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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

67 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Loon"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3863 2 05/16/2010 Text icon Loon Child protection; guardian ad litem authority added.
House HF3846 1 05/13/2010 Text icon Morgan Formula changed for assistance by the Metropolitan Council to cities and towns with replacement transit service.
House HF3638 6 04/19/2010 Text icon Loon Commissioner of revenue required to conduct a study of the metropolitan fiscal disparities program, and money transferred from the fiscal disparities levy to pay for the study.
House HF3557 1 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Equipment and apparel requirements repealed.
House HF3467 11 05/04/2010 Text icon Davnie Tobacco and tobacco products modernized, promotional and self-service distribution rules modified, and sale of tobacco-related devices subjected to municipal licensing.
House HF3437 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Waterless urinal installation allowed.
House HF3436 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Zero-based budgeting provided.
House HF3344 3 03/17/2010 Text icon Lesch Homeless prevention and food shelf programs income tax checkoff authorized.
House HF3306 1 03/04/2010 Text icon Downey Taxes and tax-related provisions changes made; changes made to conform to the Internal Revenue Code, angel investment credit and Minnesota business investment company credit provided, TECHZ business program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3302 4 03/17/2010 Text icon Brod Job creation encouraged, investment credits provided, various income tax provisions changed, level of budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in the prior biennium, interlocutory appeal provided, governing merchant actions modified, private remedies modified, environmental permitting and review provisions modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF3130 9 04/06/2010 Text icon Lesch Fire departments authorized to access criminal history data on current employees.
House HF3129 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Torkelson Career and technical levy reporting requirements repealed.
House SF3055 7 05/05/2010 305 Text icon Davnie Tobacco and tobacco products definitions modernized, promotional and self-service distribution rules modified, and sale of tobacco-related devices subjected to municipal licensing.
House HF3012 1 02/16/2010 Text icon Emmer State consideration of federal mandates process established.
House HF2983 3 02/23/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program and agricultural classifications made in 2008 and 2009 changes repealed.
House HF2896 1 02/11/2010 Text icon Mack Civil immunity to municipalities that donate public safety equipment expanded.
House HF2853 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Downey Nonunion teacher contracts permitted.
House HF2849 22 04/28/2010 Text icon Norton Minnesota and Wisconsin small business start-ups comparative study of state laws provided.
House HF2844 4 02/16/2010 Text icon Smith Public safety-related funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2839 12 03/17/2010 Text icon Bunn Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2837 11 04/06/2010 Text icon Knuth "Green economy" definition amended to include the concept of "green chemistry".
House HF2763 10 02/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House SF2758 11 04/26/2010 283 Text icon Bunn Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2538 13 03/01/2010 Text icon Ward American Legion Day designated as September 16 of each year.
House SF2490 5 04/06/2010 Text icon Knuth "Green economy" definition amended to include the concept of "green chemistry".
House HF2404 1 05/17/2009 Text icon Brod Additional personal exemption allowed, and an alternate even rate tax provided.
House HF2388 2 05/14/2009 Text icon Loon Filing requirement waived for minimal tax owed as a result of late adoption of federal changes.
House SF2363 7 04/13/2010 259 Text icon Lesch Fire departments authorized to access criminal history data on current employees.
House SF2352 9 03/11/2010 187 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House HF2219 1 03/30/2009 Text icon Loon Tax credit provided for certain health insurance premiums.
House HF2127 1 03/25/2009 Text icon Loon Research tax credit modified.
House HF2126 4 04/01/2009 Text icon Loon Minnesota residents permitted to buy health coverage approved in other states, Physician's Council on Health Care Policy created to analyze health coverage mandates, and tax credit provided for persons without access to employer-based coverage.
House HF2093 1 03/24/2009 Text icon Downey Minnesota State Government Contingency Planning Commission created, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2091 2 03/27/2009 Text icon Downey Collective bargaining provision application limited to certain minors.
House HF2030 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Loeffler Hennepin County library system maintenance of effort requirement modified.
House HF1956 1 03/19/2009 Text icon Loon Hybrid vehicles temporarily allowed to be used toll free and on high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
House HF1757 6 02/18/2010 Text icon Brod Department of Health and Human Services established, and merger of the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services required.
House HF1738 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Mack Regular legislative sessions prohibited in even-numbered years.
House HF1622 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Mack Small business growth acceleration program modified, qualifying company definition modified, companies required to match contributions, and money appropriated.
House HF1539 7 04/27/2009 Text icon Rosenthal Public water temporary drawdown provided.
House HF1508 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Sanders Mortgage tax exemptions extended to include first-time homebuyers.
House HF1507 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Sanders Mortgage tax exemption provisions modified.
House HF1506 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Sanders Deed tax exemption provisions modified.
House HF1417 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Loon Subtraction for health insurance premiums allowed.
House HF1409 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Loon Hennepin County; eligible employee permitted to apply for disability by waiving minimum service requirements.
House HF1397 6 03/23/2009 Text icon Hilstrom Fourth Judicial District provided fiscal flexibility as to the location of court facilities.
House HF1242 22 05/05/2009 38 Text icon Seifert Brandon's law established, and procedures implemented for investigating missing person cases.
House HF1194 9 02/11/2010 Text icon Downey Green job incentives provided, green job opportunity building zones provided, small business investment company and job growth investment tax credits provided, tax benefits allowed, conforming changes made, terms defined, and biomethane energy projects allowed.
House HF1173 5 03/19/2009 Text icon Dean Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities of their resident district.
House HF0997 7 02/04/2010 Text icon Seifert Federal government memorialized to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States and affirming Minnesota's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
House HF0970 5 04/28/2009 Text icon Brod Recount requirement in statewide elections removed, runoff election requirement established, public money use authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0767 2 02/16/2009 Text icon Downey Labor Day school start provision repealed.
House SF0640 8 05/04/2009 48 Text icon Rosenthal Public water temporary drawdown provided.
House HF0543 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Scott Child support provisions and deadlines changed, and payment of child support redirected.
House HF0489 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Kohls Periodic sunset and evaluation of state agencies provided.
House HF0476 2 02/06/2009 Text icon Kohls Full property tax early payment discount provided.
House HF0445 3 02/09/2009 Text icon Zellers Five-year tax exemption allowed for new facilities and expansions.
House HF0413 7 03/16/2009 Text icon Bunn Demographic trend analysis required with forecast of state revenue and expenditures.
House HF0409 3 02/09/2009 Text icon Brod Alternative minimum tax repealed.
House HF0407 4 02/09/2009 Text icon Brod Federal exemption amount conformed.
House HF0406 3 02/09/2009 Text icon Brod Individual income tax rates reduced.
House HF0405 4 04/28/2009 Text icon Brod Individual income tax rates reduced.
House HF0363 6 02/11/2010 Text icon Zellers Corporate income tax rate gradual phase out provided beginning in 2010.
House HF0328 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Murphy, E. Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified.
House HF0312 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Seifert State conferences required to be conducted electronically to the extent possible.
House HF0140 1 01/15/2009 Text icon Garofalo Pet sales exempted from sales taxes.
House HF0072 9 03/18/2009 Text icon Norton Lifelong learning account program established; tax credits allowed to employers and employees for contributions to lifelong learning accounts; funding provided, and money appropriated.