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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

65 Documents Found in Legislative Session 87 (2011-2012)
for Authors of "Mazorol"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3031 1 04/25/2012 Text icon Downey Open enrollment decisions; student's resident district basis provided.
House HF2880 1 03/14/2012 Text icon Mazorol Student definition modified for purposes of the statement of immunization.
House HF2722 2 03/19/2012 Text icon Mazorol Municipal employee liability regulated.
House HF2708 1 03/07/2012 Text icon Holberg Priced highway lanes requirements modified.
House HF2705 7 04/26/2012 260 Text icon Mazorol Closing agents regulated, and licensed attorneys and direct employees of licensed attorneys exempted from the licensing requirements for closing agents.
House HF2639 1 03/05/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2569 4 04/17/2012 Text icon Mazorol Debt management and settlement exemption for attorneys at law clarified.
House HF2528 3 03/12/2012 Text icon Mazorol Accidents involving damage to state-owned infrastructure report sharing required.
House HF2527 6 04/17/2012 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law enacted.
House HF2517 6 03/22/2012 Text icon Shimanski Other motor vehicle license plates placement clarified.
House HF2500 5 04/18/2012 Text icon Sanders Debt settlement services agreements laws changed.
House HF2429 2 03/05/2012 Text icon Mazorol Technology corporate franchise tax certificate transfer program established.
House HF2362 1 02/20/2012 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Community Property Rights at Death Act adopted.
House HF2308 9 03/30/2012 Text icon Kieffer Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
House HF2288 3 02/27/2012 Text icon McElfatrick Safe haven law expanded.
House HF2120 1 02/08/2012 Text icon Quam Personnel data sharing required by government entities except where otherwise restricted.
House HF2002 5 02/27/2012 Text icon Downey Lawful occupation pursuit ensured to be free from unnecessary regulations, right stated to engage in an occupation to create a greater number of jobs, and conditions specified for government regulation of occupations to protect against misuse of occupational regulations to reduce competition and increase prices to consumers.
House SF2000 4 03/30/2012 Text icon Kieffer Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
House HF1916 3 02/27/2012 Text icon Howes Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities prior appropriations modified.
House HF1666 9 04/16/2012 Text icon Beard Retention elections for judges proposed, judicial performance evaluation commission created, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1643 3 05/10/2011 Text icon Mazorol Certificates issued to business entities simplified, effective date of agent resignations modified, notice provided to organizations revised, alternative names allowed, business entities redefined, certificates to business trusts and municipal power agencies eliminated, and an inadvertent error corrected regarding nonprofit directors' conflicts of interest.
House HF1598 5 04/20/2012 Text icon Drazkowski Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing certain taxes, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1597 5 02/15/2012 Text icon Kiffmeyer Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1573 6 05/09/2011 Text icon Hortman Courts authorized to construe will and trust provisions, Uniform Disclaimer or Property Interests Act updated and revised, receivership provisions changed, assignments provided for the benefit of creditors, conforming amendments made, and statutory sections renumbered.
House HF1531 2 05/04/2011 Text icon Mazorol Sales and use taxation exemption provided for qualified data centers.
House HF1530 3 04/28/2011 Text icon Mazorol Title insurers statutory premium reserves regulated.
House HF1518 1 04/18/2011 Text icon Mazorol Real estate purchase regulated during the redemption period following a sheriff's sale.
House HF1515 13 03/15/2012 132 Text icon Holberg Late fee provisions modified, and provisions clarified relating to eviction from property subject to foreclosure.
House HF1384 17 03/30/2012 151 Text icon Davids Charitable or religious organization transfers excluded from the fraudulent transfers act.
House HF1274 1 03/23/2011 Text icon Wardlow Limited liability company organization and operation regulated, revised uniform limited liability company act enacted, and conforming changes made.
House SF1234 8 05/23/2011 106 Text icon Mazorol State funds depositories regulated, certificates issued to business entities simplified, contracts entered into by nonprofit corporations governing provisions modified, effective date of resignations of agents modified, notice provided to organizations revised, alternate name use allowed, business entities redefined, and issuance of certificates eliminated to business trusts and municipal power agencies.
House HF1198 2 04/14/2011 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updated.
House SF1140 2 03/28/2012 Text icon Shimanski Other motor vehicle license plates placement clarified.
House HF1130 7 05/16/2011 Text icon Nornes Student record and data use provided for.
House HF1003 2 03/14/2011 Text icon Stensrud Schedule of income tax rates reduced for individuals, estates, and trusts.
House HF0952 2 04/27/2011 Text icon Mazorol Guardianship compensation provisions clarified.
House HF0951 2 04/27/2011 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act provisions changed, updated, and clarified.
House HF0936 26 05/20/2011 59 Text icon Holberg Abortions at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age prohibited unless exceptions apply, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0894 1 03/07/2011 Text icon Mazorol Noneconomic detriment damages limitation modified.
House SF0799 7 05/22/2011 93 Text icon Nornes Student record and data use provided for.
House HF0770 2 04/27/2011 Text icon Mazorol Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
House HF0748 1 02/28/2011 Text icon Mazorol Trust for animal care provided.
House HF0747 9 02/01/2012 Text icon Mazorol Attorney fee relation to damages awarded factor provided.
House HF0745 11 05/21/2011 Text icon Mack Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force created, appointments provided, and development of a statewide strategic plan required.
House HF0730 4 01/26/2012 Text icon Mazorol Fairness for Responsible Drivers Act established, remedies of uninsured motorists limited, and amount of criminal fines increased.
House HF0654 2 04/28/2011 Text icon Wardlow Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.
House SF0530 10 02/01/2012 121 Text icon Mazorol Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
House HF0444 1 02/10/2011 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 amendments enacted by the adoption of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and conforming changes made.
House SF0429 14 02/01/2012 120 Text icon Mazorol Attorney fee relation to damages awarded factor provided.
House HF0419 2 03/07/2011 Text icon Downey Executive branch departments number reduced.
House HF0418 17 04/28/2012 Text icon Downey Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; benchmarking study required on centralizing accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions in the Department of Administration; and report on improvement initiatives required.
House SF0373 12 02/01/2012 119 Text icon Wardlow Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.
House HF0354 2 02/28/2011 Text icon Slocum Bloomington; Lindau Lane Corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0322 25 05/09/2012 297 Text icon Scott Parenting time presumption increased.
House HF0303 2 03/03/2011 Text icon Peppin Joint legislative office services required.
House SF0302 7 05/20/2011 64 Text icon Davids Dental provider contracts and provider audits regulated.
House HF0288 6 03/09/2011 Text icon Downey Tax credit provided for investment in start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses.
House HF0273 3 03/14/2011 Text icon Woodard Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established.
House HF0269 6 03/26/2012 Text icon Downey Teacher contract qualified economic offer provided.
House HF0211 10 05/18/2011 Text icon Wardlow Liability limits modified for tort claims against the state and political subdivisions, conciliation court claims regulated, class action orders right of appeal provided, statute of limitations on claims modified, prejudgment interest modified, attorney fees regulated, and sex trafficking violations cause of action provided.
House SF0194 8 05/16/2011 31 Text icon Mazorol Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 amendments enacted by the adoption of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and conforming changes made.
House SF0149 16 02/01/2012 118 Text icon Wardlow Conciliation court claims regulated, and court order appeals related to class actions permitted.
House HF0122 18 05/18/2011 Text icon Davids Dental provider contracts and provider audits regulated.
House HF0100 1 01/18/2011 Text icon Urdahl Social host liability criminal penalty imposed.
House HF0089 8 04/27/2011 Text icon Benson, M. Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, voter identification card provided at no charge, canvassing deadlines changed, notice required, provisional balloting procedure established, and money appropriated.