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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

196 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Erickson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HR0002 1 01/10/2011 Text icon Buesgens A house resolution setting the maximum limit on general fund expenditures for the biennium ending June 30, 2013.
House HF0170 1 01/20/2011 Text icon Daudt New nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0270 1 01/31/2011 Text icon Erickson Department of Natural Resources, Ojibwe bands, and Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission meetings regarding 1837 treaty rights required to be subject to open meeting law.
House HF0282 1 01/31/2011 Text icon McFarlane Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreements' group insurance contract requirements clarified for changing benefits.
House HF0403 1 02/07/2011 Text icon Erickson White deer taking prohibited.
House HF0404 1 02/07/2011 Text icon Erickson School districts required to pool active and retired employees separately for health coverage, and new commitments to subsidize premiums for retired employees prohibited.
House HF0508 1 02/14/2011 Text icon Erickson Mille Lacs County; rescindment of State Building Code adoption allowed.
House HF0527 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Davids Minnesota rural preserve property tax program modified.
House HF0655 1 02/24/2011 Text icon Kieffer Mathematics GRAD exception removed, and high school assessments established to determine college and career readiness.
House HF0686 1 02/24/2011 Text icon Bills Legislator and constitutional officer compensation reduced upon failure to enact balanced budget provisions in a timely manner.
House HF0711 1 02/24/2011 Text icon Wardlow Long-term capital gains provided.
House HF0767 1 02/28/2011 Text icon Erickson Alternative teacher professional pay system modified.
House HF0923 1 03/07/2011 Text icon Kiel Public employee definition amended to include replacement employees who are employed for more than 50 days as a replacement teacher or faculty member.
House HF1318 1 03/28/2011 Text icon Erickson Commissioner of education prohibited from adopting common core standards.
House HF1372 1 04/05/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school law clarified.
House HF1442 1 04/11/2011 Text icon Erickson Recycled water use standards provided, and providing for natural pools.
House HF1444 1 04/11/2011 Text icon Erickson Lake Ogechie wild rice project expenditure prohibited until legal analysis is completed.
House HF1487 1 04/14/2011 Text icon Myhra Statewide literacy initiative formulated to ensure students succeed in achieving grade-level reading proficiency by the end of grade 3, and data provided to improve student outcomes.
House HF1495 1 04/18/2011 Text icon Erickson Tax collection for rent-to-own or lease-to-own used vehicles timing clarified.
House HF1574 1 04/26/2011 Text icon Erickson Attorney general required to appear on behalf of the state in prosecutions of game and fish violations when a defense based on Indian treaty rights has been asserted.
House HF1682 1 05/09/2011 Text icon Lohmer Family planning grant funds use limited.
House HF1729 1 05/18/2011 Text icon Erickson Minnesota State High School League events temporary tax exemption made permanent.
House HF1764 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Lohmer Appropriations continued for the operation of state government.
House HF1844 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Erickson Harassment or retaliation against a person subject to an order for protection or no contact order criminal penalty provided.
House HF1845 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Erickson School district aid delayed payments prohibited from exceeding ten percent through proposed constitutional amendment.
House HF1846 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Erickson Speech-language pathology assistant training requirements conformed with national guidelines, and speech-language pathologists employed in a small rural school district allowed to supervise up to two assistants.
House HF1847 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Erickson High school graduation requirements and academic standards revision authorization required by the legislature.
House HF1848 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Erickson School boards authorized to determine number and identity of annuity contract vendors.
House HF2017 1 01/30/2012 Text icon Erickson Income taxation rates for individuals, estates, and trusts modified.
House HF2018 1 01/30/2012 Text icon Erickson Individual income tax restructured, subtractions eliminated, single tax rate applied, working family credit modified, and alternative minimum tax and various credits repealed.
House HF2338 1 02/16/2012 Text icon Garofalo State Lottery director authorized to establish gaming machines at a licensed racetrack, gaming machine revenue fee imposed, powers and duties provided to the director, and money dedicated for education.
House HF2420 1 02/22/2012 Text icon Woodard Charter school provisions modified.
House HF2462 1 02/22/2012 Text icon Erickson Mille Lacs walleye harvest five-year management plan legislative approval required.
House HF2546 1 02/27/2012 Text icon Buesgens State Capitol restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2557 1 02/27/2012 Text icon Franson Early hearing detection and intervention program, heritable and congenital disorder tests, the birth defects information system, occupational diseases reporting, the trauma registry, the traumatic brain and spinal cord injury registry, the cancer surveillance system, and the lead surveillance system written consent required before information is submitted.
House HF2558 1 02/27/2012 Text icon Franson Legislative Commission on United Nations Agenda 21 established.
House HF2637 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Buesgens State Capitol building renovation, restoration, and repair money appropriated.
House HF2644 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2661 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Erickson City of Isle; Malone Island Bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2804 1 03/12/2012 Text icon Erickson Fishery management cost report required.
House HF2805 1 03/12/2012 Text icon Erickson Open meeting law applied to treaty-related meetings, and aquatic invasive species report required.
House HF2824 1 03/13/2012 Text icon Erickson District process for reviewing curriculum, instruction, and student achievement clarified.
House HF2961 1 03/22/2012 Text icon Erickson Teacher candidates basic skills examination passage provisions amended.
House HF2979 1 03/28/2012 Text icon Erickson Tribal-state compact compliance required.
House HR0006 2 05/03/2012 Text icon Erickson A house resolution recognizing May 3, 2012 as a Day of Prayer in Minnesota.
House SF0069 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Home school mandates reduced, and superintendents relieved of reporting requirements.
House HF0075 2 01/20/2011 Text icon Hackbarth Public utility, energy conservation, and renewable energy provisions modified.
House HF0121 2 01/20/2011 Text icon Morrow Teacher performance assessments established.
House HF0183 2 01/27/2011 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House HF0381 2 04/05/2011 Text icon Erickson School district budget relief and salary freeze provided.
House HF0402 2 02/09/2011 Text icon Erickson U.S. Senate urged to oppose ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
House HF0425 2 03/03/2011 Text icon Peppin MFIP work activities modified.
House HF0485 2 02/24/2011 Text icon Davids Minnesota State High School League events temporary tax exemption made permanent, and associated revenue use modified.
House HF0535 2 02/21/2011 Text icon McFarlane Third-party reimbursement of qualifying services modified.
House HF0540 2 02/24/2011 Text icon Scott Minnesota State High School League directed to amend its transfer rule, including the procedure to determine student eligibility.
House HF0947 2 03/16/2011 Text icon Erickson Alternative teacher pay system modified.
House HF1157 2 03/29/2011 Text icon Anderson, B. Public Utilities Commission required to submit proposed legislation establishing protocol for investigating complaints of stray voltage on dairy and livestock operations, and task force created.
House HF1352 2 04/05/2011 Text icon Gunther State Lottery authorized to establish gaming machines, gaming machine revenue tax imposed, powers and duties provided to the director, and a Minnesota future fund and an industry improvement fund established.
House HF1490 2 04/18/2011 Text icon Kiel Response to intervention model created, and rulemaking required.
House HF1510 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Erickson Alternative compensation professional development provisions modified for teachers, and alternative compensation revenue made available for principals and assistant principals.
House HF1748 2 05/21/2011 Text icon Holberg State agency funding provided if the major appropriation bill to fund that agency has not been enacted by July 1, 2011; and money appropriated.
House HF1753 2 05/21/2011 Text icon Daudt Appropriations provided to continue in effect at 70 percent rate unless eliminated or otherwise modified.
House HF1843 2 02/01/2012 Text icon Erickson Individual income tax restructured, subtractions eliminated, single tax rate applied, working family credit modified, and alternative minimum tax repealed.
House HF1851 2 02/29/2012 Text icon McFarlane Library accessibility and improvement grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1928 2 01/30/2012 Text icon LeMieur Abortion; state funding prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1932 2 01/30/2012 Text icon Banaian Legislator coverage restricted, and contributions after June 30, 2012 terminated.
House HF2049 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Barrett Vision therapy pilot project created, and money appropriated.
House HF2103 2 02/09/2012 Text icon Lohmer Abortions prohibited when fetal heartbeat is detected.
House HF2121 2 02/09/2012 Text icon Cornish Right of individuals to keep and bear arms for defense of life and liberty and for all other legitimate purposes protected as fundamental, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2180 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Garofalo Federal adequate yearly progress measurements specified, and lowest performing elementary and high schools required to submit to a turnaround strategy.
House HF2234 2 02/17/2012 Text icon Erickson Homestead market value exclusion repealed.
House HF2423 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Hamilton ICF/DD care contingent rate reductions repealed.
House HF2433 2 04/05/2012 Text icon Garofalo At least 40 percent of the arts and cultural heritage funding required to be devoted to programs for school-age children.
House HF2548 2 03/07/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Construction code fund; fee deposit collected into an account, and funds appropriated annually.
House HF2675 2 03/28/2012 Text icon Peppin Prescribing physician required to be physically present when abortion-inducing drugs are administered.
House HF2710 2 03/08/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Well regulation modified to include bored geothermal heat exchangers.
House HF3052 2 05/09/2012 Text icon Erickson Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery considered for eligibility admissions to state colleges and universities, and career readiness assessment included in student planning for postsecondary education and employment.
House HF0029 3 02/24/2011 Text icon Gottwalt Legislature member number reduced, and division of a senate district in the formation of a congressional district prevented.
House HF0054 3 01/18/2011 Text icon Davids Green acres and agricultural classifications restored to pre-2008 status.
House HF0147 3 01/31/2011 Text icon Buesgens House of representatives and senate required to approve per diem and expense reimbursements for members.
House HF0273 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Woodard Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established.
House HF0292 3 02/09/2011 Text icon Anderson, D. Child custody; parenting plans required by both parents.
House HF0304 3 02/09/2011 Text icon Peppin Department of Human Services required to issue a request for Medicaid fraud detection and business intelligence contract proposals.
House HF0339 3 03/09/2011 Text icon Kelly Teacher employment contract negotiation process identified.
House HF0426 3 03/03/2011 Text icon Peppin Mandated health benefit moratorium established.
House HF0638 3 04/14/2011 Text icon Myhra School grading system created, school recognition program created, school report cards modified, rulemaking authorized, and report required.
House HF0841 3 03/08/2011 Text icon Buesgens State general tax reduced, corporate franchise tax reduced and repealed, business income subtraction provided, and capital equipment exemption at the time of purchase allowed and application expanded.
House HF1237 3 03/26/2012 Text icon Erickson Education subtraction and credit expanded to broadband subscription expenses, and sales tax exemption provided for education-related broadband subscriptions.
House HF1272 3 02/29/2012 Text icon McFarlane High school transition plan proposed for students to successfully pursue postsecondary education and employment, and money appropriated.
House SF1551 3 03/19/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Construction code fund; fee deposit collected into an account, and funds appropriated annually.
House HF1566 3 04/23/2012 Text icon Wardlow Balanced federal budget; application to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States requiring a balanced federal budget.
House HF1818 3 02/08/2012 Text icon Dettmer Marriage license fee portion recovery allowed for members of the armed forces who complete premarital education after the license is issued.
House HF1917 3 03/14/2012 Text icon Erickson School boards' ability to conduct school on holidays clarified.
House SF1975 3 03/26/2012 Text icon Woodard Racing Commission, Gambling Control Board, and State Lottery operations allowed on an ongoing basis.
House HF2288 3 02/27/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Safe haven law expanded.
House HF2645 3 03/14/2012 Text icon Erickson School district cooperative facilities grants limited.
House HF2658 3 03/21/2012 Text icon Doepke Individualized learning schools creation provided; site-governed school, postsecondary enrollment options, and charter school provisions modified.
House HF2835 3 03/22/2012 Text icon Erickson Education provision clarified.
House HF0059 4 01/24/2011 Text icon Erickson School district January 15 deadline repealed by which school districts must reach a collective bargaining agreement or face a state aid penalty.
House HF0067 4 01/24/2012 Text icon Downey General fund expenditures limited in the 2012-2013 biennium to forecasted revenues, and use specified for any forecasted increases in revenues above the level of revenues forecasted for the 2010-2011 biennium.
House HF0076 4 01/24/2011 Text icon Banaian Zero-based budgeting system required, and state agency sunsets and reviews provided.
House HF0134 4 02/28/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school authorizer approval deadline modified.
House HF0171 4 03/17/2011 Text icon Daudt MFIP electronic benefit transfers modified; photo identification required; and residency requirements changed for general assistance, general assistance medical care, and MFIP.
House HF0410 4 02/17/2011 Text icon Lohmer Social Security benefits income tax subtraction allowed.
House HF0755 4 02/01/2012 Text icon Erickson School district pilot project established to examine joint operations to provide innovative delivery of programs and activities and share resources.
House SF0768 4 05/16/2011 Text icon Erickson Probationary teacher and principal status governing requirements clarified.
House HF0867 4 04/23/2012 Text icon Anderson, B. Driving instruction permit provisions modified and clarified.
House HF0879 4 04/14/2011 Text icon Erickson Annual evaluations for principals established, and a group of experts and stakeholders convened to recommend a performance-based system model for these evaluations.
House HF0998 4 03/16/2011 Text icon Dettmer Human Cloning Prohibition Act established, and penalties provided.
House HF1484 4 04/26/2011 Text icon Kelly Adult education tracking system modified.
House HF1613 4 05/05/2011 Text icon Gottwalt Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1820 4 02/20/2012 Text icon Dettmer Military service credit; income based reduction modified.
House HF1929 4 02/08/2012 Text icon LeMieur Abortion; physician's physical presence required for abortion procedures.
House HF2325 4 03/07/2012 Text icon Doepke School districts prohibited from holding school on the Thursday and Friday before Labor Day.
House HF2466 4 02/29/2012 Text icon Daudt Referendum by petition provided in an orderly annexation proceeding, and stay required for final annexation.
House HF2640 4 03/21/2012 Text icon Dettmer Pay differential law amended as it applies to school district employees who are members of the National Guard or any other reserve unit.
House HF2909 4 03/30/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Minnesota GI Bill program expanded to include apprenticeships and on-the-job training, compensation provided for honor guards at veteran funerals, and money appropriated.
House HF0010 5 03/14/2011 Text icon Loon Taxable income subtraction allowed, corporate franchise tax rates reduced, and sales tax exemption allowed for capital equipment at time of purchase.
House HF0355 5 02/24/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Home school mandates reduced, and superintendents relieved of reporting requirements.
House HF0430 5 01/24/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Right of individuals to keep and bear arms provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0511 5 03/09/2011 Text icon Erickson Educational mandates deemed unneeded removed.
House HF1597 5 02/15/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1598 5 04/20/2012 Text icon Drazkowski Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing certain taxes, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1914 5 02/27/2012 Text icon Davids Commercial-industrial properties first $100,000 in value exempted from the state general levy, commercial-industrial property state general levy phased out over 20 years, seasonal recreational property state general levy frozen, maximum homeowner property tax refunds increased, special property tax refund temporary increase provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2058 5 04/17/2012 Text icon Erickson Education; obsolete statutes repealed.
House HF2080 5 03/01/2012 Text icon Daudt MFIP ineligibility, sanctions, time limit, and exit level modified; and electronic benefit transfer card regulated.
House HF2081 5 03/05/2012 Text icon Daudt Electronic benefit transfer cards modified, and electronic benefit transfer card use regulated.
House HF2621 5 03/26/2012 Text icon Kelly Special or independent school districts made subject to mayoral control.
House HF0002 6 04/28/2011 Text icon Banaian Performance data added to budget proposal, zero-based budgeting required, and sunset advisory commission and sunset process established for state agencies.
House HF0003 6 01/31/2011 Text icon Mariani Alternative teacher preparation program and limited term teacher license established, and teacher candidate assessments amended.
House HF0064 6 01/24/2012 Text icon Drazkowski English designated as the official language of Minnesota.
House HF0210 6 05/02/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed and standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
House HF0575 6 05/16/2011 Text icon Erickson Probationary teacher and principal status governing requirements clarified.
House HF1435 6 03/21/2012 Text icon Erickson State Lottery director authorized to adopt rules for video lottery ticket dispensing machines.
House HF1819 6 03/13/2012 Text icon Dettmer Beyond the Yellow Ribbon civil immunity provided, and business discrimination provision modified.
House HF2003 6 03/26/2012 Text icon Woodard Racing Commission, Gambling Control Board, and State Lottery operations allowed on an ongoing basis.
House HF2025 6 03/26/2012 Text icon Urdahl Postsecondary enrollment options program expanded, and career and technical education task force established.
House HF2310 6 04/17/2012 Text icon Erickson Education; obsolete statutes repealed.
House HF2475 6 03/28/2012 Text icon Hoppe Telecommunications regulations streamlined; civil penalties, rate regulations, regulatory requirements, and technical provisions modified; and money appropriated.
House HF2651 6 04/02/2012 Text icon Loon Teachers charged with felonies suspensions without pay authorized.
House HF2759 6 03/27/2012 Text icon Erickson Board of School Administrators provisions modified.
House HF0563 7 05/16/2011 Text icon Moran School board creation of full-service school zones authorized.
House SF1073 7 04/17/2012 207 Text icon McFarlane High school transition plan proposed for students to successfully pursue postsecondary education and employment.
House SF1213 7 03/01/2012 130 Text icon Kelly Adult education tracking system modified.
House SF1656 7 04/30/2012 281 Text icon Erickson High school graduation requirements and academic standards revision authorization required by the legislature.
House SF1754 7 04/24/2012 242 Text icon Dettmer Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.
House SF1917 7 03/28/2012 146 Text icon Davnie School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
House HF2140 7 05/07/2012 Text icon Drazkowski Freedom of employment established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2293 7 03/19/2012 Text icon Davnie School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
House HF2339 7 04/20/2012 Text icon Gottwalt Health care compact created.
House SF0056 8 04/11/2011 Text icon Erickson School district budget relief provided.
House HF0482 8 03/28/2011 Text icon Downey Funeral goods sale license requirement clarified.
House SF1933 8 04/25/2012 256 Text icon Gottwalt Health care compact created.
House SF2535 8 04/25/2012 257 Text icon Erickson Board of School Administrators provisions modified.
House SF1308 9 05/21/2011 88 Text icon Gottwalt Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2152 9 03/19/2012 134 Text icon Vogel Real estate licensee responsibility specified for property management activities on real property owned by the licensee or by an entity in which the licensee has an ownership interest.
House HF2291 9 03/29/2012 145 Text icon Mariani Adult basic education; process created for contact hours lost due to a service disruption.
House HF0082 10 03/21/2011 Text icon Dettmer Military retirement pay phased-in subtraction provided.
House HF2127 10 03/26/2012 Text icon Myhra Online learning parameters modified, graduation requirements modified, and digital learning provided.
House HF2340 10 04/19/2012 Text icon Holberg Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
House HF0063 11 02/09/2011 Text icon Garofalo Teacher licensure provisions amended, alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established, and report required.
House HF0206 11 05/10/2011 Text icon Dittrich Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee membership modified.
House HF0682 11 04/05/2012 Text icon Kiel Career and technical levy modified, and career and technical education credits provided.
House HF0745 11 05/21/2011 Text icon Mack Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force created, appointments provided, and development of a statewide strategic plan required.
House HF1770 11 02/20/2012 122 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House HF1926 11 02/27/2012 124 Text icon Swedzinski Certification provided for good manufacturing practices for commercial feed and feed ingredients, voluntary certification fees authorized, rule provisions relating to animal feed modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2259 11 04/25/2012 Text icon Dettmer Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.
House HF0088 12 03/03/2011 Text icon Doepke School personnel maintenance of effort and set-aside requirements removed, and financial decision making returned to school districts.
House HF0300 12 03/22/2012 136 Text icon Erickson Early childhood development screening notice modified.
House SF1921 12 04/20/2012 233 Text icon Holberg Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
House SF0055 13 05/20/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school authorizer approval deadline modified.
House HF2078 13 03/28/2012 144 Text icon Dittrich Nonpublic pupil textbook aid expanded.
House HF0072 14 05/12/2011 Text icon Beard Increased carbon dioxide emissions by utilities ban removed.
House HF2246 14 04/19/2012 222 Text icon Daudt Convictions under the original criminal vehicular operation law allowed to enhance DWI offenses, and legislative oversight corrected.
House HF2647 15 04/30/2012 280 Text icon Myhra Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
House SF0040 16 03/03/2012 5 Text icon Garofalo Teacher licensure provisions amended, alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established, and report required.
House HF2580 16 04/18/2012 Text icon Loon Parents empowered to request school district intervention in a "Priority" school.
House SF0170 17 05/19/2011 45 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House HF0201 17 05/20/2011 56 Text icon Scott Abortion funding limited for state-sponsored health programs.
House HF1467 17 02/29/2012 126 Text icon Cornish Firearms; public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited; Minnesota's self-defense and defense of home laws clarified, codified, and extended; common law duty to retreat eliminated; self-defense dwelling boundaries expanded; dwelling or occupied vehicle entrance by stealth or force presumption created; rights available extended to defense against unlawful entry of an occupied vehicle; and other states' permits to carry a pistol within and under the laws of Minnesota recognition provided.
House HF1485 18 05/07/2012 Text icon Lanning New National Football League stadium provided for in Minnesota; Minnesota Stadium Authority established; and Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue use, electronic pull-tab games, electronic linked bingo games, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; conditional imposition of taxes and revenue collection provided for; lawful gambling tax rates modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House SF1528 18 04/28/2012 273 Text icon Myhra Online learning parameters modified, graduation requirements modified, and digital learning provided.
House SF0946 19 04/26/2012 263 Text icon Erickson School district pilot project established to examine joint operations to provide innovative delivery of programs and activities and share resources.
House HF2949 21 04/24/2012 239 Text icon Garofalo General education, education excellence, special education, and other programs provided for, and money appropriated.
House HF0001 23 02/28/2011 4 Text icon Fabian Environmental permitting efficiency provided, and environmental review requirements modified.
House HF0203 23 04/28/2012 275 Text icon Westrom Legislative approval of rules modified.
House HF0232 23 01/24/2012 117 Text icon Kriesel Gold star license plates eligibility expanded to surviving legal guardians, children, and siblings; motor vehicle fees regulated; Department of Veterans Affairs and veteran homes regulated; and driver and vehicle services technology account made permanent.
House HF1381 23 05/23/2011 114 Text icon Erickson Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, student transportation, and early childhood education.
House HF2738 24 04/05/2012 167 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0322 25 05/09/2012 297 Text icon Scott Parenting time presumption increased.
House SF0509 25 05/21/2011 69 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, filing requirements changed, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed, electronic polling place roster standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
House HF0936 26 05/20/2011 59 Text icon Holberg Abortions at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age prohibited unless exceptions apply, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF1870 26 04/28/2012 274 Text icon Petersen, B. School districts allowed to base unrequested leave of absence and discharge and demotion decisions on teacher evaluation outcomes.
House HF0012 29 04/14/2011 13 Text icon LeMieur Green acres and rural preserve program changes specified.
House HF2244 29 04/26/2012 249 Text icon O'Driscoll Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.
House HF0042 30 05/18/2011 38 Text icon Davids Omnibus tax bill.