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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

108 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Severson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0056 12 03/18/2009 7 Text icon Hosch Stearns County; grantee for parks appropriation corrected.
House SF1142 8 03/26/2009 10 Text icon Kalin Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day declared on June 13, 2009.
House HF3386 28 05/10/2010 343 Text icon Swails Residential contracts performance guidelines required, statutory warranties modified, notice and opportunity to repair required, and dispute resolution procedures provided.
House HF2801 34 05/15/2010 388 Text icon Obermueller Special license plates provided, trunk highway funding provided, bonds issued, public safety programs and activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HR0001 3 03/02/2009 Text icon Kohls A house resolution setting the maximum limit on general fund expenditures for the biennium ending June 30, 2011.
House HF0057 5 02/05/2009 Text icon Emmer Voters required to provide picture identification before receiving a ballot, issuance of voter identification card provided at no charge, and provisional balloting procedure established.
House HF0073 8 04/06/2009 Text icon Lieder General fund money transfer to state airports fund required.
House HF0078 6 01/22/2009 Text icon Eastlund 2008 Green Acres law changes repealed.
House HF0129 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Bigham Electronic devices prohibited to sexually solicit children.
House HF0130 6 03/05/2009 Text icon Bigham Predatory offenders requiring registration prohibited from accessing and using social networking Web sites.
House HF0161 9 04/28/2009 Text icon Thissen Medical response unit reimbursement pilot program established, emergency medical services programs funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0176 7 02/18/2010 Text icon Emmer Amended death record required when ordered by the court.
House HF0289 3 01/29/2009 Text icon Sanders Game and fish lottery and drawing preferences expanded for service members.
House HF0290 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Peppin Medical record retention and composition regulated relating to abortion.
House HF0291 1 01/26/2009 Text icon Westrom Mini truck titling, registration, and operation regulated.
House HF0293 13 04/28/2009 Text icon Ruud Colorectal cancer screening provided for the uninsured, and money appropriated.
House HF0343 8 04/29/2009 Text icon Hausman Living-at-home/block nurse program additional base funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0444 7 03/09/2009 Text icon Thissen State's suicide prevention plan modified.
House HF0485 4 03/12/2009 Text icon Anderson, P. Pope/Douglas waste-to-energy facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF0496 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Thissen State's suicide prevention plan modified.
House HF0517 2 02/09/2009 Text icon Severson Victim of criminal sexual conduct medical examination payment allocated and limited.
House HF0547 5 02/26/2009 Text icon Lieder Local match for federal stimulus grants requirement eliminated for airport project costs.
House HF0548 4 02/17/2009 Text icon Lieder State airport funds appropriated.
House HF0556 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Morrow Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans grant provided for continued outreach to homeless veterans in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF0557 8 03/12/2009 Text icon Severson State procurement preferences authorized for veteran-owned small businesses including service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses.
House HF0558 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Severson Military retirement pay subtraction provided and military retirement pay credit repealed.
House HF0572 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Haws Veteran status designation provided on drivers' licenses, Minnesota identification cards, and driver records.
House HF0583 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Severson Immunity provided for certain firearm safety instructors, course providers, sponsoring organizations, and participants.
House HF0717 6 12/22/2009 Text icon Haws St. Cloud Civic Center expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0823 8 05/05/2009 Text icon Norton Dental therapist fees, licensing, and practice limitations established.
House HF0843 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Slocum Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities of their resident district.
House HF0905 9 05/18/2009 Text icon Doty Commissioner of military affairs authorized to accept uncompensated and voluntary services.
House SF0908 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Lieder Peace officer eligibility requirements based on military experience modified.
House HF0974 3 03/02/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0979 2 02/27/2009 Text icon Severson Taxation; levy limit base modified.
House HF0980 10 05/05/2009 Text icon Lieder Peace officer eligibility requirements based on military experience modified.
House HF0989 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Driver's license and identification card required to show full head and face.
House HF0997 7 02/04/2010 Text icon Seifert Federal government memorialized to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States and affirming Minnesota's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
House HF0998 7 02/08/2010 Text icon Emmer Congress memorialized to claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers, serve notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and direct distribution.
House HF1003 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Mahoney Rebuttable presumption of minimum parenting time changed, rebuttal factors specified, and parenting expense adjustment changed.
House HF1037 8 03/16/2009 Text icon Swails Home school mandates reduced.
House HF1079 1 02/23/2009 Text icon Severson Legislator and constitutional officer salaries reduced.
House HF1081 10 05/18/2009 Text icon Mahoney Small business growth acceleration program eligibility expanded, matching funds required, and money appropriated.
House HF1400 12 03/30/2009 Text icon Kalin June 13, 2009 declared as Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day.
House HF1428 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Eastlund Marriage dissolution grounds modified, and two-year waiting period required.
House HF1429 3 03/18/2009 Text icon Eastlund County boards permitted to decrease their compensation at any time, and limitations on salary changes for city council members modified.
House HF1451 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Eastlund Budget reserve established, reserve amount set, and reserve full funding provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1480 3 04/16/2009 Text icon Haws Transportation funding oversight and distribution provided, Department of Transportation required to meet programmatic investment percentages and a minimum guarantee of state highway and bridge funding for all state transportation districts.
House HF1548 7 04/20/2009 Text icon Gardner Homeowner property taxes limit established as a percentage of household income, and market value homestead credit reduced.
House HF1559 3 03/18/2009 Text icon Beard Airport and air navigation facility improvement project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1632 5 03/04/2010 Text icon Severson Board of Judicial Standard's composition and powers modified, and presumptions in ascertaining legislative intent modified.
House HF1635 1 03/12/2009 Text icon Dettmer Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; human resources systems improvements provided.
House HF1686 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Minimum wage for tipped employees modified, and tip credit provided.
House HF1687 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Prevailing wage provisions modified.
House HF1824 1 03/18/2009 Text icon Severson Marriage between a man and a woman recognized as the only domestic legal union valid in Minnesota, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1826 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Severson Judge vacancies required to be elected, unfinished terms of office excluded from allowable service for retirement, retirement permitted at the end of the term in which the judge has reached the age of 70, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1880 19 05/18/2009 Text icon Severson Interview required for veterans listed as meeting minimum qualifications and claiming veterans preference for positions of state government employment, state civil service applied to removal provisions in current local government law, and report required of certain state employment statistics pertaining to veterans.
House HF1899 3 03/01/2010 Text icon Gottwalt Prevailing wage suspension provided during certain budget deficits.
House HF1904 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Severson Correctional discharge planning funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1907 1 03/19/2009 Text icon Severson Elections recount procedures modified, and certain verification programs required.
House HF1918 6 04/07/2009 Text icon Hornstein Commissioner of transportation duties and powers prescribed, and report required.
House HF1956 1 03/19/2009 Text icon Loon Hybrid vehicles temporarily allowed to be used toll free and on high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
House HF1967 8 04/02/2009 Text icon Haws Park and trails legacy grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2191 4 04/06/2009 Text icon Davnie Tobacco provisions modified relating to moist snuff.
House HF2228 1 03/30/2009 Text icon Ward Information displayed prior to an abortion established, wrongful death action added, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF2280 1 04/06/2009 Text icon Severson Sauk Rapids; tax increment financing district time extension authorized.
House SF2341 3 04/01/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. Higher education residency requirements eliminated for spouse and children of deceased veterans.
House HF2365 1 05/04/2009 Text icon Anderson, B. A resolution memorializing the President, the Secretary of Energy, and Congress to review national policy on used nuclear fuel.
House HF2403 1 05/17/2009 Text icon Dettmer Temporary successors provided to members of the legislature called into active military service, implementation of statutory language provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2405 15 05/14/2010 Text icon Reinert Temporary successors provided to members of the legislature called into active military service, implementation of statutory language provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2487 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Severson Sauk River Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2646 1 02/04/2010 Text icon Severson Firearm silencer permissible purposes expanded.
House HF2732 8 03/30/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. Higher education residency requirements eliminated for spouse and children of deceased veterans.
House HF2805 2 02/11/2010 Text icon Severson Tax credit reduction eliminated for those with past military service.
House HF2808 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Severson Courts provided the option for stay of adjudication for military members and veterans diagnosed as suffering from a psychological injury or condition.
House HF2809 8 03/04/2010 Text icon Severson Veteran-owned small business bid preference program eligibility broadened for goods and services.
House HF2822 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Severson Higher education veterans assistance program sunset date delayed.
House HF2843 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Downey Liberty school district pilot program created.
House HF2844 4 02/16/2010 Text icon Smith Public safety-related funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2846 5 02/25/2010 Text icon Downey Education mandates repealed or modified.
House HF2853 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Downey Nonunion teacher contracts permitted.
House HF2917 6 04/12/2010 Text icon Brod Federal Respite Leave Benefit payment urged for members of the 1st infantry of the 34th Brigade of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq during the Troop Surge of 2007.
House HF2983 3 02/23/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program and agricultural classifications made in 2008 and 2009 changes repealed.
House HF3075 1 02/18/2010 Text icon Severson Relinquished land owned by the Department of Transportation governing requirements established.
House HF3087 4 03/09/2010 Text icon Seifert Moratorium imposed on unfunded mandates to businesses and units of local government, and commissions created to recommend elimination of unfunded mandates on units of local government and to reduce mandates and paperwork imposed on businesses.
House HF3104 3 02/25/2010 Text icon Kohls Level of budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in the prior biennium, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3110 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Severson Authorized proofs of residence changed, provision eliminated permitting vouching for certain voters on election day, and provisional ballots provided.
House HF3177 1 02/25/2010 Text icon Beard Pollution Control Agency required to refund erroneous assessments, costs, and payments in the matter of the Baytown groundwater contamination Superfund site.
House HF3366 3 03/08/2010 Text icon Demmer Trunk highway bonds issued for interchange construction, and money appropriated.
House HF3373 4 04/06/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program remaining property deadline extended without additional taxes.
House HF3374 4 03/17/2010 Text icon Eastlund Agricultural property market value growth limited, and onetime credit established for certain agricultural properties.
House HF3436 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Zero-based budgeting provided.
House HF3488 1 03/08/2010 Text icon Severson Sauk Rapids; tax increment duration financing district extended, and expenditures authorized.
House HF3507 3 04/15/2010 Text icon Severson Homestead market value exemption program eligibility period extended for the surviving spouse of an eligible disabled veteran.
House HF3582 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Seifert 2025 renewable energy standards abolished, and clarifying changes made.
House HF3597 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Severson State government uses and fees clarified, and certain appropriations and programs changed.
House HF3604 1 03/11/2010 Text icon Severson Veterans Preference Act effective date amended.
House HF3614 1 03/11/2010 Text icon Severson Vehicle-mounted digital signs regulated, and technical changes made.
House HF3653 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Severson Embossed seal authorized in lieu of notarization on certain statements.
House HF3655 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Severson Rehabilitation presumption established through a person's honorable military service following a prior offense.
House HF3656 3 03/25/2010 Text icon Beard Aviation-related taxes modified.
House HF3658 3 04/07/2010 Text icon Haws Sales and use taxes exempted for construction materials and equipment used in the construction and improvement of a regional wastewater treatment facility.
House HF3677 4 05/03/2010 Text icon Pelowski Race to the Top grant program participation prohibited.
House HF3681 2 03/18/2010 Text icon Beard Greenhouse gas emissions consideration repealed in resource planning.
House HF3716 1 03/22/2010 Text icon Newton Presumption of rehabilitation through a person's honorable military service following a prior offense established.
House HF3766 2 04/08/2010 Text icon Brod Human DNA vaccine and informed consent labeling required for administration of those vaccines.
House HF3783 2 04/19/2010 Text icon Beard Aircraft sales and use tax rate reduced.
House HF3810 1 04/27/2010 Text icon Howes School bus crossing control arms required.