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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

105 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Davnie"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0295 1 01/31/2011 Text icon Kahn Brian Coyle Center renovation and expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0359 1 02/03/2011 Text icon Dill Motor vehicle paint and supplies sales tax clarified.
House HF0488 1 02/14/2011 Text icon Hortman Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
House HF0553 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Greene Pilot project established to explore the programmatic alignment between age 3 and grade 3.
House HF0602 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Kahn Granary Road and road and storm water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0604 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Champion Target Center renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0816 1 03/03/2011 Text icon Slocum Air National Guard Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1056 1 03/14/2011 Text icon Davnie Targeted family outreach activities grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF1249 1 03/21/2011 Text icon Hilty United States Congress and the President of the United States urged to reorder federal spending priorities.
House HF1438 1 04/11/2011 Text icon Kahn Health insurance benefits required to be made available to domestic partners of state employees if they are also made available to spouses.
House HF1518 1 04/18/2011 Text icon Mazorol Real estate purchase regulated during the redemption period following a sheriff's sale.
House HF1946 1 01/26/2012 Text icon Loeffler Minneapolis; Father Hennepin Bluffs Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2021 1 01/30/2012 Text icon Laine Smoking prohibited in theatrical productions.
House HF2088 1 02/08/2012 Text icon Winkler Legislature; various reforms enacted; districting principles established and commission appointment provided for; council to determine legislator compensation established; executive and judicial official compensation council modified; state government funding provided for if a complete budget is not enacted; executive branch unexpended allotments authority modified; meeting times prohibited; officers of major political parties prohibited from legislature employment; and economic disclosure requirement expanded.
House HF2131 1 02/08/2012 Text icon Davnie Minneapolis; Franklin Avenue Bridge rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2299 1 02/15/2012 Text icon McFarlane Safe schools program revenue increased.
House HF2361 1 02/20/2012 Text icon Mahoney Angel investment tax credit changes made, and data practices exemption added.
House HF2478 1 02/23/2012 Text icon Davnie Minneapolis School Board membership updated to conform with Laws 2006, and member removal by majority vote of board authorized.
House HF2487 1 02/23/2012 Text icon Hackbarth Metropolitan Council funding provided for regional park and open-space land acquisition and improvements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2662 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Davnie Special education tuition bill-back procedure phased out, and serving school made responsible for all special education costs.
House HF2947 1 03/21/2012 Text icon Davnie Department of Education Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) data report to the legislature required.
House HF3007 1 04/20/2012 Text icon Greiling Education provided in care and treatment settings.
House HF3023 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Clark Reparative or conversion therapy medical assistance coverage prohibited.
House HF3039 1 04/30/2012 Text icon Clark Public housing preservation rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0121 2 01/20/2011 Text icon Morrow Teacher performance assessments established.
House HF0183 2 01/27/2011 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House HF0470 2 02/17/2011 Text icon Gauthier K-12 special education third-party billing process provided to be more cost effective.
House HF0568 2 02/21/2011 Text icon Kahn Appropriations provided to continue in effect with exceptions and adjustments.
House HF0731 2 03/03/2011 Text icon Doepke Capital referendum ballot language modified in cases where the same level of taxing authority is renewed.
House HF0733 2 03/03/2011 Text icon Winkler Early voting provided.
House HF0762 2 03/03/2011 Text icon Hortman Public residential high school established for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
House HF0822 2 03/09/2011 Text icon Davnie Limited English proficiency funding five-year limit removed.
House HF0898 2 03/14/2011 Text icon McFarlane Metropolitan regional parks funding provided from the parks and trails fund, and money appropriated.
House HF0973 2 03/14/2011 Text icon Mariani School districts authorized to renew an expiring referendum by action of the school board, and reverse referendum authorized.
House HF1095 2 03/16/2011 Text icon Hosch Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association six month preexisting condition limitation exception provided for children.
House HF1187 2 03/21/2011 Text icon Greiling Early childhood and family, prekindergarten through grade 12, and adult education, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, nutrition and accounting, libraries, early childhood education, prevention, self-sufficiency and lifelong learning, and state agencies provided for, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1529 2 04/26/2011 Text icon Greiling Nonpublic schools that receive state aid, materials, services, or other publicly funded support made subject to requirements.
House HF1704 2 05/13/2011 Text icon Davnie Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association and Minneapolis Police Relief Association voluntary consolidation with PERA-P&F provided.
House HF1710 2 05/16/2011 Text icon Kahn Gender-neutral marriage laws provided, and Marriage and Family Protection Act enacted.
House HF1741 2 03/30/2012 Text icon Clark American Indian education committees reestablished.
House HF2054 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Kahn Second world language proficiency required for high school graduation.
House HF2301 2 02/20/2012 Text icon Greiling School districts authorized to levy for changes to employer contribution for teacher retirement.
House HF2586 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Slawik State park fee discounts expanded for disabled individuals.
House HF2808 2 03/26/2012 Text icon Clark Genetically engineered food labeling required.
House HF2873 2 03/15/2012 Text icon Kahn University of Minnesota; project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2892 2 03/21/2012 Text icon Davnie Social Security number use prohibited in health records.
House HF2925 2 03/20/2012 Text icon Hortman Foreclosure prohibited if the lender has not acted on a loan modification request.
House HF0046 3 01/20/2011 Text icon Mariani Compulsory attendance age increased for high school graduation.
House HF0047 3 01/20/2011 Text icon Mariani At-risk and off-track students alternative routes to standard diploma pursued.
House HF0117 3 01/26/2011 Text icon Peterson, S. High-need public high school grant program funding provided for additional student counseling services, and money appropriated.
House HF0204 3 02/02/2011 Text icon Norton Autism spectrum disorder coverage required.
House HF0333 3 02/21/2011 Text icon Moran Extended time programs funding restored.
House HF0546 3 02/24/2011 Text icon Paymar Limited market value extended.
House HF0555 3 04/05/2011 Text icon Moran Principals' Leadership Institute money appropriated.
House HF0646 3 03/07/2011 Text icon Davnie Reproductive privacy right established.
House HF0700 3 04/05/2011 Text icon Simon Voter registration and unlawful voting violations criminal penalties specified.
House HF0732 3 03/16/2011 Text icon Winkler Absentee voting without excuse authorized.
House HF0759 3 03/10/2011 Text icon Kahn Hemp industry development and regulation provided, rulemaking authorized, defense for possession and cultivation of industrial hemp provided, and definition of marijuana modified.
House HF0765 3 04/05/2011 Text icon Davnie Harassment, bullying, intimidation, and violence policies provided.
House HF0883 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Greiling Commissioner of education's role in approving, certifying, and recertifying online learning providers clarified.
House HF0891 3 03/22/2011 Text icon Davnie Early learning program school district levy created.
House HF1153 3 04/11/2011 Text icon Slawik Full-day kindergarten funding provided for qualified kindergarten programs.
House HF1460 3 04/28/2011 Text icon Slocum School district-sponsored collaborative charter school designed to enhance student achievement option created.
House HF1503 3 05/02/2011 Text icon Greene Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding provided.
House HF1887 3 02/16/2012 Text icon Clark Minnesota Housing Finance Agency authorized to issue additional nonprofit housing bonds for three or more culturally specific transitional housing and counseling facilities for exploited American-Indian, East African, Latina, African-American, and Asian girls and women.
House HF2055 3 03/12/2012 Text icon Kahn State employee health insurance benefits required to be made available to domestic partners if they are also made available to spouses.
House HF2062 3 04/16/2012 Text icon Banaian Family assets for independence program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2642 3 03/12/2012 Text icon Hausman Nonferrous metallic mineral mining financial assurance provided.
House HF2737 3 03/13/2012 Text icon Murphy, E. Health plans required to cover contraceptive methods, sterilization, and related medical services, patient education, and counseling without enrollee cost-sharing, and exceptions provided.
House HF2817 3 03/19/2012 Text icon Davnie Mortgage lenders or brokers prohibited from charging for services not performed or changes in excess of what was paid to a third party.
House HF2818 3 03/19/2012 Text icon Davnie Short sale request lender response required, and consequences specified of nonresponse.
House HF3004 3 04/23/2012 Text icon Davnie Harassment, bullying, intimidation, and violence in education prevention policies provided.
House HF0044 4 01/20/2011 Text icon Mariani High school assessments established to determine college and career readiness, and reports required.
House HF0552 4 03/10/2011 Text icon Greene Child with disability definition and related circumstances clarified.
House HF0914 4 01/26/2012 Text icon Hilty Defining the term "person" and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1071 4 03/19/2012 Text icon Norton Autism spectrum disorder coverage provided.
House HF1173 4 04/11/2011 Text icon Brynaert Probationary and continuing contract teachers professional development and evaluation requirements further clarified.
House HF1484 4 04/26/2011 Text icon Kelly Adult education tracking system modified.
House HF1886 4 03/15/2012 Text icon Clark Stay of mortgage foreclosure allowed, and rights provided to tenants of foreclosed property.
House SF2000 4 03/30/2012 Text icon Kieffer Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
House HF2569 4 04/17/2012 Text icon Mazorol Debt management and settlement exemption for attorneys at law clarified.
House HF0665 5 04/30/2012 Text icon Hornstein Corporate franchise taxation; foreign source income preferences eliminated, subtraction for foreign royalties repealed, domestic corporation definition expanded to include certain foreign corporations incorporated in or doing business in tax havens, and foreign operating corporations repealed.
House HF0702 5 02/29/2012 Text icon Lesch Dog and cat breeder licensing and inspection provided.
House HF0703 5 04/14/2011 Text icon Loon Brewer's license holder allowed to operate on-sale facility.
House HF1902 5 04/18/2012 Text icon Clark A house resolution supporting the Somali-American community's ability to continue remittances to the Horn of Africa.
House HF2184 5 04/16/2012 Text icon Mahoney Bridge to Work Minnesota program created, and job-training incentives provided.
House HF2480 5 04/30/2012 Text icon Winkler Income and corporate franchise taxation foreign source income preferences eliminated, foreign royalties subtraction repealed, domestic corporations definition expanded; JOBZ tax benefits and apportionment of income modified; corporate franchise tax rates reduced; foreign operating corporations and mail order businesses special apportionment formula repealed; and school aid payment and property tax recognition shifts repaid.
House HF2723 5 03/15/2012 Text icon Woodard Criminal records expungement for individuals who have received stays of adjudication or diversion authorized, expungements without petitions authorized in cases where charges were dismissed against a person upon prosecutorial approval and with victim notification, persons petitioning for expungement required to provide a copy of the criminal complaint or police report, and opening of expunged records without a court hearing authorized in limited circumstances.
House HF2807 5 04/17/2012 Text icon Lesch School district policies required to address child sexual abuse, and advisory task force established on preventing child sexual abuse.
House HF2823 5 03/19/2012 Text icon Mullery Supporting Responsible Homeowners and Stabilizing Neighborhoods Act enacted, and homeowner opportunities provided in regard to underwater mortgage and foreclosure relief on residential homestead property.
House HF0388 6 04/05/2011 Text icon Benson, J. Dog and cat breeder standards of care provided, fees established, rulemaking authorized, criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0743 6 04/11/2011 Text icon Loon Cigarette definition modified, study proposed, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1885 6 03/30/2012 Text icon Clark Proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution recognizing marriage as only a union between one man and one woman repealed.
House HF2181 6 04/16/2012 Text icon Brynaert FastTRAC adult career pathway program created, and money appropriated.
House HF0563 7 05/16/2011 Text icon Moran School board creation of full-service school zones authorized.
House SF1213 7 03/01/2012 130 Text icon Kelly Adult education tracking system modified.
House HF1257 7 01/26/2012 Text icon Clark Nonprofit housing bonds issued for community land trusts.
House SF1917 7 03/28/2012 146 Text icon Davnie School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
House HF2293 7 03/19/2012 Text icon Davnie School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
House HF2840 8 03/30/2012 Text icon Mariani Integration revenue replacement advisory task force recommendations implemented, and integration revenue repurposed by the "Achievement and Integration for Minnesota" program establishment to increase student performance and equitable educational opportunities and prepare all students to be effective citizens.
House HF2308 9 03/30/2012 Text icon Kieffer Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
House HF0556 13 05/14/2011 Text icon Smith Juvenile prostitutes in need of protection or services provisions amended, sexually exploited youth defined, prostitution crime penalty assessments increased, and distribution of the assessment amended; prostitution laws provisions clarified and recodified, and definitions modified; and money appropriated to the commissioner of public safety to develop a statewide victim services model.
House HF0460 15 05/19/2011 47 Text icon Peppin State Fire Code; sprinkler requirements prohibited in single-family dwellings, and licensee offer of option to install fire sprinklers required before entering into a written contract.
House HF0103 17 03/07/2011 6 Text icon Murray Unemployment insurance eligibility and extension provisions modified.
House SF0170 17 05/19/2011 45 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.