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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

139 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Woodard"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2950 1 03/21/2012 Text icon Woodard Highway safety rest areas contingent appropriation provided.
House HF2931 2 03/30/2012 Text icon Champion High-risk adult demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2801 4 03/19/2012 Text icon Woodard Charter school student population accountability measures clarified.
House HF2790 1 03/12/2012 Text icon Bills Education boards created, and school boards allowed to reorganize as education boards.
House HF2738 24 04/05/2012 167 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2723 5 03/15/2012 Text icon Woodard Criminal records expungement for individuals who have received stays of adjudication or diversion authorized, expungements without petitions authorized in cases where charges were dismissed against a person upon prosecutorial approval and with victim notification, persons petitioning for expungement required to provide a copy of the criminal complaint or police report, and opening of expunged records without a court hearing authorized in limited circumstances.
House HF2714 1 03/07/2012 Text icon Woodard Charter school accountability and success fostered, and money appropriated.
House HF2674 2 03/07/2012 Text icon Lohmer Abortion; licensure required for certain facilities.
House HF2647 15 04/30/2012 280 Text icon Myhra Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
House HF2639 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2636 2 03/07/2012 Text icon Woodard Monthly sales tax liability accelerated payments eliminated.
House HF2621 5 03/26/2012 Text icon Kelly Special or independent school districts made subject to mayoral control.
House HF2612 1 02/29/2012 Text icon Woodard Public safety radio communication systems exemption expanded.
House HF2466 4 02/29/2012 Text icon Daudt Referendum by petition provided in an orderly annexation proceeding, and stay required for final annexation.
House HF2436 2 02/28/2012 Text icon Woodard County purchase sales tax eliminated.
House HF2435 2 03/14/2012 Text icon Woodard Fusion center to assist with detection, prevention, and investigation of, and response to criminal and terrorist activities provided.
House HF2420 1 02/22/2012 Text icon Woodard Charter school provisions modified.
House HF2419 1 02/22/2012 Text icon Garofalo 90 percent aid payments required for charter schools in their first three years.
House HF2404 8 03/29/2012 Text icon Scott Metropolitan Council staggered, four-year terms provided for members.
House HF2381 4 03/15/2012 Text icon Runbeck Property tax statements and notices modified.
House HF2341 14 04/26/2012 252 Text icon Peppin Abortion; prescribing physicians required to be physically present when abortion-inducing drugs are administered.
House HF2339 7 04/20/2012 Text icon Gottwalt Health care compact created.
House HF2338 1 02/16/2012 Text icon Garofalo State Lottery director authorized to establish gaming machines at a licensed racetrack, gaming machine revenue fee imposed, powers and duties provided to the director, and money dedicated for education.
House HF2292 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Loon Adoption records and original birth certificate access provisions modified.
House HF2250 1 02/15/2012 Text icon Daudt Residency requirements for general assistance eligibility modified.
House HF2249 2 04/02/2012 Text icon Daudt Electronic benefit card transactions limited.
House HF2244 29 04/26/2012 249 Text icon O'Driscoll Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.
House HF2190 4 03/12/2012 Text icon Beard Hydropower sources that may satisfy the renewable energy standard size limitation eliminated.
House HF2149 9 04/19/2012 227 Text icon Simon Domestic violence-related offense qualifying definition expanded.
House HF2103 2 02/09/2012 Text icon Lohmer Abortions prohibited when fetal heartbeat is detected.
House HF2084 8 04/19/2012 Text icon Stensrud Compensation provided for when a political subdivision enters into mixed municipal solid waste collection business.
House HF2083 35 04/03/2012 154 Text icon Garofalo Omnibus K-12 bill.
House HF2081 5 03/05/2012 Text icon Daudt Electronic benefit transfer cards modified, and electronic benefit transfer card use regulated.
House HF2080 5 03/01/2012 Text icon Daudt MFIP ineligibility, sanctions, time limit, and exit level modified; and electronic benefit transfer card regulated.
House HF2059 2 03/26/2012 Text icon Woodard Public defender representation, appointment, and reimbursement obligation provisions amended; and financial responsibility outlined for public defender cost, cost for counsel in CHIPS cases, pretrial appeals costs, and standby counsel costs.
House HF2046 11 04/27/2012 266 Text icon Woodard Department of Human Services electronic civil commitment data access permitted to law enforcement for background checks on explosives possession permit applications.
House SF2014 7 04/02/2012 158 Text icon Scott Metropolitan Council staggered, four-year terms provided for members.
House HF2003 6 03/26/2012 Text icon Woodard Racing Commission, Gambling Control Board, and State Lottery operations allowed on an ongoing basis.
House SF1975 3 03/26/2012 Text icon Woodard Racing Commission, Gambling Control Board, and State Lottery operations allowed on an ongoing basis.
House HF1954 7 04/02/2012 Text icon Downey Counties and cities required to report additional budgetary information.
House SF1933 8 04/25/2012 256 Text icon Gottwalt Health care compact created.
House HF1932 2 01/30/2012 Text icon Banaian Legislator coverage restricted, and contributions after June 30, 2012 terminated.
House HF1929 4 02/08/2012 Text icon LeMieur Abortion; physician's physical presence required for abortion procedures.
House HF1928 2 01/30/2012 Text icon LeMieur Abortion; state funding prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1914 5 02/27/2012 Text icon Davids Commercial-industrial properties first $100,000 in value exempted from the state general levy, commercial-industrial property state general levy phased out over 20 years, seasonal recreational property state general levy frozen, maximum homeowner property tax refunds increased, special property tax refund temporary increase provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1901 3 03/13/2012 Text icon McFarlane Scrap vehicle purchasing regulation amended.
House HF1860 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Woodard Operating referendum levy aids provided to charter schools.
House SF1835 2 03/28/2012 Text icon Daudt Residency requirements for general assistance eligibility modified.
House HF1779 2 01/30/2012 Text icon Hackbarth Vikings stadium; State Lottery authorized to establish gaming machines at a licensed racetrack, gaming machine revenue fee imposed, powers and duties provided to the director, and Minnesota First fund established and money dedicated for the Minnesota Vikings and a ballpark for the St. Paul Saints.
House HF1731 1 05/18/2011 Text icon Cornish Sex offenders indeterminate sentencing provided and review board created.
House HF1726 1 05/18/2011 Text icon Daudt Presidential electors designation provided and duties specified.
House HF1717 2 05/18/2011 Text icon Daudt Health care providers prohibited from firearms inquiries.
House HF1713 1 05/14/2011 Text icon Barrett State resources prohibited for potential mileage-based user fee.
House HF1708 6 03/15/2012 Text icon Marquart Minnesota Youth Council established.
House SF1678 7 04/18/2012 212 Text icon Woodard Public defender representation, appointment, and reimbursement obligation provisions amended; and financial responsibility outlined for public defender cost, cost for counsel in CHIPS cases, pretrial appeals costs, and standby counsel costs.
House HF1607 29 04/26/2012 258 Text icon Woodard State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials, and Capitol complex security committee established.
House HF1604 1 04/28/2011 Text icon Woodard Koochiching and Rice Counties; mediation programs funding pilot program authorized through a surcharge on district court filing fees, and money appropriated.
House HF1598 5 04/20/2012 Text icon Drazkowski Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing certain taxes, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1597 5 02/15/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1566 3 04/23/2012 Text icon Wardlow Balanced federal budget; application to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States requiring a balanced federal budget.
House HF1552 3 05/18/2011 Text icon Wardlow Health insurance exchange creation, operation, or existence prohibited in Minnesota.
House HF1535 13 02/22/2012 Text icon Cornish DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.
House HF1534 1 04/18/2011 Text icon Cornish Forfeiture law general criminal code clarified.
House HF1514 1 04/18/2011 Text icon Cornish State law enforcement agencies required to report on the transfer of cases involving forfeiture to the federal government, and more uniformity in terminology provided.
House HF1487 1 04/14/2011 Text icon Myhra Statewide literacy initiative formulated to ensure students succeed in achieving grade-level reading proficiency by the end of grade 3, and data provided to improve student outcomes.
House HF1435 6 03/21/2012 Text icon Erickson State Lottery director authorized to adopt rules for video lottery ticket dispensing machines.
House HF1418 9 04/05/2012 Text icon Woodard Successor corporation asbestos-related liabilities limited.
House HF1372 1 04/05/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school law clarified.
House HF1359 6 05/12/2011 Text icon Barrett State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
House HF1352 2 04/05/2011 Text icon Gunther State Lottery authorized to establish gaming machines, gaming machine revenue tax imposed, powers and duties provided to the director, and a Minnesota future fund and an industry improvement fund established.
House HF1321 1 03/29/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school provisions clarified.
House HF1293 2 03/20/2012 Text icon Loon Education tax credit modified.
House HF1251 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Gruenhagen Health care program contract competitive bids and audits required.
House SF1240 8 02/29/2012 128 Text icon Cornish DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.
House HF1238 5 05/02/2011 Text icon Fabian Local ordinance requirements modified, and subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance adoption delay extended.
House SF1236 9 04/05/2012 168 Text icon Woodard Successor corporation asbestos-related liabilities limited.
House HF1182 1 03/17/2011 Text icon Smith High-risk adult demonstration project continuation money appropriated.
House HF1174 1 03/16/2011 Text icon Hoppe Private, nonprofit college on-sale liquor license provided with conditions.
House HF1089 1 03/14/2011 Text icon Stensrud Schedule of rates for individuals, estates, and trusts rates reduced.
House HF1080 1 03/14/2011 Text icon Woodard Metropolitan Council authorized to disqualify criminal offenders from becoming bus and light rail vehicle operators.
House HF1069 4 03/14/2012 Text icon Bills Education boards created, and school boards allowed to reorganize as education boards.
House HF1059 3 03/20/2012 Text icon Loon Education tax credit equity and opportunity provided.
House HF1043 7 02/29/2012 Text icon Gauthier Motor vehicle property crime penalties proposed for repeat violators.
House HF1031 3 03/20/2012 Text icon Stensrud Legislative Coordinating Commission; provisions modified governing the election of officers and the provision of services, and records retention policy established.
House HF1008 1 03/10/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school revenue formulas modified.
House HF1001 3 05/09/2011 Text icon Woodard "Criminal act" definition expanded in the racketeering crime.
House HF0936 26 05/20/2011 59 Text icon Holberg Abortions at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age prohibited unless exceptions apply, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0920 1 03/07/2011 Text icon Myhra Dakota County; Trunk Highway 13 and County State-Aid Highway 5 interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0915 1 03/07/2011 Text icon Beard Scott County Regional Public Safety Training Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0879 4 04/14/2011 Text icon Erickson Annual evaluations for principals established, and a group of experts and stakeholders convened to recommend a performance-based system model for these evaluations.
House HF0876 9 04/17/2012 Text icon Smith Court hearing opening modified in delinquency or extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings.
House HF0807 2 03/07/2011 Text icon McDonald Original license plate display on collector vehicles provision modified.
House HF0803 3 04/02/2012 Text icon Woodard MNovate commission created.
House HF0783 1 03/03/2011 Text icon Garofalo Number of public school pupils covered by the permanent fund endowment apportionment expanded.
House HF0758 2 03/01/2011 Text icon Shimanski Sales tax on purchases by political subdivisions eliminated.
House HF0756 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Stensrud State employee performance appraisal and bonus pay system components specified.
House HF0750 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Woodard Sex trafficking definition modified, and commercial sex act defined.
House HF0730 4 01/26/2012 Text icon Mazorol Fairness for Responsible Drivers Act established, remedies of uninsured motorists limited, and amount of criminal fines increased.
House HF0720 1 02/28/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Basic revenue funding prioritized, and education finance formulas modified.
House HF0703 5 04/14/2011 Text icon Loon Brewer's license holder allowed to operate on-sale facility.
House SF0680 7 05/21/2011 81 Text icon Woodard "Criminal act" definition expanded in the racketeering crime.
House HF0669 6 04/02/2012 Text icon Loon Early childhood education scholarship finance system created, early education worker training and retainment tax credits provided, early childhood education programming quality improved, and money appropriated.
House HF0638 3 04/14/2011 Text icon Myhra School grading system created, school recognition program created, school report cards modified, rulemaking authorized, and report required.
House HF0617 2 02/24/2011 Text icon Woodard AmeriCorps Innovation aligned to federal law.
House HF0587 2 02/21/2011 Text icon Beard Dan Patch commuter rail line restrictions removed.
House HF0537 8 05/10/2011 Text icon Urdahl Speeding violation of ten miles per hour over the 60 mile per hour limit provided to not go on a driver's driving record.
House SF0509 25 05/21/2011 69 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, filing requirements changed, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed, electronic polling place roster standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
House HF0506 9 05/17/2011 Text icon Shimanski Fourth-degree assault crime and the assaulting a police horse crime expanded to provide more protection to law enforcement assistants.
House HF0474 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Smith Fire safety account funds allocated.
House HF0467 6 05/02/2011 Text icon Gruenhagen Commissioner of corrections directed to implement a gardening program at state correctional facilities.
House HF0447 15 05/14/2011 28 Text icon Kelly Vulnerable adult criminal abuse made a registrable offense under the predatory offender registration law; investigation, review, and hearing provisions modified; terminology changed; criminal penalty increased for assaulting a vulnerable adult; and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0420 1 02/09/2011 Text icon Woodard Health and safety revenue program streamlined.
House HF0407 3 02/14/2011 Text icon Kriesel State short-term borrowing through school district payment modifications repealed.
House HF0370 4 03/03/2011 Text icon Smith Youth intervention program grants modified.
House SF0361 8 05/23/2011 104 Text icon Hamilton Leo's Law; Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week proposed.
House HF0355 5 02/24/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Home school mandates reduced, and superintendents relieved of reporting requirements.
House HF0346 1 02/03/2011 Text icon McFarlane School district capital account fund transfer authorized.
House HF0339 3 03/09/2011 Text icon Kelly Teacher employment contract negotiation process identified.
House HF0322 25 05/09/2012 297 Text icon Scott Parenting time presumption increased.
House SF0301 8 05/20/2011 85 Text icon Shimanski Fourth-degree assault crime and the assaulting a police horse crime expanded to provide more protection to reserve officers, and fourth-degree assault crime expanded to utility and postal service employees and contractors.
House HF0287 8 05/18/2011 Text icon Hamilton Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week designated.
House HF0273 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Woodard Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established.
House HF0253 7 03/08/2012 Text icon Ward June accelerated tax payment repealed.
House HF0210 6 05/02/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed and standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
House HF0201 17 05/20/2011 56 Text icon Scott Abortion funding limited for state-sponsored health programs.
House HF0183 2 01/27/2011 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House SF0170 17 05/19/2011 45 Text icon Kieffer Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
House HF0149 2 01/24/2011 Text icon Cornish Health care provided to survivors of peace officers or firefighters killed in the line of duty.
House HF0134 4 02/28/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school authorizer approval deadline modified.
House HF0103 17 03/07/2011 6 Text icon Murray Unemployment insurance eligibility and extension provisions modified.
House HF0091 3 03/31/2011 Text icon Howes Choose Life license plates authorized, adoption support account established, and funds appropriated.
House SF0069 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Kiffmeyer Home school mandates reduced, and superintendents relieved of reporting requirements.
House HF0066 16 05/16/2011 Text icon Drazkowski Political contribution refund repealed.
House SF0055 13 05/20/2011 Text icon Woodard Charter school authorizer approval deadline modified.
House HF0052 18 04/28/2011 19 Text icon Peppin City, county, and town zoning control and ordinance variances provided.
House HF0012 29 04/14/2011 13 Text icon LeMieur Green acres and rural preserve program changes specified.
House HF0008 24 04/28/2012 276 Text icon Gottwalt Unified personal health premium accounts permitted.
House HF0007 6 04/28/2011 Text icon Drazkowski State mandates abolished and made permissive, county audit by CPA firm authorized, surplus law library fee use provided, and publication and reporting requirements changed or eliminated.
House HF0006 7 05/09/2011 Text icon Cornish Convicted sex offender indeterminate sentencing provided.