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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

25 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Chief Authors of "Barrett"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2960 1 03/22/2012 Text icon Barrett General fund appropriations reduction required to provide an annual increase in the school district aid payment percentage.
House HF2905 1 03/15/2012 Text icon Barrett No Child Left Behind waiver application required, and enforcement of education statutes modified.
House HF2853 1 03/14/2012 Text icon Barrett Bill or conference committee report final passage prohibited on the day it is received by a body, with exceptions provided.
House HF2797 1 03/12/2012 Text icon Barrett Hospital futility policy disclosure required.
House HF2540 4 03/20/2012 Text icon Barrett School district state aid new source created for districts with below average revenue.
House HF2532 7 04/25/2012 246 Text icon Barrett Electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
House HF2508 20 04/24/2012 240 Text icon Barrett State-controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy's controlled substance regulation authority modified, and penalties provided.
House HF2384 2 02/22/2012 Text icon Barrett Electrical inspections required to continue in the event of a government shutdown, and money appropriated.
House HF2383 1 02/20/2012 Text icon Barrett St. Croix River Education District; building lease levy alternative uses permitted.
House HF2382 1 02/20/2012 Text icon Barrett Combined receipts tax phased out.
House HF2050 3 02/22/2012 Text icon Barrett Taylors Falls; border city development powers establishment and exercise authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2049 2 02/08/2012 Text icon Barrett Vision therapy pilot project created, and money appropriated.
House HF1993 9 04/16/2012 Text icon Barrett Advisory council provisions modified.
House HF1713 1 05/14/2011 Text icon Barrett State resources prohibited for potential mileage-based user fee.
House SF1679 6 04/28/2012 271 Text icon Barrett Advisory council provisions modified.
House HF1608 1 04/28/2011 Text icon Barrett "Analogue" definition added in the controlled substances law.
House HF1553 2 04/27/2011 Text icon Barrett Medical treatment of minors consent requirements modified, parental access permitted to minor's medical records, and minor consent agreements provided.
House HF1359 6 05/12/2011 Text icon Barrett State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
House HF0925 1 03/07/2011 Text icon Barrett Public purchasing from correction industries procedures revised.
House HF0924 2 03/09/2011 Text icon Barrett Departments of Health and Human Services consolidated, and name changed to Department of Health and Human Services, and report required.
House HF0487 1 02/14/2011 Text icon Barrett Optometry definition modified.
House HF0358 12 04/18/2012 Text icon Barrett Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, and immigration-related data use provided.
House HF0115 3 01/31/2011 Text icon Barrett School district January 15 deadline repealed by which a collective bargaining agreement must be reached or face a state aid penalty.
House HF0114 2 01/20/2011 Text icon Barrett Unemployment insurance eligibility requirements modified.
House HF0112 3 03/09/2011 Text icon Barrett Taylors Falls; border city development zone powers authorized, and money appropriated.