/29/2014 Text icon Holberg Automated license plate reader data classified, log of use required, and data required to be destroyed.
House HF0463 2 02/13/2013 Text icon Kahn Pregnancy leave required, and employment accommodations required for pregnant women.
House HF0459 25 05/13/2013 71 Text icon Atkins Bisphenol-A in children's food containers sale prohibited.
House HF0458 18 05/08/2013 58 Text icon Persell Formaldehyde banned in children's products.
House HF0455 3 02/21/2013 Text icon Schoen Chemical health navigation program created.
House HF0447 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Fetal alcohol syndrome reduction programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0442 7 04/25/2013 29 Text icon Liebling Disability Council membership decreased from 21 to 17.
House HF0430 4 03/11/2013 Text icon Hortman Family Economic Security Act created, minimum wage rate increased, child care assistance modified, new child care tax credit provided, working family tax credit expanded, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0409 8 04/04/2013 Text icon Norton Medical center development authority established and organization, powers, and duties provided; medical center development districts provided; issuance of revenue obligations, city bonds, and state assistance authorized; funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0404 5 03/21/2013 Text icon Mack Return on taxpayer investment (ROTI) methodology and practice for human services and corrections programs study and development money appropriated.
House HF0395 3 03/13/2013 Text icon Norton Autism spectrum disorder workforce development pilot project program created, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0335 9 05/17/2013 90 Text icon Simon Jury service exclusion prohibited on the basis of marital status or sexual orientation.
House HF0328 4 02/28/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota Task Force on Prematurity duties and reporting dates amended.
House SF0321 2 04/19/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota Task Force on Prematurity duties and reporting dates amended.
House HF0315 2 02/06/2013 Text icon Benson, J. Food shelves and food stamp outreach funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0297 2 02/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Rochester; local tax authority modified.
House HF0296 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Liebling Drug formulary exception provided, case management services extended for young adults with severe emotional disturbances, funding provided, and money appropriated for various mental health services and training.
House HF0294 1 02/04/2013 Text icon Rosenthal Firearm restoration eligibility judicial challenge processes modified for persons who have become ineligible and for persons who have been denied a permit to carry a handgun.
House HF0293 4 03/04/2013 Text icon Franson Employers prohibited from requiring social network passwords as a condition of employment.
House HF0284 3 02/07/2013 Text icon Loon Cigarette definition modified, study proposed, report required, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0250 2 02/04/2013 Text icon Norton Trial court judgeships increased in the third district, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0227 5 03/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Children in foster care prevented from being exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke.
House HF0220 9 03/06/2013 Text icon Fritz Child care licensure requirement regarding infant sleep position modified.
House HF0214 6 04/08/2013 Text icon Huntley MinnesotaCare established as the state's basic health program.
House HF0213 3 03/04/2013 Text icon Loeffler Medical assistance co-payment modified.
House HF0211 2 02/21/2013 Text icon Brynaert Owatonna and Dodge Center; Trunk Highway 14 construction project completion requirements established.
House HF0210 2 02/21/2013 Text icon Brynaert Owatonna and Dodge Center; Trunk Highway 14 construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0185 2 03/13/2013 Text icon Liebling Rochester; Mayo Civic Center improvements design and construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0181 10 04/11/2013 Text icon Norton Autism spectrum disorder coverage provided.
House HF0176 6 03/04/2013 Text icon Norton Dental services for the disabled expanded.
House HF0164 8 04/11/2013 11 Text icon Norton Radiation therapy facility construction provisions changed.
House HF0136 8 04/17/2013 Text icon Hansen Public official definition expanded in campaign finance and public disclosure law, and clarifying changes provided.
House HF0127 2 01/22/2013 Text icon Halverson School district current year aid payment shift percentage restored to 90.
House HF0126 4 04/16/2013 Text icon Faust Property tax refund modified, threshold percentage decreased for the homestead credit refund for homeowners, and percentage of rent constituting property taxes increased.
House HF0076 5 04/03/2014 Text icon Laine Minnesota Health Plan; all necessary health care guaranteed to be available and affordable for every Minnesotan; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, patient advocacy ombudsman, and inspector general established; funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0009 16 02/14/2013 1 Text icon Huntley Medical assistance eligibility expanded, and modified adjusted gross income and a standard income disregard use required.
House HF0005 41 03/21/2013 9 Text icon Atkins Minnesota Insurance Marketplace established, powers and duties prescribed, person's physician of choice right recognized, right to not participate established, open meeting requirements and data practice procedures specified, funding provided, and money appropriated.