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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

105 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Mullery"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3050 2 05/09/2012 Text icon Fritz Child care sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) licensure requirement modified.
House HF3039 1 04/30/2012 Text icon Clark Public housing preservation rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3037 2 05/03/2012 Text icon Hausman Jobs created through rehabilitation and construction of affordable housing, green energy investments in public buildings, and capital improvements at institutions of higher education; nonprofit housing bonds authorized; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF3035 1 04/28/2012 Text icon Hilstrom Driver feedback and safety-monitoring equipment requirements added, and annual reporting provided for.
House HF3032 1 04/27/2012 Text icon Mullery Lender sale regulated for a foreclosed property to a person who has an unremedied local housing code violation.
House HF3029 1 04/24/2012 Text icon Mullery Lenders required to make postforeclosure offers to former homeowners.
House HF3028 1 04/24/2012 Text icon Mullery Lenders required to make calculations prior to foreclosure.
House HF3027 1 04/24/2012 Text icon Mullery Foreclosed homeowners' right to stay in the home for a longer period of time provided.
House HF3023 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Clark Reparative or conversion therapy medical assistance coverage prohibited.
House HF3015 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Mullery Future mortgage foreclosures by advertisement ineffectiveness, and homestead property foreclosure deficiency judgement unavailability by action or advertisement provided.
House HF3014 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Mullery Homeowners facing foreclosure provided with information about the current owner of the mortagee interest in the property, the current holder of the mortgage, and the third-party servicer of the mortgage loan if any.
House HF3013 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Mullery Foreclosure forbearance for unemployed long-term homeowners provided.
House HF3012 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Mullery Mortgage loan balance reduction and calculations required.
House HF3011 1 04/23/2012 Text icon Mullery Real estate; mortgage lenders who have foreclosed on real estate within a city required to deed the property to the city when the foreclosure has been completed, city permitted to charge the lender for any costs of repair or demolition, and lender required to pay those charges.
House HF2840 8 03/30/2012 Text icon Mariani Integration revenue replacement advisory task force recommendations implemented, and integration revenue repurposed by the "Achievement and Integration for Minnesota" program establishment to increase student performance and equitable educational opportunities and prepare all students to be effective citizens.
House HF2823 5 03/19/2012 Text icon Mullery Supporting Responsible Homeowners and Stabilizing Neighborhoods Act enacted, and homeowner opportunities provided in regard to underwater mortgage and foreclosure relief on residential homestead property.
House HF2822 2 03/19/2012 Text icon Mullery Mortgage loan modification and lender response request process provided.
House HF2814 1 03/12/2012 Text icon Mullery Writs of mandamus issuance regulated.
House HF2746 2 03/19/2012 Text icon Abeler Medical assistance payment procedures modified for multiple services provided on the same day, and federally qualified health center health care home certification process modified.
House HF2723 5 03/15/2012 Text icon Woodard Criminal records expungement for individuals who have received stays of adjudication or diversion authorized, expungements without petitions authorized in cases where charges were dismissed against a person upon prosecutorial approval and with victim notification, persons petitioning for expungement required to provide a copy of the criminal complaint or police report, and opening of expunged records without a court hearing authorized in limited circumstances.
House HF2699 3 03/07/2012 Text icon Loeffler State general levy; first $150,000 excluded in value of each commercial-industrial property.
House HF2508 20 04/24/2012 240 Text icon Barrett State-controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy's controlled substance regulation authority modified, and penalties provided.
House HF2505 2 03/13/2012 Text icon Mullery Post office box number designation permitted in the annual report of the conservator.
House HF2488 2 02/29/2012 Text icon Greiling Early childhood education funding proportionately increased when the basic formula allowance increases.
House HF2424 2 02/28/2012 Text icon Mullery Land-banked property tax exemptions modified.
House HF2290 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Atkins Minnesota Insurance Marketplace Act established, powers and duties prescribed, and money appropriated.
House HF2279 1 02/15/2012 Text icon Slocum Limitation on the use of credit information for motor vehicle insurance modified.
House HF2277 5 04/16/2012 Text icon Mahoney New jobs tax credit established, corporate franchise and sales and use taxes changes made, and money appropriated.
House HF2261 8 03/15/2012 Text icon Dettmer Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery burial eligibility expanded to include deceased allied Hmong-American or Lao-American veterans of the American Secret War in Laos.
House HF2260 5 03/05/2012 Text icon Dettmer Congress and the President of the United States memorialized to amend federal veterans cemetery law to expand eligibility for burial in state veterans cemeteries developed with federal funding to include allied Hmong-American and Lao-American veterans of America's Secret War in Laos.
House HF2186 5 04/16/2012 Text icon Fritz Minnesota investment fund money appropriated.
House HF2185 5 04/16/2012 Text icon Scalze Economic development funding provided, transportation economic development program established, bonds authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2184 5 04/16/2012 Text icon Mahoney Bridge to Work Minnesota program created, and job-training incentives provided.
House HF2183 4 04/16/2012 Text icon Koenen Urban initiative loan program and greater Minnesota business development funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2182 3 02/15/2012 Text icon Melin State procurement policies amended, and Buy Minnesota Act established.
House HF2181 6 04/16/2012 Text icon Brynaert FastTRAC adult career pathway program created, and money appropriated.
House HF2177 6 04/16/2012 Text icon Peterson, S. Minnesota opportunity training grants created, and money appropriated.
House HF2145 1 02/08/2012 Text icon Mullery Insurance requirement amended for limited driver's license and ignition interlock device program.
House HF2122 1 02/08/2012 Text icon Carlson Bottineau Boulevard Transit Way corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2064 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Slocum Estate sale conductors required to post a bond to protect owners of the property to be sold.
House HF2063 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Greiling Solid waste organized collection implementation process amended for cities.
House HF2055 3 03/12/2012 Text icon Kahn State employee health insurance benefits required to be made available to domestic partners if they are also made available to spouses.
House HF2048 3 04/16/2012 Text icon Mullery Council on Affairs of Chicano/Latino People, Council on Black Minnesotans, Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans, Indian Affairs Council, and Council on Disabilities continued existence provided.
House HF2006 1 01/30/2012 Text icon Kahn Persons 21 years of age and younger allowed a special exemption to drink alcohol.
House HF1946 1 01/26/2012 Text icon Loeffler Minneapolis; Father Hennepin Bluffs Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1944 1 01/26/2012 Text icon Johnson Commissioner of corrections directed to prepare a report to the legislature on the department's policies and practices related to supervised release violators.
House HF1907 2 01/26/2012 Text icon Liebling Personal care assistance provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1905 2 01/26/2012 Text icon Mullery Contracts for deed involving residential property protections specified.
House HF1901 3 03/13/2012 Text icon McFarlane Scrap vehicle purchasing regulation amended.
House HF1885 6 03/30/2012 Text icon Clark Proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution recognizing marriage as only a union between one man and one woman repealed.
House HF1881 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Hansen Emergency responders permitted absences from work.
House HF1869 2 01/26/2012 Text icon Mullery Long-term unemployed persons hiring credit authorized.
House HF1868 2 01/26/2012 Text icon Mullery Predatory offenders; location of residences modified for level III predatory offenders.
House HF1866 1 01/24/2012 Text icon Mullery Employment conditions prohibited related to unemployment status.
House HF1799 2 01/26/2012 Text icon Mullery Minneapolis; bicycle and pedestrian facilities design and construction funding provided, boulevard trees to be planted along 26th Avenue North, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1776 4 03/07/2012 Text icon Lenczewski Market value homestead credit restored.
House HF1768 5 02/03/2012 Text icon Mullery Property tax rent percentage increased.
House HF1767 5 02/03/2012 Text icon Mullery Property tax temporary refunds provided for renters in the areas affected by the 2011 tornadoes.
House HF1746 2 01/24/2012 Text icon Mullery Civil union relationships provided, and civil union substituted for marriage for purposes of Minnesota law.
House HF1732 1 05/19/2011 Text icon Cornish Uniform use of force standard for peace officers provided.
House HF1731 1 05/18/2011 Text icon Cornish Sex offenders indeterminate sentencing provided and review board created.
House HF1720 1 05/17/2011 Text icon Mullery Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday council created.
House HF1706 1 05/14/2011 Text icon Mullery Congregational approval of religious society actions required.
House HF1676 4 03/05/2012 Text icon Gunther Fast investment today program performance rewards created, tax benefits provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1620 2 05/03/2011 Text icon Mullery Small businesses and targeted group businesses purchasing laws applied to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
House HF1562 1 04/26/2011 Text icon Mullery Cities authorized to issue liquor licenses for a stadium or ballpark for the purposes of baseball games.
House HF1541 2 04/26/2011 Text icon Mullery Civil rights status notice required.
House HF1520 4 05/12/2011 Text icon Mullery State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
House HF1489 1 04/14/2011 Text icon Kelly Voting status notices required, affirmative defense provided, duties and requirements eliminated, and working group created.
House HF1388 2 04/14/2011 Text icon Mullery Employers who employ qualified ex-felons allowed a credit.
House HF1371 1 04/04/2011 Text icon Mullery Law enforcement incident data permitted to be submitted to a federal database, and local law enforcement agencies prohibited from submitting incident information to the federal government.
House HF1358 6 05/23/2011 Text icon Kahn Neighborhood revitalization program termination and transition activities in a city of the first class provided.
House HF1307 4 04/14/2011 Text icon Mullery Minneapolis; summer youth employment program grants awarded, and money appropriated.
House HF1285 1 03/23/2011 Text icon Mullery Controlled substances Schedule I list added to.
House HF1270 11 05/21/2011 Text icon McDonald E-charging expanded to include citations, juvenile adjudication, and implied test refusal or failure.
House HF1257 7 01/26/2012 Text icon Clark Nonprofit housing bonds issued for community land trusts.
House HF1249 1 03/21/2011 Text icon Hilty United States Congress and the President of the United States urged to reorder federal spending priorities.
House HF1229 1 03/21/2011 Text icon Mullery Unemployment insurance and taxation penalties provided, and additions to taxable income modified.
House HF1228 2 03/22/2011 Text icon Mullery Offender reentry and crime deterrence policy advisory task force established.
House HF1227 2 03/23/2011 Text icon Mullery Juvenile justice reform advisory task force established.
House HF1226 3 04/14/2011 Text icon Mullery Sex offender policy advisory task force established.
House HF1211 1 03/21/2011 Text icon Carlson State agency deficiency funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1199 2 03/22/2011 Text icon Mullery Neighborhood Development Center grant money appropriated.
House HF1180 1 03/17/2011 Text icon Mullery Homeowner loan modification request uniform process provided for use by lenders, and mortgage lenders required to record proof of compliance prior to foreclosure.
House HF1103 2 03/21/2011 Text icon Mullery Assault of utility or postal service employee or contractor gross misdemeanor created.
House HF1098 3 02/29/2012 Text icon Mullery Seized animal disposition requirements changed, and penalty imposed.
House HF1004 2 03/10/2011 Text icon Mullery Charitable contribution requirement reduced for nonprofit community service-organizations to receive 4c classification.
House HF0933 2 03/17/2011 Text icon Smith Prostitution law provisions clarified and recodified, and definitions modified.
House HF0903 3 05/02/2011 Text icon Mullery Community-based workforce development provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0883 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Greiling Commissioner of education's role in approving, certifying, and recertifying online learning providers clarified.
House SF0881 6 05/22/2011 91 Text icon McDonald E-charging expanded to include citations, juvenile adjudication, and implied test refusal or failure.
House HF0848 1 03/03/2011 Text icon Clark Neighborhood Development Center grant money appropriated.
House HF0838 3 04/26/2011 Text icon Gunther Opportunities industrialization centers money appropriated.
House HF0738 12 04/19/2012 218 Text icon Cornish Public notice provided for the release hearing for killers of peace officers, and harassment restraining order provisions modified.
House HF0675 3 03/30/2011 Text icon Gunther Graduation and retention grant requirements modified, Twin Cities RISE! funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0660 3 03/14/2011 Text icon McDonald Repeat sex offender 36-month presumptive executed sentence provided.
House HF0645 1 02/21/2011 Text icon Mullery Minority population grant program provided for collaborative activities to reduce unemployment, and money appropriated.
House HF0583 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Mullery Residential mortgage lending state regulation limit obsolete limitations repealed, and federal Dodd-Frank Act conformed.
House HF0563 7 05/16/2011 Text icon Moran School board creation of full-service school zones authorized.
House HF0556 13 05/14/2011 Text icon Smith Juvenile prostitutes in need of protection or services provisions amended, sexually exploited youth defined, prostitution crime penalty assessments increased, and distribution of the assessment amended; prostitution laws provisions clarified and recodified, and definitions modified; and money appropriated to the commissioner of public safety to develop a statewide victim services model.
House HF0531 1 02/17/2011 Text icon Clark Minneapolis; Minnesota African American History Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0492 3 02/17/2011 Text icon Slocum Property valuation freeze and purchased foreclosed property improvements exclusion provided.
House HF0469 11 04/19/2012 223 Text icon Gruenhagen Harassment restraining order petitions jurisdiction provided.
House HF0365 3 02/10/2011 Text icon Peterson, S. Education of young children through age five provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0345 3 02/10/2011 Text icon Greiling School finance system modified, new education funding framework created, and income tax schedule changes made.