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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

71 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Eken"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2775 6 03/29/2012 Text icon Fabian Towed implements of husbandry brake requirements amended.
House HF2741 3 03/19/2012 Text icon Anderson, P. Ethanol minimum content dates extended.
House HF2724 1 03/07/2012 Text icon Eken Utilities joint venture authority expanded to include Indian tribes.
House HF2517 6 03/22/2012 Text icon Shimanski Other motor vehicle license plates placement clarified.
House HF2483 1 02/23/2012 Text icon Eken Public employee defined contribution plan in-service distributions authorized at age 66.
House HF2398 25 04/25/2012 244 Text icon Anderson, P. Omnibus agriculture bill.
House SF2394 7 04/05/2012 172 Text icon Fabian Towed implements of husbandry brake requirements amended.
House HF2341 14 04/26/2012 252 Text icon Peppin Abortion; prescribing physicians required to be physically present when abortion-inducing drugs are administered.
House HF2340 10 04/19/2012 Text icon Holberg Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
House HF2328 2 03/13/2012 Text icon Beard Air flight property tax levies, aircraft fuel taxes, and aircraft registration taxes and filing fees provisions modified.
House HF2292 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Loon Adoption records and original birth certificate access provisions modified.
House HF2215 1 02/13/2012 Text icon Eken Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2208 1 02/13/2012 Text icon Kiel Trunk highway interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2202 1 02/13/2012 Text icon Beard Public Utilities Commission regulatory burden study required.
House HF2197 2 04/17/2012 Text icon Eken Lottery gaming machine operation and nonlottery game conduction authorized at a gaming facility, gaming facility licensed and regulated, gaming transaction fee imposed on gaming facility, and money appropriated.
House HF2169 15 04/24/2012 Text icon Beard State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.
House HF2057 1 02/01/2012 Text icon Kiel Local bridge replacement and rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF1922 9 04/23/2012 238 Text icon Beard State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.
House SF1921 12 04/20/2012 233 Text icon Holberg Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
House HF1832 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Marquart Heartland State Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1821 11 05/07/2012 Text icon Dettmer Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
House SF1788 2 03/15/2012 Text icon Beard Public Utilities Commission regulatory burden study required.
House HF1776 4 03/07/2012 Text icon Lenczewski Market value homestead credit restored.
House HF1728 3 01/30/2012 Text icon Eken Becker County waste transfer facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1658 2 02/03/2012 Text icon Eken Manhomen County; Island Lake Township aggregate materials tax imposition allowed.
House HF1542 4 03/26/2012 Text icon Eken School start date exception made for school districts that suffer floods.
House HF1469 1 04/14/2011 Text icon Persell Niijii Broadcasting new programming money appropriated.
House HF1347 1 03/31/2011 Text icon Anderson, P. Dairy Research, Teaching, and Consumer Education Authority established, and duties and procedures specified.
House HF1311 1 03/28/2011 Text icon Eken Agriculture and the Board of Animal Health money appropriated, and requirements, programs, and provisions changed.
House HF1238 5 05/02/2011 Text icon Fabian Local ordinance requirements modified, and subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance adoption delay extended.
House HF1230 11 05/11/2011 Text icon Fabian State land disposition of receipts modified; state parks, state recreation areas, state forests, and state wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; Mississippi River management plan modified; and public and private sales and conveyances authorized for certain state lands.
House HF1193 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Beard Municipalities and electric cooperative associations regulations amended with respect to energy conservation programs.
House HF1192 1 03/17/2011 Text icon Beard Airport runway preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1186 1 03/17/2011 Text icon McElfatrick State health care program purchasing county roles and rights modified, county-based purchasing arrangements authorized, and administrative reporting reduction process established.
House HF1156 1 03/16/2011 Text icon Eken Long-term care tax imposed to fund services.
House HF1155 1 03/16/2011 Text icon Eken Mahnomen County; supplemental rate increased for group residential provider.
House HF1154 1 03/16/2011 Text icon Eken Single member district office, executive officer, judge, senator or representative election by a majority of the votes cast at the general election for the office provided for, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1151 1 03/16/2011 Text icon Eken Snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles registered by an Indian tribal government to a tribal member exempted from registration with the state.
House SF1140 2 03/28/2012 Text icon Shimanski Other motor vehicle license plates placement clarified.
House HF1132 2 03/17/2011 Text icon Eken Legislator salary authorization council established, Compensation Council composition changed, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1118 1 03/14/2011 Text icon Eken General education component created to support small school districts.
House HF1027 2 03/14/2011 Text icon Buesgens Railroad track maintenance expenditure subtraction provided.
House HF1026 2 03/14/2011 Text icon Buesgens Railroad track maintenance credit provided.
House HF0930 2 03/08/2011 Text icon Falk Tax-forfeited land sales prohibited to certain property owners, and county auditors required to file lists of delinquent real estate taxes.
House HF0905 18 05/21/2011 Text icon Hamilton Youth athletes with concussions resulting from participation in youth athletic activities policies established.
House HF0880 2 03/09/2011 Text icon Vogel Special overweight permits authorized for hauling construction aggregate.
House HF0870 1 03/03/2011 Text icon Eken Vehicle subject to impoundment order provisions modified, and commissioner of public safety authorized to establish variance process.
House HF0860 5 04/07/2011 Text icon Hamilton Beginning farmer program tax credits provided.
House HF0759 3 03/10/2011 Text icon Kahn Hemp industry development and regulation provided, rulemaking authorized, defense for possession and cultivation of industrial hemp provided, and definition of marijuana modified.
House HF0735 5 02/29/2012 Text icon Gauthier Sexual violence prevalence reporting required.
House SF0712 11 05/22/2011 98 Text icon Fabian Adopt-a-WMA program established; state parks, recreation areas, forests, and wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; and public and private sales of surplus and tax-forfeited lands authorized.
House SF0612 6 05/22/2011 90 Text icon Hamilton Youth athletes with concussions resulting from participation in youth athletic activities policies established.
House HF0586 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Fabian Flood hazard mitigation grants funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0572 3 02/24/2011 Text icon Eken American Indian veteran plaque placement authorized on Capitol grounds.
House HF0539 6 04/04/2012 Text icon Anderson, B. Agricultural pursuit clarified as not being determinative for property tax classification, and agricultural operation defined.
House HF0537 8 05/10/2011 Text icon Urdahl Speeding violation of ten miles per hour over the 60 mile per hour limit provided to not go on a driver's driving record.
House HF0504 1 02/14/2011 Text icon Eken Red River of the North; flood damage reduction project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0488 1 02/14/2011 Text icon Hortman Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
House HF0422 1 02/09/2011 Text icon Rukavina Special license plate standards provided.
House HF0421 2 02/17/2011 Text icon Rukavina Retired firefighter special plates established.
House SF0396 7 04/17/2012 203 Text icon Anderson, B. Agricultural pursuit clarified as not being determinative for property tax classification, and agricultural operation defined.
House HF0383 11 04/03/2012 Text icon Hamilton New radiation therapy facility construction criteria established, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.
House HF0352 1 02/03/2011 Text icon Eken Flood damage reduction projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0264 17 05/23/2011 101 Text icon Urdahl Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act; actions against persons for weight gain as a result of food consumption prohibited.
House HF0262 9 03/21/2011 Text icon Mack Community paramedic certification created, commissioner required to determine medical assistance-covered services performed by community paramedics, and to evaluate the effect of coverage of services by a community paramedic.
House SF0248 12 04/18/2012 217 Text icon Hamilton New radiation therapy facility construction criteria established, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.
House HF0239 3 02/24/2011 Text icon Persell Clearwater County; ICF/MR facility daily rate increased.
House HF0214 3 05/14/2011 Text icon Howes Public safety radio equipment tax exemption expanded.
House HF0203 23 04/28/2012 275 Text icon Westrom Legislative approval of rules modified.
House SF0119 6 04/04/2011 12 Text icon Mack Community paramedic certification created.
House HF0101 2 01/20/2011 Text icon Urdahl Livestock investment grant funding provided, and money appropriated.