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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

165 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Bigham"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0088 2 01/15/2009 Text icon Atkins State and airline company full agreement enforcement required.
House HF0894 4 03/24/2009 Text icon Atkins Commerce commissioner required to collect and hold in escrow fees paid by Minnesota ratepayers for permanent repository for disposal of high-level radioactive waste.
House SF1219 8 05/17/2009 153 Text icon Atkins Full-time firefighter licensing standards created, restricted plumber license requirements modified, and fees established.
House HF1512 7 05/18/2009 Text icon Atkins Electronic bingo authorized, and clarifying and conforming changes made.
House HF1805 11 05/16/2009 Text icon Atkins Full-time firefighter licensing standards, fees established, and money appropriated.
House HF3053 1 02/18/2010 Text icon Atkins Electronic bingo provided, and rates and collection of lawful gambling taxes adjusted and modified.
House HF0045 13 04/28/2009 Text icon Bigham Penalty provided for careless driving resulting in death, and providing for revocation of violator's driver's license.
House HF0048 5 01/22/2009 Text icon Bigham Red Rock Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0129 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Bigham Electronic devices prohibited to sexually solicit children.
House HF0130 6 03/05/2009 Text icon Bigham Predatory offenders requiring registration prohibited from accessing and using social networking Web sites.
House HF0372 1 01/29/2009 Text icon Bigham South St. Paul; tax increment financing district duration extension authorized, and expenditure of increments provided.
House HF0388 9 05/05/2009 Text icon Bigham Clinical drug trial participation prohibited.
House SF0431 6 05/06/2009 58 Text icon Bigham Clinical drug trial participation prohibited.
House HF0523 23 05/15/2009 115 Text icon Bigham School background check requirements modified relating to disciplinary actions.
House SF0568 2 03/15/2010 Text icon Bigham Civil immunity extended to municipalities that donate public safety equipment.
House HF0759 1 02/12/2009 Text icon Bigham Lobbying by former legislators, constitutional officers, and agency heads prohibited for two years after leaving office.
House HF0971 3 03/17/2010 Text icon Bigham Predatory offender registration time period rule clarified.
House HF0972 5 03/09/2009 Text icon Bigham Youth intervention programs grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1144 1 02/26/2009 Text icon Bigham Out-of-state juvenile placement reports repealed, and Sentencing Guidelines Commission review of reports required.
House HF1145 1 02/26/2009 Text icon Bigham Investment and expert services for indigent defendants payment request applications modified.
House HF1223 1 03/02/2009 Text icon Bigham Sentencing Guidelines Commission required to review its reports.
House HF1360 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Bigham Civil immunity extended to municipalities that donate public safety equipment.
House HF1414 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Bigham State grant program eligibility changed.
House HF1422 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Bigham Financial Oversight Council changed to an advisory board.
House HF1556 5 03/25/2009 Text icon Bigham Film production jobs program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1613 1 03/12/2009 Text icon Bigham South St. Paul; tax increment financing district established.
House HF1656 1 03/12/2009 Text icon Bigham Required behavioral health coverage specified for children and young adults who have autism spectrum disorder.
House HF1746 7 03/11/2010 Text icon Bigham Customers protected from injuries resulting from use of inflatable play equipment used for commercial purposes, trained supervisor presence and liability insurance required.
House HF1764 1 03/16/2009 Text icon Bigham Board of Pharmacy required to report all board recommended controlled substance schedule changes to the legislature.
House HF1859 1 03/18/2009 Text icon Bigham Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services merged with the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training.
House HF2022 1 03/23/2009 Text icon Bigham Registered housing included with services establishments in definition of health care facility for registration of predatory offenders.
House HF2081 1 03/24/2009 Text icon Bigham Foreclosure proceedings governing use provisions modified to enforce homeowner association assessment liens.
House HF2454 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Bigham South St. Paul; sewage plant pumping station replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2467 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Bigham Red Rock Corridor Park-and-Ride facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2594 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Bigham Hoffman Interlocking Capacity Improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2596 3 02/08/2010 Text icon Bigham High-speed rail line between Chicago and the Twin Cities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2879 13 04/21/2010 278 Text icon Bigham Minors allowed to contract for automobile insurance.
House HF2888 6 03/09/2010 Text icon Bigham Careless driving resulting in death; criminal penalty provided.
House HF3010 4 03/22/2010 Text icon Bigham Firefighters and volunteer ambulance attendants allowed to purchase MinnesotaCare at full cost.
House HF3072 3 03/09/2010 Text icon Bigham Left-turn lane provisions specified.
House HF3106 29 05/13/2010 366 Text icon Bigham Implied consent, driving while impaired, and ignition interlock provisions modified.
House SF3116 7 04/13/2010 256 Text icon Bigham DNA collection from offenders authorized.
House HF3139 9 04/06/2010 214 Text icon Bigham Financial records release authority reinstated in response to a subpoena.
House HF3141 4 03/09/2010 Text icon Bigham Revolving account funded with taxes paid by assisted productions established, reporting requirements modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3174 11 04/13/2010 251 Text icon Bigham Predatory offender registration law amended to address registrants living in homeless shelters and to clarify that the registration requirement for offenders who move out of state are suspended not terminated.
House HF3187 9 04/07/2010 220 Text icon Bigham Civil commitment oath or affirmation provided without notarization and the acceptability of electronic signatures and documents.
House HF3213 3 03/15/2010 Text icon Bigham Controlled substances schedule amended by adding tramadol to schedule IV.
House HF3315 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Bigham Criminal penalty provisions modified, participation in comprehensive incident-based reporting system provided, and silencers for wildlife control use extended.
House HF3355 3 03/11/2010 Text icon Bigham Water drainage from watercraft required before transportation on public roads, and civil penalties modified.
House HF3416 1 03/08/2010 Text icon Bigham Legend drug definition changed.
House HF3447 7 03/24/2010 Text icon Bigham DNA collection from offenders authorized.
House HF3683 1 03/17/2010 Text icon Bigham Cottage Grove; tax increment financing district special rules provided.
House HF3684 1 03/17/2010 Text icon Bigham Commercial hazardous waste incineration facilities permission prohibited.
House HF0412 15 05/14/2009 104 Text icon Bunn Home owner warranty claims statute of repose adjusted.
House HF1066 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Bunn Interstate Highway 94 Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2941 3 04/26/2010 Text icon Bunn Municipalities authorized to raise and spend money on 4-H, and a University of Minnesota Extension Service policy required.
House HF3392 6 03/22/2010 Text icon Bunn Municipalities authorized to raise and spend money on 4-H, and a University of Minnesota Extension Service policy required.
House HF0576 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Carlson Plastic bag recycling provided.
House SF0556 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Champion Rest area activities prohibited.
House HF0570 8 05/04/2009 Text icon Champion Rest area activities prohibited.
House HF0009 4 01/29/2009 Text icon Davnie Minnesota Subprime Borrower Relief Act of 2009 provided.
House SF0971 9 05/18/2009 164 Text icon Davnie Harassment, bullying, intimidation, and violence policies required in schools.
House HF1198 15 02/04/2010 Text icon Davnie Harassment, bullying, intimidation, and violence policies required in schools.
House HF1209 13 05/04/2010 296 Text icon Demmer Corporate deputy registrar expiration date removed, and new location in Burnsville provided for deputy registrar.
House HF0109 2 01/22/2009 Text icon Dettmer Watershed districts and watershed management organizations required to submit information to counties.
House HF0320 4 02/23/2009 Text icon Dettmer School districts allowed to pay the costs of conducting a criminal history background check on an employee, contractor, or volunteer.
House HF1635 1 03/12/2009 Text icon Dettmer Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; human resources systems improvements provided.
House HF3197 1 02/25/2010 Text icon Eken Watershed district permit requirement applicability modified.
House HF0170 8 02/19/2010 Text icon Gardner Residents allowed to decline delivery of local telephone directories.
House HF0625 6 04/14/2009 Text icon Gardner Public access to data allowed by state accounting and procurement systems.
House HF1217 19 04/07/2010 223 Text icon Gardner Legend and nonprescription drug possession allowed by those disposing of them, and definitions modified.
House HF0002 27 05/13/2009 96 Text icon Greiling Omnibus K-12 education bill.
House SF2990 7 05/03/2010 292 Text icon Greiling Service animals; criminal penalty provided for intentionally rendering a service animal unable to perform its duties, offenders convicted of harming service animals required to pay restitution, and civil remedies are not precluded by the criminal penalty for harming service animals.
House HF3312 12 04/15/2010 Text icon Greiling Criminal penalty provided for intentionally rendering a service animal unable to perform its duties, offenders convicted of harming service animals required to pay restitution, and civil remedies are not precluded by the criminal penalty for harming service animals.
House HF0154 2 01/15/2009 Text icon Hansen Highway 52 barrier replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0297 8 02/04/2010 Text icon Hansen Twin Cities metropolitan area regional dog park and matching grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF0345 3 02/02/2009 Text icon Hansen Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided for parks, natural resource protection and restoration, and flood protection contracts, and money appropriated.
House HF0424 16 04/06/2009 Text icon Hansen Critical Areas Act of 1973 modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0828 3 02/19/2009 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; Robert Street Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2116 15 05/05/2010 Text icon Hansen Vehicle transaction fees increased.
House HF2205 2 04/01/2009 Text icon Hansen South St. Paul; Special School District No. 6 authorized to contract with South Metro Fire Department for fire inspection services.
House HF2774 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; Robert Street Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3512 14 05/12/2010 Text icon Hansen Indoor ice arenas required to have electronic air monitoring devices, and electronic air monitoring device required for indoor ice arena facility construction and renovation grants.
House HF1901 3 04/01/2009 Text icon Haws Minnesota youth program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0030 2 03/30/2009 Text icon Hilstrom Methamphetamine precursor drug logs maintained by retailers retention time period specified and inspection of logs provided to be open to law enforcement.
House HF0145 1 01/15/2009 Text icon Hilstrom Methamphetamine precursor drug logs maintained by retailers retention time period specified and inspection of logs provided to be open to law enforcement.
House HF0354 23 05/18/2009 154 Text icon Hilstrom Mortgage foreclosure proceedings on homestead property mediation provided prior to commencement, and homestead-lender mediation account created.
House HF0818 25 05/16/2009 119 Text icon Hilstrom Vulnerable adults; financial records disclosure in connection with financial exploitation investigations authorized; procedures for reporting and investigating maltreatment modified; human services commissioner directed to seek federal grants; duties of financial institutions specified in cases alleging financial exploitation; financial exploitation crime amended; and money appropriated from the federal government.
House HF1235 4 05/18/2009 Text icon Hilstrom Aggravated sentencing departure factors included that are not elements of the crime of conviction.
House HF1264 1 03/02/2009 Text icon Hilstrom Trespass crime expanded to prohibit entry into areas cordoned off by peace officers.
House HF1301 22 05/07/2009 59 Text icon Hilstrom Omnibus public safety policy bill.
House HF2470 12 04/28/2010 Text icon Hilstrom Scanning device and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards included as identity theft.
House SF2493 7 05/03/2010 293 Text icon Hilstrom Scanning device and reencoder use to acquire information from payment cards included as identity theft.
House HF3081 5 04/06/2010 Text icon Hilstrom Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree penalty increased.
House HF0721 5 03/23/2009 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Council restructured as a council of governments.
House HF0898 12 04/06/2009 Text icon Hornstein Greenhouse gas reduction goals and strategies added to various state and metropolitan programs and plans, goals established for per capita reduction in vehicle miles driven to reduce greenhouse gases, and money transferred.
House HF2986 9 03/25/2010 Text icon Hornstein Responsible family life and sexuality education program created.
House HF0690 8 04/14/2009 Text icon Hortman Minnesota Clean Car Act adopted, decreased emissions required, low emission standards adopted, and federal Clean Air Act updates provided.
House SF1009 18 05/18/2009 170 Text icon Hortman Prostitution penalty enhancement provision for repeat offenders clarified, and prostitution in a public place crime broadened.
House HF1213 9 05/05/2009 Text icon Hortman Prostitution penalty enhancement provision for repeat offenders clarified, and prostitution in a public place crime broadened.
House HF0813 10 05/05/2009 Text icon Johnson Trucking industry classifications of employment regulated.
House SF0910 8 05/12/2009 89 Text icon Johnson Trucker employment status regulated for the purpose of unemployment and workers' compensation.
House HF0573 4 02/12/2009 Text icon Juhnke Minnesota Puppy and Kitten Mill Cruelty Prevention Act; dog and cat breeder required permit created.
House HF0005 3 01/15/2009 Text icon Kalin Green infrastructure state plan development required by the commissioner of commerce, funding provided for energy-efficient residences, public buildings, renewable energy for public schools, green industrial parks, and a solar certification laboratory.
House SF0657 21 05/17/2009 138 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs, and money appropriated.
House HF0680 31 05/08/2009 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs.
House HF1018 7 04/14/2009 Text icon Kalin Public Web sites purpose specified, and state agencies required to include contact information on Web sites.
House SF1142 8 03/26/2009 10 Text icon Kalin Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day declared on June 13, 2009.
House HF1400 12 03/30/2009 Text icon Kalin June 13, 2009 declared as Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day.
House HF0362 15 05/17/2009 140 Text icon Knuth Homeowner notice requirements modified.
House HF0689 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Knuth Strategic tree planting consideration mandated for energy conservation improvement project for buildings.
House HF0774 7 04/01/2009 Text icon Knuth Greenhouse gas emission registry provided.
House HF3649 1 03/11/2010 Text icon Knuth Sexual equality under the law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF2773 8 05/13/2010 368 Text icon Lanning Salvia divinorum sale and possession crime established, and penalty provided.
House HF2975 8 04/06/2010 Text icon Lanning Salvia divinorum sale and possession crime established, and penalty provided.
House SF2363 7 04/13/2010 259 Text icon Lesch Fire departments authorized to access criminal history data on current employees.
House HF3130 9 04/06/2010 Text icon Lesch Fire departments authorized to access criminal history data on current employees.
House HF0259 7 04/19/2010 Text icon Lillie Minnesota to Chicago High Speed Rail Corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF1036 7 05/12/2009 85 Text icon Lillie State labor contracts ratified.
House HF1218 11 05/13/2009 Text icon Lillie State labor contracts ratified.
House SF2386 8 05/05/2010 323 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
House HF2480 4 03/22/2010 Text icon Lillie Maplewood; regional firefighter training facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2758 10 04/15/2010 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
House SF0002 2 05/07/2009 Text icon Loeffler Budget recommendation development specified and state agencies required to provide information, fiscal note request disclosure required, state budget requirement modified, general fund cash flow forecast required, notice of deficiency requests deadline imposed, whistleblower protection provided for state employees, budget working group required, and obsolete requirements eliminated.
House HF0006 6 03/18/2009 Text icon Loeffler Budget recommendation development specified and state agencies required to provide information, fiscal note request disclosure required, state budget requirement modified, general fund cash flow forecast required, notice of deficiency requests deadline imposed, whistleblower protection provided for state employees, budget working group required, and obsolete requirements eliminated.
House HF0004 11 01/22/2009 Text icon Mahoney Unemployment; new base period for calculating benefits, and a limited extension of benefits provided.
House SF0004 7 01/29/2009 1 Text icon Mahoney Unemployment; new base period for calculating benefits and a limited extension of benefits provided.
House HF3077 3 02/25/2010 Text icon McNamara Afton; flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0796 12 05/16/2009 Text icon Morrow Minnesota First bond sale authorized.
House SF1016 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Morrow Minnesota First bond sale authorized.
House HF3851 2 05/16/2010 Text icon Morrow Teacher performance assessments established.
House HF0080 4 02/02/2009 Text icon Mullery Consumer credit score or history use prohibited by insurers in underwriting automobile insurance policies.
House HF0328 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Murphy, E. Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified.
House SF0341 13 05/11/2010 355 Text icon Murphy, E. Deceased person disposition provisions modified including extending rights to domestic partners.
House HF0454 11 05/11/2010 Text icon Murphy, E. Deceased person disposition provisions modified.
House HF3015 5 03/10/2010 Text icon Murphy, M. Film production cost reimbursement provided.
House HF0359 11 03/02/2009 Text icon Norton Autism spectrum disorders coverage required.
House HF3018 4 03/01/2010 Text icon Paymar Prostitution law provisions clarified and recodified and certain definitions modified.
House HF2714 3 02/08/2010 Text icon Peterson Safe schools levy increased.
House HF0628 4 02/16/2009 Text icon Rukavina State Lottery director authorized to establish video lottery terminals, powers and duties provided to the director, video lottery revenues provided, gambling taxes modified, and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made.
House HF1016 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Scalze Prescribed content of property tax statements modified.
House HF1242 22 05/05/2009 38 Text icon Seifert Brandon's law established, and procedures implemented for investigating missing person cases.
House HF0001 1 01/12/2009 Text icon Sertich State partnership created with federal efforts to restore the American economy, federal Economic Rescue and Recovery Act supplemented, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0008 19 05/14/2009 Text icon Simon Minnesota False Claims Act established.
House SF0082 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Simon Minnesota False Claims Act established, penalties assessed, and false claims account established.
House HF0212 11 04/08/2010 231 Text icon Simon Pretrial filing prerequisite of a transcript eliminated for admission into evidence of law enforcement vehicle recordings.
House HF0755 4 04/14/2009 Text icon Simon Felony theft added to racketeering statute, and identity theft added to the enhanced penalty for theft.
House HF0890 10 05/05/2010 Text icon Simon Parentage presumption and right to custody provisions modified and clarified, and prebirth parentage orders or judgments provided in certain cases.
House HF1245 6 03/23/2009 Text icon Simon Domestic abuse provisions modified, definitions expanded, and no contact orders expanded to apply throughout the state.
House HF0843 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Slocum Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities of their resident district.
House HF0935 7 03/16/2009 Text icon Slocum Charter school provisions modified.
House HF2844 4 02/16/2010 Text icon Smith Public safety-related funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2908 8 02/22/2010 Text icon Sterner Federal Respite Leave Benefit payment urged for the members of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 34th Division of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq during the Troop Surge of 2007.
House HF0131 3 02/23/2009 Text icon Swails Temporary alternative graduation requirements established for high school seniors who do not receive a passing score on a state GRAD test, and notations of high school student achievement authorized.
House HF1665 15 05/18/2009 Text icon Swails Clearing house creation allowed for procurement and shared services examples.
House HF0253 13 02/16/2010 Text icon Tillberry Dog and cat breeder standards of care provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3637 3 04/15/2010 Text icon Urdahl Persons prohibited from allowing underage drinking under certain circumstances.
House SF0033 7 04/16/2009 24 Text icon Ward Type III school bus driver qualifications modified.
House HF0116 17 04/02/2009 Text icon Ward Type III school bus driver qualifications modified.
House HF0007 8 04/14/2009 Text icon Winkler Laws prohibiting misuse of state funds clarified and strengthened.
House SF0107 2 05/13/2009 Text icon Winkler Laws prohibiting misuse of state funds clarified and strengthened.
House HF0754 1 02/12/2009 Text icon Winkler Election complaint assessments and payment costs modified.
House HF1423 3 03/23/2009 Text icon Winkler Municipalities required to utilize state cooperative purchasing.
House SF1459 2 05/07/2009 Text icon Winkler Municipalities required to utilize state cooperative purchasing.
House HF3515 4 03/29/2010 Text icon Winkler Commissioner of revenue funding provided for additional activities to identify and collect tax liabilities, commissioner directed to issue a request for proposals for a contract to implement a related system of tax analytics and business intelligence tools, and money appropriated.